its orange and makes you look slows you down has white rings around it babies heads looks like them when they come out ice cream goes in them they
The ice cream on the waffle cone drips on her hand as she licks the deliciousness from it. Cookies and cream is her favourite. She loves getting a come from that store every now and then, even if it was freezing cold outside. It would always remind her of her childhood summers when she could have all the ice cream she wanted.
The man wore it well. it was cone shaped, and it sat on top of his brown hair shining in the moonlight, like a bird resting on a tree branch high up in the sky. The cone was white, and it reminded his lover of a knight, in its shining armour. However, the man’s companions did not agree; they looked upon him in dismay, for the queen had put it on his head to ridicule him, and punishing him for his unmoral actions.
The conical structure of the shell, soft in shades of pale pink and heliotrope captured my attention as it lay, unguarded, in the sand. I scuttled forward and climbed inside. This new home appealed to me. I was a very happy hermit crab.
Ah, the cone. Such memories. First, the ice cream cone. Most specifically, the waffle cone at Calaway Park. Such incredible deliciousness…really, it can hardly be described. Much more delicious than a traffic cone, or an obstacle course. Yuck.
Joel Smith
a cone reminds me of ice cream, a geometrical shape, c plus one.
it could thus be a mathematical formula –
c+one where c is a numerical variable.
the boundary cone between lies and the truth of the midnight skies, will leave you left in the night with the feeling so right
nick rowe
The cones on the forest floor make me think of fall. When I walk through O’Sullivan’s woods and the cones fall to the fragrant ground it doesn’t matter whant time of year it is. A pine cone could mean Christmas or spring.
lol cones are funny and they have a shape. i don’t like it beacause it has to do with math. i do like it because it reminds me of ice cream, and ice cream is delicious to eat on a hot summer day in california. it looks like 3-d triangle. reminds me a lot of simpsons when homer was
the moment was captured in photo! 1.29 double scoops, reached out to take a photo and PLOP nikules ice cream fell as the camera flashed
the orange cone struck me as condescending in the middle of the parking space. with it’s little invisible hands placed on its hips staring up at me with its invisible smirk. you can’t park here it said to me.
Matthew A Ward
ice cream cones, or the orange ones that tell you where you can’t drive? Be more specific, dude. You can’t just say ‘cone’. Or did you mean ‘scone’? That would be much better.
COnes are for ice cream, and traffic and for stealing. from children and construction workers. If I were a mathematician I would write about the mathmatical properties of cones. Something pieR squared. Cones are cool.
she lay on the firs, the heat from the fire warming her body, its orange glow highlighting the side of her face exposing her contorted pain wracked features.
The cone shaped tee-pees surrounded her in a comforting circle, affording her protection and safety as she bought new life into the world……
wat the heck should I ewite. Cones are so shaped funny. I dn’t like cones. They make me uncomfortbale. Cones are silly. But they are good when they have ice cream in them. I like ice cream cones. Not when they fall in my lap though. Then they suck
i walkd outside one day to find a orange cone. I had no idea why it was placed there. The sky was blue and the contrast made the cone stick out. I walked to it; touched it; it disappeared. A flower took it’s place. The flower was a mix of orange and blue, when i touched it, the sky disappeared and in it’s place were birds. Thousands of birds.
i had and ice cream cone today. cones remind me of ice cream and math. i dont like math too much but i really like ice cream. maybe ice cream and math are similar, would be crazy huh?
haha well um im trying not to think much. ahhh im thinking!
icecream, waffles, weed, summer
ice cfream is delicious as hell, i love chocolate and mint chocolate chip, coneheads scare me and i want to kill them because its unrealistic
in the middle of the ice i broke open the box and the icecream melted in my hand. wishing i had a bowl i simple sipped the ice cream from my hand. with a messy hand i went to the sink and cleaned myself with soap and water. would a cone also have helped out the situation.
ice cream cone
I love ice cream…especially on cones. I think of conehead. like the movie. maybe even David COne.
mmmmmm chocolate.
Brodie thinks of math.
he’s such a nerd all the time.
