Teh cone was in the box of many forms,and the art class used it to draw. The y made many drawings they used for comapring shading techniques.
it reverts into a hat when I tip it; I wear it. sometimes it drips but then I can lick my face and it’s tasty. always trying to get a two-fer.
She lay on the beach, the sun on her skin and the light wind playing with her hair. She loved the beach and its sensuality, the salt the sand. He was walking past and suddendly taken by her beauty and the need for a icebreaker, upended his softserve cone onto her stomach.
ice cream yummy….. i love how it drips down the side and you just have to stop what your doing to catch it, because your fingers will get sticky and its a delicious treat that you have to have every last drop….
parking cones in the way of the traffic…ubiquitious, but unnoticed….they are everywhere…but then where do they go?
mint choco chip ice cream, so cold I get brain freeze from eating it! love the sugar cone, or the cones lined with choco!!!!
everyone needs to have the chance to enjoy ice cream cones!
i love to eat ice cream out of cone, especially a waffle cone.
A cone of fire erupted from the mage’s hand, incinerating his foes and burning the grass in front of him. He cackled. Finally, those foolish bullies who had pestered him as a child were no more.
ice cream days in st simons island. making messes.
traffic cones getting.
stupid coneheads movie…we used to call my little brother conehead.
the hardest volume formula ever.
madona’s boobs during the video music awards, pouring oil into my truck, those little salty snacks, bugels? football games, male cheerleaders yelling into those things annoyingly, construction zones, dropping a stack of cones off Tom’s trailer, d
clown hat, ice cream holder, scary nose, fear of falling into one, vortex-like cone
The boobs were cone shaped, and everyone thought SILICONE?? WHat! Dat chick got sum fake booobies? Yes Dayvon, she does. She paid 500,000 for them babies but she didn’t do it for her husband, she did it to break the glass ceiling.
The cone made me moan. I got a huge bone. Just from looking at the cone? Oh no(oooone). Lolz.
Vanilla ice cream melts down the side of the waffle cone. Slowly, it drips, but faster than the child’s pink tongue to catch it.
cones are conical and taper to the top or the base depending on which way you are holding it. You can get things called traffic cones and coneheads. Roll a cone if you wanna good time. Conical things are pretty cool really, they are not a normal shape and they ahave an unusual shape to them. Better than a boring square anyway.
the cone sat simply on the sphere, which rested in perfect balance on the cube. Jervas was impressed with the little boy’s balancing abilities. it was as if he held strings to each shape and lifted them through space and time, tying them off on the limbs of reality.
who knew that a cone of ice cream could bring such a smile to that child’s face. A loving kind cherished smile that one could never forget.
Only that waffle cone of cold concoctions would be the best memory.
I love biting into a crunchy icecream cone. I love the hint of sweetness, and the hard texture mixed with icecream! Icecream is my all time favorite food, and the addition of a lovely cone just makes the dessert all the better!
He was the perfect clone except, of course, that he didn’t look like me at all. There was the matter of his eyes, which were green while mine are brown. His dark hair and my light ones. My rounded ears, his cone shaped ones. Oh yes, and the fact that he was a he. That was a dead give away.
Above the rolling hills, stood a lonely ice cream scoop looking for a new home. Perplexed and lonely, he wept. When all hope was seemingly lost, he looked up. A cone! A cone! A cone!
Ian G.
Cone heads of the world unite oh my sweet god do you have a family member with a conehead? It was pretty common from using forceps during delivery apparently. You wouldn’t know it to look at her now but K’s lttle friend had aconehead this is not the most inspired job i’ve ever written on one word.
I licked the icecream cone as I watched the other children play. You see, my Mommy doesn’t buy me tickets to play at that special park. She buys me icecream. So while all my friends go play, I’m stuck here in a sticky situation.
ice cream childhood and joy. melty mint chocolate chip
a cone is like a three dimensional triangle that got smart.
Carla stepped out of the cool shop and onto the hot sidewalk with her ice cream cone in hand: two scoops of chocolate fudge, her favorite.
cone sare for ice cream, we all love ice cream i scream you scream, we all scream for ice cream, yee boii og kush
I had an ice cream cone once. It was holding chocolate ice cream. It melted in the summer heat, slowly, dripping down my fingers and making them sticky. I licked them clean and finished the cone. It was just what I needed on such a hot day.
