stuff you use while writing essays and stuff i hate english reallt mr, ganely is awful like terrible gah wft what is this??? haha well hi my name is Shannon
Comma’s seem to like me a lot, at least on oneword. They seem to be infatuated with me, stalking me constantly. I would like to write about something else. Perhaps the sky, the ocean, that rock over there on my desk. Maybe even that annoying noise the keyboard makes when I’m typing. But no, I have to write about a comma.
Paused, frozen in time for an eternity- so close and yet so far. You take a breath, lick your lips, and continue. Free once more.
The comma would be a father soon. His poor wife was in labor, but he gave her all of his love. The two wanted a child who would eventually take up the family business, which was a very important business indeed. After many hours of labor, Comma’s wife, Colon, had given birth to a beautiful baby boy, whom they lovingly named Semi-Colon.
pause and space. evenly over..simplified and separate. I am the distance between a thought a definition and an utterance. I am the in between. I am a comma.
so boring. Its just a pause. Do you reall need to think or breathe in this time? So many rules involved. I hate rules. Stupid coma. I put too many in my essays. They are proliferated with Comas.
Robyn Hanna
deep internal sleep.
who knows what they are thinking dreaming. some never wake up and we must pull the plug. oh well..
dakshina thanky
It’s a separator between words. It resembles “coma”, but doesn’t ever last as long. If a coma only lasted the length of a comma, it would be a blink. If a comma lasted as long as a coma, you would still be reading the last sentence.
its the thing you put in between thoughts. sometimes there used poorly by people who don’t know how to write well. those people shouldave studied harder in school and maybe they’d know the proper use of commas, but it’s okay for them because it’s not my job to tell people how to live there lives, but with commas I could keep typing forever because unlike periods they continue sentences that could potentially go on forever, but for the sake of this website i’ll end it here.
Boner Menow
i like commas they are actually pretty boring but yeah im kinda confused. um there are alot of commas in books and stuff and i like books they always keep me entertained well almost always haha ok this is taking like forever
missed commas people dont stop to look listen or speak, there, I rested I couldn’t stop I wrote and found that there are indeed commas within me that I never knew existed, missed friends, missed opportunities, missed loves and lives – all passed by for the sake of a comma or none….
A comma is somethign that we use to punctuate. Lot of people do not know how to use them, and it bugs the crap out of me. ARG! Also, people tend not to SPELL CHECK their stuff, that also bugs me. Stupid english people don’t know their own language.
commas are a great way to separate words. they keep the meaning of words clear. commas are a good way to make thoughts clear.
I slept through one today and I was the best comma I’d had in a while. I woke up in the middle and decided I didn’t want it to end yet so I entered back into my comma and awoke about 3 hours later….I was hungry so I went and made myself some mac’n cheese and considered another satisfying comma…..and I just realized the word was comma and not coma….
Nobody knows how to use commas. Who gives a fuck, I should be able to use commas, wherever I fucking please, they should just replace all punctuation.
A comma is something that goes into a sentence when you would like to pause and or list things. When listing, you put the comma in between each item in order to separate them. You wouldn’t want to confuse the reader by combining words.
Steve G
something that tends to separate words a sentence structure that runs the world, nothing is comparable but all things follow the comma…it shows us division and complexity and simpleness at the same time yet still guides us astray
Brian K.
Ice age. We need one ever once in a while.
I have always had trouble knowing where the comma goes in sentences. Very embarrassing for an English major. I mostly use a dash because of this. I wish I had learned it when I was a kid.
comma is like a longer version of a coma Commas are that pause between yes and no and I love you and i don’t know. Comma is the breath between a kiss, the pause of thought between rational discourse and insane ranting. Comma is home. Its the space one needs and craves
Antonio Padilla
It not only a comma do not confuse with coma, comma comma comma comma camelion. So many ways to use this word. If you love comma you will love Karma
comma again, cuz ur a friend u can come any time u want. not to soind like a homo but your my bro fo sho. haha so gay but the flow goes right down like draino. oh so lame but its fucking… uhh dunno times up see ya later hoez
one word
Comma… a little pause… a chance for me to collect my thoughts before moving on … Also, pretty much entirely absent from the internet. Maybe they’re going extinct? Oh holy shit! The comma is going extinct! Fuck global warming, this is serious! Have you read what someone has written without commas? It sucks, doesn’t it?
