
November 11th, 2009 | 699 Entries

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699 Entries for “cone”

  1. ice creams on a hot summer day are best when they are eaten from a crisp waffle cone. The liquid drops oozing down the side, dripping from the tip and running down your hand. Licking up the molten, sweet cream leaves a sticky shiny patch on your wrist, in the summer sun it crackles and warms. The last bite of the thick tip is divine.

  2. atrribute

  3. forword

  4. I once went to the mall with my sister and had her order me an ice cream cone when she asked if I wanted anything. It was cake batter flavored ice cream and it was absolutely delicious. After a few minutes, though, the taste was overwhelming, so I dropped the cone on the ground purposely to get out of eating all of it. I still feel bad about that.

  5. ice cream cones are delicious. I love ice cream . I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream. TCBY is some of the best ice cream out there. They have an amazing deal on waffle cones on wednesdays. Only 1 $!!!

  6. Traffic traffic roadworks exercise home eat eat sleep brush teeth cry eat traffic traffic flat tyre run run run run run traffic damm

  7. i wanted icecream and i decided i wanted it in a cone rather than a bowl. it was delicious and i went for a second cone but they were all broken so i had my icecream in a bowl! it was just as delicious.

  8. I slowly held the ice cream, licking the creamy drips from the side while trying to avoid licking my finger in the process. The summer heat was hell to avoid, and this was one way to happily avoid the torture that was the hot Australian sun. I happily licked away at the creamy chocolate, happy that my life is this way. I think it is a great thing that Australians have lives like this.

  9. once upon a time, there was this guy who hada a cone like nose, everyone in scool bothered him because of his nose, he went to that school every single day and every single day he went back home with an insult about his nose.

  10. Pyramid, ice-cream waffle, funny clock, special money, disfigured Pentagon, time is running out.

  11. Cone is a shape. It’s also an ice-cream, a very delicious one actually. I love it. It’s cheap, and it’s good. It sorta leaks sometimes though, because of its low quality. Well, at least the cone that they sell here in Islamabad, has low quality. It probably isn’t very hygienic either. But who cares, I like it anyway.

  12. ice cream… so delicious….

    but really, is ice cream that good? i can never tell. it’s sweet, yes, but does it REALLY taster good?

    Aaron G.
  13. the drip
    slithers down my fingers
    a soft cool green
    and sweet
    and refreshing
    ice cream

  14. a cone is a reminder of ice cream…ice cream is’s a creamy american treat enjoyed at the best of times..idk god…lol

  15. I don’t think icecone are jummie. I like the ice but not the cone. I like icecream more in a cup. The are to big and sweet

  16. i like ice cream cones. cones are orange at the side of teh road. i love the word cone. i think of shave ice cones. they come in manyflavors. i like the designs on an ice cream cone. they look like traingles sometimes.

  17. Icecream cones are yummy!

  18. i think of cones of the eyes, you know, cones and rods and shit. oh yeah and those dumb things dogs have to wear after surgery. what if we had to wear those… well i guess we dont cause we dont chew on ourselves

  19. The traffic cones all lit up bright orange in the headlights of the vehicle. One by one, each cone was crushed by a man far to inebriated to be behind the wheel. Is it forgivable?

  20. well, he had a cone on top of his head. All the kids laughed, but what they didn’t realize was that the joke was on them. Nobody knew. Not even the teacher. It wasn’t till later, when the students laid dead on the floor, that there was even a glimmer of humor.

  21. ice cream traffic jam dribbling ice cream drunk cone head speaker system blown away by the road block. Oh how i miss being 5 and eating my ice cream cone.

  22. once i had an ice cream cone, but it broke. i still ate the ice cream, but it got all over my shirt.

  23. i have been craving a snow cone for the longest time. a blue one.

  24. The ice cream cone was sweet and melted in my mouth as I bit into it. I wondered how such a fragile cone could handle the volume of ice cream that was shoved into it. No wonder the stuff was all over my hands, face and in my hair. This stuff makes me turn three again.
  25. i keep thinking he’s gots
    this thing over his forehead
    so he doesn’t got to ‘member anymore.
    like there’s something hes always knows,
    but won’t tell.
    and i don’t think i blame ‘im.
    i wouldn’t either.
    i wouldn’t either if i hurt like ‘he did.
    i wouldn’t blame ‘im.
    not for a minute.

  26. the last time i saw a large number of cones we were driving down an M road in england through construction and there were millions of cones in lines to mark off lanes. as if they couldn’t just put a few… there was one every foot.

    the brightness of cones always throws me off a little.

  27. coney island filled with cones. big cylinder orange cones because they’re doing construction on coney island. the island is a huge cone that is actually an ice cream cone with with strawberry icecream.

  28. ice cream. cone head. waffle cone. ice cream store. laura secord. pylon. orange. delicious. better then ice cream. beige. shape. good. summer.

  29. cone

  30. I was walking down the street and I ran into an orange caution cone. When I tripped it tipped, but didn’t really roll because of the square bottom. So I didn’t just stop in my trip, but I continued to fall all of the way over.

  31. ice cream. pylon. orange. cracker. beige. better then ice cream. cone head. shape. waffle. regular. ice cream

  32. snow cones like ice melting sugar falvors, cones iccream cones cones for blocking things cause they are orange cone shap like geopmetry

    nikki Bozzano
  33. So, ice cream is delicious. It often comes in cones. Hmmm. It seems that the cone doesn’t really stimulate any creative thought.

    Nathan Reiber
  34. I want to run in circles sometimes, spiraling upwards to a point in the sky where the birds meet and roll through the air about themselves and talk and sing. And maybe some people will see me from the ground and shout “Hey you!” and run up to meet me. And we’ll become fast friends because we love adventures.

  35. I guess I was born with a cone shaped head. They had to perform a C-section, and even had to suck me out with force. Apparently, this resulted in a cone-shaped head briefly at birth.

    Willy MacJohnsonstein
  36. cones? what the fuck, i suppose the first two things that come to mind are traffic and pine cones. i dont know much about traffic cones, mostly because i dont know how to drive. one day i will learn how to drive, but sometimes i think its kind of cute that ill get these incredulous reactions frmo people since i am 22 years old and going to school in michigan and don’t havea license. i do, however, live in nyc, so i suppose its not so bad. either way, back to pine cones. pinecones are the … well… they smell rather nice.

  37. The cone was a sugary waffle one. The icecream melted over top of the cone as the child licked his lips with excitement. It was the most beautiful thing to experience. To see. The sun shining and the icecream slowly melting.

    Sarah Morley
  38. Single cone or double. With or without flakes? With or without strawberry sauce? Vanilla in both or add another flavour? The questions that plague even a weightwatcher who is going to refuse anyway.

    Annabel Weir
  39. I fucking hate ice cream cones. they’re supposed to be tasty treats to supplement the tasty treat, but they suck!!! they taste like cracker slash cookie pieces of hell!!!!!!

  40. I like ice cream cones, they’re rather tasty. I’m watching the green line move across the screen. It’s difficult to concentrate on anything else. I notice the time, and realize I should be asleep but Placebo and “stumble upon” makes it damn near impossible. In fact, that’s how I found this site. I stumbled across it. Green to yellow to red. Almost done. Almost done.

    Feather Way