Fucking Communications class. What the hell is a comma splice anyway? I got 90’s in that class but I never fully understood what a comma splice is. I mean, I know how to use them and all, but I am not really sure what kinds of illegal things they can do. I love grammar. I am a grammar nazi!
comma – pause. wait. breath. the inevitable is about to come, the question is – when, where, how?
you wait, and you’re afraid, but nothing can stop what must happen.
is something that can stop and continue with every single thing you can say about life.
Fredy Rivas
most people don’t know how or when to use this, is it really that difficult to put commas in their proper places.
a piece of punctution that means i can’t spell properly appraently. it allows me to pause and take a bretah without actually finishing what i want to say. it gives me room to move.
It’s like a period, but strange. It’s like that punctuation mark that all the others think is a bit off, but they tolerate him. Not like his weird brother semi-colon. They tell stories about him.
But Comma seems to be everywhere. Whatever party you want to attend, he’s there. Along with Period.
That bitch can’t be escaped.
Calamity Crimson
A comma is an english language version of obstacles in our life. its not somethimg that stops us up but merely slows down the pace of our joy or sadness and causes us to put life on a hold.
you’re there to seperate the spaces and mark my places
hold the emotion
build the anticipation
something to place between words they are ugly i dont like using them after 3 things
it gets confusing. so thats a coma for you.
I was once seeing this girl in Omaha, her mom was in a comma so I ended up spending a lot of time in the local hospital. Seeing some one in a comma is one of the most unnerving things, especially if it’s someone you love.
I think of tadpoles
sitting in a little pond
of words, words and words.
a simple but powerful pause in time.
One I start, I’ll never stop. That seems to be the general mindset of everyone in this daily hustle and bustle. There’s little consideration for the unsmelled rose, the unkissed bruise, or the forgotten sob in the corner. All of that is amended by a comma.
the comma. humble relative of the full stop, cousin of the semicolon and colon, the comma gives one a brief breathing space…a gasp.
a comma is a grammatical indicator and i like them, we learn not ot use them and it sucks
comma long glil doggie
comma long
comma here lil mama
go way
comma round full circle and let the light shine on
comma way
comma way….
nic sims
its whats used to seperate thought something concise shortlived like a life amongst an eternity its not quite a period, but a comma its what helps move things along clearly
nick marrone qns, ny
how many people will put coma on this instead of comma? my bet is at least half.
comma is a slash, not a period at the part of a sentence that breaks or gives the sentence a break to where when you read it you would simply pause when reading either out loud or to yourself. Commas are very fun to use when writing multiple examples or so and after a few commas you can add the word and with a comma after it and then make your conclusion in the sentence.
commas are tricky things, especially when learning another language. however, a comma can be an important injection of meaning into an otherwise drab bit of dialogue. pause. think. reflect. do i need to put a comma here or not?
so many people misuse the comma.
i hate commas, we have a quiz on those next week. they seperate everything but im not sure why why cant we just have a language without commas. instead we could draw little stars and hearts instead and whatever that’d be cool. stars as commas i like it.
shawn obrien
i don’t liek usibg commas!” litte slly complained. “they always get in the way and my teacher always marks me down when i forget them!”
“but sally” her mother replied “if yoiu didn’t use commas everything would be a big run on sentance and no one wouldever breath ever!”
I think more people should appreciate the comma. It symbolizes pause, reflection, and insight. Or at least that’s what you hope it symbolizes. It very well could symbolize a grocery list of useless thoughts, which could probably be split up into many useless sentences…
“I (comma) love (comma)”
She waited to see what he would type next.
“French Fries”
Betty Tamber
a brief pause, a juttering stop, a moment to pause and take a breath and feel for a moment that you have a second to breathe before you move onto another word or part of the sentence, nothing quite like a breath to refresh and assist us to move
“Comma, quotation mark. That’s the way it works when using a quote.”
I love the structure of grammar in such an unstructred world. In something where you can be completely creative, there is always still, sometimes irrelevent, guidelines.
