Ice cream cone, gelatto on the Wellington waterfront in summer before the cone of silence on other stuff and things.
the cone is like a head of a person or bring from another planet. I used a cone once for drivers ed. I passed.
ice cream cone, a traffic cone that you see in the street, or what you use for soccer, you have to go around them as a drill. Cone for caution! always be safe. It yummy with ice cream, they have all sorts of cones, big, little, different flavors, different textures
ice cream cones, snow cones, animal head cones… cones cones cones, life inside a cone would suck.. what would you do if you lived with one of those head cones on? The cone heads, good movie, old movie.. I want to watch that movie lol.. ALIENS…
i have a cone in my refrigerator andd only tink about him
Who’s my little cone head! Who’s my cone head? You are! You are! And I love you. I love you sooo much.
My dog, emi, just looks up at me. She gets that I’m trying to make her happy, but she’s so down all the time. I can’t wait till she’s better, and we can take off her victorian collar, so she doesn’t look like the pixar lamp anymore.
Kiyoshi Shaw
pine cones. big and hairy. eaten by squirrels. little furry creatures. with big fluffy tails. and sharp teeth. had one indoors once. sammy that we used to feed. she was adorable. buttered buns.
Tall triangular 3D shaped with a circle for a base that I studied in for Maths.It was in almost every Math book that I saw a picture of it when I was studying in my 11 years if primary and secondary school.Party hats!!!!I love party hats and ice cream!!
Tall triangular 3D shaped with a circle for a base that I studied in for Maths.It was in almost every Math book that I saw a picture of it when I was studying in my 11 years if primary and secondary school.Party hats!!!!I love party hats and ice cream!!
cream come! i scream you scream we all scream for ice cream! screaming mimi’s is really good (ice cream place in Sebastopol.) They make home made ice cream in all kinds of flavors like pumpkin and olive oil…. and good/ normals ones too… it is amazing
Cone…and Hauerwas. That’s what comes to mind. Can I remember what Cone wrote about? The black church and its revitalization, what was needed for the black church to really be revivified. Cone…a more fun thought would have been ice cream cone, but those seem to exist in our imagination these days more than in our reality of daily life. Time is up…
The cone of ash was perfectly symmetrical, defying any explanation as this chamber had not been opened or altered at all prior to its purging. There was something else at work here.
There was a cone on the street. Orange and lonely against black. I saw it, and it took me a split second to decide if I wanted to walk around it, trailing my skirts on the ground. Or did I want to walk over, lifting them up and scaling my boots over the triangular top.
a cone is a shape, often used to direct traffic or to be a fashion statement, if you are madonna. A cone is often pictured as orange. Ice cream can be eaten out of the edible ones. It is also used as a dunce cap, which raises the quesiton what was madonna implying? I really don’t know. I’m running out of things to say about cones.
The ice cream cone tasted delicious in Anthony’s mouth. The ice cream itself was bitter and cold. There was nothing like the sensation of eating the frozen treat in the middle of winter. He felt as if he were eating the snow that surrounded him.
The smoke rose through the cone at the top of the sweat lodge and the drumming began. The rest of us huttled on the sides but j stood st the center almost in the small circle of light from the cone. J began with that smile that kind of gave me the creeps. He began to chant and closed those clear blue eyes. Much as I tried to believe in his words, the eyes seemed false to me. They smiled without joy. His mouth crinckled upward but somehow it make me cringe. Like when the school bully smiles at you just before he beats you. If there was joy it was a cruel joy. He seemed to enjoy hearing the painful stories of those who came to him to be healed. They would cry and sputter their tales of misery and he would encourage they to provide more and more details. In the smoky, cramped sweat lodge I began to feel the drums and the chants in my bones reverberating. It seemed to me that they said “Stupid, stupid, stupid.” Over and over, I heard it, just like my mother’s voice. The panic rose in my throat and but i couldnt get my cramped legs to move and take me out of the steamy prison. I was also afraid to draw his attention. I carefully looked around at the others. Everyone’s eyes were closed and J was waving sage over Steven in the corner. Steven’s face was red, redder than it usually was on the big man. His tears ran down his cheeks and caught the glint of the fire. I slid my legs out and slithered out the entrance as quickly as I could.
