One time when I was 15 years old I was on the way to see Shrek with my mom. She crashed her mini-van into a telephone phone… I didn’t end up seeing Shrek that day. Also, ouch.
Collision can be a dangerous thing to happen. It can destroy you unless you are colliding with something that doesn’t hurt. We have to be reckless to be actually get involved in a collision
“God help me, I’m about I’m to have a collision with my future,” she thought. “Everything has led up this pivotal moment, and I don’t even have on my dance shoes!”
collision of galaxies so far away that not even in a billion years will any creature on earth see the light-debris in the night sky, and even then it will be a barely noticeable flashongst the countless tiny points of light, whose distance from us makes it nearly impossible for us to remember that they matter.
why when i’m trying to play this silly little game is the same word coming up and up and up. collision. it’s a hard one to write about. i keep thinking about a car crash and how i don’t want to die that way, or any way because i love this life too much.
and what about my daughter? she needs me. i need her. i don’t want to die in a collision. please save me from myself. please?
Kelly smith
The carriage careened out of control as the horse finally came to a stop, and the hay in the back pitched forward. The thunderclaps and the strikes of lightning that raced across the sky brightened the pitch-black, oppressive, clouds that hung over head.
“Whoa there, whoa!,” said Farmer McCullough, getting off his seat, coming down to calm Comet. He wiped his gray, bushy brows. “We’re lucky that we didn’t go off the road and loose all of our supplies!” he exclaimed. After the chestnut brown horse was settled, he sat on the dirt road to look around.
He shook his head in disbelief, “There’s been so many collisions on this road
Gouldin Lion
Bang! what is going on! again i have other collison car
boom!booooom~!!!!!!!booom!!!!crush!!!! ouch,ouch,ouch,ouch,ouch!!!!!!!!boom!!!boom!!!!!ouch!!oooooucch!!!!where is my mama?!! i need to help me because i hurt! crush!!!!….ouch….!
the high percent that teen collision by car accident through on the text and phone.
Falling back into picture frames and sepia faces,
back to iloveyou’s and long lost places,
And maybe while I’m falling, I’ll fall straight back to you.
I hope I never get into a collsion. Cars look pretty bad after they collide with another car. A collision can be devastating. What collsions have you seen? Who, I can’t believe I’m typing so fast. My fingers will collide with each other pretty soon. Hooray!!!! one more second….
apocaliptic ,catastrophe dead , material damage , univers ,metheor ,cars , broke engine
hit smack collide big bang theory colon slide collin bruise die hurt ache mesh mix mash lid shun
There it was – the bumper of the car. It crammed me in the leg. That was the last thing I remember until I awoke in the hospital. My wife was crying. I looked down and saw nothing below my knees.
She couldn’t remember what happened, all she knew was the warm feeling of blood trickling down her face and the sounds of screams that seemed so distant through the pain. She couldn’t make herself open her eyes, she just lay there, wishing for it all to end.
She couldn’t remember what happened, all she knew was the warm feeling of blood trickling down her face and the sounds of screams that seemed so distant through the pain. She couldn’t make herself open her eyes, she just lay there, wishing for it all to end.
two cars. they hit each other. i did not know what to do that one october day. it seemed like my whole world just stopped at that instant. where was i? what just happened? i looked at the other driver, his car completely untouched. Why me?
I was in a collision. it all started about three months ago, I was going to the movies with a friend of mine, Steve. Steve was getting a Ferrari and I wanted to drive it so I beat him up and took the keys to it. It was cherry red!
collision of car’s is bad. i wish it wouldn’t happen so often! people should be more carefull. collision of stars is brilliant!! it creates supernovaes
I could see the car coming towards me. I knew in an instant that it would hit. Bracing myself I tried with all my might to stir away from the oncoming impact. It was no use, the grim expression on the face of the driver told me I was in for it. My friend, my companion, my darling wacked into my with all the delight of bumper car fun!
Collision. We walked into each other in the hallway. I knew that he knew that i knew he planned it. As soon as I looked up, he was beaming. His hands rested politely on my arms and he looked down into my eyes.
“Sorry, are you alright pidge?”
