today I was watching this clip on the internet and it was all about how to do the tech glitch in Tales of Symphonia and it was actually very informative I may actually go try it.
taunting me with his silent judgmental eyes. watching and waiting. stalking my every move. waiting for any mistake. ready to punce on me. condemn me. judge me.I hate that paperclip guy on microsoft word. wheres the kitty?
Cathy Cahill
i was listening to a lil wayne song and i heard him say i load my clip. not knowing what that meant, i went on urban dictionary to see what it was. turns out it was a gun. hes a gangster.chopper stupid long, im from new orleans, i get superdome.
weezy f, oops i forgot the baby
put your hair up with it. piece things together. organize papers. millions collected by a class to show the amount of holocaust victims.
paper clip clip of a picture clippers scissors
Snip, snip. It wasn’t as bad as he had expected. Sure there was a funny feeling as the woman clipped his nails, but he had expected pain. He had thought his nails were almost a part of himself, had become used to the sound his paws made on the linoleum floor. But, it wasn’t really so bad.
Jen P
The glistening clip was nestled in the girls dirty brown hair. It’s silver diamonds sparkled a prized treasure that the dirty urchin possessed. It was the admiration of all noble’s and although the urchin could have sold the clip, she chose to keep that as her one and only treasure.
clip clip clip the sound of scissors on hair, of horsehooves, of nails snapping, clip clip clip clip heels on tile on pavement stone on stone clip clip clip cutting away the hair the identity the self-identification the strength everything you are draining away step by step cut by cut clip clip clip
excitement. anger. eagerness. anxiety. love. lust. vampires. blood. death. all in one little movie clip.
She clipped her nails which were bothering her for so long! When she normally played piano that clicking sound was so distracting. She had loved her nails for a long time and it was great. Now she can have so much time and patience to write her
1. I clip
Your hair
Behind your ears
And tell you just how pretty your eyes look
In sunlight.
2. Your voice, clipped
Tears me to shreds
And makes a ruin of my heart.
3. I clip the marriage invitation to my fridge door
Yours and his
And I go on that date
Because even though you’ll gloat over my loss
I’d still do anything to see you smile.
Endings are always difficult. You clip the obituary and put it away, knowing you’ll never return to it again, something for someone else to throw away, just after they’ve clipped yours. Ashes to ashes.
Clip snip snap
i love to clip my hair up with this silver clip. My boyfriend thinks i look great with that clip but he always messes my hair up when its done like that. He always traces the curves of my face and the soft mounds of my thighs and i know where hes going but i never stop him. hes to tempting to resist
Jessica 32
I was walking at a pretty good clip, if I do say so myself. It isn’t often that I can keep up with my fathers long legs, but when there is funnel cake and turkey legs at stake I manage a pretty good speed. The Alaska State Fair only comes around once a year and this is usually the most fun I have in any given year and I need all the speed I can gather to get it done.
She ties her hair back in ribbons and bows. In pearls and lace and satin and love. Romance. Fluff. Beauty. Extravagance. What they don’t know behind her beautiful mask is an item with a very simple function. A clip.
A clip. It holds my potato chip bag together after being tightly bound to keep in the freshness of the starch. A clip. It hold my hair back when he isn’t there to brush it out of my face. A clip. It
Corey Shattuck
I tried to swerve my bike at the last minute but caught the edge of a jeep door and bounced off a limo where I went up over the handlebars landing in the street, the bike dropping swiftly down on top of me.
Now the accident looked worse than it actually was. Although I was face down in the asphalt, my legs twisted in the pedals, nothing was broken, thankfully, but people sure did stare.
A clip is a short video or snippet of something important or unimportant. the importance of the clip is up to the viewer/reader. the importance of the clip is not normally of importance to the value of the clip itself. a clip can also be a paper clip, a clipping, or something of that sort. :)
All I can muster is movie clips. Maybe paper clips too, but they can be frustrating after awhile. Nail clippers? Just clipped mine the other day, some what long over due.
silver and round
bent out of shape,
becomes sharp
like a knife to the back
paper together, snip of the hair, short bursts of images and sounds, bits, bites, snippets of life. short and sweet, smart and simple. pieces of parts of larger starts, jump to the end.
Clip up your hair as you get ready for the big day.. save up your cash while they read your name off your blue collar. Take out the trash and read the funnies, clip out coupons so you can save up for the big day, the day that is yours.
October 31st, 2009.
Christine D. O.
Clip the last thought out of the Book of Love, a brief quote that explains the havoc of a kiss, spoken by a pixelated beau as he stumbled down the steps from his girl, who watched from the window, feeling the witch-wise tingle in her lips.
Brian Slusher
He opened the email. It was from an anonymous remailer. It had a file attachment that was a movie file. He downloaded the file in violation of company policy and played the clip. It was a hidden camera video of the CIO raping the CEO.
Comrade Matt
This clip wasn’t just any clip. It was a video clip. This video clip would define the rest of my life, for on this clip were combined images of my amazing dance routine. I hope that this video clip works in a positive, and not a negative way.
