
November 9th, 2008 | 810 Entries

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810 Entries for “convertible”

  1. Wait half a second, I thought I had this word yesterday. Does it only give us a new word once every week? I don’t get it. Not that I have anything against convertibles or anything, but I was hoping for maybe a more glamorous word like shishkabob or something…

  2. is the state of my mind, when taken to with an axe…I suppose, I can’t really remember.

  3. As i looked from person to person, I decided suddenly “why not?” I hopped into the back of the convertible mustang and we took off into the night. I never woke up, it was the last choice I made. Moments later a truck ran a red light and we collided.

  4. I wish this energy could be used in some manner other than just sitting, tapping my feet or wandering around the neighborhood getting steadily colder but it seems to be inconvertible

  5. “So, how fast did you say this thing goes?”

    “300 mhp, give or take a few.”


    She tapped at the cloth roof.

    “Have you ever gone with the top down?”

    “Once. It ripped the toupe right off my grandfather’s head. Caused an accident behind us. Haven’t done it since.”

    “Wanna try it again?”


    Christen Dodson
  6. i have always wanted a convertible. Maybe a red one that is a corvette. My dads girlfriend has one it is fun.i love takeing it for rides in the summer it is so much fun. i love it

  7. convertible

  8. Her hair behind her, blowing in the breeze, began to mesmerize me as I sat in the parking lot of the restaurant.

  9. i like convertibles, but i’ve never owned one. actually, i always think of convertibles as red. that’s a little strange. with a convertible dream, i imagine driving along the california coast with the top down, my hair flowing, ect, ect. i think it’s actually from a movie with dennis hoffman. i don’t think i would actually buy a convertible though, because i want something smaller.

  10. It was an incontrovertible fact – she wouldn’t rest until she had a convertible. My sister was the meanest when she was angry – that’s why me and my ‘bad man’ elicit gay lover Robert and I used the back seat of her car to have sex every occasion we could find.

    Leather leaves rug burn-like marks.

    Dan R.
  11. The convertible blasted down the highway at an amazing speed. the man behind the wheel had hair like a horse mane, and it blew wildly in the wind. He missed his exit, but he didn’t care anymore.

  12. When I rode in the convertible, I was alive with passion and felt deeply connected and at one with the world around me and at peace with the universe at large. My hair flying, friends in the back seat laughing at the tunnel of air created by the windshield.

  13. car with no top

  14. That was my goal in life when I was younger. I wanted a red Cadillac convertible. That was the one thing I consistantly talked about.

  15. long day after work with the beach at your side you see the ocean picture the long flowing bleach blonde hair streaming out from the blue eyed beauty. something about the openness brings relief and something that no car can promote such great appeal california is the main place of objection to such a automobile

  16. and she wants a yellow dress
    as she stands, everything in motion
    through her head
    no hands, no fear, no
    the driver is lost
    among the tripping trees
    the absent gardener forgets to yell “timber”
    as her dress winks like the sun eclipsing,
    and her eyelids are the reflection of hills
    in lakewater.
    people’s lives make silhouettes in the pigments of gossamer
    tops, like the conversion of liquid into gas.

    Hannah Wells
  17. I was sitting on a chair.

    And then I converted it into a scooter.

    And then I used it to power down the highway at an amazing 3.8 mph.

  18. Car! Wind in you hair. pink!

    I once saw an old lady in a baby-blue convertible down in Florida when I was their with my uncle. It was pretty epic. I mean, she was rocking it. No rust or anything – I was amazed. Up here in Canada there’s always rust on everything – even my mom’s brand new Mazda’s starting to get rust – then again, that’s Mazda’s fault. we still love the car though. It’s pretty win… I mean, who wouldn’t love the Mazda?

  19. i always wanted a convertible since i was like 5 years old. i always thought i would look like my red headed barbie doll she had a blue convertible and i always thought i would be like her until my mom told me her friend died in a convertible then that dream was over.

