
October 31st, 2009 | 407 Entries

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407 Entries for “clip”

  1. The bushes looked like they still needed clipped, Andy noticed with a wrinkle of her nose when she stepped out of her mom’s old car, slinging her backpack that held the rest of her absolutely necessary worldly possessions over her shoulder as she did. She leaned in the still open window. “Mom, I’ll be okay. I’m twenty-one, and it’s just a job. And I can visit whenever, it’s not that big of a deal.”
    “I know,” her mother sighed, gripping her steering wheel a little harder.

  2. love

  3. Not much was running through his mind, as he idley clipped his finger nails and watched the morning news. Sociopath they call him, but he just thinks he is perfect.

  4. Video clip, paper clip, hair clip. Ahh… hair clips once gave me an extremely bad experience. Made me feel like a fool in front of people. But I did not go home and cry. I merely stood there.

  5. clip is to clop what click is to clap

  6. so i saw this video clip today of 3 old men walking down the street. it seemed pointless to me. then i noticed the guy in a gorilla suit in the background. he was chasing a banana down the street.

  7. she waved her clip in the air.

    It’s new! it’s great! Why?

    B/c he gave it to her. It was a part of him she would always, always keep with her.

  8. I watched a clip of men’s volleyball today and apparently I am sexist because I don’t typically watch men’s volleyball.

  9. theres clips of everything on the internet, i dont know how i got the exact clip of me and her last new years eve

  10. It started with a small sound. Encroaching upon the night with an evil glimmer. What could it be?
    Click click click. Oh, only the click of a pair of sissors.

  11. Hello.

  12. oh man, this is where it’s at. sitting at my desk on halloween night, letting clips run through my mind of the times we shared. what was, what could have been, what could be. running around all night, trying to find a place to get lost in, but i find myself here. lost in the words.

  13. Time to cut it.
    All done.

    Watch this!
    Oh, dear God.
    Mind goes blank.

    Look at me!
    Look over there!
    What am I doing?

    This clip says it all.
    This one little shred,
    This one cutting.

    See that?
    Yeah, that’s it.
    What now?

    Want to get out of here.

    Need to go.

    These clips show what we mean.
    These clips will show the death
    Of society as we know it.

    We are the cause of all that’s gone wrong.
    We are the ones who stand out from the rest.
    The ones at that table over there.

    We are grey.
    In the grey area, in greyscale.
    They are colourful.

    We’re supposed to try and blend,
    But when you’re warmer than the others,
    How can you blend into the cold?

    It’s time to go.
    The brain is gone.
    Filled with anxiety and hopelessness.

    They just need time.
    They’ll join us soon.
    They’ll turn into one of us.

  14. “NO WAY NO WAY NO WAY!” Becky screamed at the top of her lungs as she heard Disney Channel announce that they were going to share a never-before-seen clip of the new HSM 4 movie. “Keep it down!” Her brother yelled. “NO!”

  15. clips are used to keep things together. Hair rely’s on clips to stay frosty. clip is also used a a synonym for cut off. as in we clipped the time

  16. The tall man shushed me as I laughed aloud at a memory popped into my head that happened to be quite funny. I shot him a look and he went back to cutting out some newspaper articles.

  17. to clip. nailclippers. remove.
    my nails are long, but they’re flimsy. I don’t like flimsiness. It’s a bother. Annoying. I hate being annoyed. I also hate the line that went from green to red… I don’t want to click submit, okay? I like to type & write what’s on my mind. I also would like to say that in my mind, I think poetically. I think I’m going to make pizza.

    Jennifer Hoffmann
  18. Snip snip! Actually, I think I think of a movie clip first… or even a hair clip. I always lose my hair clips. It’s getting to be really annoying. As for a clip from a show, I begin to think of The Office: Subtle Sexuality. Those are short clips. And Hulu doesn’t really make you watch a commercial for clips.

