obama obama, obama, obama,obama, obama, obama, obama and obama. That’s all I got.
Change? It’s a pretty abstract word. Anything and nothing can change at the drop of a hat. Change is fickle and change is fantastic. I want to change my hair my wardrobe my music tastes to expand expand EXPAND but it’s just not that easy. Change is a word. Change is an action. I need to learn to decipher it’s differences.
“Because these things will change,
We can see it now,
These walls that they put up to hold us back will fall down.
It’s a revolution, It’s how we’ll become,
Who we’re supposed to be.”
-Quote Taylor Swift in song “Change”
Taylor Swift FTW
Troy Bolton
I wish everything about me was changed. I hate everything but at the same time I could never see myself in any other type of life. Change can be great and because of it I have become a better person.
everybody changes.
good changes and bad changes.
change is growing up.
it has to happen sometime.
because our lives would be boring without it..
Change the world we cannot do. obama is all for change and people believe that as soon as he gets in the white house things will go back to “normal” news flash it wont happen. makes me mad when people say he is so great. He is our new president and i will support him but hes not that great.
We all need and demand change. Regardless, of how afraid of it we are. The nation is founded on change and our dependency on it from one generation to another. Yet, nothing is really ever that different.
it is hard to accept sometimes. she wakes up, morning already streaming through the window, and as soon as she blinks the sunlight dissolves in a pattern of dreams. of him. of the way her mouth was always half-full of something. of the weather. of distress.
Life is constantly evolving, and minute by minute everything moves from a single state to an all new single state. Nothing is static and absolutely everything is new. From moment to moment you may call this time, but in fact it is the entropic movement of form and formless, dancing together in a synergistic harmony of ever shifting movement on a quantum level. The dance is driven by mind, the results are perceived as changes to form, but in the end, all it means is the world you know always changes.
Darren Albert
change is change. niether good or bad. Changing for someone is hard, you always come back to who you were.Change is for the better almost impossible.
Christopher Flores
It was the change of the seasons, the change of her heart; herself renewed. She was different; he was a different; the world would change. It was her heart, her soul that would burst. This was her, this was her spirit, it would fly. This was her home, her world, her love. This was where it was going to end.
there is nothing more amazing then change, but also nothing as frightening. Sometimes, change can be good. Change can help people overcome their mightiest obstacles and help a country get back on it’s feet. Change can also mean an end to everything you once knew and loved but everyone must go through change, whether they like it or not.
Change is good. It takes a boring lifestyle and makes it interesting. Its the ripple effect when a pebble drops into the water, its the waves that you surf on, an analogy that can be applied to life. You can’t surf on still waters, you need something to shake it up. When you think of change, it can be a change in person, or personality, or life, or lifestyle.
Gibryon Bhojraj
I cahnged sooo much. Its crazy. I feel like, I change somehow but at the same time, I don’t. Everything changes, my hobbies, looks, views, morals, beliefs, everything, but I somehow stay the same. I’m always Sonia. Even if I change my name. What happens when someone changes everything about themselves, their looks and names and hobbies and beliefs? Are they still teh same person? Who knows!
Change. Change is something that no one wants, most of the time. It made me go from where I was happiest to here, fuckin Jersey. It had my parents divorced, and nothing goes right.
Give me sadness. Give me sorrow. Give me pain. I can’t keep this nonfeeling up. Give me something that will engulf me, like some sick amoeba. Give me… more than everything. Less than nothing. Change.
put on trial
for a jury
of wrist-watches
and powdered wig
built around
picket-fence safe houses
locked from the outside.
Hannah Wells
“there’s not much I can do” he said calmly, delivering the line as he had a hundred times.
across the dark wooden desk, she shook her head. “that’s not true”
his eyes didn’t even flash with guilt as he escorted her out
“platform of change” she thought, with a sad little smile
I wish things would change. At the moment i am sitting here, on the internet, just the same as every other fucking day of the my life.
Maybe in tomorrow, maybe in a week, maybe in a month my life will change. Oh god i wish it would. I know this is freaking depressing and im sorry, but its the way i feel today.
ever lasting always needed we change with time we all move in the same circles round and round but different spends it’s sad but true and if only we could understand the things we do and why and maybe then we could help each other a little more if we just reached out and shared our knowledged and actually connected with people instead of hoarding and fighting
Savannah aka TryingToFindTheWords
It was time, the tides would now change forever.
I sat there and stared deep into his eyes, his unmoving, unchanging eyes that were fixed on one thing and one thing only: my wrist. The barbed wire was still cutting deep into my arm from being held in the prison for so long. How could they call that a prison? There must be a more fowl word.
