
February 19th, 2021 | 8 Entries

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8 Entries for “cheap”

  1. i took a deep breath and my lungs were filled with the scent of cheap perfume and coigatreets. usually, this smell is quite jarring and sleeves me out, but not this time. this time,e it remind me of my childhood, it felt like home. i walked further into her apartments an dtdsraed at the clutter. surely there was no way some one could live amounts all this mess, but that was my grandmother for you.

    Sofia Wuensch
  2. there is a lot of cheap people in this world, they get out of doing things and paying for things other people might need.

  3. When i go to the store i dont like to get expensive things. I like to think cheap but still good.

    Autumn Robinson
  4. “I know cheap liquor when I taste it,” Matt said with a grimace, slamming the glass down on the counter in front of him. “Got anything real on those shelves behind you, sweetheart?”

    The bartender rolled her eyes, then grabbed the glass and splashed the remaining contents in his face. “First off, you got what you paid for. Second? Don’t call me sweetheart.”

    AJ Kenobi
  5. It was a cheap hat, but it had a certain style about it that made her wear it every chance she got.

  6. go is to go to the website and find anything that you like

    Huangchen Qi
  7. i like cheap groceries and i cannot lie
    You other brothers can’t deny
    when those shelves fill up with 80 cent chips
    and 60 cent dips
    you get sprung

  8. No one with a clean heart and clear understanding would give someone anything that is cheap and worthless.

    victor walkes