once there was a cone. Oh what a cone it was? may be it was a traffic cone? or an ice cream cone? who knows… But, it was red and bright like the sun. Shit the man said you hit it. Now what happens?
Those stupid orange things that sit in the middle of the road are cones. I hate them. Dang cones. Telling me where to go. I go where I want to go, dangit. If I want to drive through a construction zone, I’ll do it, and there’s nothing you can do about it.
Madonna couldn’t take it any more. Like a virgin was wearing on her. Her breasts needed to be freed.
She ripped off the cones. And bought some ice cream. Then, she adopted some southeast Asian babies. What a life.
cone I like ittt
I love you moses moses moses the name that i never going to stopping saying :)
what you drive around in car commericals to show off how fast and agile the car is. The cone heads tv show or was it movie? I never watched it and the few times I caught a glimpse of it I thought it looked stupid. Snow cone or ice cream
ice creams cone are really good. you can have any flavor you choose. Vanilla chocolate minty :D its just simply amazing haha remember the CONE heads. they were so weird looking. i dind’t like em’ that much though. CONEEEEEEEEEE!!! i can’t think of anything else.
conical shaped, ice cream, mathematics.
Pine cones are an archetectural wonder They are beautifully designed and come in many shapes and sizes. Some pine cones will not re
kim Calderon
candy. ice cream. coneheads. is this about word association? who knows. I keep thinking about those dogs who have to wear cones when they have surgery. so sad.
heads are cool ice cream cones and delicious how long do i have to write?
It’s usually filled with yummy and cold ice cream and they are absolutely delicious. Also can be quite addicting. I think that it’s essential that when you eat ice cream it has a cone. What’s an ice cream experience if you can’t have a cone with it? I guess there isn’t much left to say about it. I appreciate ice cream cones and that’s that.
The had taken the traffic cone. They put it in the back of her car and they drove off, smiling. it was little moments like these that she had fallen in love with, and the many reasons why her memories made her homesick for a place that would never be the same. when she came back, dear california, would have moved on without her.
Yesterday I seriously considering stealing traffic cones so that I could block off my parking spot to keep people from stealing it. Then I thought that my time would be better spent digging for treasure in parks. No one’s going to bother me as I’m digging if I wall off a section with orange cones. Booty, I’m coming for you and I will live richer than the greatest kings.
a shape.
sharp pointed tip.
with a circle base.
if u flip it over,
the circle base come to the top
and u add a ball on it
one of my fav.
cone’s are weird, sometimes they are orange and in traffic, I stole a cone today actually. It is now in the back of my friend tyler’s car. Tyler has a jeep which kind of resembles a cone if you’re slightly retarded. WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!! CONES! CONES! CONES!!!! FUCK YEAH!! CONES!!!! FUCK CONES FUCKKKKK !!!!!
cones are good for icecream, but only on a hot day. This is vital to the success of the cone in a everyday environment. For without the hot day the cone woud essencially be icecreamless and thus useless to modern society.
Francois Jansen van Vuuren
cone, with a hole in the bottom. the bane of summer icecream enjoyment?
i really like aaron and want him to like me, i thin kabout him all the timei hope he thinks about me..
the traffic stops, but why? why is everyone so suddenly halted? i see it. cones. the cones are like little people holding up my life. everything is finished. damn cones.
licking the sides of the sugary structure, i prevented a major melt down. the sun overhead thwarted my efforts, no matter how much i perservered, and eventually my ice cream became a sad puddle on the steaming pavement between my shoes.
There sits a cone in the road, I can do nothing but think of where to hide that damn cone. Should I hide it in the bushes? no. Should I hide it in your mother’s basement? no. where should I hide that damn cone?
Stupid little birthday cone hats. Stupid birthdays in general. Tomorrow’s the big day, yay. Am I excited? No. No one really cares about it. My best friend only complains about it. “Why would you want to go there for your birthday, that’s lame? I don’t want to go.” Ugh. This is why I act like I don’t give a shit about my birthday, because no one else does, and I’ll be damned if I let them all see how much it effects me.
M. Rosalee
What a bunch of waffle.
There were 1000s of pine cones in my drvieway this year. I declare this the year of the pinecones. How can a tree drop so many missives and rarely hurt someone? And there are more up there! After that the pine needles. And no one gets hurts!
