One person’s challenge may well be another’s drudgery, another’s bane of existence, another’s frustration. Be the one who finds a challenge exciting, stimulating, an opportunity to test yourself.
Tom Herold
The rock juts out. The sun shines and he can feel the temperature difference even in the crevices. A lizard skitters by and disappears. He breathes, pushes himself up, just one handhold more, again and again.
So I am going to try something new, leaving what I am used to, comfortable with. It may be a challenge, but I will do well. I will excel and impress all those involved. I will also make a lot more money to do so.
One person’s challenge may well be another’s drudgery, another’s bane of existence, another’s frustration. Be the one who finds a challenge exciting, stimulating, an opportunity to test yourself.
The rock juts out. The sun shines and he can feel the temperature difference even in the crevices. A lizard skitters by and disappears. He breathes, pushes himself up, just one handhold more, again and again.
So I am going to try something new, leaving what I am used to, comfortable with. It may be a challenge, but I will do well. I will excel and impress all those involved. I will also make a lot more money to do so.