Brooke Christine
change is fun, productive, nessecary, provides growth, oh shoot what else, helpful, dynamic, did I say fun?
It’s time for change. I have been sitting here constantly thinking about everything that has happened in my lifetime. I simply regret so much, and wish I could take back what has happened to me. In the past week I’ve experienced so many difficult changes and finally came to realize how much stuff I have been hiding from myself.
What an appropriate term for the day after the installation of a new President here in the US. One who promises exactly that – change. Our government has been broken a long time and has not gotten any better the last 8 years or so. If Obama brings change it can only be good. Generally since I am kind of set in my ways, I do not like change in my personal life. That has come too often in the last year or so, whether I like it or not. You as the person are the only one who control your reaction to changes, You can see it in a positive light (and since it is going to happen anyway, you might as well), or in a negative light (and spend the rest of your life bitching and moaning about things you cannot change. That reminds me of the serenity prayer from AA. Give me the courage to change the things I can change, the serenity to accept the things I cannot, and the wisdom to know the difference. Yesterday, January 20, was a day of historical change in the US and I think, the world.
Beatrice Collins
there is change eveywhere
some of us dont like change….i know that i dont
Barock Obama is supposed to bring change
my life changews all the time
my paresnt got a divorce and i cried andit was sad and now they sometimes still fight
Not again!!!That’s all I can think of when I see this putridity! Not that I am philosophically opposed to change ( I don’t wanna be a caveman). But please enough with the change, Obamers. If you can’t think of a new watchword, buy one! My suggestion is “Low standards make happy campers.”
No Socrates
Change is a slogan. But can change be a slogan of hope… especially of a presidential champaign? Change will always happen, no matter what. Good. Bad. Ugly. Life goes on and life always changes reality… so forgive me for not believing in our new president for it seems to me he’s already lying.
Kristen T.
I change my underwear almost everyday. I have some that feel better than others and some that are scratchy. I like the soft and smooth ones. Obama promises change, is this what he means?
this is what I need to happen, I have been waiting 30 years preparing, well putting off! I am afraid of change I want to do it but am not sure how people around me would accept it. I really need to I am wasting my life being who I am.
But how to go about it? I find I cannot just change it needs work, planning. time. it is more difficult than you think I have the time boy do I have the time and I have a plan it’s the work I cannot fathom I try and fail sometimes I even try again. someday I’ll crack it but for now I am me.
nothing but a name, something that is said to avoid actual action. a beautiful idea, a beautiful ideal, without a plausible future.
CHANGE. THANK YOU.from a hungry generation,who knew more was possible.
thank you from a vanquished believer in american pride.
thank you.
from a voter.to a voter.
Change is something people delay. So many people are subjected to change because they like things to stay the same. Sometimes people wish for change. One in one, things change when they change, and it isn’t up to others when that time is. Live with it, and get through it.
Change is pretty cool stuff. It gets you on the bus, allows you to make a telephone call if you must, and you get the opportunity to lord your change-having over the homeless. Shit’s pretty sweet. I love lording things over the homeless. Especially change. I’ll go, “I have nothing.” And they’ll be all
Could be this word is going to get overexposed! But I don’t care, I’m am thrilled with yesterday’s events. (1.20.09). A friend said he thought God may have taken a little vacation, then came back just in time for the miracle on the Hudson. I think he came back for 11.4.08.
i want to change the world. i want to make a difference through my art. i want to influence people and make a difference. i want to create a change. i want to help other people. i want to help them express themselves. i want to change the way people think, i want to make an impact. one day i will change the world.
Change. Are you serious? Today of all the days the word is change. it’s all about Obama. Seriously, I love the guy. But we need to stop throwing about catch phrases and actually start doing something. “DO SOMETHING” has even become a catch phrase. But at least we have a better idea of what it means than the noble but vague “change.” I don’t believe in change for change’s sake, but we definitely need some change. Let’s start with helping the little old lady across the street, and go from there.
change is good arcana 13 nyx death transformation ending eternity why the hell did I think that last one wtf cats name email kitty change green bar how much time do I have left i wonder orange oooo halo 3 triple headhsot
I want to change the word; change the picture change the channel. One word cannot affect me; I need two
I wanted to change everything about her. I wanted her to fall apart at my feet instead of continuing to hurt me like she was so wont to do. I cried for her. I wanted to make her into something beautiful again, rather than leave her ugly in my eyes. I wanted to wrap her in sheets and make her into a butterfly again– make her into something I could keep beside me once more, instead of the disgusting slug she’d turned into by hurting me so.
obama obama, obama, obama,obama, obama, obama, obama and obama. That’s all I got.