I looked down, smiling, “Yeah, I’m fine.”
crash collision course
nothing else like the collision between metal and concrete, rubber tires blow beneath the impact.
collider, hadron collider, god particle, broken, glass, phillip glass, composer, music, life without music would be a mistake, nietzche, philosophy, art,
gabriel barrio
i think about a car wreck. head on and a big one. a big crash. BAMM two cars hitting. collision two or more cars trains planes hitting one another. insurance and expensive price
allie bostic
i think about a car wreck. head on and a big one. a big crash. BAMM two cars hitting. collision two or more cars trains planes hitting one another. insurance and expensive price
allie bostic
I head for a collision if I do not change my course.
Brenda Miller
It’s a car crash. A mother just lost her six-year-old daughter, whose legs are bent at an awkward angle. The mother pulled out in front of a car. They collided. Their lives are changed forever because of one little accident.
Oh shit I just got into a head on collision. What should I do, I’m not hurt but my friend is. I think the guy who hit us was a drunk driver. Man this is not good I gotta call the 911. Man I hope my insurance covers this.
scontro di menti disastro sfregamenti, spazio, stelle, scintille
Cars hitting one another. Course. Out of control. Auto body repair work. Two stars. Space. The final fronteir.
car accident, life changing, fractures, missed school,a difficult experience
Accident. Collide. Anger. Fear. Don’t know what to do next. Call someone? Get insurance information. It’s all a blur. Who’s fault was it? Does it really matter?
Example: My cats head to my elbow when he decides he wants to sit on my lap while I’m about to start typing because I only have 60 seconds.
the car veered and crashed noisily into the side of the brick house. people came flying out of the building, curious to see what had crashed into the house. the man got out of the vehicle and slumped to the ground, bleeding from his forehead and chin.
there are usually two collisions when two cars strike each other in a crash. Collision also reminds me of physics in general which then sets me off in the directions of mathematics. Mathematics of course, is the greatest thing ever. And it also is probably the only thing deserving of the term “greatest thing since sliced bread.
you and i make the greatest collision until the particles in a particle accelerator collide.
the car sped so fast down the street the collision was horrible and bloody. Body parts and limbs everywhere it was the biggest tragedy the town had ever seen. i never want to experience that kind of sadness again.
One time when I was 15 years old I was on the way to see Shrek with my mom. She crashed her mini-van into a telephone phone… I didn’t end up seeing Shrek that day. Also, ouch.
Collision can be a dangerous thing to happen. It can destroy you unless you are colliding with something that doesn’t hurt. We have to be reckless to be actually get involved in a collision
“God help me, I’m about I’m to have a collision with my future,” she thought. “Everything has led up this pivotal moment, and I don’t even have on my dance shoes!”
collision of galaxies so far away that not even in a billion years will any creature on earth see the light-debris in the night sky, and even then it will be a barely noticeable flashongst the countless tiny points of light, whose distance from us makes it nearly impossible for us to remember that they matter.
why when i’m trying to play this silly little game is the same word coming up and up and up. collision. it’s a hard one to write about. i keep thinking about a car crash and how i don’t want to die that way, or any way because i love this life too much.
and what about my daughter? she needs me. i need her. i don’t want to die in a collision. please save me from myself. please?
The carriage careened out of control as the horse finally came to a stop, and the hay in the back pitched forward. The thunderclaps and the strikes of lightning that raced across the sky brightened the pitch-black, oppressive, clouds that hung over head.
“Whoa there, whoa!,” said Farmer McCullough, getting off his seat, coming down to calm Comet. He wiped his gray, bushy brows. “We’re lucky that we didn’t go off the road and loose all of our supplies!” he exclaimed. After the chestnut brown horse was settled, he sat on the dirt road to look around.
He shook his head in disbelief, “There’s been so many collisions on this road
Bang! what is going on! again i have other collison car
boom!booooom~!!!!!!!booom!!!!crush!!!! ouch,ouch,ouch,ouch,ouch!!!!!!!!boom!!!boom!!!!!ouch!!oooooucch!!!!where is my mama?!! i need to help me because i hurt! crush!!!!….ouch….!
the high percent that teen collision by car accident through on the text and phone.
Falling back into picture frames and sepia faces,
back to iloveyou’s and long lost places,
And maybe while I’m falling, I’ll fall straight back to you.