James stared at the comma he had finally decided to use in place of the period, or the semi-colon. It had been a long and perilous debate raging within his mind. There was no decision in his life that seemed more important to him than that comma, at that time. And that was how it should be.
Take this down secretary. The package that we received today was insufficient in our needs, comma, please send amounts sufficient to our requirements. Period. You may send the letter to the recipient.
Shaunessy Quinn
I slipped into a comma once…. Wait…. Comma?
i like commas. they add a pause to life. Life is way too crazy to not have any pauses. i think this is why they call comas comas. Because they are a comma in the way of life when destiny feels you need to slow down. Mother nature is the creator of the original comma and that is why i love her.
Pargat Singh
comma brings back awful memories. i had a teacher in 7th grade who made us take this god awful comma test. it was huge, and crazy, and you had to know where AND why a comma was there. I got a 92% on my first try. i was proud of myself. f
I am the comma queen. I like to use them more than I should. My husband often will edit my writing and add a semi-colon in place of my rampant comma usage. A second before I started this I thought it said coma. I would like to be in a sleep coma. It would be nice. I have used no commas here. There is hope for me yet!
allie d
The comma is a superfluous sort of punctuation. It is a distinctly human form of thought, the need to pause, to separate, for if any other creature could speak in the manner of a human they would do so in short, concise bursts. No need for commas in that context. Perhaps it is a testament to the leisurely lives we lead, that we have time to formulate sentences and thoughts so long they need to be broken down into smaller pieces.
i think it is very sad that the oxford comma is going out of style. i hate that when i use it in essays and papers it gets marked as incorrect punctuation.
Commas are so important. They can really make or break a sentence. One misplaced comma can completely change what you’re saying. A comma in the right spot can make your piece flow so much better. Use commas!
the comma is a basic punctuation mark that most people are taught proper usage of in elementary school. It is meant to divide seperate thoughts in a single sentence
What is a comma? Is it just a tiny mark? Or is it more than that? We will never know. Hmmm… What else can I say about a comma?! Um… Uhhh….
Fucking Communications class. What the hell is a comma splice anyway? I got 90’s in that class but I never fully understood what a comma splice is. I mean, I know how to use them and all, but I am not really sure what kinds of illegal things they can do. I love grammar. I am a grammar nazi!
comma – pause. wait. breath. the inevitable is about to come, the question is – when, where, how?
you wait, and you’re afraid, but nothing can stop what must happen.
is something that can stop and continue with every single thing you can say about life.
most people don’t know how or when to use this, is it really that difficult to put commas in their proper places.
a piece of punctution that means i can’t spell properly appraently. it allows me to pause and take a bretah without actually finishing what i want to say. it gives me room to move.
It’s like a period, but strange. It’s like that punctuation mark that all the others think is a bit off, but they tolerate him. Not like his weird brother semi-colon. They tell stories about him.
But Comma seems to be everywhere. Whatever party you want to attend, he’s there. Along with Period.
That bitch can’t be escaped.
A comma is an english language version of obstacles in our life. its not somethimg that stops us up but merely slows down the pace of our joy or sadness and causes us to put life on a hold.
you’re there to seperate the spaces and mark my places
hold the emotion
build the anticipation
something to place between words they are ugly i dont like using them after 3 things
it gets confusing. so thats a coma for you.
I was once seeing this girl in Omaha, her mom was in a comma so I ended up spending a lot of time in the local hospital. Seeing some one in a comma is one of the most unnerving things, especially if it’s someone you love.
I think of tadpoles
sitting in a little pond
of words, words and words.
a simple but powerful pause in time.