I love seeing dogs with cones around their necks. They cannot lick their balls and they run around in circles and both of those things make me laugh. Of course, I do not like to see dogs in pain, but seeing them act stupid because of the cone on their head makes me laugh.
ice cream was always one of my favorite treats when I was a child. I loved it in the chocolate covered waffle cone, big kid size.
Cone is an object a shape it is the shape of a ray shooting out of a barrel, with deadly force. And those not caught in the blast will be burned blue by the light. Bystanders reported seeing it beyond the horizon a day later by de
Her little fingers grasped at the ice cream cone, having a bit of trouble balancing, and her face lit up like only a child’s can.
icecream. with lots of sprinkles. on a hot summer day around dusk.
icecream. with lots of sprinkles. on a hot summer day around dusk.
ice cream cyclone coney dog danger cone safety cone sugar cone eating ice cream out of a cone is
Like ice cream or a fortress of solitude, this small geometric shape plagues my mind. Its unique word structure and simple syllables seem to enrapture my attention whenever someone mentions it. Cone? Sure. Now-a-days, I think of Linear Algebra, and that isn’t too happy. It’s because of a lack of ice cream.
There once was a cone. He was a sad cone. He was empty. If only some wonderfully cold ice cream would come by and cool him off on this warm summer day. How lonely to be an empty cone.
the old shows with the cone heads was priceless, i absolutely loved it then and still love them
maxine paradiso
summer time
ice cream
Spiral down. Narrowing, everything’s closing in. You’re being shaped and forced to fit this tiny small shape so they can spit you out in the big world and leave you on your own. They’re filtering you in through a cone so you end up like everyone else.
I the ice cream is bland without the cone! The cone is the foundation! It savors the sweetness of the ice cream.
it’s from a pine tree. its architecture is beautiful, pointed & to the point. The ridges are protective, enabling them to survive the elements.
Karina Page
cone ehad that came down with a naughty flu, It was so bad that rivers of liquid flowed through the top of the cone it appears as it a volcano had erupted running lava down
El Mister
There is a cone on her head. It’s your birthday, he whispers in her ear. She smiles and nods.
It’s you birthday, he says again.
She doesn’t smile this time.
It’s your birthday, he says.
Her hair is falling out and her skin is rusty and her joints are creaking.
its orange and makes you look slows you down has white rings around it babies heads looks like them when they come out ice cream goes in them they
The ice cream on the waffle cone drips on her hand as she licks the deliciousness from it. Cookies and cream is her favourite. She loves getting a come from that store every now and then, even if it was freezing cold outside. It would always remind her of her childhood summers when she could have all the ice cream she wanted.
The man wore it well. it was cone shaped, and it sat on top of his brown hair shining in the moonlight, like a bird resting on a tree branch high up in the sky. The cone was white, and it reminded his lover of a knight, in its shining armour. However, the man’s companions did not agree; they looked upon him in dismay, for the queen had put it on his head to ridicule him, and punishing him for his unmoral actions.
The conical structure of the shell, soft in shades of pale pink and heliotrope captured my attention as it lay, unguarded, in the sand. I scuttled forward and climbed inside. This new home appealed to me. I was a very happy hermit crab.
Ah, the cone. Such memories. First, the ice cream cone. Most specifically, the waffle cone at Calaway Park. Such incredible deliciousness…really, it can hardly be described. Much more delicious than a traffic cone, or an obstacle course. Yuck.
a cone reminds me of ice cream, a geometrical shape, c plus one.
it could thus be a mathematical formula –
c+one where c is a numerical variable.
the boundary cone between lies and the truth of the midnight skies, will leave you left in the night with the feeling so right
The cones on the forest floor make me think of fall. When I walk through O’Sullivan’s woods and the cones fall to the fragrant ground it doesn’t matter whant time of year it is. A pine cone could mean Christmas or spring.
lol cones are funny and they have a shape. i don’t like it beacause it has to do with math. i do like it because it reminds me of ice cream, and ice cream is delicious to eat on a hot summer day in california. it looks like 3-d triangle. reminds me a lot of simpsons when homer was
the moment was captured in photo! 1.29 double scoops, reached out to take a photo and PLOP nikules ice cream fell as the camera flashed
the orange cone struck me as condescending in the middle of the parking space. with it’s little invisible hands placed on its hips staring up at me with its invisible smirk. you can’t park here it said to me.
ice cream cones, or the orange ones that tell you where you can’t drive? Be more specific, dude. You can’t just say ‘cone’. Or did you mean ‘scone’? That would be much better.