Adam Hemphill
first thing i think is the dalai lama. whats the problem? theres obama, osama, and the late saddama. fuck all that polotical drama i just want the ganja. cant stop me from getting higha.
awake but dead, alone with no one to help you but yourself.
Punctuation. Joins two thoughts.
a comma is a very useful mark to use to separate items in a list.
One word is a very big thing for two words. One word can mean many things from “yes” as in “yes I will marry you” and no as in “no you are not going to die.”
One word can change someone’s life forever depending on how it is used. Just one word.
common sense, not everyone possesses this invaluable skill. I guess it must be an innate skill.
a comma is used in lots of things such as naming a list of things or in dates after the day its a period but not completely its more like a period literally with a little tail
MARK Williams
this is the weirdest punctuation in the whole English language. it is the most useless one. who the fuck uses commas. they are dumb. they are simply used to stop my train of thought. but not totally stop it. just slow it down. I am like a freight train with my thinking and no comma can slow me down. it can only hope to contain me. but not really contain me, just really bow to my awesomeness because commas are no match for me…. bitch!
It’s nothing but a pause, a breather. I look towards you and the heart stops. I am now on a stretcher on my way into the hospital. How am I even thinking this? It all started with a comma, a short break, and ended in a coma.
oh dear, here we go again.
did you see the comma in that sentence?
good child.
comma, comment, ment – what who ment by a comma? who knows… break, not to snap but a short intake of breath befor diving back into the common deluge
sun shine
and dark
Well, What can I say about a comma? It’s such a convenience when you have to take a breath, or dramatic pause.
a break or pause in thought. To grammatically separate. List, list, list lust
Punctuation. Pauses. An opportunity to clarify or add something to what already exists in a sentence. Something I perpetually had to edit in people’s papers in college. Something I constantly found myself marking in or taking out from the student papers I was correcting when I taught English. A common mark. A common error.
moo, i just used one that what it is you add it to to show a pause like to take a brake or breath thats the end of that ,,,,,,,,,, <– thats what it is
stuff you use while writing essays and stuff i hate english reallt mr, ganely is awful like terrible gah wft what is this??? haha well hi my name is Shannon
Comma’s seem to like me a lot, at least on oneword. They seem to be infatuated with me, stalking me constantly. I would like to write about something else. Perhaps the sky, the ocean, that rock over there on my desk. Maybe even that annoying noise the keyboard makes when I’m typing. But no, I have to write about a comma.
Paused, frozen in time for an eternity- so close and yet so far. You take a breath, lick your lips, and continue. Free once more.
The comma would be a father soon. His poor wife was in labor, but he gave her all of his love. The two wanted a child who would eventually take up the family business, which was a very important business indeed. After many hours of labor, Comma’s wife, Colon, had given birth to a beautiful baby boy, whom they lovingly named Semi-Colon.
pause and space. evenly over..simplified and separate. I am the distance between a thought a definition and an utterance. I am the in between. I am a comma.
so boring. Its just a pause. Do you reall need to think or breathe in this time? So many rules involved. I hate rules. Stupid coma. I put too many in my essays. They are proliferated with Comas.
deep internal sleep.
who knows what they are thinking dreaming. some never wake up and we must pull the plug. oh well..
It’s a separator between words. It resembles “coma”, but doesn’t ever last as long. If a coma only lasted the length of a comma, it would be a blink. If a comma lasted as long as a coma, you would still be reading the last sentence.
its the thing you put in between thoughts. sometimes there used poorly by people who don’t know how to write well. those people shouldave studied harder in school and maybe they’d know the proper use of commas, but it’s okay for them because it’s not my job to tell people how to live there lives, but with commas I could keep typing forever because unlike periods they continue sentences that could potentially go on forever, but for the sake of this website i’ll end it here.
i like commas they are actually pretty boring but yeah im kinda confused. um there are alot of commas in books and stuff and i like books they always keep me entertained well almost always haha ok this is taking like forever
missed commas people dont stop to look listen or speak, there, I rested I couldn’t stop I wrote and found that there are indeed commas within me that I never knew existed, missed friends, missed opportunities, missed loves and lives – all passed by for the sake of a comma or none….
