
December 23rd, 2008 | 109 Entries

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109 Entries for “circles”

  1. I have blown many bubbles over the past year.
    I remember blowing them at my apartment backyard, which was very fun. Good times.

  2. Circles are round and infinite, they are circular and fun. If you walk a circle to the end expect the endeavour to kill you my friend such a deed would surely be your end.

  3. round and sometimes fully packed, circles are one of the three primary forms. Without them, we wouldn’t have the wheel, a compass, a globe or Oreo cookies. I like circles as they always bring you back where you started.

    dion Morris

    Some guy.
  5. i swear to god, life is just one large circle.
    and endless cycle, if you will.
    don’t waste time, just go with it.
    you’ll end up in the same place again.
    it’s a circle, i tell you.
    a huge, rounded circle.
    similar to the earth, if you think about it.
    everyone and everything is connected by this circle.

    anna christine
  6. circles, running in circles
    life without living is a line
    our lives come back full circle,
    everything we start has an end no fissures, no breaks, always around

  7. round and round they go, like a merry go round, almost. I see pepperoni, pupils, even the earth. A vicious circle, this is what life is called. You try and you fail, you live and you die. Circles and dots and squares and triangles. But a circle, its forever. Better than a heart, it goes on forever. Always choose the circle.

    kassie drews
  8. Circles go round and round i never find the end endless circular gettin glost in the circle no longer have direction constantly moving creating ruts grooves which only increase the liklehood of the circle continuing… vicious circles…

    Mary Ellen
  9. Circles are an endless track running. You can follow them and end in the same place you started. The same way my mind seems to work. I tend to trace over the circles of my thoughts over and over until they are worn deep within my mind and there is no way to find an exit I just follow the same path. No matter how much I try to change it I am still runing in the exact same circle, the circle of my life.

  10. circles in the carpet were left for days after we moved out the furniture. It was as if aliens had visited to the mr. and mrs. mouse, the ones who harvested our crumbs for so many years. They were at a loss when the mountains disappeared and the crop circles emerged. Shortly afterward they couldn’t find any more sustenance and moved away.
    In our new apartment there weren’t any mice, but there was plenty of dust.

    ellen yates
  11. circles are incredibly odd, liek sometimes i think they’re squares, or triangles or eyes or heads or balls… but theyre just a shape… ionn owhat to say… circles aren’t quite shapes either… they are the only “shape” without sides… funny thing really… circles… we see them everywhere… the sun is a circle… the earth… our eyes… our ahhh… im stopping…. almost the end of my 60 seconds… countdown.!!!!

    Robb Scott
  12. round circles spinning pretty making wheels world one whole everyone is beautiful and happy all connected everlasting ring of fire promise and promises borken but life is full of happy surprises

  13. Circles… that’s a good song.
    By Hollywood Undead.
    But that one that has to do with circles that Love And Theft performed at the Taylor Swift concert was really spiffy too.
    Which just shows my diverse music tastes.
    Kind of interesting, isn’t it?
    Just a couple years ago, I wouldn’t listen to anything but country.

    J. Delpiere
  14. those i see are round. perfect. flawless.

    but mine wasn’t. mine’s skewd, dented and, in every way it can be, imperfect.

    but that’s me. that’s how you can find me. the one that doesn’t fit in. see me now?

  15. Life is a circle o faith and reward. Continuos and free-flowing, a remeberance should always follow a birth. COnsider that your mind is able to only develop thoughts from within a certain circle of understanding? What is on the outside of the circle?

    Imagine that outside is another circle of thought that

    Francis Walsh
  16. the circle of life is a never ending loop. it brings happiness and pain, all on one rotation. anguish, love, good luck, bad luck. it all happens withing one turn of the wheel we call the circle of life. things die, and other things are brought by that death.

    kathryn aguilar.
  17. I see the circles everywhere I go. It’s something I can’t escape. Why won’t they leave me? I seem to be walking in them too. All around me, things come together, come full circle. Everything has a purpose, a reason, a meaning. It all makes sense and yet, confuses me all at the same time. Circles should be easier than this. Much easier.

  18. My whole life I’m walking in circles.
    I accomplish nothing.
    I apologize for the things I don’t do or shouldn’t apologize for.
    Then someone takes advantage of it.
    And then my whole life fucks up.
    What a vicious cycle.

    Chelsie Bryant
  19. Circles can be amazing in art. Take the sun and the moon for example. They are both circles and are periodically written about. Though some people don’t believe in perfect circles, I alwys will.

