Ice cream cones are delicious. I remember wanting orange cones, the little ones, when I was little so I could practice soccer drills. Obviously that was when I was really into playing sports. I stole a traffic cone once with my mom. It was heavier than I expected. I originally went after the blinking cone, but thought the one that didn’t blink would be lighter. I was wrong, but I got the non blinking one anyway.
the ice cream reast, and drips down teh side. the traffic is stopped only by. the little boy collects and puts in his closet so his mother wont come snooping by. my hair is up straight and my nose is looking like a cone.
A cone of cold blasts beyond the farthest reaches of imagination and transvaluates all the petty human thoughts of yore. What then do we do with this cone of destruction? Love it for the freedom and fate it provides.
an ice cream cone is a simple object, but one that makes so many children around the world smile each day. How can one simply object keep so many young minds in such a state of happiness, yet we cant find one single thing to keep each and every person happy without saying that it is our “differences” that make us unhappy and our unhappiness that leads us to war!
ice creams are put on wafer cones. the volume of a cone is one-third of pi.r^3.h. cone shaped hats are worn at parties, by dunce students and witches.
Ghazain Jamil
soccer cones the orange ones that you dribble around. cones in the road that direct which way you go. cones are used for directions and they direct life. some people can be cones. they are quite influential people.
a cone is a geometric shape that is a rounded a 3d triangle with a circle as the base. it is also a part of the eye ball. the end :).
Of course, we have ice cream cones. Traffic cones too, which reminds me that I need to get gas soon…anyway, ice cream cones are great too, though I suppose I do prefer it out of a cup (less messy). Cones can be dipped in chocolate though, and that’s always tasty. And of course, I must also mention that “cones” is the word that they use for boobs in “Son in Law.”
i never liked ice cream growing up, but she would always take me. we’d sit on the curb outside the ice cream shop and talk for hours. I’d get cookie douch, cause i actually liked cookies. despite nt liking where we were, i realized it was the happiest moment of my life, sitting on the curb, eating ice cream.
the cone is like Andy Goldsworthy’s cones: like a seed, a pine cone, a marker. They are dropped by trees around the places that they stand: by contrast, human beings can move around. We leave cones, or markers, or words, in the places that we travel.
Sam Drew
i love wearing cone shaped hats, it reminds me of harry potter, with dumbledore going around being all awesome saving the world and being really cool. i also like ice cream cones, whem the bottom falls off and the ice cream slides outs the end
The ice cream melted down the cone, over her fingers, and pelted toward the summer-scorched pavement. Mint chocolate chip, green dairy tracks, with the taste of cookie dough on her tongue, stolen from his cone.
A cone is something that you have ice cream on. There are cones often on a road where there are roadworks. A cone is a 3D shape. There’s a film called cone heads (or something like that!)
I found the cone smashed at the corner. Not a surprise. I’m a terrible driver. But how had I hit it? I didn’t think I had left the house. Last night was a blur. Too much ice cream, dripping from cones. lining our lips with sugar and our eyes glazed.
the ice cream cone was dripping chocolate down my hnd. My aunt brought it back to me after selling her eggs to the country grocery store owner. I hate chocolate but couldn
believe me when i say that the greatest thing ever was sitting on the green line like a kiddy kid kid licking my cone- caramel apple and cookie dough. listening to my ipod. oh my goodnes.
i want an ice cream cone
ice cream. which i haven’t had in a while because i am now a vegan after 15 years of being vegetarian. and i am weight-crazy. but i love a waffle cone with sprinkles. and cookies and cream ice cream or mint chocolate chip….suppose i could buy some soy ice cream!
Ice cream or Dan Aykroyd or Jane Curtin or traffic or Pauly Shore’s euphemism for boobs or – hm. That’s all I can think of.
A cone can be many things. One of which is a cone for holding ice cream. This is a delicious cold treat, good for summertime or any time you feel like snacking. Ice cream cones come in many varieties. My personal favorite is the waffle cone.
ice cream cones are good, what kind of a word is cone? i think this lesson is a little lame, i was hoping for something a little more ambiguous. something i could really go on about that was a little more abstract less concrete. you can go on and on about something like logic, ego, pain, or love, but a cone? its a shape, the end. next word
orange lines of the things on the way to work. Its so tempting to take a short cut up the blocked off slip road so I don’t have to pass with the regular traffic. Bloody roadworks!!