Change? It’s a pretty abstract word. Anything and nothing can change at the drop of a hat. Change is fickle and change is fantastic. I want to change my hair my wardrobe my music tastes to expand expand EXPAND but it’s just not that easy. Change is a word. Change is an action. I need to learn to decipher it’s differences.
“Because these things will change,
We can see it now,
These walls that they put up to hold us back will fall down.
It’s a revolution, It’s how we’ll become,
Who we’re supposed to be.”
-Quote Taylor Swift in song “Change”
Taylor Swift FTW
I wish everything about me was changed. I hate everything but at the same time I could never see myself in any other type of life. Change can be great and because of it I have become a better person.
everybody changes.
good changes and bad changes.
change is growing up.
it has to happen sometime.
because our lives would be boring without it..
Change the world we cannot do. obama is all for change and people believe that as soon as he gets in the white house things will go back to “normal” news flash it wont happen. makes me mad when people say he is so great. He is our new president and i will support him but hes not that great.
We all need and demand change. Regardless, of how afraid of it we are. The nation is founded on change and our dependency on it from one generation to another. Yet, nothing is really ever that different.
it is hard to accept sometimes. she wakes up, morning already streaming through the window, and as soon as she blinks the sunlight dissolves in a pattern of dreams. of him. of the way her mouth was always half-full of something. of the weather. of distress.
Life is constantly evolving, and minute by minute everything moves from a single state to an all new single state. Nothing is static and absolutely everything is new. From moment to moment you may call this time, but in fact it is the entropic movement of form and formless, dancing together in a synergistic harmony of ever shifting movement on a quantum level. The dance is driven by mind, the results are perceived as changes to form, but in the end, all it means is the world you know always changes.
change is change. niether good or bad. Changing for someone is hard, you always come back to who you were.Change is for the better almost impossible.
It was the change of the seasons, the change of her heart; herself renewed. She was different; he was a different; the world would change. It was her heart, her soul that would burst. This was her, this was her spirit, it would fly. This was her home, her world, her love. This was where it was going to end.
there is nothing more amazing then change, but also nothing as frightening. Sometimes, change can be good. Change can help people overcome their mightiest obstacles and help a country get back on it’s feet. Change can also mean an end to everything you once knew and loved but everyone must go through change, whether they like it or not.
Change is good. It takes a boring lifestyle and makes it interesting. Its the ripple effect when a pebble drops into the water, its the waves that you surf on, an analogy that can be applied to life. You can’t surf on still waters, you need something to shake it up. When you think of change, it can be a change in person, or personality, or life, or lifestyle.
I cahnged sooo much. Its crazy. I feel like, I change somehow but at the same time, I don’t. Everything changes, my hobbies, looks, views, morals, beliefs, everything, but I somehow stay the same. I’m always Sonia. Even if I change my name. What happens when someone changes everything about themselves, their looks and names and hobbies and beliefs? Are they still teh same person? Who knows!
Change. Change is something that no one wants, most of the time. It made me go from where I was happiest to here, fuckin Jersey. It had my parents divorced, and nothing goes right.
Give me sadness. Give me sorrow. Give me pain. I can’t keep this nonfeeling up. Give me something that will engulf me, like some sick amoeba. Give me… more than everything. Less than nothing. Change.
put on trial
for a jury
of wrist-watches
and powdered wig
built around
picket-fence safe houses
locked from the outside.
“there’s not much I can do” he said calmly, delivering the line as he had a hundred times.
across the dark wooden desk, she shook her head. “that’s not true”
his eyes didn’t even flash with guilt as he escorted her out
“platform of change” she thought, with a sad little smile
I wish things would change. At the moment i am sitting here, on the internet, just the same as every other fucking day of the my life.
Maybe in tomorrow, maybe in a week, maybe in a month my life will change. Oh god i wish it would. I know this is freaking depressing and im sorry, but its the way i feel today.
ever lasting always needed we change with time we all move in the same circles round and round but different spends it’s sad but true and if only we could understand the things we do and why and maybe then we could help each other a little more if we just reached out and shared our knowledged and actually connected with people instead of hoarding and fighting
It was time, the tides would now change forever.
I sat there and stared deep into his eyes, his unmoving, unchanging eyes that were fixed on one thing and one thing only: my wrist. The barbed wire was still cutting deep into my arm from being held in the prison for so long. How could they call that a prison? There must be a more fowl word.
change is fun, productive, nessecary, provides growth, oh shoot what else, helpful, dynamic, did I say fun?
