we used to learn about all the 3D geometric figures in the early elementary classes at the montessori school i went to. All the shapes were solid wood and painted blue. I liked the cone the best.
Nehemiah Blazek
yellow imean orange uh coke triangle uhhhhhh traffic red orange pink i mean umm mirror head cone head dan acroid saturday night life acorn channel four 30 rock tina fey tracy morgan chris rock i hate you black guy martin luther king day south central perfect punk rock
i love eating ice cream… seriously, i have this odd attraction to waffle cones. that sounds really weird but i always loved the smell of them and it was my favorite part about getting ice cream as a child. *crunch!* how can you not love that?
happy birthday!!
its a party hat.
ice cream.
something a clown might use.
surprise!!!! i like parties.
there once was a shower that I think I watched when I was a kid. It was called “coneheads”. It was a family of bald.. aliens? and all of them had heads the shape of traffic cones.
I hate when there’s a lot of road construction because then there are traffic cones everywhere.
When I was younger I tried to jump over one but it ended up hurting my inner thing because i landed on it the wrong way. =/
I like ice cream.
ice cream…oh um imagine the taste…creamy, refreshing and sweet. theres a place called delsas..best ice cream…waffle cone…huge glob of ice cream….ah! chocolate orage
cone is where you put ice cream. it’s the first thing you roll up in the katamari level with the wooly mammoth, and you can’t go anywhere without them. they are a shape, the geometric kind, and that was the name of a fourth grade teacher at my school, mrs cone.
The cone falls to the ground point up. Pointing to the cloudless sky. A cone on a sphere in a bigger sphere. The ice cream melts and runs in little strawberry rivulets down the curb and into the grate. I’m not really sad – I wasn’t really hungry.
Michael Graham
ice cream goes here. Also a geometric term. Here is three dimensional. Also the shape of traditional party hats
everytime i hear the word cone i think of i have nothing to write about this is stupid i dunno what to do cone cone cone cone cone icre cream CONE do you like that one i sure do hope so blah blah blha cone cone cone ice cream CONE
i love cones
i love ice cream cones because theyre so good. theyre crunchy and delightful. i love to eat them in the summer
Perfect spiral
Chance to grow
Not alone
Like clockwork with the season
Almost at the ground
Phaedrus the Wolf
Ice cream cones drip and drizzle. I wasn’t allowed to eat out of them when I was little, always had to use a bowl. Thats okay, its wasted calories anyways, doesn’t taste good, but now I used them just to prove I can, for the self-satisfaction of (usually) not getting food on myself.
Better than math cones, equations I can’t remember, can’t remember stokes theorum, or greens theorum
cone is delicious yummmm ice cream cone cones everywhere gahhhh!!!
i like ice cream cone and its awesome.cone is a very unique shape as it is circular as well as trianglular.it is a good shape to be in architecture and it inspires many people.it was also the shape of a dunce hat
i love you.
i can’t help it.
you make my heart flutter.
you put the most genuine smile on my face.
I am happy to be with u in the same room
even if we don’t speak and are doing homework.
i want an ice cream cone which is weird because I just ate ice cream. We drink out of cone cups at work…much better than stupid creamer bells. I haven’t had a snow cone in years. On the Big Bang Theory the other night they made a snow cone as a reward for winning a board game.
Whether sunny or cloudy, the ice cream container becomes an increasingly soggy, dripping mess. I Hate Ice Cream Cones!
Ice cream cone. The cone crunches in my mouth as the sweet goodness dribbles down my chin. Drill cone in soccer practice; dribbling the ball down the field as I go to score a goal. The crowd at the World Cup goes wild!!!
orange and tall the cone sat in the lonely high way recently painted with a white peace sign. the kids that drive along the road kick the cone which is not overly tall but not overly small. the sides are worn down from years of your and there are dents from the numerous cars that pass by
construction is crazy in the summer. They seem to be working during the highest commuted times. However, I think that people should slow down around construction zones. It is far too dangerous for workers due to people’s selfish and hasty decisions. Traffic cones are really great accessories. Thank you.
A cone is a type of geometric shape. That’s the denotation. As for connotation, when I think of a cone, I typically think of ice cream, but I also think of those “Dunce” hats that students had to wear back in the day.
Imanie Elbanna
I love ice cream cones. They are are my favorite type of cone. I also like Traffic cones. Especially the brand new orange ones. MEgaphones are also cones.
Amanda Goff
The word Cone makes me think of those orange Traffic cones. And that makes me think of traffic. When I think of Traffic, it makes me think of a giant red truck for some reason. Hmm. I don’t know why, but this keeps evolving from the original word.
i want an ice cream cone. I want it to be peppermint with chunks of red, slippery, minty holiday delight, dripping out of the conical cookie container. I will clutch it like a torch an precede into the new season with dancing taste buds, a sticky hand and a song in my heart. Only in CA can one dream of an ice cream cone to herald the winter…
ice cream you scream we all scream for ice cream. mint chocolate chip, cookie dough, vanilla bean, chocolate, traffic, island.