COnes are for ice cream, and traffic and for stealing. from children and construction workers. If I were a mathematician I would write about the mathmatical properties of cones. Something pieR squared. Cones are cool.
she lay on the firs, the heat from the fire warming her body, its orange glow highlighting the side of her face exposing her contorted pain wracked features.
The cone shaped tee-pees surrounded her in a comforting circle, affording her protection and safety as she bought new life into the world……
wat the heck should I ewite. Cones are so shaped funny. I dn’t like cones. They make me uncomfortbale. Cones are silly. But they are good when they have ice cream in them. I like ice cream cones. Not when they fall in my lap though. Then they suck
i walkd outside one day to find a orange cone. I had no idea why it was placed there. The sky was blue and the contrast made the cone stick out. I walked to it; touched it; it disappeared. A flower took it’s place. The flower was a mix of orange and blue, when i touched it, the sky disappeared and in it’s place were birds. Thousands of birds.
i had and ice cream cone today. cones remind me of ice cream and math. i dont like math too much but i really like ice cream. maybe ice cream and math are similar, would be crazy huh?
haha well um im trying not to think much. ahhh im thinking!
icecream, waffles, weed, summer
ice cfream is delicious as hell, i love chocolate and mint chocolate chip, coneheads scare me and i want to kill them because its unrealistic
in the middle of the ice i broke open the box and the icecream melted in my hand. wishing i had a bowl i simple sipped the ice cream from my hand. with a messy hand i went to the sink and cleaned myself with soap and water. would a cone also have helped out the situation.
ice cream cone
I love ice cream…especially on cones. I think of conehead. like the movie. maybe even David COne.
mmmmmm chocolate.
Brodie thinks of math.
he’s such a nerd all the time.
I love seeing dogs with cones around their necks. They cannot lick their balls and they run around in circles and both of those things make me laugh. Of course, I do not like to see dogs in pain, but seeing them act stupid because of the cone on their head makes me laugh.
ice cream was always one of my favorite treats when I was a child. I loved it in the chocolate covered waffle cone, big kid size.
Cone is an object a shape it is the shape of a ray shooting out of a barrel, with deadly force. And those not caught in the blast will be burned blue by the light. Bystanders reported seeing it beyond the horizon a day later by de
Her little fingers grasped at the ice cream cone, having a bit of trouble balancing, and her face lit up like only a child’s can.
icecream. with lots of sprinkles. on a hot summer day around dusk.
icecream. with lots of sprinkles. on a hot summer day around dusk.
ice cream cyclone coney dog danger cone safety cone sugar cone eating ice cream out of a cone is
Like ice cream or a fortress of solitude, this small geometric shape plagues my mind. Its unique word structure and simple syllables seem to enrapture my attention whenever someone mentions it. Cone? Sure. Now-a-days, I think of Linear Algebra, and that isn’t too happy. It’s because of a lack of ice cream.
There once was a cone. He was a sad cone. He was empty. If only some wonderfully cold ice cream would come by and cool him off on this warm summer day. How lonely to be an empty cone.
the old shows with the cone heads was priceless, i absolutely loved it then and still love them
summer time
ice cream
Spiral down. Narrowing, everything’s closing in. You’re being shaped and forced to fit this tiny small shape so they can spit you out in the big world and leave you on your own. They’re filtering you in through a cone so you end up like everyone else.
I the ice cream is bland without the cone! The cone is the foundation! It savors the sweetness of the ice cream.
it’s from a pine tree. its architecture is beautiful, pointed & to the point. The ridges are protective, enabling them to survive the elements.
cone ehad that came down with a naughty flu, It was so bad that rivers of liquid flowed through the top of the cone it appears as it a volcano had erupted running lava down
There is a cone on her head. It’s your birthday, he whispers in her ear. She smiles and nods.
It’s you birthday, he says again.
She doesn’t smile this time.
It’s your birthday, he says.
Her hair is falling out and her skin is rusty and her joints are creaking.
It’s your birthday, he says.
There is no answer.