
October 31st, 2009 | 407 Entries

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407 Entries for “clip”

  1. flip

  2. Paper clips are dangerous. I mean really, really dangerous. I have a story about that… but I’d rather not tell it. Too traumatizing. It’s the reason I always use staples.

  3. Clip clip clip clit

  4. At an early age I associated the jingle of keys with the arrival home of my mother. Now he, my significant other, has a clip holding his keys to his pants. The clank of keys together announces his return home, and sometimes I remember how much happier I was to see my mother, as opposed to him.

  5. i see clips of articles, pictures, anything…they all remind me you. remind me of the night we spent laying on my bed, lying next to each other but not touching. everything came so easily, but none of it made sense to anyone but us. i see these clips, and i’m reminded of you and my heart breaks.

  6. i see clips of articles, pictures, anything…they all remind me you. remind me of the night we spent laying on my bed, lying next to each other but not touching. everything came so easily, but none of it made sense to anyone but us. i see these clips, and i’m reminded of you and my heart breaks.

  7. I want to be free. I want to fly. But I am just a caged bird with clipped wings.

  8. paper clip, ammo clip, etc… not much comes to mind. Hmmm, you can clip a bird’s wings…

  9. Clipped by the blade
    razor sharp and deadly
    a wicked scimitar
    leaves long curving cuts
    so don’t get in my way

  10. clip is like a moment, to clip out old photographs, faded memories, and poses…

  11. ah youtube forever prince arthur and our shameless self service

  12. Yeah I went to get my hair cut the other day.. actually it was a yesterday. no, a few days ago. well i don’t remember. but it was a guy who cut it.. i don’t think i’ve ever had a straight guy cut my hair before. it was always a gay one.. interesting! at least he has a job that he likes. i hate my job. itsucks. the only good thing about the place i work is that i met my boyfriend, the love of my life!

  13. clip is a strange word: it means at the same time to cut off, and to fasten. its also a object that is used for CLIPPING. and for fastening hair. what else can i say about the word clip?? clip is a important thing to life, it can save it or destroy it.

  14. He clipped the hydrangea hedge mercilessly, eyes unseeing. His mind a raging surf. His callosed hands propelled by years of routine. More insults, less pay. Maybe that’s why he didn’t see or hear the little girl curled around a hydrangea base. When the hedge shivered, he’d assumed it was from his force. Now he noticed it shivering while his shears hovered above it. Not into metaphysical bs, he hesitated, calmed his mind & parted the giant leaves.

  15. hair clip
    pony tail

    Old gregg
  16. GREAT CLIPS….I’ve been there to cut my hair of course and I always am mesmerized that the thing to block of each section from the other is shaped and designed like a clippers sail…PUNNY

  17. the music clip kept playing over and over in my mind as I went about my day. it’s windy, who’s skipping down the streets of the city, smiling at everybody she meets…

  18. gun unloading
    hot clip falling to the floor
    frantically reload
    clip jammed!
    what’s wrong!!!
    it’s broken
    find another weapon
    kill another way
    maim another way
    win another way!

    Christian Sayers
  19. clip hair, toenails, apples, pears, i want fruit. Clip hedges and other stuff like that. Toenails are the most fun, with hair being the least. i hate haircuts. EK

    Eshan King
  20. clip go the scissors slicing, chopping, pieces of hair fall to the floor. years of work, gone. my old self felt like it was being massacured in order to allow my new self to emerge.

  21. Big clip little clip help I just need a chip clip no not for the chips, but for my costume. Yes it is great for capes of all shapes and sizes. And did I mention it is an excellent torture device for dogs and little sisters. Especially on their ears!

  22. A clip is something you put into your hair. When you wear a clip, it holds back the irritating hair bits that always crowd into your face and bug you. clips are also short videos of a point of interest, for example, something funny.

    Amber Convery
  23. clip? paper clip. pink, blue, red, yellow, green. metal coated with plastic. sometimes just metal.

    clip? video clip. youtube, metacafe, avi, russel peters, old cricket matches, classical music, just stuff.

    clip? holding things together. pieces of paper and my soul.

    Chaitanya Ursekar
  24. there was a little girl with a little curl in the middle of her forehead. it grew and grew and was so long and curly that her mom had to clip it back to the back of her head so she could see to walk down the street. it was so long that everyone even the little girl tripped on it all the time. the end.

    goin coconuts
  25. of a movie

  26. there was this one second in my life, a clip that replayed every single day since it had happened. it was the most beautiful moment ever. you stood there with you’re regret, and said you were sorry, you loved me. you said you LOVED me.

  27. it’s a shiny object used to put papers together. Or you can use it to hold your hair together. It is usually made of metal. It’s a useful object and can be used for several things.

  28. He asked me to clip his hair by the light in the center of the kitchen floor because he needed to remember something, but he couldn’t know what. And he needed to feel something, but he didn’t know how. And he thought maybe if somebody just took care of him, he might be able to remember.

  29. He was running at a good clip. Seven minute miles. Maybe six-and-a-half. Breathing good. No cramps. So why did he feel like all of his training was for nothing?

    Alan T. Kercinik
  30. I wanted to clip the paperes together so I wouldn’t have them fly all over the place. As I sat watching y teacher tell the class how to do the homework I was fracticly looking for a simple paper clip to tye all of my work togeter. Is is so much to ask! I can’t belive they would do tis to me!

  31. you are clipping my nails with your teeth.
    bite bite bite.
    away at my heart and my soul, causing my fingers to bleed.
    ouch ouch ouch as i type out my last goodbye.
    this hurts too much, my eyes are sad.
    you are laughing at my sad attempts to fall onto you.
    you always jump the other way, afraid to catch me.

  32. Clip?
    Right, paperclip maybe?
    I don’t get it.
    Perhaps a music video clip.
    Or a hairclip?

  33. today the word of the day is clip like a clipping from a newspaper that is being clipped because clipping newspapers is something retarted that newspaper clippers sometimes do. but clipping newspapers is something that clippers clip because clipping cheers them up so we clip like clippers to see what clipping is like.

  34. It’s comin’ in at a pretty good clip. Might have to get out of here. What the…? Th’ damned door’s locked! Where’s the key! Key…key…key… Holy–

    R. Panic
  35. Clip. When I think of clip I think of football for some reason. I am not feeling very inspired to write about it right now, a clip is nothing to me. I was a lineman, we don’t clip. I don’t use clips either. But I destroy paper clips.

    no name
  36. Her broken clip lay on the floor. Her dress hung tattered, draped over the chair. Her glasses, which had fallen from her long, pointed face, had shattered into a thousand pieces on the floor. She was sick, and she didn’t know how to treat herself. She had been sick for quite some time, but everything she tried never made her feel any better. It was a sickness of the heart, and she knew only time would heal.

  37. i like to clip my nails. unlike toe clippers, which sometimes cut too deep. I don’t like to get my hair clipped as i am trying to grow it long. of course there are grass clippings which smell wonderful the first time in spring, but they sure can be a mess to clean up when let to grow too tall.

    Tracey Loftis
  38. chip, chop, clock, chocolate ,chip, cookie, I’ll eat you now, then chop up the rest and feed them to the clock

  39. That’s what this is. Just a clip. A piece of thought. A clip here, a snip there. Just like a cheap haircut. So much to say about nothing, and so little time to say it. One minute is not enough time to adequately describe something, yet it’s plenty of time to just say it.

  40. What is a clip? A clip is a hair clip, which can hold hair back and make it take a whole new form. A clip is also to clip ones hair.