One I start, I’ll never stop. That seems to be the general mindset of everyone in this daily hustle and bustle. There’s little consideration for the unsmelled rose, the unkissed bruise, or the forgotten sob in the corner. All of that is amended by a comma.
the comma. humble relative of the full stop, cousin of the semicolon and colon, the comma gives one a brief breathing space…a gasp.
a comma is a grammatical indicator and i like them, we learn not ot use them and it sucks
comma long glil doggie
comma long
comma here lil mama
go way
comma round full circle and let the light shine on
comma way
comma way….
its whats used to seperate thought something concise shortlived like a life amongst an eternity its not quite a period, but a comma its what helps move things along clearly
how many people will put coma on this instead of comma? my bet is at least half.
comma is a slash, not a period at the part of a sentence that breaks or gives the sentence a break to where when you read it you would simply pause when reading either out loud or to yourself. Commas are very fun to use when writing multiple examples or so and after a few commas you can add the word and with a comma after it and then make your conclusion in the sentence.
commas are tricky things, especially when learning another language. however, a comma can be an important injection of meaning into an otherwise drab bit of dialogue. pause. think. reflect. do i need to put a comma here or not?
so many people misuse the comma.
i hate commas, we have a quiz on those next week. they seperate everything but im not sure why why cant we just have a language without commas. instead we could draw little stars and hearts instead and whatever that’d be cool. stars as commas i like it.
i don’t liek usibg commas!” litte slly complained. “they always get in the way and my teacher always marks me down when i forget them!”
“but sally” her mother replied “if yoiu didn’t use commas everything would be a big run on sentance and no one wouldever breath ever!”
I think more people should appreciate the comma. It symbolizes pause, reflection, and insight. Or at least that’s what you hope it symbolizes. It very well could symbolize a grocery list of useless thoughts, which could probably be split up into many useless sentences…
“I (comma) love (comma)”
She waited to see what he would type next.
“French Fries”
a brief pause, a juttering stop, a moment to pause and take a breath and feel for a moment that you have a second to breathe before you move onto another word or part of the sentence, nothing quite like a breath to refresh and assist us to move
“Comma, quotation mark. That’s the way it works when using a quote.”
I love the structure of grammar in such an unstructred world. In something where you can be completely creative, there is always still, sometimes irrelevent, guidelines.
James stared at the comma he had finally decided to use in place of the period, or the semi-colon. It had been a long and perilous debate raging within his mind. There was no decision in his life that seemed more important to him than that comma, at that time. And that was how it should be.
Take this down secretary. The package that we received today was insufficient in our needs, comma, please send amounts sufficient to our requirements. Period. You may send the letter to the recipient.
I slipped into a comma once…. Wait…. Comma?
i like commas. they add a pause to life. Life is way too crazy to not have any pauses. i think this is why they call comas comas. Because they are a comma in the way of life when destiny feels you need to slow down. Mother nature is the creator of the original comma and that is why i love her.
comma brings back awful memories. i had a teacher in 7th grade who made us take this god awful comma test. it was huge, and crazy, and you had to know where AND why a comma was there. I got a 92% on my first try. i was proud of myself. f
I am the comma queen. I like to use them more than I should. My husband often will edit my writing and add a semi-colon in place of my rampant comma usage. A second before I started this I thought it said coma. I would like to be in a sleep coma. It would be nice. I have used no commas here. There is hope for me yet!
The comma is a superfluous sort of punctuation. It is a distinctly human form of thought, the need to pause, to separate, for if any other creature could speak in the manner of a human they would do so in short, concise bursts. No need for commas in that context. Perhaps it is a testament to the leisurely lives we lead, that we have time to formulate sentences and thoughts so long they need to be broken down into smaller pieces.
i think it is very sad that the oxford comma is going out of style. i hate that when i use it in essays and papers it gets marked as incorrect punctuation.
Commas are so important. They can really make or break a sentence. One misplaced comma can completely change what you’re saying. A comma in the right spot can make your piece flow so much better. Use commas!
the comma is a basic punctuation mark that most people are taught proper usage of in elementary school. It is meant to divide seperate thoughts in a single sentence
What is a comma? Is it just a tiny mark? Or is it more than that? We will never know. Hmmm… What else can I say about a comma?! Um… Uhhh….
commas are really horrible in the fact that pr