clips are fucking awesome. I don’t know the point of a hair clip except to clip hair but that’s okay because everybody needs to clip things sometimes. especially their nails because if they grow too long it gets really gross. nails are kinda pointless, except to protect the tips of your fingers. Is it really that necessary to protect such an unimportant part of the human body? Why isn’t our penis covered in nail? We need to protect that.
I have a paper clip next to me. It used to hold many papers but now it’s just sitting here. I could make a bracelet or necklace out of it, but I’m too lazy so I won’t, unfortunately. I used to have a big “chip clip” that was cool too but now it broke. I thought it was a good idea to make a paper clip for a chip bag.
She put her hair in a clip to mask the damage it has endured. This clip only made this worse, however. She didn’t care. It took care of the problem right now. She liked that.
hair clip. my hair is such a mess. last night was a mess. i’m a mess. what did i do? what happened?
clip is a good work for how to treat people
I cannot imagine a 50 round clip for the M-1911 automatic pistol
I think of a strange short section of a film that shows passion, betrayal, disgust, then a violent confrontation that results in bloodshed. But in the end there is a final, lasting sunset that resolves an issue. Then the screen flickers off, and I sit alone, thinking about how I wish my life were different.
William Yue
Images running through my mind, flurries of film and fantasy across my eyes. Clips, the current generation says, clips of life and love, death and despair, humor and happiness. Perhaps all we see is a clip of a bigger film.
Joshua Canup/
yeah yeah yeah, i’ve played this game already. I want a new word. clip shmip – give me something more to play with something a bit more complicated, something with a bit more zip than clip, something I can really sink my teeth into like “tapioca”
snap clap trip trap close it up seal it away hide me under your slammed door away in darkness safe for another day until, “clip” i’m release and away we go again.
The clip in her hair was beautiful, crusted in shiny stones, she wore it beautifully. I have never thought so much about a persons hair clip, but I am glad I have now. I want a hair clip. One t hat doesn’t pull on my hair when I take it out. That only happens when the spring is too tight
clip is what barbers do to your hair when it is longer than you want it to be. it is a short section of film or a magazine on a gun for holding bullets
andars nosler
clip my hair in the fashion of the 1200’s and leave it wavy and curly but so i can brush it long and lush for my husband at night and don’t forget the cream that makes it shiny. then shave my legs and pits so I don’t stink tonight. Mmm.mmm.mmm.
The paper clip was lonely, forgotten. Stiff in his hands as he looked down upon it, with a quiver in his lip. Nothing could have prepared him for this…
The clip in her hair shined in the sunlight. It was glittered lightly, small splatters of colors contrasting against the black. The boy couldn’t help but stare. She was gorgeous inside and out.
She pulled the small metal clip from her hair, and reached up to feel for the next, ignoring the tears that were making her vision cloudy, and doubtlessly smearing her carefully applied makeup all down her face. She toed off her heels, and kicked one, watching it skitter under the bed with satisfaction. This had doubtlessly, been the worse prom ever. Luckily she only had to bear the one.
Walking out of his office, Thomas glanced to his left, smiling at the secretary that sat at the small desk. Moving that way, he placed both hands on the oak surface, shoving a few papers and clips out of his way.
“Lynsey… I had a question for you.” He smiled a bit seductively as he tilted his head, eyes focusing on the girl’s face.
Hair cut. Video Footage that is then put together to create a masterpiece. A small something in the huge picture. Slip. Don’t fall. Tip, tipster. Crime fighting. Clip. Who knows.
This is the story of a woman that clipped her own ends. She woke up one morning and thought her bangs were growing entirely too long. She clipped one side and thought it looked crooked, she clipped the other and it was too short.
paper smipping neatly off like clean scissors pop off gone falling nicely perfectly done short
it was just a clip
a short piece of video
nothing much.
it was her past
coming up in her present
to haunt her future.
it would change her goals her opportunities her everything.
one clip could and would change her world.
There was a clip on the table. She had no idea where it came from or why it was even there. It wasn’t hers. She had short hair and her lover also had short hair.
…So who’s clip was it? Mary’s mind started to spin. Who’s clip?! Who’s clip…?
Come closer, let me clip a slip of your hair to wear in my locket while I am away. Just a little something of yours to keep close to my heart. You trust me don’t you? I’ll not cut too much, just a wee wisp of a curl for my locket.
Clips are funny. Sometimes they show clips on t.v. show to show other t.v. shows and sometimes movies. It is a preview that is nice. I like a
clips are cclips nabf0-
Clip art
Clip your hair
movie clips are interesting to watch on YouTube
What did we do before youtube?
This clip is full of life. With one clip life ends. The lyrics take a hearty clip out of your soul. You soul has been clipped. You’re bloody well right!
In order to manouveour from the position she was in, she needed limbs and joints which moved far beyond normal human capability.
Again she pushed herself onto her toes. Sweat trickled down her body and she strained as high as her muscles and tendons could manage.
