She played with the ahir clip in distraction as she sat in the mindlessly boring meeting. Yet another Tuesday morning wasted in this massive 100-strong attendance, filled with drones from all teh other departments, reporting on what they had done for the past week, and their plans for the next. At a volume that surpassed it size, the clip suddenly snapped, sending the sound reverberating around the massive conference room. Annabelle held her breath and froze in place, but no one seems to have noticed anything.
news clip
clip clop
His fist clipped me in the jaw, sending me tumbling, twirling back. I barely caught my balance before he was swinging again, punch narrowly missing this time.
“You gonna run away again, punk?” Adam sneered.
I swiped the blood dribbling from my busted lip. Everyday, it was the same thing. Didn’t he ever get bored of it?
Rachael A.
clip-ity clip clip clip-ity. the mares shoes sounded fresh against the cobblestones as Aaron rode her at a brisk pace, the wind blowing in his face. it made him feel alive, there was no where on earth that felt as comfortable as right here in this saddle.
The clip wasn’t hat I had expected, fr from it- the clip was everything I was against in the world. Everything I loathed. And yet… I couldn’t stop watching it, nor thinking about it. Wht ws it about this clip that gave me so much joy? Should I rethink my life? The answer was no, but s I stand here today I regret ever clicking on the link labeled “anal sex.”
Your Mom.
Clip. Clop. Clip. Clop. Horses are loud. I always wondered how they walk everywhere with that infernal sound. It’s so loud. Sharp. Repetitive. I wonder if horses can go insane..
Mneme Hoshiko
there was a paper clip. the end.
the hair clip is a beautiful decoration for the do. the clip on the bag of chips is red. it has a greeen sign.
clip is a short film or reel that you watch, just to get a preview of something. it gets the viewer excited and wanting more of whats to come. Previews are the best part of the movies.
hi m shubh
I loaded the clip into my gun. Or at least, I started to load it. Then, I took it back out. I looked at the clip filled with bullets and thought about what I was going to do. Why did I ever decide to join the CIA? This clip was going to be the end of me.
he clipped a bit off the top… then, a bit more on the sides, using the heavy garden shears as a sculpting tool. snip, clip, snip some more.
in the end, the teen boy’s body fit nicely into the hefty bags, and they fit nicely into his trunk, allowing him to neatly place them into a hole in the old landfill he discovered not too far from his house.
when a sign says, “I ENFORCE THE RULE OF NO TRICK OR TREATERS OVER 12”, it is best one heeds the unspoken warning.
quin browne
This stupid clip never really fit in my hair. It was always to small, and my hair is really big and poofy. I despise it. Cause it really is a cute clip. But do I get to wear it? Nooooo. Cause my damn hair is so damn poofy that it won’t fit in any arrangement I try and put it in! It’s horrible.
chip clip my mom always buys in different colors to keeep our chips ‘fresh’ we always get in trouble becuase we never secure them properly. not air tight. the air gets in and makes the chips floppy. And why would she buy the chip clips if she wanted floppy chips? she says..
She took the clip from her hair, brushing it out with her fingers.
It was a dainty little thing, silver with small multicolored, sparkling jewels. If one squinted slightly, they would have said it was a bird, but upside down it looked like a butterfly.
Having combed her hair, the girl placed the clip back in.
rhymes with snip, can’t be bothered………
i clipped myself to him, clinging to the figment of a relationship that was. did i really want to get back together with someone who i desperately tried to get away from? i didn’t know. i turned to my friends for guidance, and hoped they wouldn’t judge. i was attached to him again. shit.
It was just one clip of video. How could one little 30-second clip have such a big impact on her life? It wasn’t like she’d showed anything anyway. Well, she hadn’t shown TOO much. And now she couldn’t get a job. She wasn’t a Girl Gone Wild…she’d just had a little too much to drink.
Clip has taken on a new meaning in recent yrs. With the advent of youtube and video “clip” share technology a clip has become a scary thing, a short snippet of an incident could change your life.
He removed his gun from his purse and emptied the remaining clips, letting them clink against the stone floor, rolling to and fro. He counted them with a blank face. Only six. He frowned and replaced the clips one at a time.
she dropped the clip in the drawer and slammed it shut as she truned and walked aaway. DAnm him. Damn it all. She wou;ld show him what it meant to be free and single. she would wshow him waht commitmtne ment too.
Place it on the paper I am so anxiously waiting to turn in.
Clip. Tiny pieces of white paper drifted to the table top as she clipped at the intricate design she held in her left hand. Small piles of paper sat around her–on the table, the chairs, the floor–as she concentrated on the ever-decreasing paper in her hand, the form of which was quickly becoming a horse.
