
September 23rd, 2009 | 469 Entries

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469 Entries for “check”

  1. Check under the bed before you get in it. Check inside the wardrobe before you turn off the light. Check to see if you have your keys. Check to see that you have your purse. Check yourself in the mirror before you walk out of the door. Check that you’ve got spare knickers for your three-year-old.

  2. check yourself

  3. looking over to see if everything ok..all systems go…a ok….to see about

  4. I feel I need to check in with my emotions today. Feeling sad, check, Feeling angry, check. Feeling lousy, check. Feeling hungry, no, Feel

    Chris G
  5. always check up on your work before you send it out, or put it in for marking. It is so easy to miss the misspelt word or the lack of a space or the poor punctualtion. An A could be lost to a b+ because of it. Take care everything must be checked. I check all the doors and windows at night too.

  6. i check my homework before i submit it….i check everything is turned off before i get off from my house.i check everything carefully to avoid mistakes.i check on my friends everytime i free

  7. check to see if you’ve got your bag before you leave the house. Check for your passport. Get your passsport checked at the airport. Checkmate. Keep looking around the house – check if everything’s turned off. Check,ermm

  8. I hope my check comes in the mail I have to check if it is right and if it will cover the amount I need for my bills. I wonder if they will check my teeth closely when I go to the dentist. This is pretty fun I have to say.

  9. This man would like a porcupine steak, that woman would like a whole shark, my brother is having the trough, and our manager will have the check.

  10. he finishes writing it and passes it to me with a smirk.
    “i hope you use this to your advantage,” he says as i grasp the cool sheet between my fingers.
    i finally have the power that comes with extreme money.

  11. check. got it. check. check. absolutely. check. moving on. what’s next? check. check. done. checking it off. my life in one word. simple. elegant. complete. check.

  12. Check, please! Where’s my hat? I have to get out of here. There are too many places to go and too many things to do than sit here looking at this mess.

    Verna Williams/
  13. I looked straight ahead of me. Of course, nothing strange is going on. I mean, come -on-. A security guard at a children’s playplace? What, are people going to steal the balls from the ball pit or something? I laughed. I almost didn’t need to check if anything was going on, just be there for my pay at the end of the week.

  14. I had to check that I was still here. I patted my self as I lay there. I had vague recollections of being scared, a strange smell…blood. I almost didn’t dare open my eyes.

    Sarah Crowther
  15. checks and balances are important for society…and then ya have to pay the bill…checkers is a great game..check off the things on the list, like figuring out what to write about the word check,,hockey maybe…don’t they check each other?…hmmmm…write a check? I wish I could write a check for a million dollars

  16. I need to order more checks. I’m almost out. I really don’t write checks anymore, so it has taken over a year to go through just one booklet. I’m more of an online gal now.

  17. Check please! she screamed far too loudly , but she did not notice as she was harried to get the ehll out of Dodge. Her heart leapt when she looked up from her tomataoe soup and saw him in the corner … was he glaring at her? regardless the air in the room evaoprated and she had to leave or she knew she would die.

  18. checkout the new make up that girl is wearing.
    checkout that new car, it so beautiful
    check the water is it boiling
    check the

  19. I would like to think about the checks and averages of the laws of nature. Do they happen naturally or the checks and averages of the laws of nature happen because of man made rules and observ

    Linda Fedrow
  20. checkout girl wearing check uniform checks large denomination note and checks progress of red faced customer checking account

  21. check this out just make sure at least 50 times the doors locked gimme the check I’ll just settle up gotta check the speed on this bike she checked in her tracks

  22. i had to check my phone to see if my mother had texted me back but when i checked my phone my guy @friend@ check had texted me. i was thrilled
    i like check coz he is well fit indeedio
    i wish he was my husband…
    one day he will be

  23. Susan had to check if her passprt was there. She knew it was. She’d already checked it five times, but she couldn’t help it. It was like a burning something to check again. She put her hand down to check it was there. It wasn’t. Where was it?

  24. Stop writing. Flip the page over. Check your words. Check them twice. Check them thrice. Correct your mistakes. Hand your paper in.

    Somehow it never works out for me. It’s frustrating, really, but well, that’s life for you. I wish I had something that would stop me being so careless. Sigh… oh well.

    Hand it in.

  25. tick.

    your life. is littered with mistakes.
    check it.

  26. The pen glided over the lines, sketching out the name, the date, the prodigious number. He surveyed the amount as though he were appraising a Renaissance painting. Pay To The Order Of sounded like he was sending the money to a bunch of monks. Then he whipped his signature down at the bottom and wrote in the memo For The Vultures.

    Brian Slusher
  27. You should go check yourself first before judging others, you know.

  28. Check,
    Rooks and knights,
    Bishops and pawns,
    Black squares and white,
    White squares and black,
    King and queen,

    Semper (addicted)
  29. Move your pawn- remember, white comes first- and wait.

    Wait. A knight, then another pawn.

    A rook. A pawn. A bishop. Another pawn.

    Wait for it- move your queen- and-


  30. It’s important to check things twice. If you don’t, things might go wrong, objects might get broken, people might get hurt. Maybe killed. Check you have your housekeys, check you have your phone, check you have your money.
    Or maybe you just shouldn’t check ’em at all, just go with life the way it is.

  31. we’re still looking for him

    Check under the bed

    he won’t be there

    yes, look

    Found you!

    He’s not reacting

    Kick him

    OMG! he died during a game of hide and seek

  32. checking account balance was at zero when i walked out of the bank. Tears feel from my eyes as i thought of the weeks ahead. What was i going to do i asked myself not knowing how to answer or comfort.

  33. Check yourself before you go through that door, I heard him say. You need to check that there’s nothing bad behind it.

    Bad? What could be so bad behind that thick mahogany door?

    I held the doorknob and took a deep breath. Screw checking.

  34. Every night I must check the door and all the windows are locked because we don’t want any silly people getting in do we………….

    Nancy Carter
  35. “Check around back and call for a tac team.” “Check.” “Check back here in five.” “Check… Jack, wait a minute. Check what you’re doing.” “Check for yourself. I am interrogating a known–” “Jack, he can’t tell you anything if he checks out.” “He won’t check out.” “Jack–” “You knew what you were checking into. If you can’t stay in check, you should check out right now.” “But Jack, check it: this show checked out two seasons ago.” “You think so huh?” “Jacccck–” “Check this. If you have checked my record then you know that I have done everything possible to do the job that has been asked of me, and if at times I have had to check my conscience when that became necessary, then that is because I felt that I had to do so to protect the people of the country I serve; what I do, I do for them; not for someone writing a check.” “Check… check the rules, Jack.” “The rules are: stay in check or I will check you off, do I make myself clear?” “Check, Jack, check, you win, checkmate”

  36. i get the check, it is stuffy. I check my wallet, no money. I am nothing. I have value, but no physical attributes, they call me the blank check. I go a look at the waitress, she turns aroound catches checking out he ass.

  37. balance, it’s always about trying to find that balance. to check and balance, is to check the balance. how bizarre is that? you need to be able to balance everything and anything that is your life…but you need to be able to check it as well, an accountability perse. To find the balance and to check it is life.

  38. This text is so small I can hardly read it. Maybe I should CHECK my display configuration and browser settings.

  39. check me out as i write about the word check and i will be sure not to check back and correct my self cause im too busy writing about check. dang these 60 seconds seems long. interesting how to write about the word check…was that the write word to

  40. I can check out my wardworbe..I see beautiful colours, lovely fabrics. I see myself wearing a dress which suits my personality. however my weight doesnot allow me to do so..I will keep a check on my weight now.