Not high enough. Never high enough to release the clip of the carabiner that held her hands cuffed high over her head. She sank again, the weight of the cuffs again holding her secure.
The click of the door announced his return. Could she keep the secret safe for much longer? She gritted her teeth and smiled in defiance, all the while panic rising again.
the clip was in the girl’s hair that morning and she was sure of it. Now only the forensics team swould be able to tell what had happened to it. The poor girly still lay face down in the pool of water. What a way for a child to go. And the clip, had the murderder taken it? Time wold tell…..
ron b
There was a photo clip on on the wall, showing a picture of a smiling girl, bright and happy, and right next to her, and dark brooding boy with his arm around her.
Several hair clips fell into my lap. I picked them up, trying desperately to clip them into my hair. They won’t fit. Nothing will fit.
Every clip, every picture and every bit of sound reminded her of him. He wasn’t even in half of them, but.. somehow he was there anyway.
She couldn’t remembered when she had still felt like this or how she could have been so stupid, as to let him into her life again. She knew she was going to get hurt, again, but.. That was how it was meant to be..
I took a piece of paper and clipped a pen to the front. After I read my work I clipped the paper onto a board and sent it away with twelve paper clips inside an envelope.
We need more clips in the world. Metaphorical clips, I mean. Order. Organization. Method. Or maybe we don’t – maybe what the world needs more of is spontanaeity. Fun. Goofing around… Death to clips! Hair clips, paper clips… get rid of them.
movie clip, inviting, exciting.
“go get your hair clip, you look like a hag”
I need to clip my long nails.
clip, clop, go the horse hooves
She clipped her nails and clipped his lifeline and they fell into a prolonged state of unconsciousness that enveloped them for several hours. At the conclusion of this period, they both awake simultaneously and sat up, gaping.
“Did we just?” he began.
“I think…” Her voice trailed off, but she looked down at her feet for evidence and was startled because there, covered by her ankle, were several nail clippings and the clipper itself.
I fastened the hair clip to my head as George went outside. It wasn’t a very nice day out, it was cloudy and was supposed to rain. Still though, he went outside anyway. I wasn’t that sure what to think. I rubbed my hair clip on my head it’s significane
The paper clip sat hanging off the edge of the desk. Clinton picked it up and began tossing it between his fingers and his hands. This phone call he was about to make had the possibility to change his life forever.
“Loretta?” he spoke when he heard a female answer the phone. “Is this Loretta Jones?”
clips are fucking awesome. I don’t know the point of a hair clip except to clip hair but that’s okay because everybody needs to clip things sometimes. especially their nails because if they grow too long it gets really gross. nails are kinda pointless, except to protect the tips of your fingers. Is it really that necessary to protect such an unimportant part of the human body? Why isn’t our penis covered in nail? We need to protect that.
I have a paper clip next to me. It used to hold many papers but now it’s just sitting here. I could make a bracelet or necklace out of it, but I’m too lazy so I won’t, unfortunately. I used to have a big “chip clip” that was cool too but now it broke. I thought it was a good idea to make a paper clip for a chip bag.
She put her hair in a clip to mask the damage it has endured. This clip only made this worse, however. She didn’t care. It took care of the problem right now. She liked that.
hair clip. my hair is such a mess. last night was a mess. i’m a mess. what did i do? what happened?
clip is a good work for how to treat people
I cannot imagine a 50 round clip for the M-1911 automatic pistol
I think of a strange short section of a film that shows passion, betrayal, disgust, then a violent confrontation that results in bloodshed. But in the end there is a final, lasting sunset that resolves an issue. Then the screen flickers off, and I sit alone, thinking about how I wish my life were different.
Images running through my mind, flurries of film and fantasy across my eyes. Clips, the current generation says, clips of life and love, death and despair, humor and happiness. Perhaps all we see is a clip of a bigger film.
yeah yeah yeah, i’ve played this game already. I want a new word. clip shmip – give me something more to play with something a bit more complicated, something with a bit more zip than clip, something I can really sink my teeth into like “tapioca”
snap clap trip trap close it up seal it away hide me under your slammed door away in darkness safe for another day until, “clip” i’m release and away we go again.
The clip in her hair was beautiful, crusted in shiny stones, she wore it beautifully. I have never thought so much about a persons hair clip, but I am glad I have now. I want a hair clip. One t hat doesn’t pull on my hair when I take it out. That only happens when the spring is too tight
clip is what barbers do to your hair when it is longer than you want it to be. it is a short section of film or a magazine on a gun for holding bullets
clip my hair in the fashion of the 1200’s and leave it wavy and curly but so i can brush it long and lush for my husband at night and don’t forget the cream that makes it shiny. then shave my legs and pits so I don’t stink tonight. Mmm.mmm.mmm.