When you clip something, you dispose of it. Clipping is a short, swift removal. You clip coupons. You clip your nails. No fun, just business.
the clip is cool -q
Clip. She stared down at the fuzzy plain blue blanket. Clip, clap, clop. Stop, step. Pep, pop, pap, pup. AHHHHHH! she screamed internally. Just stop this obsessive need to do this…
Dip…dot…hot, hit, hut…
She gets up and holds it close to her mouth. The crowd, all friends, hush, can see the blush rising in her cheeks, they are so close, and she brushes back a strand of flaxen hair before she almost whispers Thanks, thanks so much, so very much for every little thing.
Money clip-never had one. Never had enough money for a money clip I guess. Like the sound of this word. Many things clip.
Chris G
Achilles arrow wasn’t made of gold, nor was it diamond-tipped. There were no sacred verses delicately engraved into the shaft of it. It was not fletched with peacock feathers or any color of costly note. It was indistinguishable from any other in the quiver, like you or me sitting on a bus, waiting to be chosen.
Brian Slusher
I clipped the papers into each other.
A sigh.
“Do you really need to be so melodramatic? It’s only a clip!”
“your fingernails are long and you’re going to scratch yourself up again.” i always find myself saying this to my daughter, the scratcher. i can’t blame her though because scratching an itch is blissful. i just have to clip her nails though because she is all scratched-up.
All right. So there are many types of clips. The ones that instantly come to mind are
1) Paper Clip
2) Hair Clip
Clip also means to cut short. As in, some actors get the screen time of other actors clipped.
the fact that this is a contradictionof terms has struck me…one word is actually not “one” word. It’s two words. So it’s kind of weird. I have made many mistakes in typing this, so I’ll not be writing much.
It was clipp
I scatter the hair clippings around my yard. My baby had his first haircut. I thought to save some, but decided instead to fortify the nest of other fledglings who will have to leave the nest long before he does.
Clip clip clip she slid the metal arms of the scissors along the news print page. She blew on the table and snipped the rough edges away, pleased that the article was cut so well.
its small, this part that keeps us together, this little piece on the bottom of the paper, this yes, word, this thingie clinging to the fridge, this add on to my hair, my life, my do lists, it is small, but real.
She played with the ahir clip in distraction as she sat in the mindlessly boring meeting. Yet another Tuesday morning wasted in this massive 100-strong attendance, filled with drones from all teh other departments, reporting on what they had done for the past week, and their plans for the next. At a volume that surpassed it size, the clip suddenly snapped, sending the sound reverberating around the massive conference room. Annabelle held her breath and froze in place, but no one seems to have noticed anything.
news clip
clip clop
Scissors. hair. shave. Bald. shine. Dome. Ice cream. Money. Sugar. Fat. Body. Weight. Exercise. Pain. Apathy. Acceptance. Denial. Resentment. Circle.
His fist clipped me in the jaw, sending me tumbling, twirling back. I barely caught my balance before he was swinging again, punch narrowly missing this time.
“You gonna run away again, punk?” Adam sneered.
I swiped the blood dribbling from my busted lip. Everyday, it was the same thing. Didn’t he ever get bored of it?
clip-ity clip clip clip-ity. the mares shoes sounded fresh against the cobblestones as Aaron rode her at a brisk pace, the wind blowing in his face. it made him feel alive, there was no where on earth that felt as comfortable as right here in this saddle.
The clip wasn’t hat I had expected, fr from it- the clip was everything I was against in the world. Everything I loathed. And yet… I couldn’t stop watching it, nor thinking about it. Wht ws it about this clip that gave me so much joy? Should I rethink my life? The answer was no, but s I stand here today I regret ever clicking on the link labeled “anal sex.”
Clip. Clop. Clip. Clop. Horses are loud. I always wondered how they walk everywhere with that infernal sound. It’s so loud. Sharp. Repetitive. I wonder if horses can go insane..
there was a paper clip. the end.
the hair clip is a beautiful decoration for the do. the clip on the bag of chips is red. it has a greeen sign.
clip is a short film or reel that you watch, just to get a preview of something. it gets the viewer excited and wanting more of whats to come. Previews are the best part of the movies.
hi m shubh
I loaded the clip into my gun. Or at least, I started to load it. Then, I took it back out. I looked at the clip filled with bullets and thought about what I was going to do. Why did I ever decide to join the CIA? This clip was going to be the end of me.
he clipped a bit off the top… then, a bit more on the sides, using the heavy garden shears as a sculpting tool. snip, clip, snip some more.
in the end, the teen boy’s body fit nicely into the hefty bags, and they fit nicely into his trunk, allowing him to neatly place them into a hole in the old landfill he discovered not too far from his house.
when a sign says, “I ENFORCE THE RULE OF NO TRICK OR TREATERS OVER 12”, it is best one heeds the unspoken warning.
