Into the bathroom I place it into my hair, grabbing every strand. Frizzles, poofs, and booms. It is finally neat, in order.
A clip is a short piece of a video. A clip can perceive how we view a subject, but a clip cannot define the subject itself. Much like the media, clips draw attention to issues in existance rather than create them.
paper clips are tools.
Like a clip for your paper because u need a paper clip to put papers together and sometimes to keep your other stuff from falling apart and u can also use clip on ties if you are too damn lazy to wear a reall one and omg is this over yet i dont know what else to write about clips oh clip art is cool i guess
the clip caught the end of her blouse and flashed for an instance her milky white, almost transluscent skin
i have a clip
it likes to dip
as i eat my chip
im riding on a ship
omg omg omg what a clip
i hope i never sli[
I cannot clip my vowels. You know that. Dropping a consonant is fine, just don’t ask me to fake an accent. Passing myself off as someone else? Well I could. I could pretend I was you.
Cy Margucci
Video clips
old family memories
its good to go back to those times
I wish i had a time machine
becuase those day’s don’t exist anymore
life is so complicated
it has its twists and turns
I wanna be a kid again…the kid i see in the video clips.
clip what your shirt together, papers, the gun what is really goiong on here. Ive felt recently my wings have been clipped as a man living with fiances parents while times are hard i suddenly found myself with more rules and regulations than when i was living with my mother and her man at the time in high school we are getting a new car and moving out soon but until then i’m ready to show some motherfuckers the meaning of pain.
It’s rather weird that the word ‘clip’ means both detach AND fasten. Quite like an oxymoron, no? If you used it in a entence, like ‘I clipped the ropes,’ no one could really tell what you’re saying. It’d be cool to fool people, so one day I might put that in a book.
clip clap flap flip flop top tip trip stip stripped dripped drip
Snip. clip. Tendrils of his gorgeous curly hair fall to the floor. I try to be quiet as I stuff them in the ziploc bag. Security’s not too tight, but I don’t want any trouble.
He’s so amazing…the show was superb. And getting backstage? I’m still glowing from the experience! As I ease my way out of the dressing room and blend in with the crown backstage, some part of me uneasily notices that the drug stupor is lasting longer than I thought it would.
The potato-chip clip fell to the floor, startling Mr. Jones. He bent over and picked it up as the breaking news flashed on his 13″ t.v. that sat on the counter top: a high-speed chase was in pursuit. He stood there in silence. The helicopter camera zoomed up on the vehicle. For a brief few seconds they manage to get the driver’s face.
Mr. Jones felt his hands get clammy, and his skin felt cold. His heart raced. There on the screen was his mother. Yes, his mother! A full report was scrolling across saying that she had robbed a jewelry store.
Gouldin Lion
Clip, clip, clip. I snipped off the hair hanging off the edges of my doll’s ears. There was no way I could do the rest because it all seemed like a lot. Why not ask for more hair? Or more scissors? Well, the good part is that her hair looks fine now. No more dirty edges sticking out of her ears. Like a rabbit, really.
gangstarrs full clip is one of the greatest songs ever made. I love Premos beats and gurus voice.
My hair was tied together with a clip. It wasn’t an ordinary clip. It was a purple clip with hearts on it. The thing that made the clip most extraordinary were its powers. It was magical.
I use these when i blow dry my hair.
I use these when i blow dry my hair.
i saw the clip on the refrigerator with the photo, it was of better times, old times, it burned into my mind and I wondered where it had come from–who had put it there? Strange, abstract, smiling faces staring back at me, but still, there was a seriousness…
E.S. Lundgren
clips. holding hair back. holding papers together. holding. hands holding. people holding. together. stay together. don’t leave yet, just a little longer. stay together.
A hair clip. A ninja turtles hair clipped. Pinned to her black short crimped hair, holding it out of her face. In her blond long greasy hair, keeping it in her hat. The seniors. Gone next year, a freshman to sophomore. Three years until I’m in there place.
The clip-clop of hooves pulling a carriage sounded, signaling her husbands return. She wasn’t ready. Nothing was going to go right. Servants were out for the day and she didn’t want to move out of her bed to ring for any of them. She wasn’t even wearing a proper dress…
A. Bennett-David
The clip sat there. alone. until the tall one came. A pile of papers hit the table. There gleaming white shine a contrast against the metallic sheen of the clip. The clip gets opened, and in goes the paper.
i pulled a hairclip
out too fast
it got caught up
i had to ask
for help from friends
and if you’ll know
this ‘hairclip’ hurt me
but i let go.
I emptied the clip into his chest, then kicked him off the roof.
