pine cones
lazy summer days
playing hide and go seek
among towering conifers
our footsteps silenced
padded by pillows of pine
sky so pure blue
tipping our heads back
to drink it in
The cone reminds of ice cream. Waffle cones are freaking delicious. It also reminds of one of my calculus class where we found the areas of cones, by transforming from cartesian to polar coordinate systems. Ice cream and math, good combo.
I will start my career in the foreign service and the cone that i will be serving in will be the economic officer career cone. In that cone I will have duties pertaining to promoting U.S. business interests abroad including meeting with central bankers and other business leaders in order to promote free enterprise and capitalism around the globe. Cone is ht
The man saw the cone. He stared, unaware of what it truly was. Lost in its shape, he backed away, worried for what the object would do to him. To his psyche, to his soul. He turned and ran from it. Terrified of this ungodly thing.
It was the cones!
Jamie B
yummy ice cream, it was a hot summer day, not too hot but just about 90, low humidity and a nice warm breeze, the ice cream was just starting to melt down the cone and run over my finger’s when I heard them calling me from the park.
Ice cream cones are for children. They are sugary and sweet and hold a chilly treat. I personally don’t like Ice Cream cones. They drip the yummy all over your hands and make you sticky; but what do I know…I’m an adult.
Laurie Ward
I think of a whirlpool or a black hole and it makes my mind reel. They fascinate me, but terrify me at the same time. I wonder, do I want to know what lurks at the bottom? The mystery makes it even more incredible to think about, knowing I’ll never comprehend.
Annie Rogers
cone cone cone cone cone ary islands hehe gene
ice cream cone and a hot summer day go hand in hand and a hand with ice cream running all over it is sticky as hell.. but anyway… the cone heads were very funny. on saturday night live, remember?
The melted ice cream dripped down the cone in the summer heat.
“You need to eat that faster, Joe,” Joe’s dad said. Joe just smiled.
Cone on a drunken persons head.
Now they have come up with plastic cones so you dont have to steal the public cones.
Who is crazy the drunk or the cone maker?
I am talking about traffic cones by the way.
ice cream is put onto a cone. they are ofetn made out of crunchy material. probably deepfried. i don’t know what else to say about cones. except that there are snow cones, they are best in the summer time because it’s refreshing. i love snow cones. they are possibly the best summer dessert in the world. they come in many different flavors
Many things are shaped like a cone.
One of my favourite movies as a kid was the cone heads.
Party hats are like cones
Cones are alright…
cones are used to cut ares of in situations of accidents such as traffic crashes and police business
they also were used to ridicule stupid students in old times whilst wearing one with a ‘D’ on it for dunce
i do like cones because you can have an ice cream cone whihc is edible and nice
and thsts always nice.
Ice cream is what this reminds me of most. Its cool creamy texture and the cone that it is placed in. I love it when its hot out, I can’t really think of anything else except the movie coneheads haha. This is quite interesting.
Ice cream cones. Summer. Childhood. Sweet memories untainted by maturity. No dreams or overthinking to get in the way.
there is a cone on the top of every mountain that touches clouds that think about all the things that it sees but cant touch. thats why it has the mountains. to meet other people. I need a mountain cause right now I am just a floating cloud in the sky and I drink a lot of beer.
Kalvin Lazarte
One day i will go to vermont and go to bread and puppet, go to a phish cocert and travel Europe. I will visit India and design a bunch of things. I will be in a movie, write a best selling novel, and go bungi jumping. And at the end of it all, I will eat a ice cream cone.
upside down, dripping onto my socks. we cradle these in our hands until the clock tocks. pyramid, cylinder, cone. coney island falls into the sea.
amber whittle
Cones I think of Modanna and her chest piece in the dress. I must be a little perve. Or i guess icecream cones. Isnt cone a funny word when you really look at it. Those four letters bring alot of different emotions in your head. From sex to eating
ice cream is so delicious. and creamy. mmm cream
there is ice cream i like it. you should put a mini marshmellow in the bottom of a cone to prevent ice cream drips. Safety thing. i like to steal them. ice cream stores should not put paper over cones. it is gross. Bye ice cream…hello cone!
Kathleen Epling
the cone reminded me of icecream and sex….everything reminds me of sex…….a cone alone with a bone like a dog in the fog oh god if only I could think and act like other people…it is bestt for me to be in front of a bunch of students talking about expository essays………..and polygamy
ice cream cones are delicious. I once remember the ice cream truck coming through my neighborhood and all the kids coming out to get a treat. Leah didn’t have any money, but the ice cream lady gave her some anyway, she then handed us all bouncy balls. mine got thrown in the gutter and so I had to go down the sewer drain to get it.
i like ice cream. mostly birthday cake ice cream but also vanilla soft serve with sprinkles. ice cream reminds me of love, the boy i fall in love with will like ice cream too.
ice cream. cream ice. geometry kills, as do those orange things on the side of roads. cones. coneheads? what a stupid movie. ugh. tops of mountains, yes please.
