it was when I was in the 10th grade that I started hanging out with Roland and his gigantic cadillac convertible. we went to the beach, to town. I was so happy to be out with a boy. he was nice and fun and stylish, but I did not know about gay boys at that time.
I jumped in, clicking my glasses closed like a rumbling clock. Facing the windshield, I started the engine, motors running in turmoil beneath my seat, adrenaline pumping through the pores of the mesh seating like fountains.
i want a convertible mini cooper
Convertible- to be able to convert or change one thing to another. Convertible car. Convertible clothes. Convertible houses. Convertible people. Convertible you and convertible me. We can all change. We are all convertible.
vergertible – Reed calls it a vergertible. Dad got a pt cwewzer vergertible. I like that word better. vergertible.
A car that is missing the top. They can be considered very dangerous especially to a young teenager learning to drive. Convertibles may be very sporty but can be harmful if you are in an accident.
angela miller
my father has a convertible corvette, and he lied about his taxes to get out of child support payments
the red convertible was riding down the causeway lady inside her hair flowing. Beautiful crisp day morning the smell of bakin in the air. Thoughts of a family sitting down to eat sunday breakfast with all the special things moms can cook on her day off.
The car zoomed down the high way. I was terrified, I’d never liked convertibles. Jacob was an awful driver, he was swerving everywhere. I hated he whole experience, I never want to drive in a convertible again.
changing one thing into another. like pants that can go inside out. perhaps, a small plush banana that converts into a yellow bag for bringing back souvenirs from a different country.
top down, red little penis man with a huge mustache…
he bores me.
never wanted it really, not cool to have my long hair whipping all over my face—fuck that, i can ride a horse if that is what i wanted.
a great car.
mine would be red and gorgeous.
love it.
Oh, they ride with the top down, the players and the played. Oh I wish I had a convertible, in time I may. Instead for now I walk, and smirk to myself as I see the snow flakes fall.
The red convertible rolled down the street and stopped at the red light. The driver hardly noticed the man in the wheelchair cross in front of him because he was too engrossed in the music. He never saw the man pull the gun out and he never heard the gun shot. He was dead.
David Clarke
He was driving down the road with nothing but the wind in his face and the sun at his back. He could only imagine the look on his father’s face when he pulled up into the driveway in this brand new convertible. For years he had to listen to his dad’s rants about not games not g
Jordan Moore
They were driving upstate, to find some moss. The weather was seasonably cool, the sky blue. She loved the smell of his car, his strong hand on the gear shift. And then he reached and she thought he was playing with the radio. No, it was a convertible and he had just opened it up.
the convertible is an awesome car. top peeled back like the skin of a potato. most badass cars come in a convertible form. like all the old school cars. in short, the convertible is pretty much awesome. let the wind run through your hair
I’ve never had a convertible. I always think that it looks like fun, riding along with the top down on a sunny day, but how much of the year could you really use it? Most of the time you’d be cold or wet or wearing clothes that you can’t let the wind blow all over the place, and you would just have it in the garage almost every day.
A red convertible was driving down the road yesterday when it hit a small boy. the boy died on impact. He was 6. his name was johnny.
Jessica S
Convertible, john sat in his shiny bright red new grand trophy of 16, his eyes sparkled with delight as his hand ran over the soft leather seats. “Ahh.” he sighed and settled into the beautiful new car, keys in hand.
Drive a car down the road an run over a squirrel which goes up the back and into the car because it is a convertible. into the drivers lap causing the car to go off the road and into the ditch where the squirrle takes over driving because it is a small ditch
One word appeals to me, it can be any word, like the most beautiful, the ugliest, the longest or the shortest. It could also be a powerful word or just a tiny lovely word
cars are like the best ones ever. my dad has one. they’re not like the cars you see on the peugout advert that turn it people like things and skate alot. Although i suppose they could eb. only if you dont live in this world and instead in your imaginary one. however these can be in plastic or hard. but it is a normal car that converts into a super car.
there it goes. down the road.
vroom vroom.
i wish i was in that car.
riding along side him.
the sun in the sky.
the wind flowing through my hair.
if only if only…
evrythin is convertible words,language, feelings, convertible feelings are the fundemantel ground of human society
i wear a convertible skull, so my ideas can get some suntan.
its a car that has a top that you can removee and everyonel ikes them excpet me cause i spend alot of time doin my hair and it totally just messes it up!! is there supposed to be a timer on thins thing?
it was a hot day and i was sweating the wind was lightly blowing and i ached to have my old convertible back. I loved that car it was apple green and had dents and dings but it was all mine! She was my baby and on this day I wanted her back. It got me to thinking about where she might be and who might be taking care of her. Was she in better shape? Had someone taken pity on her and made her beautiful? God how I hoped she wasn’t in an auto grave yard rusting and …. I couldn’t even imagine it.
to be able to change shape or personality at will. to let go and feel free. to be open to differnt ways of life
this is a type of car that is very popular and fun to ride in. it is fun to ride in the summer with the top down. My friend had a convertable and car and it was very fun to ride in.
jim lyerly
convertibles make me think of leisure, and the wind blowing through my loose hair. Sometimes, i relate convertibles to sunday drives going nowhere. I would love to own a nice convertible; red, perhaps. It would be super fun to go out, with the wind rushing through your hair, not having to turn on the air conditioner; with convertables
A convertible is a car that drives extra fast because it has no roof most of the time except hen its rainy cause then everyone inside would get wet and that wouldnt be very nice for daddys new cd plpayer or his new girlfriend that mammy hates because she always is laying inn his lap while he drives moving her head up and down while daddy tries to concentrate extra hard by grunting, wow this piece of writing is really really terrible, but it put me on the spot what else was i to say?? HELP ME!!! I need help!!!
