He clips me a little too close. The distance that he judges as safe is not. I want to run, but then there is no value. But the action will eventually end in pain. What is the worth
edward dust
Clip and slip. Tear and wear. Cut up
movie segment fragment portion tease teasing not showing all trailer spoiler leading you on verb cutting destorying
a great word really, it can refer to many thing. like a paper clip. paper clip is probabnly the best example of a clip, but there are probably others.
Funky Jazz
it was a mvie clip like no other
her name was cnstance and she had a liking for aubegines.
she loved them fried,pickled or just sliced and marinated in lime juice,
it was nothing short of utter disaster. He played the clip of her short film for the world to see, the one she had locked away because of its snuff like quality, broadcasting it over every major internet channel. What was worse, is that she still loved him.
it was nothing short of utter disaster. He played the clip of her short film for the world to see, the one she had locked away because of its snuff like quality, broadcasting it over every major internet channel. What was worse, is that she still loved him.
the day started like any other i got up and wondered what the hell am i doing in this place ? oh ya i got clipped by a car while riding my bike last night i think the iv gave it away
My heart beats at an uncontrolled clip. Looking over at the crash cart, I watch as my life races by in neon green lines.
hair clip i would love it when my mother would clip my hair back into place wait no i’m lying my mother never did this i stole her clips from the bathroom shelf and used them to hold iron segments of hair into place
Gabriel Padilha
specemonkeys wouldn’t like whatevery i’m seeing now, they totaly clipped up a rotten apple
I don’t care what you think about me but you seem to be laboring under the misapprehension that you can tear my heart together and fix it again with paper clips and glue and scotch tape like a paper doll. I’m sorry, I’m sorry, but I’m human, and you can’t deny me that. You can’t fix me just like that. I don’t work that way, dear, so put away the clips and the glue and the tape and either kiss me or let me walk away.
I clipped something with my hip at work it isn’t hard to do I didn’t even realise it til after I felt the bump in the car on the way home. I run into thinsgs a lot it’s part of being a natural clutz as I like to call myself. It hurts now but it doesn’t bother me. what bothers me is the blisters on my little toes.
Clipping coupons is something that everyone can do because it can save you money. So clip a coupon and save a little money…or a lot!!!
She clipped the gold piece into place atop her hair, and stared at herself for a moment in the mirror. She wasn’t pretty by any standards, but she was unique, and she thought that that might be enough to catch the prince’s attention.
I would like to clip a lot of things. Such as people’s mouths shut. I also would like to clip off this stupid cutical. Along with cliping things, I would really like to learn how to spell better. Stupi public schools! =[ And I’m blond. I’m done……………
art. clip your toenail, clip your hair. Hair clippers. Clip someone off on the highway. Get over it. Clip in short sentences. Clip anything
Wow, i feel like I have to take a clip of the thoughts in my mind to come to a state of flow.
clip all the coupons from the sunday paper and sit with my coffee while i clip them .I love to clip coupons it eases my stress.I do not clip them all but do clip most of them and use some of them. I guess i
clipping all of the paper together, she had finally finished her essay. It had taken her at least three days to perfect it, and she was sure she would earn an A.
Klipp, klipp, h
clip clip clip went the hairdressers scissors, snipping away at the very bane of his existence. his smooth black shiny hair was slicked back to match his olive face. His khaki eyes had a certain hazy auror about then, as if they knew the secrets of the world which his pale lips were not yet ready to divulge.
there was a clip stuck at the end of her hair, not quite in yet not quite fallen off. It was a strange position to be in, not quite in one place yet not fully in the other. sort of at a boundary or crossroads, deciding where would be best, but not quite having control of the situation. Being on the precipice of an imagined outcome and weighing it against another.
There was once a pretty small girl named Ashley. She had blonde hair and green bright eyes that outshone any emerald you could imagine. She always wore a clip in her hair. Every morning she’d place a different colored clip upon her wavy locks.
the clip of the teacher’s packet was so adorable because the pretty purple of it’s glamour was so eye hypnotizing that it made all the students blind of awe.
A little clip of you and me. I press play, I laugh.
i press pause and reality sinks in. We arn’t together that clip is all fiction. Goodnight.
