Change is when something or someone becomes different to a previous state. For example when you get a new computer you change hardware and software.
Change is all around us,
the president is new
change is something you can make
change is what happens to you
change is also what happens to the world
change is something you cannot help.
Liz Martin
i changed as fast i could. i thought that my ripped jeans and old tee shirt wasnt appropriate for my date. I changed into a denim skirt and blouse and then rushed downstairs and waited for edward. He finally arrived and i got into his car. “you look great”, he said.
It is tuff to change, it is miserable to change, how could i change what she left behind, how could i redo everything she redid for me, the void could be painful, it could hurt, but how could i do something to make it un-hurt, why would i want to change but to suffer the consequences. Change is not possible, it simply isnt.
replace some thing
I wrote about change, but then everything changed. The way I felt about it the first time changed. Why is change so changeable? I have to ask myself why do I resist change when deep down I really love change. Not all change is good of course, but it’s really up to me to turn change into a positive event. Small changes are easier to handle, but big changes can have big impact.
jessica honor
I want to change the world.
Sometimes I think I’m afraid of change. Maybe I am. I don’t like things to change out of my normal everyday routine. I don’t like things to change out of what I expect.
But I do want to change the world.
I want to see the day when every young person in the world will be able to say, “I am happy.” I want to see the day when every individual will have the heart to go out of their own way to do something for others. I want to see that day.
I want to see this world CHANGE.
i hate change being sprung on me and i lik it to be explained to me.
hate it!
change is the promise of tommorow. the fluid pace of the existing becoming the existed. for good or evil, better or worse, nothing can exist without changing itself every moment of every day.
William S.
Believe it or not, it’s coming. I hold out a fat hand and beg. It takes us and remakes us. Unrecognizable, someday we might be.
Simon Sharp
change is the only constant change change change the way we live, the way we consume, the way we use the earth..change the attitude change change change change change, u should change one should change and we should change to bring abt change
it is wat has just happend in america the change of history in 2 ways first black president and also rid of bush change is both a good and bad thing it can make people happy or it can make them miserable there is more ways than one change can happen a baby could be born or a flash flood could happebn
Change is about freedom. Freedom to do what you like, to change according to how you want to be. Change is about choice, if we didn’t have change where would we be? We would be monkeys. Monkeys. Because we weouldn’t change.
change, you cant stop it.
It happens to everyone. It can bring people together and it tears them appart. No one will live without experiencing change, it can be a scary thing and some people snap under the pressure… I am one of them.
Change is a part of my world. Change is a part of my life. Change is inevitable; but I do not want it. Not this change of love, this change of heart, this change of life. Not the sudden materialization of responsibility (which only seems sudden; it has been coming for years). None of this is something I want but it’s here. And now I must deal with it the best way I know how.
change your mind. change your clothes. change your ways. enjoy a new day. enjoy a new luv. luv is the way. the way to sweeter days. days that never die young
change is always happening. i suppose that’s a given. i just wanted to change my initial statement…i suppose that’s a strong testement to how constant change is. I’m hoping that life will soon involve many changes for the better, if not, I’d appreciate change holding off for a bit.
change is eternal. all of us change, we need to change.chane is 45 betterment of all of us changes enlightens our smwhat monotonous lyf. i luv to see hw the course of river changes.
obamaland!!!!! Hopefully it’s a good change. Nothing ever stays the same because everything keeps on happening over and over again.
k.m. rich
Change is always welcome. It is a bit natural to have change in your life. without change your life becomes dull and boring. Change your attitude, change your life style, change your job, change makes you refresh. Change brings luck to life, more often than not.
Change your dress for every occasion. change will make you look smarter than before, at least you will think like that.
Change is the secret of life. Change in attitude can turn a failure into a success.
But change should be positive. It should be for better.
Nasir M. Aijaz
My change is to change the world by that i think to change the people who makes bad crimes and that.Change is very important.
Change is something I’ve gotten used to lately. It’s occurred so much that it’s basically what my life revolves around. I am learning that it’s what I need to change or evolve into the person I want to be. I can’t change that.
he gave me the change, but it wasn’t enough and i wanted to ask him for the rest, but i swallowed and turned around, got back into my car, en drove off without wavind. i found the rest in my pocket with a note that he loves me. i don’t love him.
Change is good. Obama claims to be change. I like to find it anywhere at work, rejoyce. I wish change would happe the way it’s supposed to, the way I want it to. Change. Change. Find me a job. Change. Cure the world of cancer. Change, change, spare me some change, say
change may be self-directed or forced. In this sense, individuals experience change in their everyday lives and not just at pivotal points in their lives. The consequences of change are varied. If one takes in themself to instigate change they experience positive consequences, but if the change is forced upon the individual, they are sure to suffer.
self improvement, learning, growing, painful…for the better, new perspective, allow, open mind, flexible, difficult, lessons,
I really do hope that president Obama can provide us with the change we need. I could certainly use some change.
