
September 23rd, 2009 | 469 Entries

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469 Entries for “check”

  1. Check me out. check mate. I want that check please, it’s not enough to eat. I just came from the Fleming’s Steakhouse and had many appetizers and many drinks, and I still had to eat two corndogs when I got home. Why am I so Hungry?

    Erica Badu
  2. make sure I’m still breathing…

    Josh Miller
  3. The check was finally here. Mom jumped with jy and ran to her room. I just stood there my clothes in rags, my shoes holey… I bit my lip as she ran out, her normal skanky garb on and ran out the door.

  4. check mark the green mark that begs to be written in gold on the various tabs of life. those lost souls searching for reality amidst clouds of glooms stars. how lost they feel, with nothing to guide them but a simple green mark.

  5. “15% discount for cash or check!” screaming lipstick red font from the otherwise dignified earth toned spa web page. “Somebody doesn’t like paying their credit card fees. Or maybe their taxes…”, she mused.

  6. I submit it but I don’t know what it means to submit it. I wrote one out for my mom once and messed up on some of the digits. She didn’t get mad but she didn’t let me write one out again. She did it herself. I want to check my reflection in the mirror sometimes but I don’t have a mirror. My dorm room is small. And anyway, I’d break it.

  7. There was a check coming in the mail. Of that, Lydia was certain. She didn’t know for how much, or who it was from. All she knew was that it was her payment for her next job. Lydia never did the job before the payment arrived, and the last employer who had tried to maker her do so found himself paying for a double murder.

    Katie S.
  8. Check…check yourself, check out things in life, and life itself is a series of checks and balances therefore to check is to attempt to balance that which one encounters, be it one’s life , career, family, one’s energy level/endurance. I once told a homeless man sleeping at a bus stop that I was only there to give him a welfare check… instantly his eyes lit up and we both realized the double meaning of what I had said. His response: “you know I could use one of those”. We laughed, he got up and I departed.

    eddie nelson
  9. The millionaire flashed me a brilliant smile and gracefully wrote his signature on a check. He slid it across the table to me, with the dollar amount still blank.

    “You name the price,” he said.

    That was when I knew I had him.

  10. I do not like to balance my check book. The word check strikes fear into my financial life…If there are still checks I still have money right? No? Hmmm….who knew?

    Let’s check it out. Check on me. Check on you.

  11. Check…check yourself, check out things in life, and life itself is a series of checks and balances therefore to check is to attempt to balance that which one encounters, be it one’s life , career, family, one’s energy level/endurance.

    eddie nelson
  12. She reached into her bag to check if she had her keys. Fumbling through the contents, she became more and more distressed as she couldn’t locate them. “Fuck” she exclaimed loudly, much to to distress of an elderly woman walking by. “Where the fuck are they? – I had them this morning”. Tears started to spring to her eyes …

  13. the mail
    your life
    it’s here
    here you go
    hope this covers it
    time to go

  14. money big money lottery powerball or hoosier lottery I would love to get a big check from the Hoosier Lottery. I would love to win the lottery. We won’t have to write checks in the future. Checks are a hassel.
  15. Checks and balances. Where have they gotten us? Proposed by Madison and imbued with Montesquieu’s principles, checks and balances have evolved beyond imagination in today’s political environment. There was that Federalist contention of the elastic clause, which has so much strengthened our central government… Was it for good or for worse?

  16. Checkbook. I didn’t have my checkbook the day I went to fix my bank so I couldn’t do anything. I had to go back the following day alone to deposit money, then go back the next day again alone to talk to them about the overdraft fees. Thankfully, they took them off and my bank account is positive again. Apparrently they also changed policies in May and my account was costing money per month so now they changed it to a student account so it’s free.

  17. checkity check yo self before you wreckity wreck yo self

  18. alook askance sideways just to be sure, notice a promisemade note drawn out insilence

  19. Check yourself. At every point in a person’s life we are required to look back and see who we are, what we are, what we are doing. We need to “check ourselves” to make sure that we are who we want to be, someone who can be respected.