There is a game my family and I always plays in the car. Anytime that you see a red convertible with a couple, top down and a dog in the back you must stop everything you are doing and go get ice cream. This has only actually happened to my family once, but it sure was a great time!
Amikor nem múlnak az évek
Amikor kihunytak a fények,
Csak sötétség vesz körül
S lényed a fájdalomba merül.
Nincs csillag, halvány derengés,
Csak vájja testedet a kés.
A remény meghalni ment,
Nincs többé, ki megment.
Miért vonszolod még magad tovább,
Miért taposod a szenvedés sarát,
Véget vetni miért nem mersz,
Hisz, megtenni nincs egy perc?
Ha nincs is remény,
Maradt egy kába tudat,
Sejted, érzed, hogy
Végig kell járnod az utat.
Emeld hát vándor
Sebes lábad tovább
Valahol messze nyílnak
Már az orgonák.
Covertible is a car. It is a neat kind of car.
People used covertibles alot and they still use it alot now.
Hope Voskamp
red. mid-life crisis worthy and often an undeserved vehicle for those who don’t seem to know how to drive it. on second thought, also a sofa. sofa bed. But mostly something red and flashy, with a little go behind it and probably a blonde in the front seat.
i have one word to say the only one word can do this one word can only be described by one word and that is word!
i have no idea what this word means.. i’m danish, i dont know all of this damn words.. in could be something about candy. i like candy alot :D
i really dont know what
bye now
It’s a car. A lovely red convertible with a white roof that retracts when the sun shines warm and inviting. And covers you back up when the clouds come. Instant shelter. And it’s freedom too. To drive in any weather and experience the air.
I never wanted a convertible car. My mother always said they were cold and wet, especially when it rains. I think now, I might like to have one, but now I am a sensible grown up person and soon I’ll have babies and a convertible is no place for a baby. I think they look like fun. Convertibles, not babies.
it was when I was in the 10th grade that I started hanging out with Roland and his gigantic cadillac convertible. we went to the beach, to town. I was so happy to be out with a boy. he was nice and fun and stylish, but I did not know about gay boys at that time.
I jumped in, clicking my glasses closed like a rumbling clock. Facing the windshield, I started the engine, motors running in turmoil beneath my seat, adrenaline pumping through the pores of the mesh seating like fountains.
i want a convertible mini cooper
Convertible- to be able to convert or change one thing to another. Convertible car. Convertible clothes. Convertible houses. Convertible people. Convertible you and convertible me. We can all change. We are all convertible.
vergertible – Reed calls it a vergertible. Dad got a pt cwewzer vergertible. I like that word better. vergertible.
A car that is missing the top. They can be considered very dangerous especially to a young teenager learning to drive. Convertibles may be very sporty but can be harmful if you are in an accident.
my father has a convertible corvette, and he lied about his taxes to get out of child support payments
the red convertible was riding down the causeway lady inside her hair flowing. Beautiful crisp day morning the smell of bakin in the air. Thoughts of a family sitting down to eat sunday breakfast with all the special things moms can cook on her day off.
The car zoomed down the high way. I was terrified, I’d never liked convertibles. Jacob was an awful driver, he was swerving everywhere. I hated he whole experience, I never want to drive in a convertible again.
changing one thing into another. like pants that can go inside out. perhaps, a small plush banana that converts into a yellow bag for bringing back souvenirs from a different country.
top down, red little penis man with a huge mustache…
he bores me.
never wanted it really, not cool to have my long hair whipping all over my face—fuck that, i can ride a horse if that is what i wanted.
a great car.
mine would be red and gorgeous.
love it.
Oh, they ride with the top down, the players and the played. Oh I wish I had a convertible, in time I may. Instead for now I walk, and smirk to myself as I see the snow flakes fall.
The red convertible rolled down the street and stopped at the red light. The driver hardly noticed the man in the wheelchair cross in front of him because he was too engrossed in the music. He never saw the man pull the gun out and he never heard the gun shot. He was dead.