Cones are round and can be found with many different things. Ice cream cones, pine cones, traffic cones, or cone heads. They are found everywhere. Use some cones if you dare.
Briana Lemonds
i love ice cream cone and the cones and rods in my eyes, if the cone in the rocket explodes the earthes core will blow up like A VOLCANO CONE THAT IS MADE FROM COTTON CAN
my kid is all about the ice cream cone experiance. Is it that many calories to add the cone or do we need to have a smaller cone so we eat less ice cream.
A cone is like a triangle, but fatter. Upside down, it holds ice cream, and can be used a dunce’s cap. I don’t suppose they do that anymore — they never did when I was in school, for that matter — but that’s what they did in the bad old days.
It goes up, and then it goes down. Ultimately, you are left feeling exactly as you felt at the beginning. Sad, alone, left in the ephemeral world that we inhabit. But the sun always provides a fleeting amount of joy, right?
There’s a cone of silence. Wait. That doesn’t really make sense for today. Cones…. Do you remember those weird chip-things that were shaped like cones? Bugles, I think they were called. They were always too salty for me, but I liked that they could fit over my fingertips.
sky met them in turkey and they were so cuool. i should. she thought so. but ultimately, the conical difference, the pi and the radius and the height, ultiamtely i don’t think she will end up in turkey. end.
an ice cream cone contains just about everything regarding one’s childhood. A big glob of sweet that will melt away and leave you soon. you must enjoy it without distraction, and try not to let it fall away before it’s time.
i love cones! i steal them i have 3 currently. I steal them from all over the place. The last one I stole was on my way back from a football game its orange and its set up in my living room. My favorite cone is the one that I spray painted Reserved Ryans Parking spot and is set in front of my parking spot.
a cone is a circular thing with a pyramid like shape, it is usedin hats for birthdays and to put icecream… its often considered to refer to women underwear, or brest shape, whcich is grose… cone has 4 letters and two vowells, it has a funny wat of oookemkn
pine cones
lazy summer days
playing hide and go seek
among towering conifers
our footsteps silenced
padded by pillows of pine
sky so pure blue
tipping our heads back
to drink it in
The cone reminds of ice cream. Waffle cones are freaking delicious. It also reminds of one of my calculus class where we found the areas of cones, by transforming from cartesian to polar coordinate systems. Ice cream and math, good combo.
I will start my career in the foreign service and the cone that i will be serving in will be the economic officer career cone. In that cone I will have duties pertaining to promoting U.S. business interests abroad including meeting with central bankers and other business leaders in order to promote free enterprise and capitalism around the globe. Cone is ht
The man saw the cone. He stared, unaware of what it truly was. Lost in its shape, he backed away, worried for what the object would do to him. To his psyche, to his soul. He turned and ran from it. Terrified of this ungodly thing.
It was the cones!
yummy ice cream, it was a hot summer day, not too hot but just about 90, low humidity and a nice warm breeze, the ice cream was just starting to melt down the cone and run over my finger’s when I heard them calling me from the park.
Ice cream cones are for children. They are sugary and sweet and hold a chilly treat. I personally don’t like Ice Cream cones. They drip the yummy all over your hands and make you sticky; but what do I know…I’m an adult.
I think of a whirlpool or a black hole and it makes my mind reel. They fascinate me, but terrify me at the same time. I wonder, do I want to know what lurks at the bottom? The mystery makes it even more incredible to think about, knowing I’ll never comprehend.
cone cone cone cone cone ary islands hehe gene
ice cream cone and a hot summer day go hand in hand and a hand with ice cream running all over it is sticky as hell.. but anyway… the cone heads were very funny. on saturday night live, remember?
The melted ice cream dripped down the cone in the summer heat.
“You need to eat that faster, Joe,” Joe’s dad said. Joe just smiled.
Cone on a drunken persons head.
Now they have come up with plastic cones so you dont have to steal the public cones.
Who is crazy the drunk or the cone maker?
I am talking about traffic cones by the way.
ice cream is put onto a cone. they are ofetn made out of crunchy material. probably deepfried. i don’t know what else to say about cones. except that there are snow cones, they are best in the summer time because it’s refreshing. i love snow cones. they are possibly the best summer dessert in the world. they come in many different flavors
Many things are shaped like a cone.
One of my favourite movies as a kid was the cone heads.