The paper clip was lonely, forgotten. Stiff in his hands as he looked down upon it, with a quiver in his lip. Nothing could have prepared him for this…
The clip in her hair shined in the sunlight. It was glittered lightly, small splatters of colors contrasting against the black. The boy couldn’t help but stare. She was gorgeous inside and out.
She pulled the small metal clip from her hair, and reached up to feel for the next, ignoring the tears that were making her vision cloudy, and doubtlessly smearing her carefully applied makeup all down her face. She toed off her heels, and kicked one, watching it skitter under the bed with satisfaction. This had doubtlessly, been the worse prom ever. Luckily she only had to bear the one.
Walking out of his office, Thomas glanced to his left, smiling at the secretary that sat at the small desk. Moving that way, he placed both hands on the oak surface, shoving a few papers and clips out of his way.
“Lynsey… I had a question for you.” He smiled a bit seductively as he tilted his head, eyes focusing on the girl’s face.
Hair cut. Video Footage that is then put together to create a masterpiece. A small something in the huge picture. Slip. Don’t fall. Tip, tipster. Crime fighting. Clip. Who knows.
This is the story of a woman that clipped her own ends. She woke up one morning and thought her bangs were growing entirely too long. She clipped one side and thought it looked crooked, she clipped the other and it was too short.
paper smipping neatly off like clean scissors pop off gone falling nicely perfectly done short
it was just a clip
a short piece of video
nothing much.
it was her past
coming up in her present
to haunt her future.
it would change her goals her opportunities her everything.
one clip could and would change her world.
There was a clip on the table. She had no idea where it came from or why it was even there. It wasn’t hers. She had short hair and her lover also had short hair.
…So who’s clip was it? Mary’s mind started to spin. Who’s clip?! Who’s clip…?
Come closer, let me clip a slip of your hair to wear in my locket while I am away. Just a little something of yours to keep close to my heart. You trust me don’t you? I’ll not cut too much, just a wee wisp of a curl for my locket.
Clips are funny. Sometimes they show clips on t.v. show to show other t.v. shows and sometimes movies. It is a preview that is nice. I like a
clips are cclips nabf0-
Clip art
Clip your hair
movie clips are interesting to watch on YouTube
What did we do before youtube?
This clip is full of life. With one clip life ends. The lyrics take a hearty clip out of your soul. You soul has been clipped. You’re bloody well right!
In order to manouveour from the position she was in, she needed limbs and joints which moved far beyond normal human capability.
Again she pushed herself onto her toes. Sweat trickled down her body and she strained as high as her muscles and tendons could manage.
Not high enough. Never high enough to release the clip of the carabiner that held her hands cuffed high over her head. She sank again, the weight of the cuffs again holding her secure.
The click of the door announced his return. Could she keep the secret safe for much longer? She gritted her teeth and smiled in defiance, all the while panic rising again.
the clip was in the girl’s hair that morning and she was sure of it. Now only the forensics team swould be able to tell what had happened to it. The poor girly still lay face down in the pool of water. What a way for a child to go. And the clip, had the murderder taken it? Time wold tell…..
There was a photo clip on on the wall, showing a picture of a smiling girl, bright and happy, and right next to her, and dark brooding boy with his arm around her.
Several hair clips fell into my lap. I picked them up, trying desperately to clip them into my hair. They won’t fit. Nothing will fit.
Every clip, every picture and every bit of sound reminded her of him. He wasn’t even in half of them, but.. somehow he was there anyway.
She couldn’t remembered when she had still felt like this or how she could have been so stupid, as to let him into her life again. She knew she was going to get hurt, again, but.. That was how it was meant to be..
I took a piece of paper and clipped a pen to the front. After I read my work I clipped the paper onto a board and sent it away with twelve paper clips inside an envelope.
We need more clips in the world. Metaphorical clips, I mean. Order. Organization. Method. Or maybe we don’t – maybe what the world needs more of is spontanaeity. Fun. Goofing around… Death to clips! Hair clips, paper clips… get rid of them.
movie clip, inviting, exciting.
“go get your hair clip, you look like a hag”
I need to clip my long nails.
clip, clop, go the horse hooves
She clipped her nails and clipped his lifeline and they fell into a prolonged state of unconsciousness that enveloped them for several hours. At the conclusion of this period, they both awake simultaneously and sat up, gaping.
“Did we just?” he began.
“I think…” Her voice trailed off, but she looked down at her feet for evidence and was startled because there, covered by her ankle, were several nail clippings and the clipper itself.
I fastened the hair clip to my head as George went outside. It wasn’t a very nice day out, it was cloudy and was supposed to rain. Still though, he went outside anyway. I wasn’t that sure what to think. I rubbed my hair clip on my head it’s significane
The paper clip sat hanging off the edge of the desk. Clinton picked it up and began tossing it between his fingers and his hands. This phone call he was about to make had the possibility to change his life forever.
“Loretta?” he spoke when he heard a female answer the phone. “Is this Loretta Jones?”
kind of video for you to watch something