Ice cream cones are filled with pain. Look at them. Pointy, sharp tips that could pierce your retinas. If chomped on the wrong way, they’ll make your gums bleed. Pain.
Pine cones – aromatic and evocative. Does anything seem more like a forest?
he grabed his ice cream cone and ran away yelling “its mine you’ll never get it”.
The cones on the street were there because the workers needed some space. Once, a long time ago, a group of workers had not set up the cones properly, Adam remembered, it was the longest night of his life, since his best friend Tom had been the victim of a brutal car accident that took his life.
Gustavo Guevara
the little boy droped his icecrem cone on his bed room floor
The cone watched me from the middle of the road, patiently tempting me to ram it. But, this was a new car, and I didn’t think that I could explain to my husband why the front end was scratched… And yet, the cone dared me to do it.
Lithia really, really hated math. He held out, sure. He got through it one way or another. But ninety percent of the time, as the teacher droned on about conic section or something ridiculous like that, he was looking out the window and tapping his pencil to the music in his head.
The cone dripped all over the wood floor of the cafe. I gave Sam a look. He knew he was in trouble. I hated it when my mother gave me the same look.
The last bite of the ice cream cone is the best part, in my personal opinion. It has just the right balance of ice cream and crunchy cone. The rest isn’t a comparison, as you have to lick away the ice cream before you get to bite the cone in an effort to avoid that painful sensation of biting into the ice cream with your teeth.
I saw the first pinecone tree of my life that lonely winter day. Magically shaped crystals fell upon me from time to time, leaving me in awe
the cone-shaped object was getting on his nerves.”take that idiotic thing off.your.head.”he snarled.”hey!the ice cream hat’s on my head,not yours!!”was the snickering reply.
un mio amico lavora moltissimo. una volta avevamo un sacco di tempo da passare insieme, ora si combatte per stare insieme due minuti alla settimana. tutta colpa della globalizzazione
a cone is a shape that looks like an icecream cone.
and its pointy. i like ice cream :)
a simple ice cream cone could bring you so much joy not ten years ago. but now you want more much more. what happened.
kat the great
the cones were there blocking the way…but there was no where else to go. she had to make this plane, things were resting on this one final step and these stupid fucking cones were blocking her way. She didnt think about the cops, or other people…she drove over them and there was freedom…she could taste it.
the word cone reminds me of my psychology course, as we are studying vision and cones are some part of the eye, the purpose of which i may never remember
i am extremely interested in psychology, but i do not necessarily place the course on a pedestal
Her crown was not a crown, but more of a small golden cone that sat upon her head, it was incrusted with emralds similar to her throne, and had greek letters spelling out some sort of phrase.
alone in the dark tunnel
a CONE IS something I put Ice cream in. It is reminds me of calculus and the mathematical operation of finding the area of the a 3d object.
I hate those traffic cones that are super skinny because when we’re going on road trips I like to count the number of cones and white lines we pass and the skinny ones just go by so fast that my mind starts spinning and i have to give up.
It’s been a million years since I had ice cream in a cone. I guess I’m trying to rationalize the fact that I’m eating ice cream
ice cream. waffles. i love syrup on my waffles. cold or warm, it doesn’t matter. i like to eat waffles in a bowl, not on a plate. I like pancakes also, but i can’t decide if i like waffles or pancakes more. I love french toast. That totally tromps the other two breakfast items. ice cream. oh yes. i hate when my cone breaks off, spilling the ice cream.
it was chocolate and brown. crispier than enything id ever tasted. the texture was coarse and with the soft creamy icecream, i could clearly differentiate between them in my mouth.