Jordan Christopher
Clip is a term that can be used to describe a haircut. Clip can slo mean a piece or segment of a film or Televiaion show. A clip could be seen aa an impact as well. An impact of a football player to another can be a clip. Or you could clip another vehicle with your car.
A hair clip?
A movie clip…
The paper clip lay alone on her desk. It was unassuming, and small, but there was so much it had been through…or rather, been around. It had been around many of her boring business papers, clipping together important pages. It had also been around her lovers finger, and that was what it still wondered about.
The clip of the horses’ shod feet on cobbled streets eventually gave way to the softer crush of sinking into wet sand. I rode my horse as far out into the surf as it would consent to go, getting soaked up to my shoulders and ignoring the indignant cries of my companions, in whose car I would shortly be riding. Screw it -you only live once.
I saw a great blooper reel last night. Watching celebrities mess up is one of the best experiences. So many people hold them up to a higher standard, but really they are just people like us. The blooper real proves that they are flawed.
He took the time away from me. The little paper clip at the top of his page seemed to glue all my suffering, my pain and my future together into a few small pages. I stared at the clip, willing tears back and suddenly it was just me and the clip. Staring each other down for the world to see. Staring each other down in this ultimate pain.
a hair clip is probably the most useful invention alive. It can be used for mant things that iyt is not even meant for. It can hold hair back in a variety of different ways, however it can be used to hold many other things together too. It can hold paper, or ribbon or laces. Clips, particularly hair clips are versatile.
the clip in the mag bust shots on you fag
clip clop the shit goes and i poo on the clip clip clip i dont know what to say about clip it is very cliptastic
i wish i could clip little parts out of every magazine and piece together a collage of my life. i wish it was sparkly and colorful and happy to look out. but instead i just have glue on my fingers and dull sissors
The clip clung to her finger. It didn’t relent, didn’t stop, and each of its tiny metal teeth bit into her flesh until all she saw was black.
i took the clip out of my hair and turned into a butterfly
so i read a lot of things, i read a mango shaped space and many books, i actually just finished reading SCAT by carl hiassen and it was SO GOOD, but the read o matic and book report i had to was not that fun, well mabye the scrapbook was good i guess
wear.. hm okay so likee i wear something every single effin day and its really cool. ann my bestest friend has cool clothes she wears cool stuff and so its realllllyy cool….. and i’m just
Hello Mister Bananie
there was a paper clip on the desk. That in itself was a clue that someone had been there , becase she
remebered the clip was not there wehe she left.
clips rhymes with chips, that i eat and put past my lips. i rip farts because of chips.wait clips?
yesssss nip slips.
drips from the nose cause me to flip out
oh wait…….chips
today I was watching this clip on the internet and it was all about how to do the tech glitch in Tales of Symphonia and it was actually very informative I may actually go try it.
taunting me with his silent judgmental eyes. watching and waiting. stalking my every move. waiting for any mistake. ready to punce on me. condemn me. judge me.I hate that paperclip guy on microsoft word. wheres the kitty?
i was listening to a lil wayne song and i heard him say i load my clip. not knowing what that meant, i went on urban dictionary to see what it was. turns out it was a gun. hes a gangster.chopper stupid long, im from new orleans, i get superdome.
put your hair up with it. piece things together. organize papers. millions collected by a class to show the amount of holocaust victims.
paper clip clip of a picture clippers scissors
Snip, snip. It wasn’t as bad as he had expected. Sure there was a funny feeling as the woman clipped his nails, but he had expected pain. He had thought his nails were almost a part of himself, had become used to the sound his paws made on the linoleum floor. But, it wasn’t really so bad.
The glistening clip was nestled in the girls dirty brown hair. It’s silver diamonds sparkled a prized treasure that the dirty urchin possessed. It was the admiration of all noble’s and although the urchin could have sold the clip, she chose to keep that as her one and only treasure.
clip clip clip the sound of scissors on hair, of horsehooves, of nails snapping, clip clip clip clip heels on tile on pavement stone on stone clip clip clip cutting away the hair the identity the self-identification the strength everything you are draining away step by step cut by cut clip clip clip
excitement. anger. eagerness. anxiety. love. lust. vampires. blood. death. all in one little movie clip.
She clipped her nails which were bothering her for so long! When she normally played piano that clicking sound was so distracting. She had loved her nails for a long time and it was great. Now she can have so much time and patience to write her
1. I clip
Your hair
Behind your ears
And tell you just how pretty your eyes look
In sunlight.
2. Your voice, clipped
Tears me to shreds
And makes a ruin of my heart.
3. I clip the marriage invitation to my fridge door
Yours and his
And I go on that date
Because even though you’ll gloat over my loss
I’d still do anything to see you smile.
Endings are always difficult. You clip the obituary and put it away, knowing you’ll never return to it again, something for someone else to throw away, just after they’ve clipped yours. Ashes to ashes.