I need to change the way I think, to change the way I feel, to change the way I act, to change what I do and who I am.
it is on the tongue, of every person.
with a blackblack pesident who is at least pretending to give a shit.
Change is good. But it can also be challenging. It depends on where in your life you are. But one must also be understanding of the reticence of others to change. And, in one’s own life, one mustn’t change just for the sake of it.
This word seems like it’s meant to lure me toward Barack Obama. Or maybe not. Also reminds me of that Hey Now You’re An All Star Song. And that song reminds of Cartoon All Stars To the Rescue, just because of starryness.
Fuck it.
But yeah, change happens, I think it’s just a matter of where we point it.
Change equals what all we hope what shall become, and all we hope to be.
The only constant. eventually it happens. it’s good. maybe we need more maybe we need less. we need.hope. change is opportunity.
Change is the way we wash our clothes.
Organize our basement.
Write our to do lists.
Change is all around us.
In the air.
Who drives us to work each day.
Change is good for us.
Arrange your bedroom.
Change is everywhere.
Change is money
In your wallet.
Change dangles.
And cackles.
Change is hard to do. I know this because I am a procrastinator. Change is metaphorical. It doesn’t discriminate. The election is the symbol of changes. To come. Once and for all. We love change and we hate it. I love you and I hate you. I love it. I hate it. Change is
Change is what we have to face. No matter what the circumstance, or the situation, its something that will always bother (or not) us. We have change for good and sometimes there is change for bad. In the end we have to see what change is all about, and go along with it.
is what we’re living right now. it’s happening and one can be a part of it, or sit idly whining. get going.
Barack Obama!
I’ve done a lot of changing. All in all sometimes i feel like i’m still the same person i’ve always been since i got out of high school. I’m stuck. I need to get out of whatever i’m in. i need to grow up and become a woman. i need a job and to support myself. I can’t be a little girl anymore and expect my parents to do everything for me. Help.
Change is when something or someone becomes different to a previous state. For example when you get a new computer you change hardware and software.
Change is all around us,
the president is new
change is something you can make
change is what happens to you
change is also what happens to the world
change is something you cannot help.
i changed as fast i could. i thought that my ripped jeans and old tee shirt wasnt appropriate for my date. I changed into a denim skirt and blouse and then rushed downstairs and waited for edward. He finally arrived and i got into his car. “you look great”, he said.
It is tuff to change, it is miserable to change, how could i change what she left behind, how could i redo everything she redid for me, the void could be painful, it could hurt, but how could i do something to make it un-hurt, why would i want to change but to suffer the consequences. Change is not possible, it simply isnt.
replace some thing
I wrote about change, but then everything changed. The way I felt about it the first time changed. Why is change so changeable? I have to ask myself why do I resist change when deep down I really love change. Not all change is good of course, but it’s really up to me to turn change into a positive event. Small changes are easier to handle, but big changes can have big impact.
I want to change the world.
Sometimes I think I’m afraid of change. Maybe I am. I don’t like things to change out of my normal everyday routine. I don’t like things to change out of what I expect.
But I do want to change the world.
I want to see the day when every young person in the world will be able to say, “I am happy.” I want to see the day when every individual will have the heart to go out of their own way to do something for others. I want to see that day.
I want to see this world CHANGE.
i hate change being sprung on me and i lik it to be explained to me.
hate it!
change is the promise of tommorow. the fluid pace of the existing becoming the existed. for good or evil, better or worse, nothing can exist without changing itself every moment of every day.
Believe it or not, it’s coming. I hold out a fat hand and beg. It takes us and remakes us. Unrecognizable, someday we might be.
change is the only constant change change change the way we live, the way we consume, the way we use the earth..change the attitude change change change change change, u should change one should change and we should change to bring abt change
it is wat has just happend in america the change of history in 2 ways first black president and also rid of bush change is both a good and bad thing it can make people happy or it can make them miserable there is more ways than one change can happen a baby could be born or a flash flood could happebn
Change is about freedom. Freedom to do what you like, to change according to how you want to be. Change is about choice, if we didn’t have change where would we be? We would be monkeys. Monkeys. Because we weouldn’t change.
change, you cant stop it.
It happens to everyone. It can bring people together and it tears them appart. No one will live without experiencing change, it can be a scary thing and some people snap under the pressure… I am one of them.