Leslie Cook
Cylindrical. Pastry for holding a most delicious summer treat. Worn on the head of dunces from times long ago. Sugar. Cake. A place where what’s his name goes for silence. I don’t know if my time is up or not. Not sure how this really works.
ice cream! or smoking weed from a bong if you like, both come to mind when i see this word, as well as nostalgia and fond memories of them :)
an ice cream cone is delicious. but it is all dependint on the type of ice cream in the cone. my favorite is vanilla. vanilla is made from vanillin, which is one of the most hard to find compounds in the world. vanilla is the most popular flavor next to chocolate, then berry flavors.
anthony caputo
ice cream of course. but i cant seem to write the work. icrecream. every time i mess up. it must not be meant to be. perhaps big orange? like big red. first car. so many memories. car sex. i miss car sex. i think i miss sex. no, i do.
cone is all about the ice cream. Its so clear, I mean I know that you probably eat ice cream without cones at times because all you have is bowls around, but is there really any satisfaction? I mean we all want our ice cream to be surrounded by non-temperature affected delicious waffle.
when i was 6 i had a birthday part at a place called captain cote’s. they had the best ice cream cones imaginable. they would also let you buy candy out of the vending machines and have them mixed in with your favorite flavor of ice cream. i remember i was angry because i wanted to do it but didnt have a quarter. all my friends got to. worst birthday ever! also dustin, the boy i thought was cute, didnt come.
ice cream cone. road cone cone head. referring to black people, cone. paper cone. plastic cone. waffle cone wednesday where waffle cones are a dollar.
I had a cone, I hated it. Most of everything always slipped through it and all my friends seem to handle them and their contents with ease. It pisses me off!
ice cream! i want ice cream. peanut butter ice cream with little peanut butter cups. yummy. i’m hungry. i want noodles. cone. like ice cream cone. that’s all i can think of right now. oooohhh and vinalla ice cream with peanut butter swril in it. i love peanut butter. and ice cream.
Ice cream. Clown hat. Megaphone. Artist’s challenge. Round at the bottom, pointed on top, like a dumb blonde. Challenging for the artist, fun for the clown, delicious for the child.
Dee Holmes
It was a hot summer day, as the ice cream truck blasted it’s music down the street. All the kids from the neighborhood lined up for their turn. It felt like hours before mine turn, but when it came he said he ran out of cones!
Mike Hawk
a cone, I’m thinking of a traffic cone. Giant, orange, plastic cone that gets stuck under your car when you run over it. One of my friends got one stuck under her car oncee and it came out on the highway. It was hilarious.
Ice cream cones.
Simple, yellow, fresh.
I hated when he said,
“Here, I thought of you”
and handed me mint chocolate chip
simply because I had told him
that I liked it. Before.
Before he had said,
I love you
and I had said, god, don’t say that.
Why did you think of me?
I said that you shouldn’t.
I like ice cream cones, but not a huge fan of ice cream, but they are so much better when ice cream is in a cone, I don’t like sugar cones, just the plain ones. Sugar cones take away from the ice cream.
Ice cream, strawberry
dripping over the wrinkles
in your skin
I forgot to take out your bone
Isn’t it nice, na?
Ice cream on a human flesh cone.
once there was a cone. Oh what a cone it was? may be it was a traffic cone? or an ice cream cone? who knows… But, it was red and bright like the sun. Shit the man said you hit it. Now what happens?
Those stupid orange things that sit in the middle of the road are cones. I hate them. Dang cones. Telling me where to go. I go where I want to go, dangit. If I want to drive through a construction zone, I’ll do it, and there’s nothing you can do about it.
Madonna couldn’t take it any more. Like a virgin was wearing on her. Her breasts needed to be freed.
She ripped off the cones. And bought some ice cream. Then, she adopted some southeast Asian babies. What a life.
cone I like ittt
I love you moses moses moses the name that i never going to stopping saying :)
what you drive around in car commericals to show off how fast and agile the car is. The cone heads tv show or was it movie? I never watched it and the few times I caught a glimpse of it I thought it looked stupid. Snow cone or ice cream
ice creams cone are really good. you can have any flavor you choose. Vanilla chocolate minty :D its just simply amazing haha remember the CONE heads. they were so weird looking. i dind’t like em’ that much though. CONEEEEEEEEEE!!! i can’t think of anything else.
conical shaped, ice cream, mathematics.
Pine cones are an archetectural wonder They are beautifully designed and come in many shapes and sizes. Some pine cones will not re
candy. ice cream. coneheads. is this about word association? who knows. I keep thinking about those dogs who have to wear cones when they have surgery. so sad.
heads are cool ice cream cones and delicious how long do i have to write?
It’s usually filled with yummy and cold ice cream and they are absolutely delicious. Also can be quite addicting. I think that it’s essential that when you eat ice cream it has a cone. What’s an ice cream experience if you can’t have a cone with it? I guess there isn’t much left to say about it. I appreciate ice cream cones and that’s that.
The had taken the traffic cone. They put it in the back of her car and they drove off, smiling. it was little moments like these that she had fallen in love with, and the many reasons why her memories made her homesick for a place that would never be the same. when she came back, dear california, would have moved on without her.
