
November 11th, 2009 | 699 Entries

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699 Entries for “cone”

  1. I have a cone dripping down the sides the cream trailing through my fingers i can’t lick fast enough to catch up the sticky sweetness

  2. the cone of silence fell upon me until I peek out from under it and started screaming at the top of my lungs. I am here!

  3. i like to eat ice cream cones they taste really good lol i cant think of anything else to write about….

  4. Why have I been given the word cone. This is not a very interesting word. Well what can I say about cones.

    The universe may be shaped like one. Or othershapes.

    Traffic cones generally do some good.

  5. cones are fore ice cream, but they’re also a geometric shape; a cone without a point is called a frustrum. I forget the equation for their volume, but I could probably re-derive it. I don’t know, C is a blue letter. It’s not a bad word, in my opinion.

  6. cones are good YU MYUM YUM I LOVE ICE CREAM IN MY COne they are yummy and Conery island is a theme park hahaha

    Poop Sammich
  7. asd;lkfjasdflkjas dflkja sd;flkja sdf;lkj asdf;lkj asdf;lkj asdf;lkj asd;flkj asd;lfkj asd;lkj asdf jkl;asd fjkl;das fjkl;ads fjkl;asd fjkl;asd fjkl;adsf ;lkj jkl; lkj asd fjkl; ;lkj sdf jkl; ;lkjsd fjkl; ;lkjd jkl; ;lkj jkl; jklasdf laksjd fkl;sd jkl;asdf jkl;asd fjkl;asdf jkla;sdf jkl;asdf;lkj asdflkj asdlfkj dflkj sldkj sdlkj fsaldkjf dlkjas dflkj asdlkj sadflkj sdflkj sdflkjsdf ;klja sdflkj as;lkdj lkj asdf;lkj ;lkj asdf;lkj asdf;lkj asd;flkj asdfj kl;as d;flkj asdjfkl k la;s dfklj aksdl;f kal;sdj jkl;lkj kjsl;dkjf klalsjdg flkajshdf ahsjdklfkjh dhfjkjd fhjksdf hjksdf hjksdfiuh wed rfhjksdf hjksdkjh wedhyuisfd kjhwer iys dfkjh we,mrbn sdkfjh sdkjh werkjh sdfiuyuwe rhjksd fkjh weryhuisdf kjhwer yuisdf kjwher yuisdf kjwh eryuiksdf kjhw eryuisdf hjkwer yuisdf hjkwer yuisdf hjkwer yuisdf hjkwer yuisdf hjkwer iuy fdskjh sidfuy wer hjksdfiuy werhjk hkj skjhdf.

  8. Chan you are a cone head. I still love you very much even though you goto frest college and sleep late at nite. say hi to mom. say bye to lifetime channel.

  9. i once had an ice cream cone that i wore for a hat for an entire 54 years. god those 54 years were amazing. i look back at all the ladies i impressed and realized that there were’nt any of them. oh well a cone’s a cone as my un

    godfrey f
  10. children there strawberry cream oh grandma how I miss you, there was nothing better when there was only one mickey’s igloo and I got free hot dogs and ice cream for being agood girl scout i hated the girl scouts they made me conform but at least it got me and mygrandma ice cream…the owner was nice, too. He looked like one of the men from the brady bunch

  11. I like ice cream cones that are crunchy that taste like my butt

  12. a cone is an object which is a spherical triangle almost, is is used for ice cream, made of either pastry or waffle, pylons or safety cones, they are often used to mark of bounderies

  13. The orange traffic cone gleamed in the near distance, reflecting the times of today. It stood as a warning, and a dreadful reminder of the fatal car accident just feet beyond.

  14. pine cones fall from the tree. gravity pulls it down towards the earth, sucking it down to the dirt. gravity, I just learned is caused by a ripple in space time. it’s like a sheet pulled taut and dropping a bowling ball onto the sheet. there’s going to be a ripple caused and that’s gravity. so anyway, the pine cone falls from the tree and shatters into an infinitely small sub-atomic particles that then fall to the ground themselves, also shattering into infinitely small particles and so on and so forth — and so it goes.

  15. A cone can be many things. It could be an ice cream cone or even a pine cone. I would like it to be an ice cream cone cause they taste really good. I like strawberry the best.

    Lynsay Dixon
  16. I was eating an ice cream cone, when I started to think about tongues and how they are used. Does how one eats an ice cream cone effect how one gives oral sex?

