
September 24th, 2009 | 403 Entries

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403 Entries for “comma”

  1. I really enjoy grammar. I like knowing proper punctuation. I like understanding the semi-colon, colon, comma, and serial comma…

  2. a comma seperates what a sentence is, but what if they did not exisist ever? how would language completely change and what would conversations look like now?! how crazy would life be without “structured” forms of speaking? different.

  3. well, the comma is one of the most misused punctuation marks, that much i know. why was it? oh, because it tends to leads to run on sentences, where you just keep going and going and going, and saying more than you intended to, and never stop, and people get tired of reading it, and- oh.

    shannon v
  4. What a drunk girl says when she wants to go home.

  5. something ive never known how to use properly in a sentence. they teach you this stuff in like grade 3, im now 35 im obviously going to forget. does this make me dumb? maybe..

  6. comman baby why don’t we go for a ride all night long into the horizon, fall back from the city. kick back listen to music, ride next to me baby, let’s go for a ride. get outta here lets go i’m ready to see where the wild things roam.

  7. comma, pause, silly little thing yet soooo important it can change the course of history and make something so simple quite complicated, indeed.

  8. jane was asking me what that punctuation was – are you sure it’s a comma mom?

  9. Why does the comma sit in the middle of the table? The consonants mingle with the vowels as y drinks down a semi colon. The colon stands as far from the parentheses as possible, making an odd triangle with the period. but still, the comma sits. it sits and it’s watching me and i don’t like it.

  10. comma face name game
    love hate live shame
    period end. time begin.
    live love love win

  11. Comma again? Yeesh. I just got this one. damn.

  12. writer’s block loves me.
    punctuation – commas – eeeh.
    it must have been nice to live in the fifteenth century — no puncuation! go latin!

  13. who knew doing so little could cause so much pain and anguish
    who knew being such a vegetable could tear….

  14. commas are the bane of my life. and yet, they make it. my life, i mean. commas dictate how i say things, when i say things, WHY I SAY THINGS. well, not really the latter. how is it that one little symbol, “,” has so much meaning? why is that? a question for the ages.

  15. drama comma cordelia, my friend with spattered pants. A comma-tose estate, thatch roof special.

  16. Comma. Comma toes. Comma dit-on? Comma San Diego. Comma daunt. Comma.

  17. A weird… logical, but illogical way to puctuate and seperate ideas. Abstract.

  18. The common comma is often abused by lesser writers in an attempt to sound more intelligent, or to create impossibly large run on sentences. It’s a sad, sad state of affairs we’re in.

  19. the space with a pause seperation loss hate love at a distance the power to pause the amount of fear that one can instill with a pause

  20. she was like a comma in a sentace,
    a pause. something you dont really notice is there , untill your forced to look for it. but she was essential to him.

  21. a comma is a little tiny whip snake
    like the sound a typewriter makes when you shove it backover to the side

  22. The comma is the bane of just about any high schoolers’ existence. I remember seeing the words “comma splice” splashed across my papers in ink about twice per page. who the hell cares? Just read it out loud and it’ll make sense.
  23. you put it in a sentence to seperate ideas

  24. it is a comma I am not reall ysure what to rote but I guess I use it alot!!! so I could not live without it LOL I probably use it to much who knows who reall ycares its a comma HA HA okay how much can you reallysay about a comma really what is therr to say

    Coralee DaCosta
  25. comma’s are quite curious. I never can quite get them right. They always end up in the wrong place… or I end up with too many, or not enough!

  26. comma like a ,,,,. commas make thoughts go together. ha. they make thoughts go together. yikes. this shit is so dumb. comma comma comma. i have a lot of thoughts. a lot a lot. maybe i should start a diary. yeah right then someone can read all the shit i have done.

  27. I have often wondered how a comma must feel. Most people read right through it, paying no heed. It has to share its billing with the semicolon, where the semicolon gets more reverence. Most people don’t even know how to use it.

  28. comma comma lets the drama begin

  29. stops go. you know? it helps me get my point across…this is stupid i wish i had a dollor to make change in this life,,,,,,,,,wowowwowowowowowowowowowow i’m lost what’s the point. i love eggs

    LD Green
  30. ,

    A wonder.

  31. Comma is like a coma. Not really but it just sounds like it, you know? Ha. I’m really failing. WHO CARES, ,- omg- a comma! *goes into coma* ha. really witty. yeah.
    I was never in a coma befo

  32. Wait, I have comma AGAIN? Does the word not change every time you do this? That would be much more fun. I still believe that commas look like winks…I think people sometimes confuse commas for periods, honestly. There were SO MANY comma splices in the last paper I proofread. I tried to explain that commas indicate a pause, and that if you read the sentence and pause where the comma is and end up with a funny sounding sentence, chances are the comma doesn’t need to be there.

  33. a pause, a rest, a beat. unfinished.

  34. commas are strange punctuation marks. they look like little winks. people often forget to use them, and this agitates me when i’m proofreading papers. some people don’t even know what commas ARE, and that’s just absurd. didn’t your high school teacher teach you ANYTHING? i mean, really…

  35. A comma? Really? I have to write about a comma? Interesting exercise this. A comma is something very useful in grammar. I was not expecting to write about a comma but this is actually kind of fun. A comma is one of those things that people forget to put in their sentences.

  36. comma…okay I already had this one. I guess I need to try again. Comma’s are used quite frequenty in English class. I’m personally more of an exclamation point or question mark kind of person.

  37. a com ma is always used in sentences.

  38. puncutation

  39. Coma, oh, comma. misread as “coma” because almost everyone i’ve met today was a babbling, foggy brained, disorganized zombie with 0 fashion points. And I NEED A SERVICE DOG??! To serve others, I guess. Ah well, a comma is a pause. Well deserved. Let’s make better use of them. I’m home now & going to comma-tize myself. luv ya!

  40. it pauses when you need a breath, it reaches out to silence when the silence needs a moment.

    its never the end when there is a comma.
    the litigator of sentence structure it deserves to be heard, but is forever silent