Yesterday I seriously considering stealing traffic cones so that I could block off my parking spot to keep people from stealing it. Then I thought that my time would be better spent digging for treasure in parks. No one’s going to bother me as I’m digging if I wall off a section with orange cones. Booty, I’m coming for you and I will live richer than the greatest kings.
a shape.
sharp pointed tip.
with a circle base.
if u flip it over,
the circle base come to the top
and u add a ball on it
one of my fav.
cone’s are weird, sometimes they are orange and in traffic, I stole a cone today actually. It is now in the back of my friend tyler’s car. Tyler has a jeep which kind of resembles a cone if you’re slightly retarded. WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!! CONES! CONES! CONES!!!! FUCK YEAH!! CONES!!!! FUCK CONES FUCKKKKK !!!!!
cones are good for icecream, but only on a hot day. This is vital to the success of the cone in a everyday environment. For without the hot day the cone woud essencially be icecreamless and thus useless to modern society.
cone, with a hole in the bottom. the bane of summer icecream enjoyment?
i really like aaron and want him to like me, i thin kabout him all the timei hope he thinks about me..
the traffic stops, but why? why is everyone so suddenly halted? i see it. cones. the cones are like little people holding up my life. everything is finished. damn cones.
licking the sides of the sugary structure, i prevented a major melt down. the sun overhead thwarted my efforts, no matter how much i perservered, and eventually my ice cream became a sad puddle on the steaming pavement between my shoes.
There sits a cone in the road, I can do nothing but think of where to hide that damn cone. Should I hide it in the bushes? no. Should I hide it in your mother’s basement? no. where should I hide that damn cone?
Stupid little birthday cone hats. Stupid birthdays in general. Tomorrow’s the big day, yay. Am I excited? No. No one really cares about it. My best friend only complains about it. “Why would you want to go there for your birthday, that’s lame? I don’t want to go.” Ugh. This is why I act like I don’t give a shit about my birthday, because no one else does, and I’ll be damned if I let them all see how much it effects me.
What a bunch of waffle.
There were 1000s of pine cones in my drvieway this year. I declare this the year of the pinecones. How can a tree drop so many missives and rarely hurt someone? And there are more up there! After that the pine needles. And no one gets hurts!
Cylindrical. Pastry for holding a most delicious summer treat. Worn on the head of dunces from times long ago. Sugar. Cake. A place where what’s his name goes for silence. I don’t know if my time is up or not. Not sure how this really works.
ice cream! or smoking weed from a bong if you like, both come to mind when i see this word, as well as nostalgia and fond memories of them :)
an ice cream cone is delicious. but it is all dependint on the type of ice cream in the cone. my favorite is vanilla. vanilla is made from vanillin, which is one of the most hard to find compounds in the world. vanilla is the most popular flavor next to chocolate, then berry flavors.
ice cream of course. but i cant seem to write the work. icrecream. every time i mess up. it must not be meant to be. perhaps big orange? like big red. first car. so many memories. car sex. i miss car sex. i think i miss sex. no, i do.
cone is all about the ice cream. Its so clear, I mean I know that you probably eat ice cream without cones at times because all you have is bowls around, but is there really any satisfaction? I mean we all want our ice cream to be surrounded by non-temperature affected delicious waffle.
when i was 6 i had a birthday part at a place called captain cote’s. they had the best ice cream cones imaginable. they would also let you buy candy out of the vending machines and have them mixed in with your favorite flavor of ice cream. i remember i was angry because i wanted to do it but didnt have a quarter. all my friends got to. worst birthday ever! also dustin, the boy i thought was cute, didnt come.
ice cream cone. road cone cone head. referring to black people, cone. paper cone. plastic cone. waffle cone wednesday where waffle cones are a dollar.
I had a cone, I hated it. Most of everything always slipped through it and all my friends seem to handle them and their contents with ease. It pisses me off!
ice cream! i want ice cream. peanut butter ice cream with little peanut butter cups. yummy. i’m hungry. i want noodles. cone. like ice cream cone. that’s all i can think of right now. oooohhh and vinalla ice cream with peanut butter swril in it. i love peanut butter. and ice cream.
Ice cream. Clown hat. Megaphone. Artist’s challenge. Round at the bottom, pointed on top, like a dumb blonde. Challenging for the artist, fun for the clown, delicious for the child.
It was a hot summer day, as the ice cream truck blasted it’s music down the street. All the kids from the neighborhood lined up for their turn. It felt like hours before mine turn, but when it came he said he ran out of cones!
a cone, I’m thinking of a traffic cone. Giant, orange, plastic cone that gets stuck under your car when you run over it. One of my friends got one stuck under her car oncee and it came out on the highway. It was hilarious.
Ice cream cones.
Simple, yellow, fresh.
I hated when he said,
“Here, I thought of you”
and handed me mint chocolate chip
simply because I had told him
that I liked it. Before.
Before he had said,
I love you
and I had said, god, don’t say that.
Why did you think of me?
I said that you shouldn’t.
I like ice cream cones, but not a huge fan of ice cream, but they are so much better when ice cream is in a cone, I don’t like sugar cones, just the plain ones. Sugar cones take away from the ice cream.
Ice cream, strawberry
dripping over the wrinkles
in your skin
I forgot to take out your bone
Isn’t it nice, na?
Ice cream on a human flesh cone.