
August 19th, 2009 | 247 Entries

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247 Entries for “coffin”

  1. жо whatever man, interesting stuff here. I wonder where my results will appear? That’s all. 60 seconds is too much.

  2. coffin, dead people live in coffins, and then they turn into vampires or zombies. i just read a book with zombies, it didn’t have enough zombies though… disappointing. but vampires are cool. im actually transylvanian. but not twilight. i hate twilight.

  3. im coughin in the coffin,
    who saw this coming.
    i wanted to die in deadsville,
    not some premature casket.

  4. A coffin, such a macabre accessory of death. Yet, a coffin can also take the shape of a box which represents closure, the final resting place of something you have wanted, needed to bury for good.

  5. coffin makes me sick, really not just sayin so, but really makes me sick.
    this is a a weird game. what to write about coffin. i have no idea i’m just writing something to fill those sixty seconds.
    Yeah, that’s right.

  6. there’s a lot you can do with a coffin really when you think about it, not just put a dead body in of course, though that’s what you’d think to do with it I guess. Personally I think you could have a great themed buffet with a couple of coffins. Put out some gothically shaped fruit and stuff, some dark red juices. How cool would that look?

    Alex Blott
  7. Frugal in life, his thrift followed him into death with the explicit wish not to be buried in a casket and its sealed vault. His directions were clear: a simple coffin made of woven seagrass, biodegradable and no vault. A plot in an unmanicured field. A simple stone to mark his final place on Earth.

  8. death is not necessarily murder and not necessarily the end of it all. a coffin is not necessarily a final resting place and not necessarily a wooden box. life is not necessarily enjoyed and not necessarily meant to be so.

  9. dead people in agony with tears flowing from the river of death to the eyes of his peers… Above his friends saying goodbye below his deceased friends saying welcome… Life continues but in two different aspects…

    Gavin Pacini
  10. Resonates with death, but not so much for me personally as I am not a Christian. This also brings to mind how a basic thing like death is symbolized differently in different cultures.

  11. Dead people live here after they die most of them died for little reason and lives probably meant nothing. Many people who die are killed as a result of evil pricks like the rothschilds mfamily who have funded 80% of war in the last century, usually both sides. The tax payer is lef

    Rich G
  12. A coffin is a case for the dear departed. It is the final resting place of great kings and pharoh’s, and where we all may eventually end up. But this is a luxury resting place.

  13. I saw him as they laid him the coffin. Our eyes met and I felt as if the time stood still, my body shook with remnant of our jaded past. Of all the bloody days, he had to show up during my husband’s untimely demise.

  14. He awoke with a start, it was dark and he could not see, he tried to raise his hand to his face but realised that he was in a very confined space. Groggily, he began to feel around his surroundings but struggled to move, the air felt thin…

  15. the death bed

  16. The leaves descend over me
    I think about my love over again
    trying to remember if i spent every single second unregretably
    or if God would accept me in his holy kingdom
    to dance with the angels
    and watch over the living
    but what if god didn’t want me
    and allowed me to perish
    in the fiery pits of hell

  17. The coffin is such an indelible symbol packed with meaning and baggage. It really is a nice resting place for those who no longer need a body but we often see it as sinister and morbid or even gothic. In fact, my “coffin” was the kind Dracula would show up in.

  18. death, end of days, trees, burried, funeral, grey, crying, rain, mud, corpse,

  19. black and red and gold and you are
    dying in his words. you are feeling
    and you are seeing and don’t stop yet
    because you can feel him inside you
    and you can feel those sheets beneath
    you and this is not the end.

    you are screaming and gasping and in
    this room you are in a coffin, in this
    room you are alone and he can not stop
    you, he can not stop you but you are
    still right there,


  20. i will buy u a beautiful case,
    put flowers all over,
    with a pleasant scent
    stronger than your perfume.
    so it will linger much longer.
    thank you brief passing memory.
    goodbye lola.

  21. We all wish we didn’t have to end up in it, this preciously perfumed box. It shines dully in the half-light of grief, its satin interior mocking the comfort its occupant can’t enjoy. I would prefer to be reduced to a fine powder, then put in a plain white envelope and mailed to God.

