ice cream and children in the park are what i think of when you mention cone. I also wonder about the lethal things in this world that are cone shaped and find it interesting that such drastically differing things can take the same shape and what sort of a god created us when children’s joys and death are shaped the same.
Branko Lozancic/
The ice cream driped down the cone an ice cold senseasion went throgh my finger as the ice cream hit it. I was suppriesed and dropped the ice cream on my bear toes and fell into the cold blue water next to me.
ice cream reminds me of summer when things were happy. i miss those days, i miss how you were. i cant understand what went wrong. maybe is me and not you. but really, you were such a disappointment. i cant believe that i stayed with you for so long. you were such an ass. we used to have good times. what happened?
Robin Watts
Crying out ” I have forgotten geometry all together.” The only other places that one shall arrive at besides prisms, cubes, and Pyramids will lead right to a cone
The sand was warm against her toes, the sea air salty as she contemplated the pacific ocean. Three years of dreaming had finally brought her here, to Los Angeles, the city where dreams could come true. The problem was, her dreams weren’t coming true, and no amount of ice cream cones would ever help.
I spent too much money to buy it but it was fabulous. The ice cream cone began to melt just as i finished it.
a cone…there isnt really much else to say a cone is just a cone and that is all. People have cone heads, cone bodies, but what is a cone – is a cone – well said
why is it always cone? i wish i had someone to love me. to buy me icecream and to hold me. i miss joe huseman. :( ughghghghg icecream best is rocky roadd!!!!wooooo lyndsey skyler marie taylor byeeee noww
It was a silly idea, really. One she could almost bring herself to regret.
Almost, anyway.
She stood in her slinky black dress, the cone-shaped hat perched a little lopsidedly on her head. One hand on her hip, the other on the cup of caffeinated juice in her hand. Her hair curled around her shoulders, her lips painted in a rich blood-red colour.
Banning costumes on Halloween was a stupid idea, anyway.
I made myself a little reminder of everything we had left;
Fitted perfectly between your eyes and the shape of your distinct cleft.
it was always a secret, the way we slept,
making memories you knew I never kept.
these cones keep falling,
weren’t they flakes, once?
once, when they weren’t painful.
it is a funny shape which makes me think of dunces now that is interesting as dunces traditionally are wunces spelt wrong which is why they are dunces I suppose. A cone of course is also useful for eating icecreams
Changing the ice cream cone from his right hand to his left he shook his hand.
“So, you finally have found me.” It was not a question. Death nodded.
“It wasn’t easy, Michael. But in the end nobody escapes me. That’s my one consolation. Despite all the measures they take to escape me – in the end I find them anyway.”
the thing in which we put our delighted ,misspent , but plentiful childhood. the one thing we all know and love , to favor and to want. But that is also the source of so much miscontent
to eat ice cream on it, to balance it before it falls sdown, pulled by gravity, blananced perfectly on the pointed shape. a birthday party hat, one from your youth, where you couldnt help but smile throughout the party, ciricled by firends and family and love, holiding it forever in ur memeory.
lauren martin
i love ice cream like crazy. i love brown bonnets in a cone on hot summer days. how the shell doesn’t really harden and the hot summer melts everything leaving the cone gooey and lovely.
i dont know what cone means but it sounds like something nasty,out of a war movie including love,it mostly based on love not war oh god! i’m not good with rushed sentences
once upon a time there was a cone who wanted to fly. he tried but he failed. oh, how he cried. because he tried and he tried
And at the apex of the cone the sacrificial stone stood ostensibly bare. However, at closer inspection rusty tears bled out of the altar as if from a soul overflowing.
Once, my friend and I were at her church-related event, the AIDS walk, and we were picked to regulate the turning point of the route. There were traffic cones marking this position, and we soon discovered that approximately 90% of the time it was only us and the cones. Upon reaching this realization, we decided it’d be a fantastic idea to play with the cones and found a way to balance them on our heads and march about quite majestically. As for the other 10% of the time, the participants of the AIDS walk did not see the humor in it.
what is cone i dont know its mean because i
ice creams come in cones which are sometimes glazed in chocolate too, ymmy!!! i like the icecreams with a lottz chocolate on top and chocolate ol the way thru and chocolate chips and maybe a chocolate bar to go along with it
It’s in the middle of the road. It blocks people from going somewhere. Brightly colored, and somehow everyone follows the rules and goes around the thing unless they’re really determined to get to said place that’s blocked off by it.
i like to eat out of a cone.
you can put lots in it… it has, quite literally, infinite possibilities… sweet, hot, spicy, cold, sugary… in fact, the cone does not even have to be used as a food utensil. it can be used as quite a stylish fashion accessory also… particularly during a par-tay or similar social event.
