
January 20th, 2009 | 635 Entries

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635 Entries for “change”

  1. wish i could prove something to you
    you told me i couldn’t change this
    i wish,
    you had said something else.

    “maybe you’re just better off this way.”

    steph han
  2. How fitting a word for today. Barack Obama! Baaaaayybeee! I’m watching him and Michelle dance on TV right now. How sweet and cute. The power of change lies in all of us. It’s hard to do sometimes. To change, but if we work at it, anything is possible. Wow this one sucked. Annnnn currie!

  3. Change. It’s the way you move, the way you groove, the way you evolve into who you are, who you will be, who you want desperately to become for the legacy you leave behind.

    KB Stroman
  4. change is life and change is death our one great fear and our only truly noble cause when things around us change we are forced to also change or face elimination

    nelson riley
  5. changing schools, boyfriends, changing your life style. changing your hair. change is great, but sometimes change is hard to deal with. change can be confronting. its difficult when people around you are changing and you feel that you are not. most of hte time you are and you dont even realise it. changing friendship groups is weird, but as you loose a friend, you usually gain another. change can be good.

    molly cusack
  6. Something I love…don’t like driving the same way…going to the same places. Without change, there’s no growth.

  7. change is the one thing that is inevitable but we have achoice of how we respond and what we do with it. change is now and a constant and it reqauires our full attention and hope rest in its ability to be painless or offer the least

  8. Change can and does happen. The one constant thing about life is change. One you think or feel that nothing will ever change on you, that all is permanent – you are wrong. The most basic aspects of life change, so do the most advanced. Hope for change. Breath for change. Live for change. But don’t change just to change.

  9. it’s so ambiguous. so pregant with opportunity. so ambiguous and abstract. For what? How? I like dollars not cents. It’s easy. It’s soft. It’s malleable. It’s easy… did I say that? Wheres the accountability?

  10. people change and thats all that matters, no one stays the same, different experiences make different people and different people make change. nothing can stop change other than death. And even when you think that you have everything figured out, everything changes. Like the hands of a clock nothing stops changing.

    Ryan Eubank
  11. Sometimes things change… And it hurts to know when something won’t change back the way it used to be…

    Sean Tra'
  12. Change? What? Spare change given to a homeless person? Changing nappies? Change doesn

    Murray Green
  13. Change can be anything– loose coins jingling at the bottom of a pocket, or perhaps the slogan of our popular presidential campaign. But real CHANGE? The kind that is supposed to develop within? We learn this during yoga practices, at the end of a school semester, and at the start of a new business proposition. But real change comes from instilling the value of innovation in our pscyhe, our hearts, and our practices.

  14. I’m sick of hearing about change. It’s never been spectacular until now.

  15. I tucked the covers tightly around myself, like a burrito, sealing off the light and cold air from outside. It was quiet, warm, and secure here, no fear. I finally fell asleep, hair splayed over my pillows, dreaming of catepillars and cocoons. I would wake up in the morning with fresh eyes and find everything changed.

  16. touch.
    pulse and go.
    jingle jangle, falling into sidewalk cracks.
    cement monsters intermingling,
    walkaway changeling no longer welcome here.
    salt away, salt away,
    salt on the floor.

  17. Be the change you wish to see in the world. If you critize others and expect change from others, be sure to examine your own life versus focusing on the change you want to see in others. Change is like a butterfly…it is about growth….

  18. change is a dream that someone invented to give people hope. the world can change, people can change… a person can change, but that person cannot change the world. the world will not bend to the whim of those who dream of change. majority rules, and the majority isn’t into changing.

  19. The first thing thast comes to my mind is me. Change in me…for the better. I have a coupl eof things I would deeply like to change about myself because if I were able to do so successfully, I would be able to make the world an even better place. It all starts with me.

    Kerry Graham
  20. Change is inevitable. It’s a terrifying prospect, since one can always grow accustomed to their current circumstances… but it makes life what it is and I’ve learned to welcome it as it comes.