It was done. At last, the man I had been hunting for the last twelve years of my life was dead. I had avenged my family, accomplished my goal, and fulfilled my destiny.
And yet, my life had become the chase. Now that it was over, there was nothing left. Standing at the edge of the rooftop, I raised the gun to my head and pulled the trigger one last time.
i emptied the clip into his skull without conscious thought. just squeezed the trigger and felt the gun kick back. ka-thunk, ka-thunk, ka-thunk. it was visceral.
allegra kostich
The clip in her hair held it back from her face. For the first time in years, she had pulled her hair back, revealing shining eyes and button nose. When long ago she would have hid behind her hair, now she has pride in who she is. She is beautiful
Clip clop clip clop. The old shire horse slowly clip clopped down the cobbled path, taking the same path he had for the last twelve years.
Bel Weir
The clip fell out of her hair as he grabbed her suddenly. She felt it slowly slide out, as the air also slid out of her lungs. She knew this was the end, and calmly made peace with it.
He lifted up the papers. It was held together with a single silver paper clip that seemed so simplistic compared the complexity of the writing on the papers he held. Oh how he wished he had the life of a paper clip simple, just hold onto something and no worries or responsibilities.
togetherness. Bring people and places together. Love is closer now, we are together. Holding hands, skipping and singing, its on;y the beginning. How far can we take it? How will it end; tragedy is in our bones, but maybe a smile will take it.
laskdks kdif iiidjk llkee lepds jfd
I don’t know what to write
I clip the paper to a board and read the words to myself. Each word grows longer in length and my head spins as an effect. I don’t understand. My head is a mess.. One puzzled and confused mess.
clip the bud off the plant and roll it in a blunt put it in the air feel the flow
mocht dit nu in het nederlands zijn zou ik nog iets aan hebben ook maar spijtig genoeg gaat het over een engels woord waarvan ik niet onmisdddellijk weet wat het betekent
She closed her eyes to listen to the small paper clip drop. She opened them again and looked at the ground to stare at the hundreds of little metal clips littered around her feet. She couldn’t help but drop them, for her fingers were only stubs, and she really enjoyed hearing the small tink of the drop anyway.
Many a people use clips to organize various parts of their lives. But why? Why would a small piece of bent metal, something so small, even remotely help you at all when it came to that?
The small boy giggled as his big sister placed another bright pink clip in his hair.
“Stop Elly! That tickles!” He screamed with laughter as she tucked another piece of hair behind his ear. She laughed with him.
Into the bathroom I place it into my hair, grabbing every strand. Frizzles, poofs, and booms. It is finally neat, in order.
A clip is a short piece of a video. A clip can perceive how we view a subject, but a clip cannot define the subject itself. Much like the media, clips draw attention to issues in existance rather than create them.
paper clips are tools.
Like a clip for your paper because u need a paper clip to put papers together and sometimes to keep your other stuff from falling apart and u can also use clip on ties if you are too damn lazy to wear a reall one and omg is this over yet i dont know what else to write about clips oh clip art is cool i guess
the clip caught the end of her blouse and flashed for an instance her milky white, almost transluscent skin
i have a clip
it likes to dip
as i eat my chip
im riding on a ship
omg omg omg what a clip
i hope i never sli[
I cannot clip my vowels. You know that. Dropping a consonant is fine, just don’t ask me to fake an accent. Passing myself off as someone else? Well I could. I could pretend I was you.
Video clips
old family memories
its good to go back to those times
I wish i had a time machine
becuase those day’s don’t exist anymore
life is so complicated
it has its twists and turns
I wanna be a kid again…the kid i see in the video clips.
clip what your shirt together, papers, the gun what is really goiong on here. Ive felt recently my wings have been clipped as a man living with fiances parents while times are hard i suddenly found myself with more rules and regulations than when i was living with my mother and her man at the time in high school we are getting a new car and moving out soon but until then i’m ready to show some motherfuckers the meaning of pain.
It’s rather weird that the word ‘clip’ means both detach AND fasten. Quite like an oxymoron, no? If you used it in a entence, like ‘I clipped the ropes,’ no one could really tell what you’re saying. It’d be cool to fool people, so one day I might put that in a book.
clip clap flap flip flop top tip trip stip stripped dripped drip
Snip. clip. Tendrils of his gorgeous curly hair fall to the floor. I try to be quiet as I stuff them in the ziploc bag. Security’s not too tight, but I don’t want any trouble.
He’s so amazing…the show was superb. And getting backstage? I’m still glowing from the experience! As I ease my way out of the dressing room and blend in with the crown backstage, some part of me uneasily notices that the drug stupor is lasting longer than I thought it would.