  19. Metal things to hold our hair in place, and small twisted wire to keep our papers together in a neat and fasionable order. Why do we need things to keep things together?

  20. Paper clip that holds my thoughts.
    I bend you break you and reshape you.
    You are my earrings, my necklace, my priceless charm bracelet.
    What can you hold?

    Lauren Benson
  21. The clip was simple yet elegant. It stayed in her hair as she twirled around, smiling and singing to her father as she did. Hers wasn’t a love story, but that of a young girl entranced by the love of her father. He doted on her and watched her dancing around, never removing his eyes from her. Many eyed the girl as she danced and her skirts flew up around her, but they knew who she was. She was his.

  22. Clip. I clipped something to my blouse and hoped that he would notice it. Hoped that he would come over and ask me about it, just so I could finally get to talk to him for the first time. He would come over and fall in love with me and we’d live happily ever after. Who is he? I don’t know but it doesn’t matter. He’s my soulmate.

  23. Clip, clip, clip, went the scissors as the baby got it’s first hair cut. The soft beautiful chocolatey locks fell from her head and onto the tile floor. Her mother could help but smile but still felt tears welling, her baby was getting so big.

  24. one word one word one word one word one word one word

  25. The clip fit in her hair so well. She looked it over, turning her head from side to side so she could see it in the mirror. But he never looked once. When she managed to tear her gaze away, she saw him looking across the mall walkway, staring at another girl. Another woman.

  26. youtube video of people doing randomly stupid things. of of things that have never been done. also music videos that are

  27. the clip clop of the horse as Dashing Derby came down the pasture is all I could hear

  28. He clipped the gun. It clipped my heart. I clipped the floor, and chipped my tooth. He stuck a paper clip to my back with a letter that said “I’m sorry”. I clipped myself. I clipped him back. I clapped

  29. i am wearing a sweater and underwear with no pants

  30. clipping bushes, clipping off leaves, clipping off little bits and pieces of paper… clip-clip-clip, craft assignments, rusty scissors, paper cuttings all around, sticking to fingers, clip-clip-clip..

  31. something used to put paper together- or in a gun for bullets I think. Maybe you will use it in your hair. Or you will have a belt clip. Or some clippings like Grass clippings. Clip the clippings.

  32. what?

  33. I was watching a Star Trek clip today and I realized that I knew more about the history behind the storyline of that episode than my own Grandmother’s life. It should have depressed me but it really didn’t. I just thought it was interesting.

  34. clip, what kind of a fraking word is that. makes me think of a hair clip, or a paperclip. both of which are boring and make me think of putting my hair up for work or going to work. lame.
    i guess it makes me think about clipping hair, and the ladies that always talk to you

  35. Clip yourself onto me. Whether you know it or not, I need you. Attachment, reliance. I need you there. Please, I’m begging you.

  36. i wear you all the time.
    except when i am not in the mood.
    but then again i am always in the mood.
    today you’re somewhere i forgot where i placed.
    tomorrow am sure i will find you anyway.
    for now, i am just enjoying my hair down.
    without my clip.

    tomorrow who knows.

  37. there was a clip and it was in a girls hair. the clip was pink and polkadotted. then it fell out. the girl was very sad because it was her favorite clip. luckily a guy found the clip and he kept it in his pocket forever. then the girl met the guy and she saw it on his dresser one night. and she was so excited to find it. and she kept it and him forever. and they lived on and on and on. maybe not happily, but they lived. and it was cute and sweet.

  38. My life needs more paper clips. Something to hold it together, keep order. There’s too much confusion, everything is everywhere. And my head aches.

  39. Clip. Clop. Clip. Clop. I kept hearing the sound. Clip. Clop. Stop, I thought. It didn’t. Clip. Clop. Stop, I screamed. It did. I smiled. It started again. Clip. Clop.

    Azeem Bande-Ali
  40. a new asdfsdf asf asdf asfd