Change is a part of my world. Change is a part of my life. Change is inevitable; but I do not want it. Not this change of love, this change of heart, this change of life. Not the sudden materialization of responsibility (which only seems sudden; it has been coming for years). None of this is something I want but it’s here. And now I must deal with it the best way I know how.
change your mind. change your clothes. change your ways. enjoy a new day. enjoy a new luv. luv is the way. the way to sweeter days. days that never die young
change is always happening. i suppose that’s a given. i just wanted to change my initial statement…i suppose that’s a strong testement to how constant change is. I’m hoping that life will soon involve many changes for the better, if not, I’d appreciate change holding off for a bit.
change is eternal. all of us change, we need to change.chane is 45 betterment of all of us changes enlightens our smwhat monotonous lyf. i luv to see hw the course of river changes.
obamaland!!!!! Hopefully it’s a good change. Nothing ever stays the same because everything keeps on happening over and over again.
Change is always welcome. It is a bit natural to have change in your life. without change your life becomes dull and boring. Change your attitude, change your life style, change your job, change makes you refresh. Change brings luck to life, more often than not.
Change your dress for every occasion. change will make you look smarter than before, at least you will think like that.
Change is the secret of life. Change in attitude can turn a failure into a success.
But change should be positive. It should be for better.
My change is to change the world by that i think to change the people who makes bad crimes and that.Change is very important.
Change is something I’ve gotten used to lately. It’s occurred so much that it’s basically what my life revolves around. I am learning that it’s what I need to change or evolve into the person I want to be. I can’t change that.
he gave me the change, but it wasn’t enough and i wanted to ask him for the rest, but i swallowed and turned around, got back into my car, en drove off without wavind. i found the rest in my pocket with a note that he loves me. i don’t love him.
Change is good. Obama claims to be change. I like to find it anywhere at work, rejoyce. I wish change would happe the way it’s supposed to, the way I want it to. Change. Change. Find me a job. Change. Cure the world of cancer. Change, change, spare me some change, say
change may be self-directed or forced. In this sense, individuals experience change in their everyday lives and not just at pivotal points in their lives. The consequences of change are varied. If one takes in themself to instigate change they experience positive consequences, but if the change is forced upon the individual, they are sure to suffer.
self improvement, learning, growing, painful…for the better, new perspective, allow, open mind, flexible, difficult, lessons,
I really do hope that president Obama can provide us with the change we need. I could certainly use some change.
I need to change the way I think, to change the way I feel, to change the way I act, to change what I do and who I am.
it is on the tongue, of every person.
with a blackblack pesident who is at least pretending to give a shit.
on my mind,
like butterflies and caterpillars.
cacoons crushed under children’s feet.
hoping not to fail, not to fall.
obama obama obama obama obama obama obama obama obama obama obama obama obama obama obama obama obama obama obama obama obama obama obama obama obama obama obama obama obama obama obama obama obama obama obama obama obama obama obama obama obama obama obama obama obama obama obama obama obama obama obama obama obama obama obama obama
Change is good. But it can also be challenging. It depends on where in your life you are. But one must also be understanding of the reticence of others to change. And, in one’s own life, one mustn’t change just for the sake of it.
This word seems like it’s meant to lure me toward Barack Obama. Or maybe not. Also reminds me of that Hey Now You’re An All Star Song. And that song reminds of Cartoon All Stars To the Rescue, just because of starryness.
Fuck it.
But yeah, change happens, I think it’s just a matter of where we point it.
Change equals what all we hope what shall become, and all we hope to be.
The only constant. eventually it happens. it’s good. maybe we need more maybe we need less. we need.hope. change is opportunity.
Change is the way we wash our clothes.
Organize our basement.
Write our to do lists.
Change is all around us.
In the air.
Who drives us to work each day.
Change is good for us.
Arrange your bedroom.
Change is everywhere.
Change is money
In your wallet.
Change dangles.
And cackles.
Change is hard to do. I know this because I am a procrastinator. Change is metaphorical. It doesn’t discriminate. The election is the symbol of changes. To come. Once and for all. We love change and we hate it. I love you and I hate you. I love it. I hate it. Change is
Change is what we have to face. No matter what the circumstance, or the situation, its something that will always bother (or not) us. We have change for good and sometimes there is change for bad. In the end we have to see what change is all about, and go along with it.
is what we’re living right now. it’s happening and one can be a part of it, or sit idly whining. get going.
Barack Obama!
I’ve done a lot of changing. All in all sometimes i feel like i’m still the same person i’ve always been since i got out of high school. I’m stuck. I need to get out of whatever i’m in. i need to grow up and become a woman. i need a job and to support myself. I can’t be a little girl anymore and expect my parents to do everything for me. Help.