    Brian Slusher
  22. he climbs into it’s cold, wooden frame. the grime at the bottom crumbles and scratches beneath his heavy body. he knows it is the end.

  23. death. sure that seems way to simple and even predictable, but it’s the first thought that came. Coffins never have a happy connotation so why kid ourselves by pretending we thought of something else. it’s just death.

  24. I was spluttering, my old age had crept up on me. Now it was time for eternal rest. The coffin felt no different to a bed, only it was a bed I would never get out of.

  25. people die in coffins. they make me side. i guess nobody die in coffins since they’re already dead. well, most of the time. unlike that episode of csi. why did they choose co

    Johnny Dorman
  26. death. of course. of course i would write about death. eternal or fleeting, death comes and goes in our lives…. sort of. but when it really comes, and it will come, that much is definite – but when it really comes knocking at our door, we go. some say we come back but all i know is we go for sure.

  27. death end cradle of filth fodder death buried dirt all we’ve done is wasted once our bodies lie in a coffin… could happen tomorrow, could happen at the end of a long life but it’s a waste of a lot of effort… to have it all end… why bother, i sometimes wonder? but what have we got if not the enjoyment we make for ourselves today, whether it ends sooner or later it was there, and we existed, and we were happy for a blink, and maybe we made someone else happy too, and when it’s over it’s not gone

  28. When we finish life, this is where the most of us will end up, that is where our fate has lead us. Makes you think of all the things you did to try and hide from that fate. So we should laugh more, love more, drink and smoke more. Make more friends. LIVE YOUR LIFE!!! Cause in the end, we all end up in this place.

    toni mc gowan
  29. wtf? coffin? That makes me think of dead people. And all the funerals I’ve ever been too. That’s really depressing, especially because I’m so drunk right now. Shit

  30. A box of lost memories
    Thoughts left unthought
    Words left unsaid
    Time stops but goes on
    its to late your dead.

  31. Today my parents invented a new coffin. The coffin was designed to hold people who arn’t yet dead, but will suffocate them in a matter of seconds. Sadly, we have had a few complaints that it has taken atleast one minute, and they have gotten time to call the police or some-one else.. if you are one of these people, we are charging you with murder. Sucks to be you, you pathetic loser. Yours truly: Ben and Clyde.
    P.S oh, and your coffin is made of steel.

  32. grab tod sarg friedhof blumen necrophobic, erde, beerdigung, aufgebahrt, sterben, familie, mama, metal, holz, eiche,

  33. grab tod sarg friedhof blumen necrophobic, erde, beerdigung, aufgebahrt, sterben, familie, mama, metal, holz, eiche,

  34. He sat quietly, calmly looking at the coffin. It didn’t really mean anything to him, he didn’t know the person lying on the pillow but it meant something more than just a dead person.

    Pam Boyd
  35. This reminds me that Cory could possibly die while trying to come visit me. I hope this isn’t the truth. I love him very much, and would love to see him just this once. Please be safe Cory. Please<3

  36. death vampires blackness stain blue purple i had dreams about a funeral home once. it was very surreal, but I strangely enjoyed it. it was peaceful and everyone’s coffins were open and above ground and everyone looked peaceful and beautiful. Michael Jackson’s coffin was gold.

  37. got a terrible cold. been sneezin all day.
    sneezin and sniffin.
    sneezin and sniffin and hackin.
    sneezin and sniffin and hackin and chokin.
    and coffin. that too.

    lani roberts
  38. It lies in the coffin, cold and blue,… staring with a fixed stare that only angels know of. It is my last goodbye,… my last farewell to this glorious man. He was my father, my best friend,… my compainion through the worst parts of my self. It woud not be possible to fathom returning to a world without him.

    Serinity Vanover
  39. and the coffin lid slammed closed. The suffocating darkness surrounded his slender form. “Why are they putting me in here,” he thought, “I’m not dead.” but his arms refused to lift, and his legs were dead weights at the end of his body.

  40. She lay with her hands crossed on hr chest, as if lyng in a coffin. It had been an exhausting day and she was so pleased to be finally home, lying on her bed. She glanced at the ornate ceiling above her head and thought how prettyit was. The light was fading and she could hear the birds settling down for the night.