The paperclip flew across the room, as Heather watched with half horror and half amusement. Joking always seemed to get her in trouble. This time, the joke was that she would fling a paperclip across the room, hitting her math teacher squarely between the eyes as he lectured boringly about the square root of whatever. It was no longer a joke — the paperclip missed his eyes, at least.
Bina clipped the sheaf of papers back together and left the cubicle, grabbing her coat and gloves as she went. “Bye” she called to no one in particular.
dirt girl
clips are for your hair. the make noise
a clip here and a snip there
its not long before the blades hit the empty air
cut out the heart
steal it away
hide it so it never again sees the light of day
always hiding, always running
the dark inciting fear
but the light is far too stunning
always torn in the middle
i lie that it doesnt hurt me
it hurts a lot more than a little
but i try to paint on a smile
and try to pretend for a while
that im fine
but it tears me up inside
at the thought that you might
not really be mine
Shade Sirenwolf
i like to clip my dogs toe nails. they get really long and disgusting, and when i clip them then she gets all happy
charlotte yvaine
I started to clip the raspberry bush, looking for the best and juciest from the plant. I then realised that this was a sad pursuit for a 16 year old who should be out playing football, or listening to tunes or something much more in keeping with my age
clips the most simple of offices suplies
they see every little thing that
happens nothing scapes them
Clip it before they even start.
Vas deferens are expendable in
today’s world.
Let boys grow into men
with no hope of perpetuating
the very arrogance
that has destroyed our world.
Perhaps a new breed of men
will rise up from the ashes of past transgression.
B. S. Warren
She had a clip in her hair. It was a beautiful, deep ocean blue with a large winged butterfly on it. She pinned it into her hair with all the pride that a little girl could muster, and walked out the door.
Clip it before they even start.
Vas deferens are expendable in
today’s world.
Let boys grow into men
with no hope of perpetuating
the very arrogance
that has destroyed our world.
Perhaps a new breed of men
will rise up from the ashes of past transgression.
B. S. Warren
Clip it before they even start.
Vas deferens are expendable in
today’s world.
Let boys grow into men
with no hope of perpetuating
the very arrogance
that has destroyed our world.
Perhaps a new breed of men
will rise up from the ashes of past transgression.
He clips me a little too close. The distance that he judges as safe is not. I want to run, but then there is no value. But the action will eventually end in pain. What is the worth
Clip and slip. Tear and wear. Cut up
movie segment fragment portion tease teasing not showing all trailer spoiler leading you on verb cutting destorying
a great word really, it can refer to many thing. like a paper clip. paper clip is probabnly the best example of a clip, but there are probably others.
it was a mvie clip like no other
her name was cnstance and she had a liking for aubegines.
she loved them fried,pickled or just sliced and marinated in lime juice,
it was nothing short of utter disaster. He played the clip of her short film for the world to see, the one she had locked away because of its snuff like quality, broadcasting it over every major internet channel. What was worse, is that she still loved him.
it was nothing short of utter disaster. He played the clip of her short film for the world to see, the one she had locked away because of its snuff like quality, broadcasting it over every major internet channel. What was worse, is that she still loved him.
the day started like any other i got up and wondered what the hell am i doing in this place ? oh ya i got clipped by a car while riding my bike last night i think the iv gave it away
My heart beats at an uncontrolled clip. Looking over at the crash cart, I watch as my life races by in neon green lines.
hair clip i would love it when my mother would clip my hair back into place wait no i’m lying my mother never did this i stole her clips from the bathroom shelf and used them to hold iron segments of hair into place
specemonkeys wouldn’t like whatevery i’m seeing now, they totaly clipped up a rotten apple
I don’t care what you think about me but you seem to be laboring under the misapprehension that you can tear my heart together and fix it again with paper clips and glue and scotch tape like a paper doll. I’m sorry, I’m sorry, but I’m human, and you can’t deny me that. You can’t fix me just like that. I don’t work that way, dear, so put away the clips and the glue and the tape and either kiss me or let me walk away.
I clipped something with my hip at work it isn’t hard to do I didn’t even realise it til after I felt the bump in the car on the way home. I run into thinsgs a lot it’s part of being a natural clutz as I like to call myself. It hurts now but it doesn’t bother me. what bothers me is the blisters on my little toes.