  21. I want it.
    I need it.
    So hard.
    Can’t grasp it.
    Can’t hold on to it.
    Slipping through my fingers.
    Like water.

  22. I have decided to go to South Korea to teach English. I need change. I have been in the HR profession for 13 years now. I got fired/laid off like most Americans after I had been working 50-60 hour weeks with a bunch of nasty people who showed no gratitude for my work. I have been unable to find a job in my field since October, and after doing the research I have decided to take the plunge. Sure, I’ll be earning less than 50% of what I earned previously, but I’ll be gaining so much more. I’m ready for change and I feel that I will be a lot better for this experience. I will get to do some travelling in Asia, soak up some culture and I’m really looking forward to it! Wish me luck!

    Carol Clarke
  23. Can be either a good or bad thing. Change can make you feel happy because you want to leave something behind and move forward, or change can be a bad thing because something or someone you love can be lost. How you react to change makes all the difference.

    Chris Taft
  24. Change to me is natural. Everthing in time must change staying the same shows lack of growth. For some change is difficult, that’s because there’s fear of the unknown and what change will bring. If you believe in your heart that your intensions are good – embrace it. Change is natural.

  25. Change for today, for this time. Change…I can tell my son that Mommy and are married in the eyes of the law…for good, for real, finally. Hope and renewal, a time to look forward with an open heart and realistic expectations.

  26. Change is coming. Yes, it’s downright trite at this point, but, i truly believe it is. There’s something in the air and i believe it’s a Phoenix. There had to be a fire, but, as it goes after fires comes change. Change is definitely coming.

  27. today we inaugurated the 44th president of the united states. why is this important? because he ran on a campaign of change…change the economy, change health care, change the war, change our lives. and we are all waiting to see if that change will actually happen. will it? who knows

  28. change is what happened today. change is barack.

  29. conformity
    wild is the wind
    nina simone
    the only one constant in this universe

    A. Computer
  30. It wasn’t what she often craved, but lately it had been consuming her every move, her every thought. A change of scenery, of routine, of sights and sounds, of people (even the ones she didn’t care about). To get away, break out. and yet she new she didn’t want it. Maybe for a week or two, a vacation from this plastic toy world. But not forever, just long enough to retrieve herself from its cinches and recapture herself.

  31. I want change. I can’t change. I just wish that others would change.
    Change in my pocket.
    Change in the bank.
    I want change in my world.
    Maybe it could happen, maybe something will happen, I won’t know until the change has already occured now will I?

  32. change is special but sometimes it comes when you least expect it. change will surprise you but what is life without change. BORING DUH change can harm you too when you never want it it surprises you

    alice cullen
  33. Pride
    Barack Obama
    Fulfillment of the measure of Happiness
    Michelle Obama

    C. Aaron
  34. Change. The one word she dreaded. She feared going to a world outside of her own – one that required her to leave the things she loved. Or ones that took her loved ones away without even asking. And here she stood on the brink, facing Change face to face. Would she accept it, or would she retreat into her own world once again, pretending all would be well?

  35. I never wanted things to change. After all, change meant that I wouldn’t be with you anymore. I know it sounds corny, pathetic even…but when I found you, I knew I never wanted to be parted from you. So please, is there a way to make things not change?

  36. funny this word should come up today, the day obama is inaugurated under the banner of hope and change. change is life’s only constant, of course

  37. We change every day as we think about all our yesterdays.
    We change the reflection in the mirror by the way we hold our heads.
    We change from despair to hope by a blink of the eye.

    Patricia Goff
  38. you need to change your atude

  39. Change is a new day, a new beginning. A different way of life for a new age. Life demands Change.

    Emily Moore
  40. It was a big blow to my head, my brain and my body: change. I lost my balance and equilibrium at age 14 for no apparent reason, except that my body was changing. I began to crave the attention of guys I never would have looked at years before, because my hormones were changing. My outlook was changing. Pubertty was the hardenst change in my life.

    Pam Canepa