Cone heads! I think of the “Cone of silence” with Michael Scott…or whatever the actor’s name is again…yeah that’s all I’ve got
Bob Saget
The pine tree looked as though it had been through quite a drought. The cones dangled from its branches barely clinging next to the sapless needles. This tree had met its end, and the pine cones scattered about the forest floor were a clear indication that it was losing it’s fruitful youth.
The ice cream cone dripped with vanilla ice cream. As the boy crossed the street with ice creamy fingers, he swerved around the traffic cones in place. He sprinted as fast as he could to get out of the way of a taxi flying straight toward him. His mother was waiting on the other side, looking terrified. Yet somehow, he made it to the other side.
Little disturbance in my travels. You, so sightfully appetizing, you siren, draw me back.
traffic cones are orange
There was ice cream dripping off her chin. He delicately wiped it away, taking the ice cream cone out of her hands. “You’re very messy today,” he says, his blue eyes sparkling mischievously.
“I know,” she replies trying to reach for her ice cream. The green colored ice cream is dribbling off the side of her ice cream, and she would really like it back before the delicious summer treat is gone and wasted.
ice cream cones remind me of the summer. whenever i would go to an ice cream store with my family i would always want to get a big waffle cone with extra sprinkles but my parents would never let me, so i’d have to get the sugar cone. it would make me mad but then i’d start to eat the ice cream and i would forget all about it. honestly, if i had gotten the big waffle cones i might not b
cone of silence? that’s the world we’re living in. you can shout, you can scream, you can cry you heart out and try to make people hear. but you’re in a cone of silence. it doesn’t matter how loud you voice your opinion, it gets sucked into the vacuum of indifference, the cone of silence of our world.
A cone. A traffic cone. Running people over in cars. We laughed so damn hard. They ran screaming…
My rods and cones are mixed up. They’re not firing, they’re gluey, sticky, pasty, and I can’t see a spark.
Traffic cones. The color of hunting. Orange! A silly color.
ice cream cones, safety cones, i like ice cream cones they taste good. i like the ones with chocolate filling on the bottom and chocolate on the top, they come in a package and you can buy them at the store with like 10 ina pack or in an icecream truck
we used to learn about all the 3D geometric figures in the early elementary classes at the montessori school i went to. All the shapes were solid wood and painted blue. I liked the cone the best.
yellow imean orange uh coke triangle uhhhhhh traffic red orange pink i mean umm mirror head cone head dan acroid saturday night life acorn channel four 30 rock tina fey tracy morgan chris rock i hate you black guy martin luther king day south central perfect punk rock
i love eating ice cream… seriously, i have this odd attraction to waffle cones. that sounds really weird but i always loved the smell of them and it was my favorite part about getting ice cream as a child. *crunch!* how can you not love that?
happy birthday!!
its a party hat.
ice cream.
something a clown might use.
surprise!!!! i like parties.
there once was a shower that I think I watched when I was a kid. It was called “coneheads”. It was a family of bald.. aliens? and all of them had heads the shape of traffic cones.
I hate when there’s a lot of road construction because then there are traffic cones everywhere.
When I was younger I tried to jump over one but it ended up hurting my inner thing because i landed on it the wrong way. =/
I like ice cream.
ice cream…oh um imagine the taste…creamy, refreshing and sweet. theres a place called delsas..best ice cream…waffle cone…huge glob of ice cream….ah! chocolate orage
cone is where you put ice cream. it’s the first thing you roll up in the katamari level with the wooly mammoth, and you can’t go anywhere without them. they are a shape, the geometric kind, and that was the name of a fourth grade teacher at my school, mrs cone.
The cone falls to the ground point up. Pointing to the cloudless sky. A cone on a sphere in a bigger sphere. The ice cream melts and runs in little strawberry rivulets down the curb and into the grate. I’m not really sad – I wasn’t really hungry.
ice cream goes here. Also a geometric term. Here is three dimensional. Also the shape of traditional party hats
everytime i hear the word cone i think of i have nothing to write about this is stupid i dunno what to do cone cone cone cone cone icre cream CONE do you like that one i sure do hope so blah blah blha cone cone cone ice cream CONE
i love cones
i love ice cream cones because theyre so good. theyre crunchy and delightful. i love to eat them in the summer
Perfect spiral
Chance to grow
Not alone
Like clockwork with the season
Almost at the ground
Ice cream cones drip and drizzle. I wasn’t allowed to eat out of them when I was little, always had to use a bowl. Thats okay, its wasted calories anyways, doesn’t taste good, but now I used them just to prove I can, for the self-satisfaction of (usually) not getting food on myself.
