I was certain that I could not be certain. Certainly, to be certain is certainly not certain.
certain doom approaches
but certainly
I face it openly
without fear
I know better than to fight this
it’s inevitable
my death is assured
cj sayers
i am not certain… that this is going to happen… it will be the bed… — of the beginning of the end… -(start) finish end is the beginning… i am off to bed… to die in peace
He was certain it would happen. He’d been preparing all week. Those late nights morphed into early mornings. Not once did his eyes close. He was going to pass the test. The next week, he got it back. He had failed.
i’m certain of nothing i’m certain i’ll die. Certainly I will die certainly till then I will live of that i’m certain. I’m certain i’m taking a breath I’m certain i love my wife I’m certain my dogs love me I’m certain one day I will die after that i know nothing of that i’m eertain.
I’m not certain about much. Such as who I am, why I’m here, or when I got here. But I am certain that I belong here. And that I belong with you, even if not quite certain just who “you” are…
I am certain that I want to be happy and successful. I would like to go wherever life may lead me to. I don’t want to have to plan everything out. I think I’ll just go with the flow. I’m certain of this.
He was certain that everything was going to be all right. Just like the night will always follow the day.
Lady Psychic
I am certain this is a boring site.
As I woke up I heard a certain familiar sound. It was a wold peeker at my door. I was thinking of a certain holiday. That holiday- Halloween!
Reasonable people aren’t certain. The only certain thing is death.
I am certainly annoyed that I am going to be a man of all trades! Come with a certain dignity and leave with all your brains! Get home! Forget the spaghetti! Easily make my moisture an element on the table. For my Hendrix, suspenders. Certainly strange, rearranged.
Mike Melanson
uncertainty is not something i’m fond of. why should i go for certainty though? there is no risk for certainty, no life, no triumph with certainty. perhaps i shouldn’t care either way. i’m not certain in that idea either though. this is more philosophical than i’d like to admit, but such is life.
bryce f
It certainly is.
certain peope believe that they have control over your life. What gave them the right? Just because you fucked up doesn’t mean yo don’t acknowledge your mistakes and take steps to rectify them. I AM responisble. I know my limitations and my devils. LET ME BE
Josh Greg Shapiro
When I looked into her eyes, watched as she clenched her fists. Smiled as she yawned wider than I could’ve though possible, I realized that for the first time in my life, I was certain about something. The love I felt for something – someone – so small.
i am certain of nothing. certain of absolutely not a thing in the world. Except for that fact alone. That nothing is certain except for uncertainty.
Another? Certainly. Lady fingers. Whose? HA HA HA. Oh. Your wife’s. Another? Certainly.
He was so certain of the fact that she was a vampire. I mean, how could you not? Black hair, weird eyes, strange smile? Okay, so you could say she was just weird, but there was something about her. Something about her aura? It just wasn’t right. He needed to talk to her, and fast, or his brain was going to explode with assumptions.
All that is certain is death.. Bullshit. if nothing else is certain why would death be certain. Fuck you
most people say they are certain about what will is morally correct. these people are all certain, yet their ideas conflict with one another. who’s right?
michael phillips
certain things in the world don’t make sense. I mean, why is Seinfeld so polular, and why do I not like it. This thing itself is just an extension of free association developed by Freud and I’m just thinking too much whilst writing. I should be on a paper, but instead I’m here; how unfortunate.
to be certin is such a wonderful thing. to be able to go forward with no regrets no doubts i think is possibly the besting in the world and the key or a peice of the key to true happyness. what i would not give to be more certin.
Ian (The Hammer) Smith
for certain
for sure
one foot out
the door
for certain
for sure
i’ll go back
no more.
for certain
for sure
one foot out
the door
for certain
for sure
i’ll go back
no more.
It was hard to be sure of anything with so much changing around her. Beauty was looking for consistancy, but all she could find was chaos. Why were things so difficult all of a sudden? It shouldn’t have been this hard to make a decision about what to do. It was family or a stranger, right?
I don’t know anything for certain. I like to think that my ideas about things are correct but really, I don’t know shit about much of anything. The people who are “certain” are usually the ones who hate the most because other peoples certainties don’t jibe with theirs. It’s a cycle I’m trying really hard to avoid.
