I don’t use checks. My mom always thought it was bad to do, I don’t know why.. she uses checks all the time. I threw away my checkbook. or burned it. I can’t really remember I just know I no longer have them. Is that bad?
I have to check on my dogs to make sure they don’t pee in the house.
You go to your favorite restaurant with your significant other and have a great meal. Not thinking much about it, you order everything you can. Then, when the check comes, you look and
I have two checkbooks going at the same time. I’m far too lazy to keep track of which one I’m currently using, and far too unorganized to know their locations. So it was interesting one day when my roommate thought I was on my like 100th check. Suddenly, her apparently miserly roommate was a blatant spendthrift…
i think it bounced but i will look into it. OK no problem all is ok lets get our bill and go. LEAVE A TIP
money, tests, double checking, math, making sure you are co
cashing checks is the best feeling in the world, just as sex would be, but I have no clue about those things so ill get off the topic, I think I would be happier if I had mmore money, but then I can always reflect on the fact that money doesn’t buy happiness but I really don’t believe that, I think I should be concentrating on other things in life rather than trying to get money all the time, but I gotta hve my cigarettes.
checks and balances. i want to get paid today instead of in two weeks. i check to see if the coffee pot is turned off. or if it needs to be filled again. checks. i dunno. i check out people’s butts when they pass me by. i think i check people out more than i realize. this is a weird website.
Check, check, double check. I’m not obsessive, even though you keep telling me you think I am. I’m just attentive to detail, that’s all.
I picked up the last remaining white knight, grasping it between two confident fingers – up two, over one, replacing a dark bishop. I knew that I had this win in the bag. “Check,” I smirked, but my face fell once the final move was made…a black rook across four squares in my blind spot. “Checkmate.”
check my Czech republican mad hatter you know what I mean? if not, check it!!!!!!!!! yeah buddy. thats all folks
i hat e them the sy suuck all the ink and the crap its annoying you have money yet you have to write a little piece of paper saying where it goes to, what the fuck ever happend to that thing called cash just give it to a bitch and get yoru dick sucked, then theres a check mark and there so gay but you can tell if some one is lefte or right handed by them wich is kinda cool.
We bounced a check and my heart bounced along with it. Oh what a horrible feeling. Thank you kind bank lady. Fees reversed!
I checked the mail as I do everyday around 2. I walked across the freshly cut green grass and approached the mailbox. The red handle on the side was chipped and I could see that the hard plastic of the box was weathered. It had been through all four seasons, enduring the worst of weather and often, physical abuse from passer-bys and poor drivers.
J Peezy
the check was blank. I looked at it and my life pell apart. What was i going to do? I just wanted to be free, I left my life and home to try and make it. I failed miserably. Now with no money, job, home, friends, I have to beg for a life…
Beau W.
I like to check guys out. Even if they aren’t initially attractive. Theres always something to check out.
Check books suck. I can never figure them out, not because im incapable… because i’m lazy.
Chech republic
I’m hot and sweaty right now and need a shower
I didnt check to see if you were married when you walked down the street and into my life. You beautiful, fucking stranger you.
bank yeah i dont know write me a check lol what else can i say check me into the hotel i cant type for a minute about a check check lol
check me out
When i go out at night to check out the chicks i slowly slip into a lifless drone that simply lets his penis do all of the thinking, and i dont wake up until im at home with her
“Check please” she calls to the passing waiter. He looks back and makes a face.
“Er, just mine that is” she repeats glancing at the crowded and loud table. The waiter huffs and walks away and she grins sheepishly across the table to the smirking boy.
“Guess he doesn’t like us.” He grins.
“I don’t really like us either.”
i hate writing checks it means that i am losing money somehow. but i do love getting checks, they look so official with my name on the line. checks are old fashioned i feel but very handy when you have to send in your car payment to another state.
The baggage check area was always crowded, full of red-eye passengers who weren’t in the mood to be in the mood for anything. Naturally, my suitcase would spring open in the middle of such a crowd, spewing underthings and clothes as unceremoniously as if it was projectile vomit from the mouth of a seven-year old.
Check makes me think of money right now. Probably because I just recieved one in the mail. And I really needed the money. I am glad i recieved that check in the mail. It kinda makes me think about my personal checks in my purse.