I like cones for ice cream. I love the taste after an ice cream cone has soaked up some of the flavor of the ice cream. It tastes great. I also like the movie cone heads, i havent seen it in a very long time but when I did I thought it was very funny. It always makes me think
orange and in the road. they keep you away from construction sites. go around them or else they can do some damage. triangular type shape. big or small. block areas. they are used in sports for training. put them on your hand and run around, i did that when i was young. they are fun.
Meghan Driscoll
ice cream like that south park episode with the Fonz doing a motorcycle jump. Or maybe like Euclidean geometry. I’ve heard that even with advanced mathematics there’s no way to calculate completely the complexity of a cone.
i love ice cream. its so good in the summer. makes me cool and breezzy… espeiclly in a cone… when it dreaps all over it- yummy!!! i looove it!!!
orange and in the road. they keep you away from construction sites. go around them or else they can do some damage. triangular type shape. big or small.
The cone on the traffic median looked a lot like the ice cream cone I was having. Though the traffic had been stalled for quite sometime, I was getting bored out of my head. And when I get bored I think about all sorts of insane things.
i used to always order ice cream in a dish, with a cone placed on top. I miss those days they were more simple. I want to be a kid again
cones are very beautiful of the shapes.
I wonder if the pyramids are conical shapes, they would have been much better..
and yeah, why not buildings be in conical shape?
and yeah, there are some cone ice creams too..
i don’ t know what this is but i’m doing it anyway and this green line is going across the top this is real silly.
ice cream cone, yum lovely cooling ice cream. Slowly sliding down your throat and eradicating the feeling of heat. Clottws cream flavour with clotted cream on top.
ice cream man
cone came into existence by it’s triangular counterpart edges contoured and bended like pencil sharpeners coning around in falling waves as sitting is deemed unnecessary for ice cream eaters the world over who chew through cones and see that the end is pinpointed
kris curtis
when i was a little girl, i went to mcD’s and i got ice cream with my g-ma. i ate all of it but the cone because i didn’t realize it was edible…. until my g-ma said, “you can eat that you know?”… and to my surprise i did. …all of it. including the paper wrapper of ronald mcdonald stuck around the cone… it was good. :)
a cone is yellow with a square bottom. cars hit the cone and squish them to death. but because of the fantastic material a cone is made out of, its ok because they can take their natural shape again. cones are good microphones. children love to play
Cone again, that’s fairly uncreative. For a site that only has to display one word to inspire people to write, I would suggest you go with a random word generator.
Ice cream cones are delicious. I remember wanting orange cones, the little ones, when I was little so I could practice soccer drills. Obviously that was when I was really into playing sports. I stole a traffic cone once with my mom. It was heavier than I expected. I originally went after the blinking cone, but thought the one that didn’t blink would be lighter. I was wrong, but I got the non blinking one anyway.
the ice cream reast, and drips down teh side. the traffic is stopped only by. the little boy collects and puts in his closet so his mother wont come snooping by. my hair is up straight and my nose is looking like a cone.
A cone of cold blasts beyond the farthest reaches of imagination and transvaluates all the petty human thoughts of yore. What then do we do with this cone of destruction? Love it for the freedom and fate it provides.
an ice cream cone is a simple object, but one that makes so many children around the world smile each day. How can one simply object keep so many young minds in such a state of happiness, yet we cant find one single thing to keep each and every person happy without saying that it is our “differences” that make us unhappy and our unhappiness that leads us to war!
ice creams are put on wafer cones. the volume of a cone is one-third of pi.r^3.h. cone shaped hats are worn at parties, by dunce students and witches.
soccer cones the orange ones that you dribble around. cones in the road that direct which way you go. cones are used for directions and they direct life. some people can be cones. they are quite influential people.
a cone is a geometric shape that is a rounded a 3d triangle with a circle as the base. it is also a part of the eye ball. the end :).
Of course, we have ice cream cones. Traffic cones too, which reminds me that I need to get gas soon…anyway, ice cream cones are great too, though I suppose I do prefer it out of a cup (less messy). Cones can be dipped in chocolate though, and that’s always tasty. And of course, I must also mention that “cones” is the word that they use for boobs in “Son in Law.”
i never liked ice cream growing up, but she would always take me. we’d sit on the curb outside the ice cream shop and talk for hours. I’d get cookie douch, cause i actually liked cookies. despite nt liking where we were, i realized it was the happiest moment of my life, sitting on the curb, eating ice cream.
the cone is like Andy Goldsworthy’s cones: like a seed, a pine cone, a marker. They are dropped by trees around the places that they stand: by contrast, human beings can move around. We leave cones, or markers, or words, in the places that we travel.
i love wearing cone shaped hats, it reminds me of harry potter, with dumbledore going around being all awesome saving the world and being really cool. i also like ice cream cones, whem the bottom falls off and the ice cream slides outs the end
The ice cream melted down the cone, over her fingers, and pelted toward the summer-scorched pavement. Mint chocolate chip, green dairy tracks, with the taste of cookie dough on her tongue, stolen from his cone.
