
March 3rd, 2009 | 445 Entries

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445 Entries for “classic”

  1. Something that makes me think that I’m not doing enough. I will never be classic, I will just enjoy the classic things.

  2. The world was in black and white. Women with curly locks danced with suave men. People where so lively, dancing to their records. But in the distance a speck of color, the future.

    Kelly s.
  3. Like, classics are awesome. Like the Sound of Music or Mary Poppins or That one Movie with the two lovers on the sinking ship. What was that called again? It was soooooo sappy. Gah. Heheheheheh.

  4. i know this girl named amy who is a know-it-all. she constantly corrects teachers. it was never thought of that amy is capable of liking boys but, she does. she has a crush on kyle. she fears they don’t have much in common because “he digs ditches, and she plays classical piano.”

  5. the mixtape. music erupts, as gears spin the black strands inside around. ive never figured out what those black strips are made of, or how they replay music. i never want to. its a classic piece of technology, and i hide in its mysteries.

  6. Classic cars lined the country lot, gathering dust in the summer heat. The old man strolled between them, tracing loving lines across their rusted hulls.

  7. classic is something that survives through antiquity and remains as brilliant as when it comes out (or more) in later years.

    Laurel Dearing
  8. It was classic how her hair hung loosely around her shoulders. Truly classic. But in a trashy way. The way alley bums have an air of mystique about them, this is the way her “classy” appeared. She didn’t mean to be bad. Not really. But she really wanted to eat the cod. Not the tripe. she wanted the cod. So she did. Like I said…..classy.

    April Trice
  9. legend of zelda is the most classic game of all time i love it and will never stop playing it because it is the best EVARRRRRRR. BUT IT NOW. now i say. now. go. hurry. STOP WAITING.


  10. Classic to me is classical music, such as the music written by Bach. This music is commonly played by orchestras, with instruments like the violin used to create the music.

  11. A lot of things are classic. Sometimes, classic things aren’t really classic because they can’t be classic until they’ve been around for a while. So really, nothing is classic. I mean, of course it’s classic now – but it wasn’t always classic. At one time, it was just plain and sucky. So classic things are really just old plain and sucky things. So basically, classic is just a word that makes plain and sucky things seem special when they’re really not. Don’t be fooled. Classic does not exist.

  12. chic and white, my coat with silky interior, snowy and warm in the bite of early March, marching with head held high, but humble all the same, Beethoven and Monet and the rest of the gang

  13. classic is a term undefined in my mind. it is nothing but something to be repeated later in time. everything is repeated even classics. there is no such thing.

  14. the word says it all. it can man a type of song or an expression of an event that should always be remembered. everything is classic in its own way.

    Eric Little
  15. Classic is the nice way of saying shit. Classic means old. Classic is out of date. Classic is what things should still be. Classic is the way the world used to be an enjoyable place.

  16. our story will become a classic. an epic tale of love and happiness that will withstand the test of time. or maybe not. either way, i’m happy to know you.

  17. Old things and the old things that begat them. Is it the best, is it preferred, what makes something classic? Is it a proven fact, or an old favorite? How can something so subjective be so universal?

    Rudy H
  18. classic. that asshole soccer coach said that like fifty times in one game. ugghh he was such a dick! then when he was a ref for us the next year he pretended to be wicked nice to nancy because he knew she’d bitch all over him again if he was a jerk. but he was still a bad ref. i got really mad that game and hit people. but i didn’t get in trouble hah

  19. ivory. beautiful women with clean lines and curves. audrey hepburn. black coffee and cigarettes. white gloves and black dresses. Italy. art…sculpture, painting, poetry: form. beautiful. beauty. breathtaking.

  20. The class I took last quarter was classics and it was terrible because there was no text book i really dont eeen get this is there a point to this? like is this tyoing speed or like a strem of consciousness tyo epfof thing and where is this going? like when is this over cuz i dont have time for this and 60 seconds is starting to seem like a long time. i dont reallt luke th

  21. oh everything ever ever. clothes movies music. I love classical music, especially claire de lune. one day, ipods and computers will be classic, replaced by who knows what.

    and they’ll study us in spielvogel and makes notes and outlines, never realizing the details of real human life, just that this was a decade of technology that’s no longer new, to them.

  22. its classic.
    its pure.
    unaffected by the public.
    never changing.

  23. Classic the beauty of something so well known that the world sees it as a standard. What makes a classic a classic? is it the trueness to it? is it the love behind it?

  24. I love the idea of a classic…something that never goes out of style. Classic clothes, such a mid thigh lengh swirly black wool lined skirt, can last a life time and always look good.

    Monica Flint
  25. I miss the classics.
    Those classic moments
    that sum up who we are;
    and who we’ve become thus far.
    Our classic moments are changing
    faster than I’m ready.
    And I run to catch up to my old classics.
    I haven’t stretched enough for this.

    Stephanie B
  26. A great joke, a defining moment, a good book. Simple things. Things that used to be good. Outmoded. Overpriced. Collectible.

  27. thinking back
    too old now to even remember clearly
    the horrors i
    once imagined

    now it all comes crawling
    and i cant stop it
    if i wanted to
    which i

  28. i am kinda bored. just been stumbling on websites. some stuff is funny and i have found thing most amusing such as the article

  29. Classic; Mozart. Beethoven. Coke in glass bottles. Those little moments that you’ll never forget. Love that actually means something. Black and white. God, I miss classic. Where did it ever go? The world seems like such a dismal place without it. Please, if you’re reading this, keep classic alive; even if only for a little while longer.

  30. Just classic. Great catchphrases.

  31. The car was a dream, a classic if ever I saw one. Cheverolet should be proud. Its sky blue exterior was only surpassed by the smooth, powerful lines speaking of a throaty engine beneath. Dreams were coming true as he opened the door to my new car.

  32. buttonholes stuffed with weeds, gentle scratches on my knees.

    christopher baron holdorf, honestly

    amy rose spiegel
  33. classic is a word I like movies, music and even hairdos are classic. I think michael jackson is classic his music life is over but he is still famous. He introduced the breakdance which is really classic now

  34. something that endures over time…little black dress, red roses and candlelit dinner…love, laughter…something that is classic is something that you can always count on…

    natalie nk
  35. something old that retains a charm that doesn’t dissapate for generations.

    Benjamin Quirk
  36. Classic? Really. What do I know about anything classic? Classic cars. What are they? I know very little about cars. Why is it that every conersation guys have turn towards cars at some point? I don’t understand it.

  37. Her lips were stained with crimson, her hair pulled back in dusty waves. She was beautiful, and timeless in her own little way. Her skin was the wrong color, her teeth were nowhere ot be seen, however,
    the picture frame on her daughters desk never left, even after she did.

  38. moods and cars the cliche moves through time bringing a sense of real and steady. Never changing and always the same reliable to be

    jj abram
  39. i hate a classic. a CLASSIC is something that hasn’t tried at all to be anything other than what everyone else would expect of it. It gets by just under the radar and is afraid to live, it lives vicariously through accessories.

  40. classic is anything that is timeless. anything that lasts forever and is good for future generations to come, something wwhose significance never fades and remains an achievement in human history.

    Alex Williams