
March 8th, 2025 | 3 Entries

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3 Entries for “clown”

  1. The clown’s face became very familiar to people. He appeared on the television news frequently, due to more and more outlandish actions. His main comedy seemed to be that government was a joke and he was determined to take apart that joke. My father, watching the news said, “This joke is not funny.”

  2. That’s all he was to her – a clown. He had tried to win her over, her friendship, but his constant fumbling and second-guessing meant that his words just wouldn’t come out in the right order. She dismissed him for the fumbler that he was. And he couldn’t blame her.

  3. i felt jealousy for the first time today, for my unblessed wish to stain you in my dirty scent, to watch the bliss pour into your eyes
    but it’s hot and harsh, i’m paper for ink, a pit for kindling
    the river has dried
    the river is you

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