A form of payment, to look at or examine, to test, to make sure of, a box, a tally, a count, homophone to a description of nationality. Czech women are pretty. Never been to czechslovakia
The word check can mean to things. It can be like.. is this a check mark? Like the nike sign! Or it can mean… i’m gonna check on you… which means i’m gonna watch you and see if you’re doing things right! It can also mean the whole passing of money through a check. You have to sign your checks! Don’t forget that!!!!
the thing you use to pay for objects in life that don’t really matter. when you just to look view something for a moment.
ommg what do i write im not sure.. what am i thinking? im thinking of someone and how awkward eveything will be but i just have a connection with him. wierd. uugh!! but all i know it that i just want to be around him in his arms. :\
i have these, i use these. I love these. they give me a chance to spend what i worked hard for. Something i earned, can be used to write on these. IF not, i check off my list. My list has check marks. i use them.
I’m too young to write checks for the most part, but it’s always nice to get one as a present. I had a bank account once, but a crazy friend of mine used my card without my consent and then my dad took my account away because the friend charged like 20 bucks on it. It was terrible.
in life, from time to time. we all need to be aware of what surrounds us. whether it be our peers, our enviornment, or our minds. appreciate what you have and what you are given.
envy is ignorance, imitation is suicide.
Chekc the laundry. Check for herpes. CHECK on top of that cereal box. CHECK MARK. Check your paper. checkitty check check. checks are for bored people. much like this site. check? check!!! sideways check 7
blank check! oh the possibilities. the power! i dont wanna be smart i want to vacation, i want to travel. keri, it’s me, we can go on our trip, my treat! when are we staying til? doesn’t matter, whenever we want! pack your bags and get to texas friend :) hooray.
ashleigh Bulls
I have plenty of checks in my checkbook; but no money. If only I could write a good check for $1000 cash. That would be great news. Wow! !Wow great news
I have to check.
Check I’m still alive.
Check I have 10 fingers. Ten Toes.
Check I can still breathe.
Every morning I check that I still exist, phisically anyway.
Cause if I don’t .. I tend to think I’m invisible.
go check out the great food in the diner I love it when I get a check from work.
Would you please double check it again?
check yuor spelling beffore yuo cilck sumbit
check to see your still breathing. Yes.
Are your wrinkles getting you down to day miss merry? We water your roses with mountain water and read the newspaper. We watch the television and the dark. And we sleep. Sometimes we sleep…
I checked my back as I left the area, and checked my pockets and checked my feet. I didn’t want a “kick me” sign or a lizard slipped into my pocket or toilet paper on the bottom of my shoe. I just wanted to be able to go somewhere without being a total nerd.
I don’t use checks. My mom always thought it was bad to do, I don’t know why.. she uses checks all the time. I threw away my checkbook. or burned it. I can’t really remember I just know I no longer have them. Is that bad?
I have to check on my dogs to make sure they don’t pee in the house.
You go to your favorite restaurant with your significant other and have a great meal. Not thinking much about it, you order everything you can. Then, when the check comes, you look and
I have two checkbooks going at the same time. I’m far too lazy to keep track of which one I’m currently using, and far too unorganized to know their locations. So it was interesting one day when my roommate thought I was on my like 100th check. Suddenly, her apparently miserly roommate was a blatant spendthrift…
i think it bounced but i will look into it. OK no problem all is ok lets get our bill and go. LEAVE A TIP
money, tests, double checking, math, making sure you are co
cashing checks is the best feeling in the world, just as sex would be, but I have no clue about those things so ill get off the topic, I think I would be happier if I had mmore money, but then I can always reflect on the fact that money doesn’t buy happiness but I really don’t believe that, I think I should be concentrating on other things in life rather than trying to get money all the time, but I gotta hve my cigarettes.
checks and balances. i want to get paid today instead of in two weeks. i check to see if the coffee pot is turned off. or if it needs to be filled again. checks. i dunno. i check out people’s butts when they pass me by. i think i check people out more than i realize. this is a weird website.
Check, check, double check. I’m not obsessive, even though you keep telling me you think I am. I’m just attentive to detail, that’s all.
I picked up the last remaining white knight, grasping it between two confident fingers – up two, over one, replacing a dark bishop. I knew that I had this win in the bag. “Check,” I smirked, but my face fell once the final move was made…a black rook across four squares in my blind spot. “Checkmate.”
check my Czech republican mad hatter you know what I mean? if not, check it!!!!!!!!! yeah buddy. thats all folks
i hat e them the sy suuck all the ink and the crap its annoying you have money yet you have to write a little piece of paper saying where it goes to, what the fuck ever happend to that thing called cash just give it to a bitch and get yoru dick sucked, then theres a check mark and there so gay but you can tell if some one is lefte or right handed by them wich is kinda cool.
We bounced a check and my heart bounced along with it. Oh what a horrible feeling. Thank you kind bank lady. Fees reversed!
