
November 9th, 2008 | 810 Entries

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810 Entries for “convertible”

  1. topless freewheeling messy hair all kinds of fun freedom sunshine windy and all together too much fun

  2. “It’s a pair of Converse! No, it’s a neon scarf! Wait! Is it “Thundercats” t-shirt? Or is it an under-sized pair of stonewashed “Gino Vennuci” jeans?

    “Actually – it’s none of these things. It’s a piece fabric that converts into any article of 80’s clothing deemed to be possible!”

    (A hipster’s wet dream)

  3. the silver car drove down the boulevad, knocking down everything in its path; fire hydrants, ople prams. Scremaing to a halt, the roof flew back automatically and a beautiful woman stepped out, followeed by a man in a suit. He held a gun to her head,

  4. Red car driving down the highway. Wind in her hair. On the loose from that maniacle husband of hers. God If only he wasn’t such an asshole maybe then she could forgive him for fucking her best friend.
    Oh well. Vegas was in her cards now.

  5. there are certain cars that are convertibles. Those whose tops can convert into the car to make the car a topless car. A convertible is nice to ride in and blows your hair in the wind. The convertible class of cars is generally in the upper price range of cars

  6. Oooh, I told my Ba that the next car he gets has to be a convertible. He said he was gonna get an SUV cuz he and his friends are so very… uh, how do i put it? XX large. But theyre much smaller now. I think he’s still gonna go SUV anyway, though. Oh, well, time to start working on mom ; )

    Keogh Greek
  7. Air whipped through my hair, my eyes, my heart. As we sped down I 30 going 30 miles over the speed limit, and not looking back, convertible’s are good for two things, running away from home, and running away from life.

  8. The convertible flew down the highway faster than was safe, faster than she could see. She couldn’t see anyway, her tears were coming to thick to be able to make out much of the road through the windshield. She was fleeing, trying to escape the pain of all that was behind her, she didn’t know if she could get far enough away to make a difference, to be able to put it all behind her.

  9. hot sexy red
    old fashioned
    hats with ribbons
    old dates
    laid back
    girls night out
    hair flying
    smooth ride

    Caroline Simmons
  10. nice red car with no top in the sun in florda on the beach with people every were a hot dog stand smells so good.

  11. The blue Mustang, the convertible, it was all Sara Jane had ever wanted. To drive, to ride, to feel the flight of speed, love, lament… To hear a slow, sad song in it….. a fast, glad song….Yeah, the blue Mustang convertible was everything….

  12. Convertible. That’s what she said she wanted out of him. Did she mean religion, or the car? They argued like this most mornings, with their battle stations across the kitchen from one another. I normally don’y pay any head, but this morning stuck out. Their loud verbose insults were not present, and they seemed less concerned with being right.

  13. My dad always wanted a convertible. I think he had a couple of them. He’s always felt that a different kind of car would change his life. I dated someone like that briefly; someone who was like him in more ways than I care to admit. Honestly, it wasn’t just briefly. I almost married the guy. He’s still buying new cars every other year and complaining about not having any money – just like my dad. Every day I take a little moment to thank myself for dodging that bullet.

  14. the nicest car that i have ever seen. I wish that i had one and i am mad that i don’t. I am going to go blow my money on one and waste my life!!!!!!!!!!bye bye. C U later looser. ha ha

  15. Convertable like a chair. Convert the chair into another chair.

    or conververtable like a car. I love convertable chairs, but not convertable cars. I’m a bit uptight about my hair being messed up…..unless it is by me

    Convertable smertable, not exactly a word that can inspire much creativity in me.

    But, I suppose we can convert it into something else.

  16. i wish i had one. i like to feel the breeze in my hair to feel the freedom of baing able to do whatever i want. i wanna go fast and feel the adrenalin pumping through my veins. i wanna feel the power i am driving and bending to my every whim.

  17. convertibles are very nice cars. very interchangeable and exquisite. very sleek. very sexy. the car is intrigueing and i remember when i won homecoming princess i got to stand up and ride in the back of a red one on the way to the football game. i like the red ones the best, even though blue is my favorite color. the red ones just seem faster and more interesting. lots of people notice red convertibles when you drive past.