A cone is something that you have ice cream on. There are cones often on a road where there are roadworks. A cone is a 3D shape. There’s a film called cone heads (or something like that!)
I found the cone smashed at the corner. Not a surprise. I’m a terrible driver. But how had I hit it? I didn’t think I had left the house. Last night was a blur. Too much ice cream, dripping from cones. lining our lips with sugar and our eyes glazed.
the ice cream cone was dripping chocolate down my hnd. My aunt brought it back to me after selling her eggs to the country grocery store owner. I hate chocolate but couldn
believe me when i say that the greatest thing ever was sitting on the green line like a kiddy kid kid licking my cone- caramel apple and cookie dough. listening to my ipod. oh my goodnes.
i want an ice cream cone
ice cream. which i haven’t had in a while because i am now a vegan after 15 years of being vegetarian. and i am weight-crazy. but i love a waffle cone with sprinkles. and cookies and cream ice cream or mint chocolate chip….suppose i could buy some soy ice cream!
Ice cream or Dan Aykroyd or Jane Curtin or traffic or Pauly Shore’s euphemism for boobs or – hm. That’s all I can think of.
A cone can be many things. One of which is a cone for holding ice cream. This is a delicious cold treat, good for summertime or any time you feel like snacking. Ice cream cones come in many varieties. My personal favorite is the waffle cone.
ice cream cones are good, what kind of a word is cone? i think this lesson is a little lame, i was hoping for something a little more ambiguous. something i could really go on about that was a little more abstract less concrete. you can go on and on about something like logic, ego, pain, or love, but a cone? its a shape, the end. next word
orange lines of the things on the way to work. Its so tempting to take a short cut up the blocked off slip road so I don’t have to pass with the regular traffic. Bloody roadworks!!
I like cones for ice cream. I love the taste after an ice cream cone has soaked up some of the flavor of the ice cream. It tastes great. I also like the movie cone heads, i havent seen it in a very long time but when I did I thought it was very funny. It always makes me think
orange and in the road. they keep you away from construction sites. go around them or else they can do some damage. triangular type shape. big or small. block areas. they are used in sports for training. put them on your hand and run around, i did that when i was young. they are fun.
ice cream like that south park episode with the Fonz doing a motorcycle jump. Or maybe like Euclidean geometry. I’ve heard that even with advanced mathematics there’s no way to calculate completely the complexity of a cone.
i love ice cream. its so good in the summer. makes me cool and breezzy… espeiclly in a cone… when it dreaps all over it- yummy!!! i looove it!!!
orange and in the road. they keep you away from construction sites. go around them or else they can do some damage. triangular type shape. big or small.
The cone on the traffic median looked a lot like the ice cream cone I was having. Though the traffic had been stalled for quite sometime, I was getting bored out of my head. And when I get bored I think about all sorts of insane things.
i used to always order ice cream in a dish, with a cone placed on top. I miss those days they were more simple. I want to be a kid again
cones are very beautiful of the shapes.
I wonder if the pyramids are conical shapes, they would have been much better..
and yeah, why not buildings be in conical shape?
and yeah, there are some cone ice creams too..
i don’ t know what this is but i’m doing it anyway and this green line is going across the top this is real silly.
ice cream cone, yum lovely cooling ice cream. Slowly sliding down your throat and eradicating the feeling of heat. Clottws cream flavour with clotted cream on top.
cone came into existence by it’s triangular counterpart edges contoured and bended like pencil sharpeners coning around in falling waves as sitting is deemed unnecessary for ice cream eaters the world over who chew through cones and see that the end is pinpointed
when i was a little girl, i went to mcD’s and i got ice cream with my g-ma. i ate all of it but the cone because i didn’t realize it was edible…. until my g-ma said, “you can eat that you know?”… and to my surprise i did. …all of it. including the paper wrapper of ronald mcdonald stuck around the cone… it was good. :)
a cone is yellow with a square bottom. cars hit the cone and squish them to death. but because of the fantastic material a cone is made out of, its ok because they can take their natural shape again. cones are good microphones. children love to play
Cone again, that’s fairly uncreative. For a site that only has to display one word to inspire people to write, I would suggest you go with a random word generator.