Clipping coupons is something that everyone can do because it can save you money. So clip a coupon and save a little money…or a lot!!!
She clipped the gold piece into place atop her hair, and stared at herself for a moment in the mirror. She wasn’t pretty by any standards, but she was unique, and she thought that that might be enough to catch the prince’s attention.
I would like to clip a lot of things. Such as people’s mouths shut. I also would like to clip off this stupid cutical. Along with cliping things, I would really like to learn how to spell better. Stupi public schools! =[ And I’m blond. I’m done……………
art. clip your toenail, clip your hair. Hair clippers. Clip someone off on the highway. Get over it. Clip in short sentences. Clip anything
Wow, i feel like I have to take a clip of the thoughts in my mind to come to a state of flow.
clip all the coupons from the sunday paper and sit with my coffee while i clip them .I love to clip coupons it eases my stress.I do not clip them all but do clip most of them and use some of them. I guess i
clipping all of the paper together, she had finally finished her essay. It had taken her at least three days to perfect it, and she was sure she would earn an A.
Klipp, klipp, h
clip clip clip went the hairdressers scissors, snipping away at the very bane of his existence. his smooth black shiny hair was slicked back to match his olive face. His khaki eyes had a certain hazy auror about then, as if they knew the secrets of the world which his pale lips were not yet ready to divulge.
there was a clip stuck at the end of her hair, not quite in yet not quite fallen off. It was a strange position to be in, not quite in one place yet not fully in the other. sort of at a boundary or crossroads, deciding where would be best, but not quite having control of the situation. Being on the precipice of an imagined outcome and weighing it against another.
There was once a pretty small girl named Ashley. She had blonde hair and green bright eyes that outshone any emerald you could imagine. She always wore a clip in her hair. Every morning she’d place a different colored clip upon her wavy locks.
the clip of the teacher’s packet was so adorable because the pretty purple of it’s glamour was so eye hypnotizing that it made all the students blind of awe.
A little clip of you and me. I press play, I laugh.
i press pause and reality sinks in. We arn’t together that clip is all fiction. Goodnight.
The paperclip flew across the room, as Heather watched with half horror and half amusement. Joking always seemed to get her in trouble. This time, the joke was that she would fling a paperclip across the room, hitting her math teacher squarely between the eyes as he lectured boringly about the square root of whatever. It was no longer a joke — the paperclip missed his eyes, at least.
Bina clipped the sheaf of papers back together and left the cubicle, grabbing her coat and gloves as she went. “Bye” she called to no one in particular.
clips are for your hair. the make noise
a clip here and a snip there
its not long before the blades hit the empty air
cut out the heart
steal it away
hide it so it never again sees the light of day
always hiding, always running
the dark inciting fear
but the light is far too stunning
always torn in the middle
i lie that it doesnt hurt me
it hurts a lot more than a little
but i try to paint on a smile
and try to pretend for a while
that im fine
but it tears me up inside
at the thought that you might
not really be mine
i like to clip my dogs toe nails. they get really long and disgusting, and when i clip them then she gets all happy
I started to clip the raspberry bush, looking for the best and juciest from the plant. I then realised that this was a sad pursuit for a 16 year old who should be out playing football, or listening to tunes or something much more in keeping with my age
clips the most simple of offices suplies
they see every little thing that
happens nothing scapes them
Clip it before they even start.
Vas deferens are expendable in
today’s world.
Let boys grow into men
with no hope of perpetuating
the very arrogance
that has destroyed our world.
Perhaps a new breed of men
will rise up from the ashes of past transgression.
She had a clip in her hair. It was a beautiful, deep ocean blue with a large winged butterfly on it. She pinned it into her hair with all the pride that a little girl could muster, and walked out the door.
Clip it before they even start.
Vas deferens are expendable in
today’s world.
Let boys grow into men
with no hope of perpetuating
the very arrogance
that has destroyed our world.
Perhaps a new breed of men
will rise up from the ashes of past transgression.
Clip it before they even start.
Vas deferens are expendable in
today’s world.
Let boys grow into men
with no hope of perpetuating
the very arrogance
that has destroyed our world.
Perhaps a new breed of men
will rise up from the ashes of past transgression.