    Thomas J. Purdy
  17. you see cones along the street all the time for construction work, and you see ice cream on top of them. they can be used as a hazard or as a treat. they are completely opposite and different scenarios, but both are very valuable in your lifetime! either way you think about it they help us out in some way whether it be with our appetite or with the safety of us and others.

    anthony tovar
  18. cones are a geometric shape. they can be made of paper or of waffle for ice cream or water or for traffic regulation or for hats

  19. I can not justify a chocolate chip ice cream cone but who asked for justification? I want one now. Please please please

  20. cone

  21. We once made the best couple. I liked the cone and you liked the ice cream. But relationships aren’t based on ice cream cones.

  22. ice cream cone. cone made of paper. a cone is a pointed cylinder. cones can be the shape of a joint. a cone is waffle or wafer, the flat bottom is better. cone can also say econ which is a major here at northwestern university. cones are very

    Paul Marino
  23. We had no way to stop the giant monkey’s, as they came towards us with their 6 inch cones, I knew we were done for. And you’d better believe the raccoons did not have our backs. Shit out of luck, I decided to shoot myself.

  24. The little girl sat on the park bench and ate her ice cream cone. The coldness of the ice cream was welcome at the hot day.

    Lady Psychic
  25. i felt like i would burst.
    like the tidal waves crashing inside would break through the thin layer of skin gently caressing the fragile bones within.
    i felt like an ice cream cone on a hot summer day.
    desperately trying to keep its contents inside, but with the weakest bite, falls apart.

  26. Cone is a 3D object whose volume can be found by the formula 1/3.pi.r^3.

    A cone is used for filtering liquids

  27. cone head its a movie with the people with cone shaped head they go to the dentist, doctor, mow their lawn, feed their kids, one gets a toothache and has to get his cone shaped tooth pulled out. It hurts and he is pissed
  28. i gotta write one word and it’s cone. i am thinking of ice cream cone. a sweet, light flavor. the one i always eat with dad after supper growing up. i forgot what it called. growing up with it and i should know but i didn’t. how shame. and i don’t know if this entry sucks to everybody who is reading this. adios.

  29. There is a cone and inside the cone there is some magical secret that I keep trying to uncover. One day that cone will open up to me and tell me everything that I have wanted to know and all the hurt will stop. Or it may just give me some ice cream. That cone will be my favorite. Or else it may just go on my head and I may just freeze to death from lack of want. That seems to happen these days.

  30. Jewish astronaut — Nose Cohen.

    Joseph Leff
  31. ice cream go in cones and witches hats are cone. Cone is a weird word that remeinds me of math. I don’t like math but it is not as bad as grammar, but it how do you find the volume of a cone?

  32. Ice cream dripping down my fingers on a sunny day. It’s hot. I’m sticky. Ice cream all over my face. Feels good. Feels like summer. Childhood. Truth.

  33. hello my name is anthony. I love life and wish the best for everyone. why are people mean? is life here all there is? i really like people but like to be alone too. My family is pretty broken

  34. i like ice cream cones my dog wore a cone on its head when it got spaded spades are in card games in i like football games my mom makes chili during football games turkey chili turkey meatloaf ketchup is good especially on hotdogs i saw a commercial from the seventies weiners oscar meyer weiners

  35. She licked the ice cream cone cheerfully and watched him out of the corner of her eye as he reached out to grab his own cone from the outstretched hand of the ice cream vendor. He said “Thanks” and walked over to her. She smiled and suddenly he pulled her in and kissed her. As they parted he smirked and said “Mmm, chocolate, my favorite.”

  36. I stepped into the light from Lava River Cave. Finally I was out of the rocks and dust. All around was the most beautiful forest with pinecones dotting the ground like sprinkles.

  37. I remembered to pull myself to the side of the road when I saw it standing there lifelessly marking a boundary. Pushing against the wheel made me feel better about not being let in.

    O. Seau
  38. The cone of light shone brilliantly upon his forehead, which had finally smoothed as he slept. Peace was hard to come by these days, since he had lost his job and Marlene had been diagnosed with breast cancer.

  39. I like to eat ice cream cones. ANy flavor is good. Chocolate vanilla strawberry…. Sometimes I like to eat snowcones.

    Cherry is the best.

  40. An ice cream cone had fallen on the sidewalk. A child cried as his mother pulled him by his hand along the street. Ants raced to the discarded sugary treat. A dog trampled them as he lapped the ice cream into his mouth.