Ice cream cone, gelatto on the Wellington waterfront in summer before the cone of silence on other stuff and things.
the cone is like a head of a person or bring from another planet. I used a cone once for drivers ed. I passed.
ice cream cone, a traffic cone that you see in the street, or what you use for soccer, you have to go around them as a drill. Cone for caution! always be safe. It yummy with ice cream, they have all sorts of cones, big, little, different flavors, different textures
ice cream cones, snow cones, animal head cones… cones cones cones, life inside a cone would suck.. what would you do if you lived with one of those head cones on? The cone heads, good movie, old movie.. I want to watch that movie lol.. ALIENS…
i have a cone in my refrigerator andd only tink about him
Who’s my little cone head! Who’s my cone head? You are! You are! And I love you. I love you sooo much.
My dog, emi, just looks up at me. She gets that I’m trying to make her happy, but she’s so down all the time. I can’t wait till she’s better, and we can take off her victorian collar, so she doesn’t look like the pixar lamp anymore.
pine cones. big and hairy. eaten by squirrels. little furry creatures. with big fluffy tails. and sharp teeth. had one indoors once. sammy that we used to feed. she was adorable. buttered buns.
Tall triangular 3D shaped with a circle for a base that I studied in for Maths.It was in almost every Math book that I saw a picture of it when I was studying in my 11 years if primary and secondary school.Party hats!!!!I love party hats and ice cream!!
Tall triangular 3D shaped with a circle for a base that I studied in for Maths.It was in almost every Math book that I saw a picture of it when I was studying in my 11 years if primary and secondary school.Party hats!!!!I love party hats and ice cream!!
cream come! i scream you scream we all scream for ice cream! screaming mimi’s is really good (ice cream place in Sebastopol.) They make home made ice cream in all kinds of flavors like pumpkin and olive oil…. and good/ normals ones too… it is amazing
Cone…and Hauerwas. That’s what comes to mind. Can I remember what Cone wrote about? The black church and its revitalization, what was needed for the black church to really be revivified. Cone…a more fun thought would have been ice cream cone, but those seem to exist in our imagination these days more than in our reality of daily life. Time is up…
The cone of ash was perfectly symmetrical, defying any explanation as this chamber had not been opened or altered at all prior to its purging. There was something else at work here.
There was a cone on the street. Orange and lonely against black. I saw it, and it took me a split second to decide if I wanted to walk around it, trailing my skirts on the ground. Or did I want to walk over, lifting them up and scaling my boots over the triangular top.
a cone is a shape, often used to direct traffic or to be a fashion statement, if you are madonna. A cone is often pictured as orange. Ice cream can be eaten out of the edible ones. It is also used as a dunce cap, which raises the quesiton what was madonna implying? I really don’t know. I’m running out of things to say about cones.
The ice cream cone tasted delicious in Anthony’s mouth. The ice cream itself was bitter and cold. There was nothing like the sensation of eating the frozen treat in the middle of winter. He felt as if he were eating the snow that surrounded him.
The smoke rose through the cone at the top of the sweat lodge and the drumming began. The rest of us huttled on the sides but j stood st the center almost in the small circle of light from the cone. J began with that smile that kind of gave me the creeps. He began to chant and closed those clear blue eyes. Much as I tried to believe in his words, the eyes seemed false to me. They smiled without joy. His mouth crinckled upward but somehow it make me cringe. Like when the school bully smiles at you just before he beats you. If there was joy it was a cruel joy. He seemed to enjoy hearing the painful stories of those who came to him to be healed. They would cry and sputter their tales of misery and he would encourage they to provide more and more details. In the smoky, cramped sweat lodge I began to feel the drums and the chants in my bones reverberating. It seemed to me that they said “Stupid, stupid, stupid.” Over and over, I heard it, just like my mother’s voice. The panic rose in my throat and but i couldnt get my cramped legs to move and take me out of the steamy prison. I was also afraid to draw his attention. I carefully looked around at the others. Everyone’s eyes were closed and J was waving sage over Steven in the corner. Steven’s face was red, redder than it usually was on the big man. His tears ran down his cheeks and caught the glint of the fire. I slid my legs out and slithered out the entrance as quickly as I could.