  20. convertible

  21. convertibles are cool. cool people drive them. they are often red, and they are in movies. i like them most of the time., like mustangs, theyre cool. like in that movie princess diaries where hers breaks down., its a funny movie. i like that movie , more than convertoibles. i can’t even drive yet, i suck. yep yep yep yep yeeeeep. convertible, thats a weird word.

  22. they’re fast. My grandfather’s old ’65 is the one I inherited. It’s smooth. Like sunshine on a cloudless day. The white top, cruising the fly with the mississippi on my side. Everyone smiling and looking. Kind of self conscious feeling, but that’s ok, just keep driving. Watch the speed. Just keep it nice and slow.

  23. the convertible car drove swiftly down the highway, a smooth and confident black man in the driver’s seat, and a headless corpse in the passenger’s.

    “You ready?” said the corpse

    “Awwww yeah,” said the man, as he shifted into ludicrous gear.

  24. Ellen got a new mustang convertible the other day. Just thinking about her irks me a little. Her relationship with John is weird, and she has no room to talk about our relationship. She tells Emily that she should dump me because I’m “pulling her away from god”.
    I guess the issue would bother me more if I was the one who believed in hell.

    Joel Smith
  25. The red convertible was speeding down the way
    when it happened to hit tiny Lucy Fay
    And knocked her astray
    and her brains flew away

  26. flying along the highway, my cares to the wind… i race off towards the sunset. The top is down, the sky darkens, but the warm summer evening air feels delightful on my face. Of course, my hair is tangled, but i don’t care. i’m free.

  27. there is a car driving through a long roadhaving left american suburbia. the car is full and accompanies odd travelers; young and full of ambition. the car gleams in the sun but doesn’t compare to them

  28. I have always wanted to own a convertible. But I always keep my van so messy that I would be afraid that I would mess up my car and the papers and objects would fly out in the wind. Maybe I could convert my van into a convertible… that’d be cool.

    Brian Butler
  29. A red beauty along a winding road in the black of night. A slip of the wheel. Off the edge. Falling in blackness. Deep chasm of doubt and remorse. Death.

  30. changes from one form to another, also is an adjective to a car.

  31. There is a game that I play with my younger siblings. Any time we go on a drive and see a red convertible, top down, with a couple and a dog in the back we stop and get ice cream. It is a great game, because since it happens so rarely it is a real treat.

  32. you are stranger with blue eyes, mark deuch, duke, nothing with everything

  33. an american word for car. you can drive anywhere there are roads. sometimes they come in blue but also sometimes red which makes it go faster.always wear a seatbelt or you may die when you crash it into someones face.don’t drink in one.

  34. I was driving one day in a red convertible, when suddenly I saw the most brilliant scene. The sky was a pinkish, purple haze covered in streaks of yellow and blue. It was reminiscent of a Peter Pan-esque fairytale land where any moment a boy would snatch me up and fly me to far away lands.

  35. Windwindwindwind. Winding down through the neighbourhood of that place I housesat. Cold, many leaves. So much color. There in the back, clinging to that purple cardigan. Gritting teeth against the cold, fueled by the elation.

  36. CAR
    My moms car=]
    windy it’s awesome

    gets kinda cold
    close the top, don’t want inside of the car to get wet =]=]

    sebring, porshe, corvett……

    hard top.

    hahah. uhm……..

  37. a convertible. something people love to take adventures in. top down hair blowing in the wind. everyone loves to splurge on wonderful cars such as convertible. They make people feel free like their young again and nothing is stopping them in any way.

    Laura Woodard
  38. car that doesnt have roof. sometimes kinda cool. not as cool as when i was little. i kind of like coupes better now. maybe. i don’t know. roofs are kind of aesthetically pleasing. maybe not. convertibles are still kind of cool. older ones though. i guess. maybe. i don’t know about cars.

  39. i once went with a girl
    but we weren’t convertible
    times change
    we weren’t convertible

  40. there was car that came to the store the other day and of course it had to be a red convertible. It is one of those cars that you look at and you think it just amazing and you want to go for a ride in. But then you notice that there is a blond in the front and you have no interest in that, you just want the car. Why does everything have to come in twos?

    Laura burt