This stupid clip never really fit in my hair. It was always to small, and my hair is really big and poofy. I despise it. Cause it really is a cute clip. But do I get to wear it? Nooooo. Cause my damn hair is so damn poofy that it won’t fit in any arrangement I try and put it in! It’s horrible.
chip clip my mom always buys in different colors to keeep our chips ‘fresh’ we always get in trouble becuase we never secure them properly. not air tight. the air gets in and makes the chips floppy. And why would she buy the chip clips if she wanted floppy chips? she says..
She took the clip from her hair, brushing it out with her fingers.
It was a dainty little thing, silver with small multicolored, sparkling jewels. If one squinted slightly, they would have said it was a bird, but upside down it looked like a butterfly.
Having combed her hair, the girl placed the clip back in.
rhymes with snip, can’t be bothered………
i clipped myself to him, clinging to the figment of a relationship that was. did i really want to get back together with someone who i desperately tried to get away from? i didn’t know. i turned to my friends for guidance, and hoped they wouldn’t judge. i was attached to him again. shit.
It was just one clip of video. How could one little 30-second clip have such a big impact on her life? It wasn’t like she’d showed anything anyway. Well, she hadn’t shown TOO much. And now she couldn’t get a job. She wasn’t a Girl Gone Wild…she’d just had a little too much to drink.
Clip has taken on a new meaning in recent yrs. With the advent of youtube and video “clip” share technology a clip has become a scary thing, a short snippet of an incident could change your life.
He removed his gun from his purse and emptied the remaining clips, letting them clink against the stone floor, rolling to and fro. He counted them with a blank face. Only six. He frowned and replaced the clips one at a time.
she dropped the clip in the drawer and slammed it shut as she truned and walked aaway. DAnm him. Damn it all. She wou;ld show him what it meant to be free and single. she would wshow him waht commitmtne ment too.
Place it on the paper I am so anxiously waiting to turn in.
Clip. Tiny pieces of white paper drifted to the table top as she clipped at the intricate design she held in her left hand. Small piles of paper sat around her–on the table, the chairs, the floor–as she concentrated on the ever-decreasing paper in her hand, the form of which was quickly becoming a horse.
When you clip something, you dispose of it. Clipping is a short, swift removal. You clip coupons. You clip your nails. No fun, just business.
the clip is cool -q
Clip. She stared down at the fuzzy plain blue blanket. Clip, clap, clop. Stop, step. Pep, pop, pap, pup. AHHHHHH! she screamed internally. Just stop this obsessive need to do this…
Dip…dot…hot, hit, hut…
She gets up and holds it close to her mouth. The crowd, all friends, hush, can see the blush rising in her cheeks, they are so close, and she brushes back a strand of flaxen hair before she almost whispers Thanks, thanks so much, so very much for every little thing.
Money clip-never had one. Never had enough money for a money clip I guess. Like the sound of this word. Many things clip.
Achilles arrow wasn’t made of gold, nor was it diamond-tipped. There were no sacred verses delicately engraved into the shaft of it. It was not fletched with peacock feathers or any color of costly note. It was indistinguishable from any other in the quiver, like you or me sitting on a bus, waiting to be chosen.
I clipped the papers into each other.
A sigh.
“Do you really need to be so melodramatic? It’s only a clip!”
“your fingernails are long and you’re going to scratch yourself up again.” i always find myself saying this to my daughter, the scratcher. i can’t blame her though because scratching an itch is blissful. i just have to clip her nails though because she is all scratched-up.
All right. So there are many types of clips. The ones that instantly come to mind are
1) Paper Clip
2) Hair Clip
Clip also means to cut short. As in, some actors get the screen time of other actors clipped.
the fact that this is a contradictionof terms has struck me…one word is actually not “one” word. It’s two words. So it’s kind of weird. I have made many mistakes in typing this, so I’ll not be writing much.
It was clipp
I scatter the hair clippings around my yard. My baby had his first haircut. I thought to save some, but decided instead to fortify the nest of other fledglings who will have to leave the nest long before he does.
Clip clip clip she slid the metal arms of the scissors along the news print page. She blew on the table and snipped the rough edges away, pleased that the article was cut so well.
its small, this part that keeps us together, this little piece on the bottom of the paper, this yes, word, this thingie clinging to the fridge, this add on to my hair, my life, my do lists, it is small, but real.