The potato-chip clip fell to the floor, startling Mr. Jones. He bent over and picked it up as the breaking news flashed on his 13″ t.v. that sat on the counter top: a high-speed chase was in pursuit. He stood there in silence. The helicopter camera zoomed up on the vehicle. For a brief few seconds they manage to get the driver’s face.
Mr. Jones felt his hands get clammy, and his skin felt cold. His heart raced. There on the screen was his mother. Yes, his mother! A full report was scrolling across saying that she had robbed a jewelry store.
Clip, clip, clip. I snipped off the hair hanging off the edges of my doll’s ears. There was no way I could do the rest because it all seemed like a lot. Why not ask for more hair? Or more scissors? Well, the good part is that her hair looks fine now. No more dirty edges sticking out of her ears. Like a rabbit, really.
gangstarrs full clip is one of the greatest songs ever made. I love Premos beats and gurus voice.
My hair was tied together with a clip. It wasn’t an ordinary clip. It was a purple clip with hearts on it. The thing that made the clip most extraordinary were its powers. It was magical.
I use these when i blow dry my hair.
I use these when i blow dry my hair.
i saw the clip on the refrigerator with the photo, it was of better times, old times, it burned into my mind and I wondered where it had come from–who had put it there? Strange, abstract, smiling faces staring back at me, but still, there was a seriousness…
clips. holding hair back. holding papers together. holding. hands holding. people holding. together. stay together. don’t leave yet, just a little longer. stay together.
A hair clip. A ninja turtles hair clipped. Pinned to her black short crimped hair, holding it out of her face. In her blond long greasy hair, keeping it in her hat. The seniors. Gone next year, a freshman to sophomore. Three years until I’m in there place.
The clip-clop of hooves pulling a carriage sounded, signaling her husbands return. She wasn’t ready. Nothing was going to go right. Servants were out for the day and she didn’t want to move out of her bed to ring for any of them. She wasn’t even wearing a proper dress…
The clip sat there. alone. until the tall one came. A pile of papers hit the table. There gleaming white shine a contrast against the metallic sheen of the clip. The clip gets opened, and in goes the paper.
i pulled a hairclip
out too fast
it got caught up
i had to ask
for help from friends
and if you’ll know
this ‘hairclip’ hurt me
but i let go.
I emptied the clip into his chest, then kicked him off the roof.
It was done. At last, the man I had been hunting for the last twelve years of my life was dead. I had avenged my family, accomplished my goal, and fulfilled my destiny.
And yet, my life had become the chase. Now that it was over, there was nothing left. Standing at the edge of the rooftop, I raised the gun to my head and pulled the trigger one last time.
i emptied the clip into his skull without conscious thought. just squeezed the trigger and felt the gun kick back. ka-thunk, ka-thunk, ka-thunk. it was visceral.
The clip in her hair held it back from her face. For the first time in years, she had pulled her hair back, revealing shining eyes and button nose. When long ago she would have hid behind her hair, now she has pride in who she is. She is beautiful
Clip clop clip clop. The old shire horse slowly clip clopped down the cobbled path, taking the same path he had for the last twelve years.
The clip fell out of her hair as he grabbed her suddenly. She felt it slowly slide out, as the air also slid out of her lungs. She knew this was the end, and calmly made peace with it.
He lifted up the papers. It was held together with a single silver paper clip that seemed so simplistic compared the complexity of the writing on the papers he held. Oh how he wished he had the life of a paper clip simple, just hold onto something and no worries or responsibilities.
togetherness. Bring people and places together. Love is closer now, we are together. Holding hands, skipping and singing, its on;y the beginning. How far can we take it? How will it end; tragedy is in our bones, but maybe a smile will take it.
laskdks kdif iiidjk llkee lepds jfd
I don’t know what to write
I clip the paper to a board and read the words to myself. Each word grows longer in length and my head spins as an effect. I don’t understand. My head is a mess.. One puzzled and confused mess.
clip the bud off the plant and roll it in a blunt put it in the air feel the flow
mocht dit nu in het nederlands zijn zou ik nog iets aan hebben ook maar spijtig genoeg gaat het over een engels woord waarvan ik niet onmisdddellijk weet wat het betekent
She closed her eyes to listen to the small paper clip drop. She opened them again and looked at the ground to stare at the hundreds of little metal clips littered around her feet. She couldn’t help but drop them, for her fingers were only stubs, and she really enjoyed hearing the small tink of the drop anyway.
Many a people use clips to organize various parts of their lives. But why? Why would a small piece of bent metal, something so small, even remotely help you at all when it came to that?
The small boy giggled as his big sister placed another bright pink clip in his hair.
“Stop Elly! That tickles!” He screamed with laughter as she tucked another piece of hair behind his ear. She laughed with him.