He was driving down the road with nothing but the wind in his face and the sun at his back. He could only imagine the look on his father’s face when he pulled up into the driveway in this brand new convertible. For years he had to listen to his dad’s rants about not games not g
They were driving upstate, to find some moss. The weather was seasonably cool, the sky blue. She loved the smell of his car, his strong hand on the gear shift. And then he reached and she thought he was playing with the radio. No, it was a convertible and he had just opened it up.
the convertible is an awesome car. top peeled back like the skin of a potato. most badass cars come in a convertible form. like all the old school cars. in short, the convertible is pretty much awesome. let the wind run through your hair
I’ve never had a convertible. I always think that it looks like fun, riding along with the top down on a sunny day, but how much of the year could you really use it? Most of the time you’d be cold or wet or wearing clothes that you can’t let the wind blow all over the place, and you would just have it in the garage almost every day.
A red convertible was driving down the road yesterday when it hit a small boy. the boy died on impact. He was 6. his name was johnny.
Convertible, john sat in his shiny bright red new grand trophy of 16, his eyes sparkled with delight as his hand ran over the soft leather seats. “Ahh.” he sighed and settled into the beautiful new car, keys in hand.
Drive a car down the road an run over a squirrel which goes up the back and into the car because it is a convertible. into the drivers lap causing the car to go off the road and into the ditch where the squirrle takes over driving because it is a small ditch
One word appeals to me, it can be any word, like the most beautiful, the ugliest, the longest or the shortest. It could also be a powerful word or just a tiny lovely word
cars are like the best ones ever. my dad has one. they’re not like the cars you see on the peugout advert that turn it people like things and skate alot. Although i suppose they could eb. only if you dont live in this world and instead in your imaginary one. however these can be in plastic or hard. but it is a normal car that converts into a super car.
there it goes. down the road.
vroom vroom.
i wish i was in that car.
riding along side him.
the sun in the sky.
the wind flowing through my hair.
if only if only…
evrythin is convertible words,language, feelings, convertible feelings are the fundemantel ground of human society
i wear a convertible skull, so my ideas can get some suntan.
its a car that has a top that you can removee and everyonel ikes them excpet me cause i spend alot of time doin my hair and it totally just messes it up!! is there supposed to be a timer on thins thing?
it was a hot day and i was sweating the wind was lightly blowing and i ached to have my old convertible back. I loved that car it was apple green and had dents and dings but it was all mine! She was my baby and on this day I wanted her back. It got me to thinking about where she might be and who might be taking care of her. Was she in better shape? Had someone taken pity on her and made her beautiful? God how I hoped she wasn’t in an auto grave yard rusting and …. I couldn’t even imagine it.
to be able to change shape or personality at will. to let go and feel free. to be open to differnt ways of life
this is a type of car that is very popular and fun to ride in. it is fun to ride in the summer with the top down. My friend had a convertable and car and it was very fun to ride in.
convertibles make me think of leisure, and the wind blowing through my loose hair. Sometimes, i relate convertibles to sunday drives going nowhere. I would love to own a nice convertible; red, perhaps. It would be super fun to go out, with the wind rushing through your hair, not having to turn on the air conditioner; with convertables
A convertible is a car that drives extra fast because it has no roof most of the time except hen its rainy cause then everyone inside would get wet and that wouldnt be very nice for daddys new cd plpayer or his new girlfriend that mammy hates because she always is laying inn his lap while he drives moving her head up and down while daddy tries to concentrate extra hard by grunting, wow this piece of writing is really really terrible, but it put me on the spot what else was i to say?? HELP ME!!! I need help!!!
There is a game my family and I always plays in the car. Anytime that you see a red convertible with a couple, top down and a dog in the back you must stop everything you are doing and go get ice cream. This has only actually happened to my family once, but it sure was a great time!
Amikor nem múlnak az évek
Amikor kihunytak a fények,
Csak sötétség vesz körül
S lényed a fájdalomba merül.
Nincs csillag, halvány derengés,
Csak vájja testedet a kés.
A remény meghalni ment,
Nincs többé, ki megment.
Miért vonszolod még magad tovább,
Miért taposod a szenvedés sarát,
Véget vetni miért nem mersz,
Hisz, megtenni nincs egy perc?
Ha nincs is remény,
Maradt egy kába tudat,
Sejted, érzed, hogy
Végig kell járnod az utat.
Emeld hát vándor
Sebes lábad tovább
Valahol messze nyílnak
Már az orgonák.
Covertible is a car. It is a neat kind of car.
People used covertibles alot and they still use it alot now.
red. mid-life crisis worthy and often an undeserved vehicle for those who don’t seem to know how to drive it. on second thought, also a sofa. sofa bed. But mostly something red and flashy, with a little go behind it and probably a blonde in the front seat.
i have one word to say the only one word can do this one word can only be described by one word and that is word!
i have no idea what this word means.. i’m danish, i dont know all of this damn words.. in could be something about candy. i like candy alot :D
i really dont know what
bye now
It’s a car. A lovely red convertible with a white roof that retracts when the sun shines warm and inviting. And covers you back up when the clouds come. Instant shelter. And it’s freedom too. To drive in any weather and experience the air.
I never wanted a convertible car. My mother always said they were cold and wet, especially when it rains. I think now, I might like to have one, but now I am a sensible grown up person and soon I’ll have babies and a convertible is no place for a baby. I think they look like fun. Convertibles, not babies.