
November 11th, 2009 | 699 Entries

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699 Entries for “cone”

  1. Tall. Triangular. Their heads made absolutely no fucking sense. Really, cone-shaped heads. Who the hell comes up with these kind of things? Really now..

    Mneme Hoshiko
  2. When I was younger, I wasn’t interested in ice cream cones. I ate salad. I ate carrot sticks. I ate cucumbers, which I loved so much that my next-door neighbor began to grow them for me. Then, when I was 18 years old, my mother kicked me out of her house and I moved in with my grandmother, who believed a cone a day was the secret to life. Now I can’t imagine a day without ice cream or ice cream without a cone.

  3. ice cream cones are delicious. everyone likes ice cream, especially on a hot sunny day. twist is my favorite. soft ice cream drips down your hand as it melts. mmmm. lets go swimming now!

  4. ice cream. summer. mr frosty. sitting in mel’s house and watching lorena run outside. lorena and jimmy arguing. brandon. english class. never getting any work done. listening to monologues. texting in the back of the room. my best friend. running. vending machines. soda. dr. pepper.

  5. yummy ice cream crunch traffic orange bright i want to hit them like in video games coneheads and funnels and geometry. its like a really really simple mountain sharp and coney!

  6. I love cones. Especially if there is ice cream in side. My favorite kind of cones would have to be waffle cones, because you can fit the most ice cream inside. Ice cream makes me happy. And fat, but I don’t care.

  7. A cone of starlight burst forth from the melting blaze that was her heart. Every inch of oxygen was illuminated. It was true and beautiful and everything felt all right, even though it wasn’t.

  8. Ice Cream cones are really good! I like to eat them during the summer. Sometimes they can get very messy but they are tasty! I like chocolate the best.

    Ashlee Panzer
  9. Ice cream when I was little. Dripping and hurting my stomach… and child hood memories and grandma telling me to finish before we got in the car and hiding it when I spilled it in the car.

  10. this makes me think of ice cream which makes me think of innocence and im not sure if this is a fair comparison because I feel like the only reason I say this is because ice cream is such a symbol for childhood and I do not beleive that there is anything inherently pure about childhood its actually quite an awful time when there is the pure evil of men without the restraint

    lives in BFE
  11. i once had cone that ate my hand for ice cream it gave me bones and rers oelal ooh lala.

  12. hey what are you doing apple strawberry Delicious bored crazy when is that going to happen i dont know what i am doing i have no idea but i hope this turns out okay.

  13. I was sliding down the cone faster than my body could move, my mind was falling, falling, then everything stopped. I a kalideascope of light in front of me, and i couldnt feel my body at all. I drifted forward…

  14. I have a dog who has a cone on her head to help her protect her eye. The cone is big and has loops which attach to her collar. I hate the thing, especially at night when we

  15. Cone was the next world after donut. Essentially an actual cone where land dwellers lived on the outer edge and water beings lived on the inner edge under its ocean. My favorite world of the moons of Ida.

  16. Sprinkles and boardwalks and childhood. Sticky salty sand on my mouth and in my hair. Rocky road and eating off the bottom. You and me and us and everything, at first, uncomplicated.

  17. I held the ice-cream cone in my hand as I sat on the park bench watching the children play near the swings and slide. The heat beat down upon my head which was covered by a straw hat. And my feet were clad in sandals.

    Gouldin Lion
  18. dripping, sweet flowing juices of melting cream coated the cone in her small hands. a small whimper escaping her lips.

  19. you asked if i wanted ice cream.
    i said no.
    you said i love you.

  20. ice cream melting on a hot summer day. it falls and splatters on my sisters shoes. it dries and becomes sticky. giggles. cleaning up the mess. wiping her leg, and ordering another ice cream. fresh and tasty. i love summer.

    Amanda Kirby
  21. is a block. it stops you or alerts you..could make you think about stopping…the bright color…you know its permeable so just hit it…you drive by unaffected cause after all it was just a cone..but you’ll always think what if i did hit that cone

    katie miller
  22. ice cream

  23. ice cream cones are the most prominent form of cold dessert in the united states. Flavors range from Vanilla Bean to Cotton Candy, and Rocky Road. Children especially enjoy this dessert in the summertime

  24. A pine cone. It fell from the tree. Onto my head. It would seem I am a pine cone magnet. Does that happen to anybody else?

    heh...that was pathetic..
  25. snow, ice cream, animal injury, geometry, Styrofoam, school projects, meagans house, mr. kavkak, teal paint and large buttons, Benjamen, ginger moms, late night chats,

  26. ice cream is a vital summer componant to a young childs life. There is no question that every child has a summer story that involves ice cream cones. Childhood can be catigorized into three things-ice cream, hot coaco, and mud.

  27. snocone. ice cream cone. coneheads. bad, bad movie. wow what a bad movie. they hda sex with electrical devices? weird? does anyone watch that movie like its their version of … whats that jeff bridges movie? the one everyone watches all the time? you know. the rug brought the room together

  28. ice cream is delicious strawberry is my favorite. rainbow sprinkles taste better than chocolate ones. Cones could be many things but I’m writing about ice cream because I’m a fat ass. HOT FUDGE

  29. ice cream. dunce. conifer. albegraic! triangle. 3d. coney island. prone. tone. loan.

  30. a strange shape that is for the most part unnatural. in some respects, it has similar attributes to a penis, but that may just be because I am a young man, and I wish that my penis were a huge cone that would impress others. Cones are also icecream, which is in come respects sexual as well. I think for the most part, people havea positive reaction to the word cone. Both because it is

  31. What’s brought to mind would be ice cream cone. I love sweets so it is inevitable that this would be first. Second, I’d say Madonna’s cone outfit. her cone shaped corset

  32. i love cones and ice cream and cones on the side of the road and they are brown, the ice cream cones are and they are neatly textured and i can see the ice cream dripping off the cone and it looks good but i am full from dinner and its fun to go to Baskin Robins when i am high

    allison c.
  33. A cone is orange, lovable, and kind of scary. This one time when I was little my Dad told me that scary clowns used to live under the cones on the side of the road and that is where they slept when they weren’t eating children. That is why I am a disturbed and gullible person. My Dad used to tell me that kind of stuff all the time and now I am scarred!

  34. if you find yourself trapped in a cone, be sure relax your body like melted ice cream. Don’t worry youll get out!

  35. if you find yourself trapped in a cone, be sure relax your body like melted ice cream. Don’t worry youll get out!

  36. Ice cream cone. Madonna. Breasts. Chicken. Cancer. AIDS. Africa. Geometry. Eyeball.

  37. cone? ice cream cone. Ice cream koan…vanilla, chocolate, trees. The tank drives down the tree, plunging into the forest. Elves. Age old grudge with dwarves. War of the Beard. Dwarf women have no beards. manliness!

    wonko the sane
  38. ice cream eyeball waffle clown cylinder headspace lavender rebar blanket vanilla clam chowder summer

  39. the cone is the best thing the man can get when he feels no longer affinity towards food

  40. the cone sat in the hat of the mouse with corn for a nose