Better than math cones, equations I can’t remember, can’t remember stokes theorum, or greens theorum
icecream chocolat sun playground weed sprinkles clown sand beach pink crunchy
cone is delicious yummmm ice cream cone cones everywhere gahhhh!!!
i like ice cream cone and its awesome.cone is a very unique shape as it is circular as well as trianglular.it is a good shape to be in architecture and it inspires many people.it was also the shape of a dunce hat
i love you.
i can’t help it.
you make my heart flutter.
you put the most genuine smile on my face.
I am happy to be with u in the same room
even if we don’t speak and are doing homework.
i want an ice cream cone which is weird because I just ate ice cream. We drink out of cone cups at work…much better than stupid creamer bells. I haven’t had a snow cone in years. On the Big Bang Theory the other night they made a snow cone as a reward for winning a board game.
Whether sunny or cloudy, the ice cream container becomes an increasingly soggy, dripping mess. I Hate Ice Cream Cones!
Ice cream cone. The cone crunches in my mouth as the sweet goodness dribbles down my chin. Drill cone in soccer practice; dribbling the ball down the field as I go to score a goal. The crowd at the World Cup goes wild!!!
orange and tall the cone sat in the lonely high way recently painted with a white peace sign. the kids that drive along the road kick the cone which is not overly tall but not overly small. the sides are worn down from years of your and there are dents from the numerous cars that pass by
construction is crazy in the summer. They seem to be working during the highest commuted times. However, I think that people should slow down around construction zones. It is far too dangerous for workers due to people’s selfish and hasty decisions. Traffic cones are really great accessories. Thank you.
A cone is a type of geometric shape. That’s the denotation. As for connotation, when I think of a cone, I typically think of ice cream, but I also think of those “Dunce” hats that students had to wear back in the day.
I love ice cream cones. They are are my favorite type of cone. I also like Traffic cones. Especially the brand new orange ones. MEgaphones are also cones.
The word Cone makes me think of those orange Traffic cones. And that makes me think of traffic. When I think of Traffic, it makes me think of a giant red truck for some reason. Hmm. I don’t know why, but this keeps evolving from the original word.
i want an ice cream cone. I want it to be peppermint with chunks of red, slippery, minty holiday delight, dripping out of the conical cookie container. I will clutch it like a torch an precede into the new season with dancing taste buds, a sticky hand and a song in my heart. Only in CA can one dream of an ice cream cone to herald the winter…
ice cream you scream we all scream for ice cream. mint chocolate chip, cookie dough, vanilla bean, chocolate, traffic, island.
Cone heads! I think of the “Cone of silence” with Michael Scott…or whatever the actor’s name is again…yeah that’s all I’ve got
The pine tree looked as though it had been through quite a drought. The cones dangled from its branches barely clinging next to the sapless needles. This tree had met its end, and the pine cones scattered about the forest floor were a clear indication that it was losing it’s fruitful youth.
The ice cream cone dripped with vanilla ice cream. As the boy crossed the street with ice creamy fingers, he swerved around the traffic cones in place. He sprinted as fast as he could to get out of the way of a taxi flying straight toward him. His mother was waiting on the other side, looking terrified. Yet somehow, he made it to the other side.
Little disturbance in my travels. You, so sightfully appetizing, you siren, draw me back.
traffic cones are orange
There was ice cream dripping off her chin. He delicately wiped it away, taking the ice cream cone out of her hands. “You’re very messy today,” he says, his blue eyes sparkling mischievously.
“I know,” she replies trying to reach for her ice cream. The green colored ice cream is dribbling off the side of her ice cream, and she would really like it back before the delicious summer treat is gone and wasted.
ice cream cones remind me of the summer. whenever i would go to an ice cream store with my family i would always want to get a big waffle cone with extra sprinkles but my parents would never let me, so i’d have to get the sugar cone. it would make me mad but then i’d start to eat the ice cream and i would forget all about it. honestly, if i had gotten the big waffle cones i might not b
cone of silence? that’s the world we’re living in. you can shout, you can scream, you can cry you heart out and try to make people hear. but you’re in a cone of silence. it doesn’t matter how loud you voice your opinion, it gets sucked into the vacuum of indifference, the cone of silence of our world.
A cone. A traffic cone. Running people over in cars. We laughed so damn hard. They ran screaming…
My rods and cones are mixed up. They’re not firing, they’re gluey, sticky, pasty, and I can’t see a spark.
Traffic cones. The color of hunting. Orange! A silly color.
ice cream cones, safety cones, i like ice cream cones they taste good. i like the ones with chocolate filling on the bottom and chocolate on the top, they come in a package and you can buy them at the store with like 10 ina pack or in an icecream truck