I think of Madonna’s beautiful cone breasts_ reminding us all that perfect circles are not the best shape anyway…
Megan Servin Bothell
I love to lick a snocone in the middle of a hot summer day. After eating at Al’s Beef on Taylor it rounds out my meal quite nicely.
a cone is a lovely shape. icecream cone. Yumm
1/3pi r^3 h is its volume.
i love ice cream cone. they’re cool, they’re sweet. ah fuck, it’s yogyakarta i couldnt have more than 3 cones. more would be better tho. yes please, buy me some.
Their was a cone today that really interested me, not a cone of regular peculairty. More of a childs icecream cone, but less of a street cone. The cone was imagined in my head that showed me the light at the very end which would be where i will end up after death.
Molly Fullam
The joint was so fat it was almost conical. Riley laughed the kind of hoarse laugh that came with this particular hobby, and lit it up with an old black bic. “Shit,” he said. A lungful of smoke, “this is the way, man.”
what about a cone do you wanna know? I used to wear cones on my tits at when i worked at an ice cream shop. and i used to dream about shitting in a cone and giving it to someone i hated.
ice cream cones are good. especially with good ice cream. i dont eat then often because i am already a sugar-holic. whatever that means. oh well, i will make up for it by cutting back. I dont want diabetes, ice cream is soooo god though, whatever fucky dont know what to say anym
cone, ice cream, road works, diggers, traffic, hat, party, party hat, cake, ballon, string, latex, condom, baby, hole, bum, poo
the summer sun and the salty breeze blew across her brow, as the ice cream dripped from the cone onto the ground. this was summer. sticky hands and sand swept faces. the ocean was cold.
cone. c-one. keine ahnung, was das hei
cones are awesome. but thats only i fyou have the right one, the ones you get at Mcdonalds for the 15 ruppee ice cream are just horrible. But if you go to a better icecream place like ben and jerrys or gelatos and get a cone,you can choose from many different flavours. of cones, not icecreams. yes. so the point is that theres too much choice in the world and sometimes choice isnt good. because then you spend soo much time choosing that you dont get enough time to actually enjoy what you’ve chosen. so i think that when it comes to college applications choice, freedom of choice, is NOT cool.
he’s short and got a cone-shaped head. he’s got a beard too but I don’t begrudge him that. in the mood he says. I’m not.
i can really use a cone of ice-cream right now.
ice cream and children in the park are what i think of when you mention cone. I also wonder about the lethal things in this world that are cone shaped and find it interesting that such drastically differing things can take the same shape and what sort of a god created us when children’s joys and death are shaped the same.
The ice cream driped down the cone an ice cold senseasion went throgh my finger as the ice cream hit it. I was suppriesed and dropped the ice cream on my bear toes and fell into the cold blue water next to me.
ice cream reminds me of summer when things were happy. i miss those days, i miss how you were. i cant understand what went wrong. maybe is me and not you. but really, you were such a disappointment. i cant believe that i stayed with you for so long. you were such an ass. we used to have good times. what happened?
Crying out ” I have forgotten geometry all together.” The only other places that one shall arrive at besides prisms, cubes, and Pyramids will lead right to a cone
The sand was warm against her toes, the sea air salty as she contemplated the pacific ocean. Three years of dreaming had finally brought her here, to Los Angeles, the city where dreams could come true. The problem was, her dreams weren’t coming true, and no amount of ice cream cones would ever help.
I spent too much money to buy it but it was fabulous. The ice cream cone began to melt just as i finished it.
a cone…there isnt really much else to say a cone is just a cone and that is all. People have cone heads, cone bodies, but what is a cone – is a cone – well said
why is it always cone? i wish i had someone to love me. to buy me icecream and to hold me. i miss joe huseman. :( ughghghghg icecream best is rocky roadd!!!!wooooo lyndsey skyler marie taylor byeeee noww
It was a silly idea, really. One she could almost bring herself to regret.
Almost, anyway.
She stood in her slinky black dress, the cone-shaped hat perched a little lopsidedly on her head. One hand on her hip, the other on the cup of caffeinated juice in her hand. Her hair curled around her shoulders, her lips painted in a rich blood-red colour.
Banning costumes on Halloween was a stupid idea, anyway.
icecream, dripping, melting, sweet sugary sticky happy, chocolate crunchy, sprinkles, mummy, summer.
I made myself a little reminder of everything we had left;
Fitted perfectly between your eyes and the shape of your distinct cleft.
it was always a secret, the way we slept,
making memories you knew I never kept.
these cones keep falling,
weren’t they flakes, once?
once, when they weren’t painful.
it is a funny shape which makes me think of dunces now that is interesting as dunces traditionally are wunces spelt wrong which is why they are dunces I suppose. A cone of course is also useful for eating icecreams
Changing the ice cream cone from his right hand to his left he shook his hand.