I checked the mail as I do everyday around 2. I walked across the freshly cut green grass and approached the mailbox. The red handle on the side was chipped and I could see that the hard plastic of the box was weathered. It had been through all four seasons, enduring the worst of weather and often, physical abuse from passer-bys and poor drivers.
the check was blank. I looked at it and my life pell apart. What was i going to do? I just wanted to be free, I left my life and home to try and make it. I failed miserably. Now with no money, job, home, friends, I have to beg for a life…
I like to check guys out. Even if they aren’t initially attractive. Theres always something to check out.
Check books suck. I can never figure them out, not because im incapable… because i’m lazy.
Chech republic
I’m hot and sweaty right now and need a shower
I didnt check to see if you were married when you walked down the street and into my life. You beautiful, fucking stranger you.
bank yeah i dont know write me a check lol what else can i say check me into the hotel i cant type for a minute about a check check lol
check me out
When i go out at night to check out the chicks i slowly slip into a lifless drone that simply lets his penis do all of the thinking, and i dont wake up until im at home with her
“Check please” she calls to the passing waiter. He looks back and makes a face.
“Er, just mine that is” she repeats glancing at the crowded and loud table. The waiter huffs and walks away and she grins sheepishly across the table to the smirking boy.
“Guess he doesn’t like us.” He grins.
“I don’t really like us either.”
i hate writing checks it means that i am losing money somehow. but i do love getting checks, they look so official with my name on the line. checks are old fashioned i feel but very handy when you have to send in your car payment to another state.
The baggage check area was always crowded, full of red-eye passengers who weren’t in the mood to be in the mood for anything. Naturally, my suitcase would spring open in the middle of such a crowd, spewing underthings and clothes as unceremoniously as if it was projectile vomit from the mouth of a seven-year old.
Check makes me think of money right now. Probably because I just recieved one in the mail. And I really needed the money. I am glad i recieved that check in the mail. It kinda makes me think about my personal checks in my purse.
A form of payment, to look at or examine, to test, to make sure of, a box, a tally, a count, homophone to a description of nationality. Czech women are pretty. Never been to czechslovakia
The word check can mean to things. It can be like.. is this a check mark? Like the nike sign! Or it can mean… i’m gonna check on you… which means i’m gonna watch you and see if you’re doing things right! It can also mean the whole passing of money through a check. You have to sign your checks! Don’t forget that!!!!
the thing you use to pay for objects in life that don’t really matter. when you just to look view something for a moment.
ommg what do i write im not sure.. what am i thinking? im thinking of someone and how awkward eveything will be but i just have a connection with him. wierd. uugh!! but all i know it that i just want to be around him in his arms. :\
i have these, i use these. I love these. they give me a chance to spend what i worked hard for. Something i earned, can be used to write on these. IF not, i check off my list. My list has check marks. i use them.
I’m too young to write checks for the most part, but it’s always nice to get one as a present. I had a bank account once, but a crazy friend of mine used my card without my consent and then my dad took my account away because the friend charged like 20 bucks on it. It was terrible.
in life, from time to time. we all need to be aware of what surrounds us. whether it be our peers, our enviornment, or our minds. appreciate what you have and what you are given.
envy is ignorance, imitation is suicide.
Chekc the laundry. Check for herpes. CHECK on top of that cereal box. CHECK MARK. Check your paper. checkitty check check. checks are for bored people. much like this site. check? check!!! sideways check 7
blank check! oh the possibilities. the power! i dont wanna be smart i want to vacation, i want to travel. keri, it’s me, we can go on our trip, my treat! when are we staying til? doesn’t matter, whenever we want! pack your bags and get to texas friend :) hooray.
I have plenty of checks in my checkbook; but no money. If only I could write a good check for $1000 cash. That would be great news. Wow! !Wow great news
I have to check.
Check I’m still alive.
Check I have 10 fingers. Ten Toes.
Check I can still breathe.
Every morning I check that I still exist, phisically anyway.
Cause if I don’t .. I tend to think I’m invisible.
go check out the great food in the diner I love it when I get a check from work.
Would you please double check it again?
check yuor spelling beffore yuo cilck sumbit
check to see your still breathing. Yes.
Are your wrinkles getting you down to day miss merry? We water your roses with mountain water and read the newspaper. We watch the television and the dark. And we sleep. Sometimes we sleep…
I checked my back as I left the area, and checked my pockets and checked my feet. I didn’t want a “kick me” sign or a lizard slipped into my pocket or toilet paper on the bottom of my shoe. I just wanted to be able to go somewhere without being a total nerd.