Party hats are like cones
Cones are alright…
cones are used to cut ares of in situations of accidents such as traffic crashes and police business
they also were used to ridicule stupid students in old times whilst wearing one with a ‘D’ on it for dunce
i do like cones because you can have an ice cream cone whihc is edible and nice
and thsts always nice.
Ice cream is what this reminds me of most. Its cool creamy texture and the cone that it is placed in. I love it when its hot out, I can’t really think of anything else except the movie coneheads haha. This is quite interesting.
ice ceam. shapes. pyramids. ice. shavings. pencils. points. sharp. round. triangles squares. kites. tools. crown. diamonds. clouds. rain. weather. sun. shiney. stars. sparkly. pretty. beautiful. nice. awesome. yellow.
Ice cream cones. Summer. Childhood. Sweet memories untainted by maturity. No dreams or overthinking to get in the way.
there is a cone on the top of every mountain that touches clouds that think about all the things that it sees but cant touch. thats why it has the mountains. to meet other people. I need a mountain cause right now I am just a floating cloud in the sky and I drink a lot of beer.
One day i will go to vermont and go to bread and puppet, go to a phish cocert and travel Europe. I will visit India and design a bunch of things. I will be in a movie, write a best selling novel, and go bungi jumping. And at the end of it all, I will eat a ice cream cone.
upside down, dripping onto my socks. we cradle these in our hands until the clock tocks. pyramid, cylinder, cone. coney island falls into the sea.
Cones I think of Modanna and her chest piece in the dress. I must be a little perve. Or i guess icecream cones. Isnt cone a funny word when you really look at it. Those four letters bring alot of different emotions in your head. From sex to eating
ice cream is so delicious. and creamy. mmm cream
there is ice cream i like it. you should put a mini marshmellow in the bottom of a cone to prevent ice cream drips. Safety thing. i like to steal them. ice cream stores should not put paper over cones. it is gross. Bye ice cream…hello cone!
the cone reminded me of icecream and sex….everything reminds me of sex…….a cone alone with a bone like a dog in the fog oh god if only I could think and act like other people…it is bestt for me to be in front of a bunch of students talking about expository essays………..and polygamy
ice cream cones are delicious. I once remember the ice cream truck coming through my neighborhood and all the kids coming out to get a treat. Leah didn’t have any money, but the ice cream lady gave her some anyway, she then handed us all bouncy balls. mine got thrown in the gutter and so I had to go down the sewer drain to get it.
i like ice cream. mostly birthday cake ice cream but also vanilla soft serve with sprinkles. ice cream reminds me of love, the boy i fall in love with will like ice cream too.
ice cream. cream ice. geometry kills, as do those orange things on the side of roads. cones. coneheads? what a stupid movie. ugh. tops of mountains, yes please.
Cones are round and can be found with many different things. Ice cream cones, pine cones, traffic cones, or cone heads. They are found everywhere. Use some cones if you dare.
i love ice cream cone and the cones and rods in my eyes, if the cone in the rocket explodes the earthes core will blow up like A VOLCANO CONE THAT IS MADE FROM COTTON CAN
my kid is all about the ice cream cone experiance. Is it that many calories to add the cone or do we need to have a smaller cone so we eat less ice cream.
A cone is like a triangle, but fatter. Upside down, it holds ice cream, and can be used a dunce’s cap. I don’t suppose they do that anymore — they never did when I was in school, for that matter — but that’s what they did in the bad old days.
It goes up, and then it goes down. Ultimately, you are left feeling exactly as you felt at the beginning. Sad, alone, left in the ephemeral world that we inhabit. But the sun always provides a fleeting amount of joy, right?
There’s a cone of silence. Wait. That doesn’t really make sense for today. Cones…. Do you remember those weird chip-things that were shaped like cones? Bugles, I think they were called. They were always too salty for me, but I liked that they could fit over my fingertips.
sky met them in turkey and they were so cuool. i should. she thought so. but ultimately, the conical difference, the pi and the radius and the height, ultiamtely i don’t think she will end up in turkey. end.
an ice cream cone contains just about everything regarding one’s childhood. A big glob of sweet that will melt away and leave you soon. you must enjoy it without distraction, and try not to let it fall away before it’s time.
i love cones! i steal them i have 3 currently. I steal them from all over the place. The last one I stole was on my way back from a football game its orange and its set up in my living room. My favorite cone is the one that I spray painted Reserved Ryans Parking spot and is set in front of my parking spot.
a cone is a circular thing with a pyramid like shape, it is usedin hats for birthdays and to put icecream… its often considered to refer to women underwear, or brest shape, whcich is grose… cone has 4 letters and two vowells, it has a funny wat of oookemkn