She had been the forest the entire day collecting cones, colorful leaves and other things for her decorations. She wanted her Christmas decorations to be colorful this year and it looked like she had just the things for making that happen…
I have one flat plane. The rest of me is indistinct and curved. I don’t know, maybe I can be kind of pointy sometimes. It depends on who you talk to, or what I’m made out of.
traffic cone. ice cream cone.
there is a cone in the middle of the road. Why is that cone there? Its causing a traffic jam, I wonder if I should move it…. Mmm, wait a minute the cone is moving, it has four legs!! OMG its a creature of some sort..
i wish i had some a bowl of ice cream rather than just a cone. even though i don’t like ice cream i sometimes enjoy a scoop or two. even so with baked goods. it would take a lot for me to eat anything that is baked. this would include cake, brownies, cookies and the like. but for the time being i thoroughly enjoy meals rather than desserts
Cone, geometry, shape, maths lessons as a kid, ice cream, member of Sum41 four letter word, would be con without the ‘e’
an ice cream cone is the most magnificent thing when the mood finds you. they are surprisingly crunchy to the bitter end. even mass produced drumsticks are simply devine!
sara livingood
I went to the carnival on pier 45. I was hot, so I decided to get a snow cone. A clown came over and bumped it out of my hands. I’ve always hated clowns.
ice cream cone melts ice cream hits the ground splateder on my brand new shoes. crap
ice cream is beautiful. and wonderful. in a cone of any type. cones on dogs make them look like they’re attempting space flight. it really botheres the dogs though. my cat phobe wouldn’t allow u to put a cone on her head she’d probably rip your arm off first.
ice cream is nasty, I have never liked it and on a cone is even worse. cones are just soggy and don’t taste right. Cones also make em think of parking cones, the one i hit when taking my driving test. That sucked badly. I hate traffic cones and parking cones.
A cone can be many things. It could be the vessel of a delicious frozen treat . Or it can be a little hat on a very creepy disturbed clown. It can be something to prevent a dog from licking its stitches, or even a cat from licking its stitches. A cone can be something in which you amplify that which you are yelling to a crowd. It can be a small tree-looking object that fell off of a pine or fir tree (supposed
Teh cone was in the box of many forms,and the art class used it to draw. The y made many drawings they used for comapring shading techniques.
it reverts into a hat when I tip it; I wear it. sometimes it drips but then I can lick my face and it’s tasty. always trying to get a two-fer.
She lay on the beach, the sun on her skin and the light wind playing with her hair. She loved the beach and its sensuality, the salt the sand. He was walking past and suddendly taken by her beauty and the need for a icebreaker, upended his softserve cone onto her stomach.
ice cream yummy….. i love how it drips down the side and you just have to stop what your doing to catch it, because your fingers will get sticky and its a delicious treat that you have to have every last drop….
parking cones in the way of the traffic…ubiquitious, but unnoticed….they are everywhere…but then where do they go?
mint choco chip ice cream, so cold I get brain freeze from eating it! love the sugar cone, or the cones lined with choco!!!!
everyone needs to have the chance to enjoy ice cream cones!
i love to eat ice cream out of cone, especially a waffle cone.
A cone of fire erupted from the mage’s hand, incinerating his foes and burning the grass in front of him. He cackled. Finally, those foolish bullies who had pestered him as a child were no more.
ice cream days in st simons island. making messes.
traffic cones getting.
stupid coneheads movie…we used to call my little brother conehead.
the hardest volume formula ever.
madona’s boobs during the video music awards, pouring oil into my truck, those little salty snacks, bugels? football games, male cheerleaders yelling into those things annoyingly, construction zones, dropping a stack of cones off Tom’s trailer, d
clown hat, ice cream holder, scary nose, fear of falling into one, vortex-like cone
The boobs were cone shaped, and everyone thought SILICONE?? WHat! Dat chick got sum fake booobies? Yes Dayvon, she does. She paid 500,000 for them babies but she didn’t do it for her husband, she did it to break the glass ceiling.
The cone made me moan. I got a huge bone. Just from looking at the cone? Oh no(oooone). Lolz.