A comma is somethign that we use to punctuate. Lot of people do not know how to use them, and it bugs the crap out of me. ARG! Also, people tend not to SPELL CHECK their stuff, that also bugs me. Stupid english people don’t know their own language.
commas are a great way to separate words. they keep the meaning of words clear. commas are a good way to make thoughts clear.
I slept through one today and I was the best comma I’d had in a while. I woke up in the middle and decided I didn’t want it to end yet so I entered back into my comma and awoke about 3 hours later….I was hungry so I went and made myself some mac’n cheese and considered another satisfying comma…..and I just realized the word was comma and not coma….
Nobody knows how to use commas. Who gives a fuck, I should be able to use commas, wherever I fucking please, they should just replace all punctuation.
A comma is something that goes into a sentence when you would like to pause and or list things. When listing, you put the comma in between each item in order to separate them. You wouldn’t want to confuse the reader by combining words.
something that tends to separate words a sentence structure that runs the world, nothing is comparable but all things follow the comma…it shows us division and complexity and simpleness at the same time yet still guides us astray
Ice age. We need one ever once in a while.
I have always had trouble knowing where the comma goes in sentences. Very embarrassing for an English major. I mostly use a dash because of this. I wish I had learned it when I was a kid.
comma is like a longer version of a coma Commas are that pause between yes and no and I love you and i don’t know. Comma is the breath between a kiss, the pause of thought between rational discourse and insane ranting. Comma is home. Its the space one needs and craves
It not only a comma do not confuse with coma, comma comma comma comma camelion. So many ways to use this word. If you love comma you will love Karma
comma again, cuz ur a friend u can come any time u want. not to soind like a homo but your my bro fo sho. haha so gay but the flow goes right down like draino. oh so lame but its fucking… uhh dunno times up see ya later hoez
Comma… a little pause… a chance for me to collect my thoughts before moving on … Also, pretty much entirely absent from the internet. Maybe they’re going extinct? Oh holy shit! The comma is going extinct! Fuck global warming, this is serious! Have you read what someone has written without commas? It sucks, doesn’t it?
first thing i think is the dalai lama. whats the problem? theres obama, osama, and the late saddama. fuck all that polotical drama i just want the ganja. cant stop me from getting higha.
awake but dead, alone with no one to help you but yourself.
Punctuation. Joins two thoughts.
a comma is a very useful mark to use to separate items in a list.
One word is a very big thing for two words. One word can mean many things from “yes” as in “yes I will marry you” and no as in “no you are not going to die.”
One word can change someone’s life forever depending on how it is used. Just one word.
common sense, not everyone possesses this invaluable skill. I guess it must be an innate skill.
a comma is used in lots of things such as naming a list of things or in dates after the day its a period but not completely its more like a period literally with a little tail
this is the weirdest punctuation in the whole English language. it is the most useless one. who the fuck uses commas. they are dumb. they are simply used to stop my train of thought. but not totally stop it. just slow it down. I am like a freight train with my thinking and no comma can slow me down. it can only hope to contain me. but not really contain me, just really bow to my awesomeness because commas are no match for me…. bitch!
It’s nothing but a pause, a breather. I look towards you and the heart stops. I am now on a stretcher on my way into the hospital. How am I even thinking this? It all started with a comma, a short break, and ended in a coma.
oh dear, here we go again.
did you see the comma in that sentence?
good child.
comma, comment, ment – what who ment by a comma? who knows… break, not to snap but a short intake of breath befor diving back into the common deluge
sun shine
and dark
Well, What can I say about a comma? It’s such a convenience when you have to take a breath, or dramatic pause.
a break or pause in thought. To grammatically separate. List, list, list lust
Punctuation. Pauses. An opportunity to clarify or add something to what already exists in a sentence. Something I perpetually had to edit in people’s papers in college. Something I constantly found myself marking in or taking out from the student papers I was correcting when I taught English. A common mark. A common error.
moo, i just used one that what it is you add it to to show a pause like to take a brake or breath thats the end of that ,,,,,,,,,, <– thats what it is