It’s time for change. I have been sitting here constantly thinking about everything that has happened in my lifetime. I simply regret so much, and wish I could take back what has happened to me. In the past week I’ve experienced so many difficult changes and finally came to realize how much stuff I have been hiding from myself.
What an appropriate term for the day after the installation of a new President here in the US. One who promises exactly that – change. Our government has been broken a long time and has not gotten any better the last 8 years or so. If Obama brings change it can only be good. Generally since I am kind of set in my ways, I do not like change in my personal life. That has come too often in the last year or so, whether I like it or not. You as the person are the only one who control your reaction to changes, You can see it in a positive light (and since it is going to happen anyway, you might as well), or in a negative light (and spend the rest of your life bitching and moaning about things you cannot change. That reminds me of the serenity prayer from AA. Give me the courage to change the things I can change, the serenity to accept the things I cannot, and the wisdom to know the difference. Yesterday, January 20, was a day of historical change in the US and I think, the world.
there is change eveywhere
some of us dont like change….i know that i dont
Barock Obama is supposed to bring change
my life changews all the time
my paresnt got a divorce and i cried andit was sad and now they sometimes still fight
Not again!!!That’s all I can think of when I see this putridity! Not that I am philosophically opposed to change ( I don’t wanna be a caveman). But please enough with the change, Obamers. If you can’t think of a new watchword, buy one! My suggestion is “Low standards make happy campers.”
Change is a slogan. But can change be a slogan of hope… especially of a presidential champaign? Change will always happen, no matter what. Good. Bad. Ugly. Life goes on and life always changes reality… so forgive me for not believing in our new president for it seems to me he’s already lying.
I change my underwear almost everyday. I have some that feel better than others and some that are scratchy. I like the soft and smooth ones. Obama promises change, is this what he means?
this is what I need to happen, I have been waiting 30 years preparing, well putting off! I am afraid of change I want to do it but am not sure how people around me would accept it. I really need to I am wasting my life being who I am.
But how to go about it? I find I cannot just change it needs work, planning. time. it is more difficult than you think I have the time boy do I have the time and I have a plan it’s the work I cannot fathom I try and fail sometimes I even try again. someday I’ll crack it but for now I am me.
nothing but a name, something that is said to avoid actual action. a beautiful idea, a beautiful ideal, without a plausible future.
CHANGE. THANK YOU.from a hungry generation,who knew more was possible.
thank you from a vanquished believer in american pride.
thank you.
from a voter.to a voter.
Change is something people delay. So many people are subjected to change because they like things to stay the same. Sometimes people wish for change. One in one, things change when they change, and it isn’t up to others when that time is. Live with it, and get through it.
Change is pretty cool stuff. It gets you on the bus, allows you to make a telephone call if you must, and you get the opportunity to lord your change-having over the homeless. Shit’s pretty sweet. I love lording things over the homeless. Especially change. I’ll go, “I have nothing.” And they’ll be all
Could be this word is going to get overexposed! But I don’t care, I’m am thrilled with yesterday’s events. (1.20.09). A friend said he thought God may have taken a little vacation, then came back just in time for the miracle on the Hudson. I think he came back for 11.4.08.
i want to change the world. i want to make a difference through my art. i want to influence people and make a difference. i want to create a change. i want to help other people. i want to help them express themselves. i want to change the way people think, i want to make an impact. one day i will change the world.
Change. Are you serious? Today of all the days the word is change. it’s all about Obama. Seriously, I love the guy. But we need to stop throwing about catch phrases and actually start doing something. “DO SOMETHING” has even become a catch phrase. But at least we have a better idea of what it means than the noble but vague “change.” I don’t believe in change for change’s sake, but we definitely need some change. Let’s start with helping the little old lady across the street, and go from there.
change is good arcana 13 nyx death transformation ending eternity why the hell did I think that last one wtf cats name email kitty change green bar how much time do I have left i wonder orange oooo halo 3 triple headhsot
I want to change the word; change the picture change the channel. One word cannot affect me; I need two
I wanted to change everything about her. I wanted her to fall apart at my feet instead of continuing to hurt me like she was so wont to do. I cried for her. I wanted to make her into something beautiful again, rather than leave her ugly in my eyes. I wanted to wrap her in sheets and make her into a butterfly again– make her into something I could keep beside me once more, instead of the disgusting slug she’d turned into by hurting me so.