“So, you finally have found me.” It was not a question. Death nodded.
“It wasn’t easy, Michael. But in the end nobody escapes me. That’s my one consolation. Despite all the measures they take to escape me – in the end I find them anyway.”
the thing in which we put our delighted ,misspent , but plentiful childhood. the one thing we all know and love , to favor and to want. But that is also the source of so much miscontent
to eat ice cream on it, to balance it before it falls sdown, pulled by gravity, blananced perfectly on the pointed shape. a birthday party hat, one from your youth, where you couldnt help but smile throughout the party, ciricled by firends and family and love, holiding it forever in ur memeory.
i love ice cream like crazy. i love brown bonnets in a cone on hot summer days. how the shell doesn’t really harden and the hot summer melts everything leaving the cone gooey and lovely.
i dont know what cone means but it sounds like something nasty,out of a war movie including love,it mostly based on love not war oh god! i’m not good with rushed sentences
once upon a time there was a cone who wanted to fly. he tried but he failed. oh, how he cried. because he tried and he tried
And at the apex of the cone the sacrificial stone stood ostensibly bare. However, at closer inspection rusty tears bled out of the altar as if from a soul overflowing.
Once, my friend and I were at her church-related event, the AIDS walk, and we were picked to regulate the turning point of the route. There were traffic cones marking this position, and we soon discovered that approximately 90% of the time it was only us and the cones. Upon reaching this realization, we decided it’d be a fantastic idea to play with the cones and found a way to balance them on our heads and march about quite majestically. As for the other 10% of the time, the participants of the AIDS walk did not see the humor in it.
what is cone i dont know its mean because i
ice creams come in cones which are sometimes glazed in chocolate too, ymmy!!! i like the icecreams with a lottz chocolate on top and chocolate ol the way thru and chocolate chips and maybe a chocolate bar to go along with it
It’s in the middle of the road. It blocks people from going somewhere. Brightly colored, and somehow everyone follows the rules and goes around the thing unless they’re really determined to get to said place that’s blocked off by it.
i like to eat out of a cone.
you can put lots in it… it has, quite literally, infinite possibilities… sweet, hot, spicy, cold, sugary… in fact, the cone does not even have to be used as a food utensil. it can be used as quite a stylish fashion accessory also… particularly during a par-tay or similar social event.
I think of Madonna’s beautiful cone breasts_ reminding us all that perfect circles are not the best shape anyway…
I love to lick a snocone in the middle of a hot summer day. After eating at Al’s Beef on Taylor it rounds out my meal quite nicely.
a cone is a lovely shape. icecream cone. Yumm
1/3pi r^3 h is its volume.
i love ice cream cone. they’re cool, they’re sweet. ah fuck, it’s yogyakarta i couldnt have more than 3 cones. more would be better tho. yes please, buy me some.
Their was a cone today that really interested me, not a cone of regular peculairty. More of a childs icecream cone, but less of a street cone. The cone was imagined in my head that showed me the light at the very end which would be where i will end up after death.
The joint was so fat it was almost conical. Riley laughed the kind of hoarse laugh that came with this particular hobby, and lit it up with an old black bic. “Shit,” he said. A lungful of smoke, “this is the way, man.”
what about a cone do you wanna know? I used to wear cones on my tits at when i worked at an ice cream shop. and i used to dream about shitting in a cone and giving it to someone i hated.
ice cream cones are good. especially with good ice cream. i dont eat then often because i am already a sugar-holic. whatever that means. oh well, i will make up for it by cutting back. I dont want diabetes, ice cream is soooo god though, whatever fucky dont know what to say anym
cone, ice cream, road works, diggers, traffic, hat, party, party hat, cake, ballon, string, latex, condom, baby, hole, bum, poo
the summer sun and the salty breeze blew across her brow, as the ice cream dripped from the cone onto the ground. this was summer. sticky hands and sand swept faces. the ocean was cold.
cone. c-one. keine ahnung, was das hei
cones are awesome. but thats only i fyou have the right one, the ones you get at Mcdonalds for the 15 ruppee ice cream are just horrible. But if you go to a better icecream place like ben and jerrys or gelatos and get a cone,you can choose from many different flavours. of cones, not icecreams. yes. so the point is that theres too much choice in the world and sometimes choice isnt good. because then you spend soo much time choosing that you dont get enough time to actually enjoy what you’ve chosen. so i think that when it comes to college applications choice, freedom of choice, is NOT cool.
he’s short and got a cone-shaped head. he’s got a beard too but I don’t begrudge him that. in the mood he says. I’m not.