  20. I wrote the check, carefully making sure that the amounts were correct, and handed it to him.
    “Thanks for coming,” I muttered under my breath, embarrassed. He smiled at me and plucked it out of my fingers.
    “Anytime, doll.” His smile was coy and dangerous.

    Rhane Yarbrough
  21. when i get a check on my home work inunless it is f ror a bad thing that i am upset i hate when i am sick a nd oooh this is cool i wonder what happens at the end do you get a check hum la la la i love music

  22. Check yourself. Check to make sure everything is okay, or what’s wrong. Check means you’re correct, or need to be corrected. Check your vital signs. Check the time of death. Check how long it took to revive. Check…. Write a check, receive a check, spend a check, lose a check…

    Lucy Saintcyr
  23. Money. I wish that my life wasn’t controlled by it so much. Although this is the land of opportunity, it really binds you to a certain way of life and bars you from opportunity. But I remain optimistic. I am so much stronger and better than a CHECK.

  24. check books are hard to balance. not really. if yur smart they aren’t hard to do. I need to write a check this week, but i have no check book. how can i send a check when i don’t have one. wtf? the early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese

    Pablo Escobar
  25. a check came into the mail with someone’s name i did not recognize. who did it belong to? the envelope was made out to me, but the check was made out to some mysterious man. the check was also made out in 1000$. who could this be?

    Monica Webb
  26. I use my check book as an address book and notebook because I think they are for grandmas….

    sara g
  27. Swipe the card. Hold the breath.

    Declined. Declined. Declined.

    Such a dirty word.

    All that glitters is not cash, she thinks, and looks distastefully at the shiny, hateful foolsgold she has in her hand. Declined. A dirty word – but not dirty enough. The rage is in her eyes.

  28. check yourself girl, you got a cammel toe

  29. And he’ll ring the doorbell and she’ll already be holding her breath. And he knows her enough that he will be able to tell she’s sewn a new beauty onto her skin, and she doesn’t have much clear left; and she won’t have to check his smile to know he’s readywaitingraringtogo. And then they’re off, and she doesn’t need that new tattoo to bring a sparkle to her eye.

  30. All the time I kept repeating myself until the tought crossed my mind. I had enough money for another one last pint and then the check.

  31. okay, let’s see I got all my bags packed, food packed, sleeping bag, spare clothes, ax, headlamp and stove, check, got it. Now let’s have an adventure and get it ON!

  32. The check came, i took a look at it. 32.23 the number, always continuing to follow me. everywhere. go away! i took the check in my hand and i crumpled it, so much for trying to pay for all the things i buy. i stand and i speed out the door, not knowing where my feet will take me next.

  33. I don’t use checking anymore. Computers have taken over the check. As have the debit and Credit card. My mom used to use checks to pay at the grocery store but those days are over

  34. chckbooks, balancing our budgets daily. Also keeping in check our own spending power. Or is it? Maybe it just double checks our judgement after we’ve done what we do.

    Check back check book, check back all the check backs dog.

    Bark with me if you’re my dog. Yes, yes bark, excellet.

    David Harper
  35. you check yourself out in the mirror
    in leopard print bra, rolled down dress
    lipstick curlers on the phone to your boyfriend
    loudly talking, and a g-string!

    but i think its funny and i like you

  36. Check.


    Why do those two words just seem to flow together for me? It’s not because of balancing my checkbook, no.

    I think it’s from all the times I’ve read the “check balance” option when logging my drawer at work.

    Yes, that must be it.

  37. ive been checking the time since i cant even rememer when

  38. When I got home he was there, sitting at my coffee table, leafing through a book of Frank Lloyd Wright photographs.
    “It’s time,” he said, handing me an envelope, “You’ll get the rest when it’s done.”
    I looked at the envelope. $500,000, the check said. I went to the closet and got my effects.

  39. i really don’t like writing checks, but then again I do. I like knowing where my money is going. I also feel important when I can look over my records and use my signature. I also like checking over homework, since I’m going to be a teacher that’s pretty sweet……

  40. check into it check it out watching the sunset swiftly on this overly warm new fall day