In all of life, there is no word which should strike more fear than “certain.” This is a lesson I learned ages ago, when I was just a young soldier. The first casualty of war is the plan, and the only thing that was certain is that things will go wrong. It was a fact of life, and one which we all learned to live with, almost trust in. Cynical, yes. But also alive.
Its hard to say when you’re certain about something. Its nearly impossible to tell. But when you have those nights where you can’t help but smile and thank the people who put it on your face, you’re certain you are where you belong and that you love those kids. That’s certainly the most important thing in life.
Panda Bearr
nothing really is, or is it?
He certainly didn’t know what he was going to do about this awkward situation.
The car’s hood lifted up to reveal even more smoke coming from the engine. But it was turned off? The key wasn’t in the ignition.
So it was on fire. He lost it.
I’m certain of very few things in life lately. I feel like everything is very fluid and open to change at the time. But that’s definitely a good thing. I think being uncertain about stuff actually gets you to learn more about yourself and your personality and that’s just what I’m doing.
anonymous in RVA
i’m certain that i’m going to make nanowrimo this year. i’ve got a million ideas floating in my head; organizing them is the problem. it’s been a long time coming – years of planning and waiting and trying to get my ideas down on paper. looking over my blog for the past 4 years, i can see those tiny little ideas forming, and now i just need to buckle down and make sure i can form them into something other people will actually take the time to read. it’s going to be a long november.
Nothing is certain in this world.
Two of my close friends(who were brother and sister) lost their mother this week. Who would have expected it?
I am certain of three things. 1. I love my family and friends. 2. There is a God who loves us all. 3. Gravity has never failed me. :)
He had never known something as certainly as this one fact. He was going to die. The only question left was what he was going o do about it now. It was a question he’d never had to answer before. What had he been doing with his life? What was he going to do in the next year?
I’ve never been certain of anything in my life. One thing my father has taught me is to doubt all there is, and thus I’ve raised to be a suspicous human. My disregard for any forms of trust amongst homo sapiens constructed a miserable self existence, swallowed by my own distate for anyone not me.
fuck i just got this.
I was certain that I could not be certain. Certainly, to be certain is certainly not certain.
certain doom approaches
but certainly
I face it openly
without fear
I know better than to fight this
it’s inevitable
my death is assured
i am not certain… that this is going to happen… it will be the bed… — of the beginning of the end… -(start) finish end is the beginning… i am off to bed… to die in peace
He was certain it would happen. He’d been preparing all week. Those late nights morphed into early mornings. Not once did his eyes close. He was going to pass the test. The next week, he got it back. He had failed.
i’m certain of nothing i’m certain i’ll die. Certainly I will die certainly till then I will live of that i’m certain. I’m certain i’m taking a breath I’m certain i love my wife I’m certain my dogs love me I’m certain one day I will die after that i know nothing of that i’m eertain.
I’m not certain about much. Such as who I am, why I’m here, or when I got here. But I am certain that I belong here. And that I belong with you, even if not quite certain just who “you” are…
I am certain that I want to be happy and successful. I would like to go wherever life may lead me to. I don’t want to have to plan everything out. I think I’ll just go with the flow. I’m certain of this.
He was certain that everything was going to be all right. Just like the night will always follow the day.
I am certain this is a boring site.
As I woke up I heard a certain familiar sound. It was a wold peeker at my door. I was thinking of a certain holiday. That holiday- Halloween!
Reasonable people aren’t certain. The only certain thing is death.
I am certainly annoyed that I am going to be a man of all trades! Come with a certain dignity and leave with all your brains! Get home! Forget the spaghetti! Easily make my moisture an element on the table. For my Hendrix, suspenders. Certainly strange, rearranged.
uncertainty is not something i’m fond of. why should i go for certainty though? there is no risk for certainty, no life, no triumph with certainty. perhaps i shouldn’t care either way. i’m not certain in that idea either though. this is more philosophical than i’d like to admit, but such is life.