Vanilla ice cream melts down the side of the waffle cone. Slowly, it drips, but faster than the child’s pink tongue to catch it.
cones are conical and taper to the top or the base depending on which way you are holding it. You can get things called traffic cones and coneheads. Roll a cone if you wanna good time. Conical things are pretty cool really, they are not a normal shape and they ahave an unusual shape to them. Better than a boring square anyway.
the cone sat simply on the sphere, which rested in perfect balance on the cube. Jervas was impressed with the little boy’s balancing abilities. it was as if he held strings to each shape and lifted them through space and time, tying them off on the limbs of reality.
who knew that a cone of ice cream could bring such a smile to that child’s face. A loving kind cherished smile that one could never forget.
Only that waffle cone of cold concoctions would be the best memory.
I love biting into a crunchy icecream cone. I love the hint of sweetness, and the hard texture mixed with icecream! Icecream is my all time favorite food, and the addition of a lovely cone just makes the dessert all the better!
He was the perfect clone except, of course, that he didn’t look like me at all. There was the matter of his eyes, which were green while mine are brown. His dark hair and my light ones. My rounded ears, his cone shaped ones. Oh yes, and the fact that he was a he. That was a dead give away.
Above the rolling hills, stood a lonely ice cream scoop looking for a new home. Perplexed and lonely, he wept. When all hope was seemingly lost, he looked up. A cone! A cone! A cone!
Cone heads of the world unite oh my sweet god do you have a family member with a conehead? It was pretty common from using forceps during delivery apparently. You wouldn’t know it to look at her now but K’s lttle friend had aconehead this is not the most inspired job i’ve ever written on one word.
I licked the icecream cone as I watched the other children play. You see, my Mommy doesn’t buy me tickets to play at that special park. She buys me icecream. So while all my friends go play, I’m stuck here in a sticky situation.
ice cream childhood and joy. melty mint chocolate chip
a cone is like a three dimensional triangle that got smart.
Carla stepped out of the cool shop and onto the hot sidewalk with her ice cream cone in hand: two scoops of chocolate fudge, her favorite.
cone sare for ice cream, we all love ice cream i scream you scream, we all scream for ice cream, yee boii og kush
I had an ice cream cone once. It was holding chocolate ice cream. It melted in the summer heat, slowly, dripping down my fingers and making them sticky. I licked them clean and finished the cone. It was just what I needed on such a hot day.
She had been the forest the entire day collecting cones, colorful leaves and other things for her decorations. She wanted her Christmas decorations to be colorful this year and it looked like she had just the things for making that happen…
I have one flat plane. The rest of me is indistinct and curved. I don’t know, maybe I can be kind of pointy sometimes. It depends on who you talk to, or what I’m made out of.
traffic cone. ice cream cone.
there is a cone in the middle of the road. Why is that cone there? Its causing a traffic jam, I wonder if I should move it…. Mmm, wait a minute the cone is moving, it has four legs!! OMG its a creature of some sort..
i wish i had some a bowl of ice cream rather than just a cone. even though i don’t like ice cream i sometimes enjoy a scoop or two. even so with baked goods. it would take a lot for me to eat anything that is baked. this would include cake, brownies, cookies and the like. but for the time being i thoroughly enjoy meals rather than desserts
Cone, geometry, shape, maths lessons as a kid, ice cream, member of Sum41 four letter word, would be con without the ‘e’
an ice cream cone is the most magnificent thing when the mood finds you. they are surprisingly crunchy to the bitter end. even mass produced drumsticks are simply devine!
I went to the carnival on pier 45. I was hot, so I decided to get a snow cone. A clown came over and bumped it out of my hands. I’ve always hated clowns.
ice cream cone melts ice cream hits the ground splateder on my brand new shoes. crap
ice cream is beautiful. and wonderful. in a cone of any type. cones on dogs make them look like they’re attempting space flight. it really botheres the dogs though. my cat phobe wouldn’t allow u to put a cone on her head she’d probably rip your arm off first.
ice cream is nasty, I have never liked it and on a cone is even worse. cones are just soggy and don’t taste right. Cones also make em think of parking cones, the one i hit when taking my driving test. That sucked badly. I hate traffic cones and parking cones.
A cone can be many things. It could be the vessel of a delicious frozen treat . Or it can be a little hat on a very creepy disturbed clown. It can be something to prevent a dog from licking its stitches, or even a cat from licking its stitches. A cone can be something in which you amplify that which you are yelling to a crowd. It can be a small tree-looking object that fell off of a pine or fir tree (supposed