    Freancesca Whatley
  20. circles are things
    they don’t end they don’t begin
    they go on forever and ever
    they don’t hurt me
    not like he hurts me
    they smooth and painless
    and never ending
    but never starting
    they confuse me
    and they make me feel complete at the same time
    they’re round
    and i like that.

    Andrea Zhang
  21. so round and juicy waiting for me to devour them. Why do they tease me with all their colors and promises of delicious flavors in my mouth? How can I resist such a delightful sweet? Oh, my will will be broken soon.

  22. there are circles everywhere. andrew has circle sheets on his bed. its stupid how much i good miss someone who did something so mean. i love that boy. i really do. and i hope one day he’ll finally realize that im here. and listen to me when i tell him its right for us to be together. yep. thats it.

    sam p
  23. EVERYTHING goes in circles.
    life, love, success.
    i want to get to the beginning of my circle so i can always stay ahead.

    josh kosh
  24. as we hugged he rubbed circles on my back. sadly, there was smoke else I’d rather haves I timately hugged instead. he has foremosn me. when will I be able to feel someone that wants tone mine forever?
    there will never be someone in the world for me. because the one that WAS for me. is dead.

  25. round and round is niether up or down but the angle is forever the challenge. To stand abreast is now and forever a matter of personal frustration but always the choice of my banal existance.

    jim M
  26. i remember when i went to disneyland i went on these cool ass teacup thingies when i was 8. i spent like all day on them they went around i circles and it was freaking awesome. donkey kong. circles also remind me of boobies, and the roundabouts in cambridge that we drove through. theres lots of roundabouts in davis and even some in my neighborhood. circles have no edges. i

  27. round and round in circles i go. it’s never ending it seems, just me going around and around. i never get anywhere, never. i’m stuck in a rut that leads me all over and then leaves me at the start. i try to finish but it doesn’t work, just over and over and over again.

  28. They were always going in circles. Noticing, arguing, making up – rinse and repeat. Sometimes he thought he should be bored with it, but then he realized, now that he was away from the house – her – that it was better than his straightforward, adventuring life.

  29. circles like squares like triangles like rectangles.

  30. Circles are everywhere. In the sky, in my hair. Curly, nappy, circles. I don’t know why we don’t see everything as connected and spherical. They’re not the easiest shape to create – neither by drawing or architecturally. But they’re beautiful and make so much sense when you see them, drawing on the abstractness we know within us.

  31. Circles.
    You’re spinning me in circles.
    Ohhhh that skinny blonde girl.
    Something about the ages…
    I failed College Algebra, again.

  32. I run circles around the earth
    and the earth runs circles around the sun
    and the sun is in me
    deep rooted and seeded
    i feel the light
    i breathe the light

    i hope someday people are happy
    i wish i could love myself instead of lose myself in the land of pretend

  33. circles never stop. they mean so much more than what they are- you get stuck in a circle, lost in a circle – – you will just keep finding yourself. generally circles are bad, but also show such a sign of unity and fairness. a circle table, a circular personality. balanced. equal in all aspects. a pretty diverse shape, for one with no edges :D.

    andy. lol.
  34. Are actually very round things. The don`t have an end or an beginning. The Number phi ist very improtenat to circles. Yeah, and did you notice they are rond?
    Oh, damn, I see…. I`m talking in circles

  35. vicious circles of era will capture the fragile souls like a trap on the way home. may be we are going the wrong direction and circles are our friends.

  36. Agatha sat, alone, in her bedroom. Around her, the typical porcelain dolls, and stuffed animals that her parents provided with the utmost love.

    Agatha didn’t care about meaningless materialistic items. She had no desire to comb the silken locks of a lifeless toy.

  37. Circles just keep going around and around and around and around, don’t they? You would think they would have the courtesy to end, you know, in a point or a corner or…you know, just an ending. But nooooooooo. Circles have to just keep going, like that guest who won’t leave a party and keeps eating all the chips and salsa.

    Matt Wilson
  38. Circles are some of the worst things in creation. They’re supposed to be representative of peace and tranquility, but all it shows is weakness. There are no angles. Some call it steadfast because it’s structurally sound. I call it defensive. No wars have been won defensively. That includes the war in yourself.

    J Nicholas G
  39. pie pie pie pie pie oh god i deserve nothing help me

    i failed

    kill me


  40. Beams of light
    Scientific fictional
    Raise from smoke
    To burn my heart away

    Those green circles you call irises
    Keep me chained to your gaze
