
November 2nd, 2009 | 693 Entries

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693 Entries for “certain”

  1. Certain to be about something was that man. Certainly, I won’t be it. Well, that was the theme of the day when everything was constant. When everything was simple, everything was clean, everything was orderly. Most everyone had goals and objectives and families with five daughters and three sons and two wives. Three husbands and a dog later, I’m certain

  2. certain people like coffee. certain people like chocolate. but I LIKE mangoes. yes mangoes. mangoes are pasisonating. orange and juicy and plump all the way from cuba. yes cuba they make coffee there. goo docffe. Columbian coffee. Starbucks trade coffee that is like not traded. bitch you got a problem?

  3. certain

  4. it’s not as simple as that, it’s not carefree and easy. i wish it could be, i want it to be, if only it could be, but it never is, it can’t be, it won’t be. it’s maybe, its possible, its likely, it’s probable, its expected – but what’s certain is not, and what’s definate isn’t.

  5. Not really sure if this word would really matter in day to day life. We’re faced with different things everyday, and the only thing we need to be certain about is that we’re going to be surprised. It’s fun to pronounce it ‘Curtain’.

  6. while truth is an absolute concept, certainty is not, it’s subject to the fallibility inherent in perception. boo ya

  7. absolutely not
    only of the sun
    blaring in my face
    or the wind at my back
    absolutely not
    about lunch
    breakfast or dinner
    or where i’m peddling
    or why so fast
    because i’m running
    away from decision

  8. I am certain that letting go is one of the best gifts you can give yourself. I’m certain you can live with passion and have everything you need. I’m certain being grateful is the key to being good at anything else. I’m certain sleep comes last. I’m certain today was a great birthday. I’m certain of nothing.

  9. I was certain that nothing would be. But certain is never really certainty. The colors of the fall sun cast a dull glow across my past. Hello there, person we used to know. I thought that once I knew what certainty was, but I now certainly know it was all for not.

  10. i’m certain that i love you more than anything else in the world. we will get married one day and if you die before we do, i will die too. i am certain that i will be happy with you and that i won’t need anything else besides your love. i am certain that i love you more than anything in the universe.

  11. She was certain that she knew. So certain. The kind of certainty that comes with youth. To know beyond a shadow of a doubt that going on, visiting the justice of the peace in the middle of the night is a good thing.

  12. I am certain he doesn’t love me anymore. I am certain I don’t love him anymore. Ad yet, I still miss him. I know we were young and dumb, but I don’t think he’ll ever realize how much he hurt me.

  13. Certainty is an illusion. It is what we choose to believe when we must ignore the probability of something being untrue.

    It reminds me of chemistry. The whole of chemistry is theoretical. The theory is backed up by our understanding of various elements, yes, but the only proof we have of the structure of the atom is the interactions we have seen.

  14. i was certain that it would happen, although it never did. it always happens to me this way. I always am sure of something and then there you go and it doesn’t, how am i supposed to know. How am i supposed to change the way things go? How am i supposed to know for sure? I don’t. But neither do you, neither does anyone. i wish more people would just say it. just admit it you know? but it never happens that way and instead uncertain things are taken for truths, and truths are taken for uncertainties as those who tell them have to say that they’re not sure or it wouldn’t really be a truth would it?

  15. monkeys

  16. this word is so crazy, how can anyone every be 100 % certain, ever even in math? thats all made up stuff anyways, i dont even know why this word exsists. certainly it is a lie.

  17. certain is a pathless side indeed.
    time is owner of it, time has a power to change it.

  18. certainty is never certain. There is nothing certain in this world. Nothing is forever, there are no universal truths besides the fact that there are no universal truths. This seems paradoxical in it’s nature, but so is certainty.

  19. There was no way to be one hundred percent sure. I- you could have been dead. I had no way of knowing if you were or not, so I assumed the worst and did what I had to.

  20. it certainly interesting to meet you. I think that you are a lovely person and would love to get to know you. You make me smile and grin and laugh and all I want is to spend my life with you in this instant love I have for you. The modern Juliet is calling the shots so that’ life.

    Maggie Mae Kendellen
  21. i am certain that the pizza will be cooked in a stone baked oven just like in italia. This reminds me of the super mario brothers and their amazing moustaches, just like i will grow when i take part in no shave november, when i grow a mo for a bro with prostate cancer. I am certain that growing a moustache will definately hlp to save the world.

  22. To be certain is to know completely. This condition is rare if not impossible

  23. I am certain of nothing. I never know what is going to happen. I want things to happen and I can only control it to a certain extent. Perhaps those control issues are what make me so … no no I think i do fairly well when unexpected things end up happening.

  24. I often wonder if true certainty can ever be. Can I ever say with full certainty that there is a God? Can I ever say with full certainly that two plus two is four? Maybe. Maybe not.

  25. Certain people will hurt you. Certain people will love you. Will you ever really know for certain who these people are? Everyone you meet every day of your life holds the potential to make you or break you. Will you choose to embrace each one and take the risk? Or will you stay inside your shell and deny the chance?

    Stephanie Green
  26. I am certain that tomorrow is a new day. I am certain that I control what my day holds. We are not certain of many things in life however I am certain that I am loved by God.

  27. I’m certain that certain is certain. Fuck i’m out of thoughts.

  28. i was certain you’d come back.

  29. I’m certain that I love Mike Thomas. I’m certain that I would walk off a mountain top if he’d do it with me or if he asked me to. I just love him so much I didn’t know that feeling this way is possible. I’m so certain I will wait, almost enjoying it, a year for him. I’m certain that he’ll come back to me.

    Casey B
  30. i am not sure where im going but we

  31. certain curtain urgent tent button mouse captain hot dog fish fluffy patches gray hearth mother peanut yahoo modest ni hao forget when

  32. im pretty certain that this website is a waste of time, but i have nothing better to do, so i’ll give it a shot. thats about all im certain of right now, pretty much everything else in my life is flimsy and unpredictable. but thats life.

  33. I only know of a few certain musicians that really deserve certain awards. All of them have certain talents that all come together to make certain sounds. I really only wanted to find a way to incorporate this certain thing into music. Because I certainly am a music freak.

    Savannah Cobain
  34. certain is a word that people often use, as I have noticed, when they are lying. This is incredibly ironic on so many levels. Sometimes I even wonder what certain really means.

    Sanna Cobain
  35. yes, i was certain,
    i was late.
    how did this happen . .
    WHY did this happen.

    kari Sedwick
  36. totally

    v. girl
  37. Certain death that was what they told us would happen if we looked away. I do think they were kidding with that last bit but you never know things are never what they appear to be. I mean honestly it was just one little plot bunny how bad could it be?? I don’t think any thing could derail a NaNo.

  38. certainly certain rain an tan retain cretin

  39. certain things bother me. when i wake up, i get a feeling of grief by the certain things that bother me. the little pet peeves of my world. like an annoying sibling messing up your room or anything else bad that might have happened. no one knows for sure why sertain thing

  40. always makes no mistake has no fear is the best always knows 100% doesn’t do anything wrong when you know what you are doing why else would you do it sure of yourself and doesn’t know anything else that would be better isn’t wrong right