It certainly is.
certain peope believe that they have control over your life. What gave them the right? Just because you fucked up doesn’t mean yo don’t acknowledge your mistakes and take steps to rectify them. I AM responisble. I know my limitations and my devils. LET ME BE
When I looked into her eyes, watched as she clenched her fists. Smiled as she yawned wider than I could’ve though possible, I realized that for the first time in my life, I was certain about something. The love I felt for something – someone – so small.
i am certain of nothing. certain of absolutely not a thing in the world. Except for that fact alone. That nothing is certain except for uncertainty.
Another? Certainly. Lady fingers. Whose? HA HA HA. Oh. Your wife’s. Another? Certainly.
He was so certain of the fact that she was a vampire. I mean, how could you not? Black hair, weird eyes, strange smile? Okay, so you could say she was just weird, but there was something about her. Something about her aura? It just wasn’t right. He needed to talk to her, and fast, or his brain was going to explode with assumptions.
All that is certain is death.. Bullshit. if nothing else is certain why would death be certain. Fuck you
most people say they are certain about what will is morally correct. these people are all certain, yet their ideas conflict with one another. who’s right?
certain things in the world don’t make sense. I mean, why is Seinfeld so polular, and why do I not like it. This thing itself is just an extension of free association developed by Freud and I’m just thinking too much whilst writing. I should be on a paper, but instead I’m here; how unfortunate.
to be certin is such a wonderful thing. to be able to go forward with no regrets no doubts i think is possibly the besting in the world and the key or a peice of the key to true happyness. what i would not give to be more certin.
for certain
for sure
one foot out
the door
for certain
for sure
i’ll go back
no more.
for certain
for sure
one foot out
the door
for certain
for sure
i’ll go back
no more.
It was hard to be sure of anything with so much changing around her. Beauty was looking for consistancy, but all she could find was chaos. Why were things so difficult all of a sudden? It shouldn’t have been this hard to make a decision about what to do. It was family or a stranger, right?
I don’t know anything for certain. I like to think that my ideas about things are correct but really, I don’t know shit about much of anything. The people who are “certain” are usually the ones who hate the most because other peoples certainties don’t jibe with theirs. It’s a cycle I’m trying really hard to avoid.
In all of life, there is no word which should strike more fear than “certain.” This is a lesson I learned ages ago, when I was just a young soldier. The first casualty of war is the plan, and the only thing that was certain is that things will go wrong. It was a fact of life, and one which we all learned to live with, almost trust in. Cynical, yes. But also alive.
Its hard to say when you’re certain about something. Its nearly impossible to tell. But when you have those nights where you can’t help but smile and thank the people who put it on your face, you’re certain you are where you belong and that you love those kids. That’s certainly the most important thing in life.
nothing really is, or is it?
He certainly didn’t know what he was going to do about this awkward situation.
The car’s hood lifted up to reveal even more smoke coming from the engine. But it was turned off? The key wasn’t in the ignition.
So it was on fire. He lost it.
I’m certain of very few things in life lately. I feel like everything is very fluid and open to change at the time. But that’s definitely a good thing. I think being uncertain about stuff actually gets you to learn more about yourself and your personality and that’s just what I’m doing.
i’m certain that i’m going to make nanowrimo this year. i’ve got a million ideas floating in my head; organizing them is the problem. it’s been a long time coming – years of planning and waiting and trying to get my ideas down on paper. looking over my blog for the past 4 years, i can see those tiny little ideas forming, and now i just need to buckle down and make sure i can form them into something other people will actually take the time to read. it’s going to be a long november.
Nothing is certain in this world.
Two of my close friends(who were brother and sister) lost their mother this week. Who would have expected it?
I am certain of three things. 1. I love my family and friends. 2. There is a God who loves us all. 3. Gravity has never failed me. :)
He had never known something as certainly as this one fact. He was going to die. The only question left was what he was going o do about it now. It was a question he’d never had to answer before. What had he been doing with his life? What was he going to do in the next year?
I’ve never been certain of anything in my life. One thing my father has taught me is to doubt all there is, and thus I’ve raised to be a suspicous human. My disregard for any forms of trust amongst homo sapiens constructed a miserable self existence, swallowed by my own distate for anyone not me.