I hope I never get into a collsion. Cars look pretty bad after they collide with another car. A collision can be devastating. What collsions have you seen? Who, I can’t believe I’m typing so fast. My fingers will collide with each other pretty soon. Hooray!!!! one more second….
apocaliptic ,catastrophe dead , material damage , univers ,metheor ,cars , broke engine
hit smack collide big bang theory colon slide collin bruise die hurt ache mesh mix mash lid shun
There it was – the bumper of the car. It crammed me in the leg. That was the last thing I remember until I awoke in the hospital. My wife was crying. I looked down and saw nothing below my knees.
She couldn’t remember what happened, all she knew was the warm feeling of blood trickling down her face and the sounds of screams that seemed so distant through the pain. She couldn’t make herself open her eyes, she just lay there, wishing for it all to end.
She couldn’t remember what happened, all she knew was the warm feeling of blood trickling down her face and the sounds of screams that seemed so distant through the pain. She couldn’t make herself open her eyes, she just lay there, wishing for it all to end.
two cars. they hit each other. i did not know what to do that one october day. it seemed like my whole world just stopped at that instant. where was i? what just happened? i looked at the other driver, his car completely untouched. Why me?
I was in a collision. it all started about three months ago, I was going to the movies with a friend of mine, Steve. Steve was getting a Ferrari and I wanted to drive it so I beat him up and took the keys to it. It was cherry red!
collision of car’s is bad. i wish it wouldn’t happen so often! people should be more carefull. collision of stars is brilliant!! it creates supernovaes
I could see the car coming towards me. I knew in an instant that it would hit. Bracing myself I tried with all my might to stir away from the oncoming impact. It was no use, the grim expression on the face of the driver told me I was in for it. My friend, my companion, my darling wacked into my with all the delight of bumper car fun!
Collision. We walked into each other in the hallway. I knew that he knew that i knew he planned it. As soon as I looked up, he was beaming. His hands rested politely on my arms and he looked down into my eyes.
“Sorry, are you alright pidge?”
I looked down, smiling, “Yeah, I’m fine.”
crash collision course
nothing else like the collision between metal and concrete, rubber tires blow beneath the impact.
collider, hadron collider, god particle, broken, glass, phillip glass, composer, music, life without music would be a mistake, nietzche, philosophy, art,
i think about a car wreck. head on and a big one. a big crash. BAMM two cars hitting. collision two or more cars trains planes hitting one another. insurance and expensive price
i think about a car wreck. head on and a big one. a big crash. BAMM two cars hitting. collision two or more cars trains planes hitting one another. insurance and expensive price
I head for a collision if I do not change my course.
It’s a car crash. A mother just lost her six-year-old daughter, whose legs are bent at an awkward angle. The mother pulled out in front of a car. They collided. Their lives are changed forever because of one little accident.
Oh shit I just got into a head on collision. What should I do, I’m not hurt but my friend is. I think the guy who hit us was a drunk driver. Man this is not good I gotta call the 911. Man I hope my insurance covers this.
scontro di menti disastro sfregamenti, spazio, stelle, scintille
Cars hitting one another. Course. Out of control. Auto body repair work. Two stars. Space. The final fronteir.
car accident, life changing, fractures, missed school,a difficult experience
Accident. Collide. Anger. Fear. Don’t know what to do next. Call someone? Get insurance information. It’s all a blur. Who’s fault was it? Does it really matter?
Example: My cats head to my elbow when he decides he wants to sit on my lap while I’m about to start typing because I only have 60 seconds.
the car veered and crashed noisily into the side of the brick house. people came flying out of the building, curious to see what had crashed into the house. the man got out of the vehicle and slumped to the ground, bleeding from his forehead and chin.
there are usually two collisions when two cars strike each other in a crash. Collision also reminds me of physics in general which then sets me off in the directions of mathematics. Mathematics of course, is the greatest thing ever. And it also is probably the only thing deserving of the term “greatest thing since sliced bread.
you and i make the greatest collision until the particles in a particle accelerator collide.
the car sped so fast down the street the collision was horrible and bloody. Body parts and limbs everywhere it was the biggest tragedy the town had ever seen. i never want to experience that kind of sadness again.