Clip snip snap
i love to clip my hair up with this silver clip. My boyfriend thinks i look great with that clip but he always messes my hair up when its done like that. He always traces the curves of my face and the soft mounds of my thighs and i know where hes going but i never stop him. hes to tempting to resist
I was walking at a pretty good clip, if I do say so myself. It isn’t often that I can keep up with my fathers long legs, but when there is funnel cake and turkey legs at stake I manage a pretty good speed. The Alaska State Fair only comes around once a year and this is usually the most fun I have in any given year and I need all the speed I can gather to get it done.
She ties her hair back in ribbons and bows. In pearls and lace and satin and love. Romance. Fluff. Beauty. Extravagance. What they don’t know behind her beautiful mask is an item with a very simple function. A clip.
A clip. It holds my potato chip bag together after being tightly bound to keep in the freshness of the starch. A clip. It hold my hair back when he isn’t there to brush it out of my face. A clip. It
I tried to swerve my bike at the last minute but caught the edge of a jeep door and bounced off a limo where I went up over the handlebars landing in the street, the bike dropping swiftly down on top of me.
Now the accident looked worse than it actually was. Although I was face down in the asphalt, my legs twisted in the pedals, nothing was broken, thankfully, but people sure did stare.
A clip is a short video or snippet of something important or unimportant. the importance of the clip is up to the viewer/reader. the importance of the clip is not normally of importance to the value of the clip itself. a clip can also be a paper clip, a clipping, or something of that sort. :)
All I can muster is movie clips. Maybe paper clips too, but they can be frustrating after awhile. Nail clippers? Just clipped mine the other day, some what long over due.
silver and round
bent out of shape,
becomes sharp
like a knife to the back
paper together, snip of the hair, short bursts of images and sounds, bits, bites, snippets of life. short and sweet, smart and simple. pieces of parts of larger starts, jump to the end.
Clip up your hair as you get ready for the big day.. save up your cash while they read your name off your blue collar. Take out the trash and read the funnies, clip out coupons so you can save up for the big day, the day that is yours.
October 31st, 2009.
Clip the last thought out of the Book of Love, a brief quote that explains the havoc of a kiss, spoken by a pixelated beau as he stumbled down the steps from his girl, who watched from the window, feeling the witch-wise tingle in her lips.
He opened the email. It was from an anonymous remailer. It had a file attachment that was a movie file. He downloaded the file in violation of company policy and played the clip. It was a hidden camera video of the CIO raping the CEO.
This clip wasn’t just any clip. It was a video clip. This video clip would define the rest of my life, for on this clip were combined images of my amazing dance routine. I hope that this video clip works in a positive, and not a negative way.
Clip is a term that can be used to describe a haircut. Clip can slo mean a piece or segment of a film or Televiaion show. A clip could be seen aa an impact as well. An impact of a football player to another can be a clip. Or you could clip another vehicle with your car.
A hair clip?
A movie clip…
The paper clip lay alone on her desk. It was unassuming, and small, but there was so much it had been through…or rather, been around. It had been around many of her boring business papers, clipping together important pages. It had also been around her lovers finger, and that was what it still wondered about.
The clip of the horses’ shod feet on cobbled streets eventually gave way to the softer crush of sinking into wet sand. I rode my horse as far out into the surf as it would consent to go, getting soaked up to my shoulders and ignoring the indignant cries of my companions, in whose car I would shortly be riding. Screw it -you only live once.
I saw a great blooper reel last night. Watching celebrities mess up is one of the best experiences. So many people hold them up to a higher standard, but really they are just people like us. The blooper real proves that they are flawed.
He took the time away from me. The little paper clip at the top of his page seemed to glue all my suffering, my pain and my future together into a few small pages. I stared at the clip, willing tears back and suddenly it was just me and the clip. Staring each other down for the world to see. Staring each other down in this ultimate pain.
a hair clip is probably the most useful invention alive. It can be used for mant things that iyt is not even meant for. It can hold hair back in a variety of different ways, however it can be used to hold many other things together too. It can hold paper, or ribbon or laces. Clips, particularly hair clips are versatile.
the clip in the mag bust shots on you fag
clip clop the shit goes and i poo on the clip clip clip i dont know what to say about clip it is very cliptastic
i wish i could clip little parts out of every magazine and piece together a collage of my life. i wish it was sparkly and colorful and happy to look out. but instead i just have glue on my fingers and dull sissors
The clip clung to her finger. It didn’t relent, didn’t stop, and each of its tiny metal teeth bit into her flesh until all she saw was black.
i took the clip out of my hair and turned into a butterfly
so i read a lot of things, i read a mango shaped space and many books, i actually just finished reading SCAT by carl hiassen and it was SO GOOD, but the read o matic and book report i had to was not that fun, well mabye the scrapbook was good i guess
wear.. hm okay so likee i wear something every single effin day and its really cool. ann my bestest friend has cool clothes she wears cool stuff and so its realllllyy cool….. and i’m just
there was a paper clip on the desk. That in itself was a clue that someone had been there , becase she
remebered the clip was not there wehe she left.
clips rhymes with chips, that i eat and put past my lips. i rip farts because of chips.wait clips?
yesssss nip slips.
drips from the nose cause me to flip out
oh wait…….chips