Ice cream cones are filled with pain. Look at them. Pointy, sharp tips that could pierce your retinas. If chomped on the wrong way, they’ll make your gums bleed. Pain.
Pine cones – aromatic and evocative. Does anything seem more like a forest?
he grabed his ice cream cone and ran away yelling “its mine you’ll never get it”.
The cones on the street were there because the workers needed some space. Once, a long time ago, a group of workers had not set up the cones properly, Adam remembered, it was the longest night of his life, since his best friend Tom had been the victim of a brutal car accident that took his life.
the little boy droped his icecrem cone on his bed room floor
The cone watched me from the middle of the road, patiently tempting me to ram it. But, this was a new car, and I didn’t think that I could explain to my husband why the front end was scratched… And yet, the cone dared me to do it.
Lithia really, really hated math. He held out, sure. He got through it one way or another. But ninety percent of the time, as the teacher droned on about conic section or something ridiculous like that, he was looking out the window and tapping his pencil to the music in his head.
The cone dripped all over the wood floor of the cafe. I gave Sam a look. He knew he was in trouble. I hated it when my mother gave me the same look.
The last bite of the ice cream cone is the best part, in my personal opinion. It has just the right balance of ice cream and crunchy cone. The rest isn’t a comparison, as you have to lick away the ice cream before you get to bite the cone in an effort to avoid that painful sensation of biting into the ice cream with your teeth.
I saw the first pinecone tree of my life that lonely winter day. Magically shaped crystals fell upon me from time to time, leaving me in awe
the cone-shaped object was getting on his nerves.”take that idiotic thing off.your.head.”he snarled.”hey!the ice cream hat’s on my head,not yours!!”was the snickering reply.
un mio amico lavora moltissimo. una volta avevamo un sacco di tempo da passare insieme, ora si combatte per stare insieme due minuti alla settimana. tutta colpa della globalizzazione
a cone is a shape that looks like an icecream cone.
and its pointy. i like ice cream :)
a simple ice cream cone could bring you so much joy not ten years ago. but now you want more much more. what happened.
the cones were there blocking the way…but there was no where else to go. she had to make this plane, things were resting on this one final step and these stupid fucking cones were blocking her way. She didnt think about the cops, or other people…she drove over them and there was freedom…she could taste it.
the word cone reminds me of my psychology course, as we are studying vision and cones are some part of the eye, the purpose of which i may never remember
i am extremely interested in psychology, but i do not necessarily place the course on a pedestal
Her crown was not a crown, but more of a small golden cone that sat upon her head, it was incrusted with emralds similar to her throne, and had greek letters spelling out some sort of phrase.
alone in the dark tunnel
a CONE IS something I put Ice cream in. It is reminds me of calculus and the mathematical operation of finding the area of the a 3d object.
I hate those traffic cones that are super skinny because when we’re going on road trips I like to count the number of cones and white lines we pass and the skinny ones just go by so fast that my mind starts spinning and i have to give up.
It’s been a million years since I had ice cream in a cone. I guess I’m trying to rationalize the fact that I’m eating ice cream
ice cream. waffles. i love syrup on my waffles. cold or warm, it doesn’t matter. i like to eat waffles in a bowl, not on a plate. I like pancakes also, but i can’t decide if i like waffles or pancakes more. I love french toast. That totally tromps the other two breakfast items. ice cream. oh yes. i hate when my cone breaks off, spilling the ice cream.
it was chocolate and brown. crispier than enything id ever tasted. the texture was coarse and with the soft creamy icecream, i could clearly differentiate between them in my mouth.