  18. There once was a man who drove a convertible bmw. he was such a faggot. I wanted to punch him in the gonads for being so queer. I hope he crashes his bmw into a tree. he thinks he is so cool because he is a pro wrestler, but he is really a scrawny faggot who takes steroids to make himself feel better. i hope his convertible malfunctions and eats him alive.


    Nigerian Princess
  19. I hop in the red and white convertible and sigh at the tackiness. Why pick a decent boyfriend if he insists on a stupid convertible as the mode of transportation? I forgive only because the sway of his button down plaid is too tempting to resist. Pulling him over to me, I put one finger through the button hole and glance in his direction. With a smile, I exeunt the tacky car. Today feels like a bus day.

  20. top down blue taylor hanson
    ripped blue jeans
    elton playin on the radio
    we sing because we have to
    breathing fire from our lungs
    tears run down our faces as we laugh
    summer cigarettes no shoes no regrets

  21. the desire to leave was just too much. The teacher’s words are turning into insolent buzzing, doodles and cootie catchers are no remedy for this hot sticky plastic seat and this imitation wood desk. Please excluse Jane, says the note, with a decent forgery. I’m so out of here-fun fun fun til her daddy takes the T-bird away.

  22. I rode in a convertable today, it was red, fire red. I didn’t know where we were going but I didn’t care. Mom said it was an adventure and I believed her. I knew she had had her typical cocktail but I wasn’t concerned she had picked me up from school that way so many times before.

  23. there was once a convertible car that could fly and fly and fly until it reached the sun and then it would turn around and fly back to the moon and then under the very ocean aty its greatest depthgs. The car was named gamael and it was a red caR.

    Jay B
  24. twice times different amounts of money added together and changing into different amounts of other currency. Time taking converting money buying stuff. converting electricity mainly this and that. converting to christianity or burning. joan of arc, witch burnt at stake. young kid dead. converting the masses.

  25. I used to want one of this. A red mustang. I don’t know why I wanted one… I just did. In fact. Today. I really don’t want one. I overuse periods… well, punctuation in general. I like punctuation. It breaks up the long exhausting sentences. I don’t know what else to say. But I’m nearly out of time anyways. See it is red, and it is going to get more red until I’m out of time.

  26. the top was down, and within minutes we were airborne, thriving, running away from everything and everyone, burning our bridges with delicious, carefree glee.

  27. white, car, beautiful, stuck top, wind, white, engine, white, different colors, great, hello!!!
    How r u? ZOOM!!!

  28. She laughed, her hair blowing about her face as she drove down the highway, the freedom of the rag top made her pleased, happy to be moving along so quickly; even if she was running away from everything. It was pure bliss, this feeling of freedom, the knowledge that nothing would stop her ever again and that she would always go without fear in her feats.

  29. Convertibles are a class symbol for the rich. I hate the bullshit that they portray. They’re for the rich Valley girl Californian type. The people that think it’s ok to show they’re beautiful faces off as they drive by the poor neighborhoods, where the poor Asians struggle to feed lots of kids. It makes me sick. How one could be so entirely ignorant of everything around them.

    Theo Pacun
  30. With a sly grin, he whipped off the cover. Underneath was a brand-new, dark-blue convertible, gleaming in the sun, with perfect upholstery and slick controls. He smoothed his hand over the hood, stroking his latest baby, never taking his eyes off.

  31. a car that is very popular. It is red with no top. It is for men who have passed their prime. I don’t know anyone who owns a convertible. I have never even seen a convertible… is that weird? I’m a girl. It seems like a guy thing.

  32. when I was in junior high in Florida, a guy down the street had a convertible It was burgundy colored car with a white top. I want to buy a convertible so I can drive really fast (on an empty road — with the top down and my hair blowing in the wind with the sun beaming down so I can feel free, happy, and something else.
    So the kind of convertible I’d like to buy is very costly, so for now I’ll drive my little blue Mazda hatchback that actually gets great gas mileage, and can fit in anyone’s driveway. But a convertibl i

  33. I drove my convertible with the same fierceness as a knight rides his horse into battle. I had my princess by side, black hair wildly blowing in the wind, to the castle that awaited us in the distance just past the fiends I was to slay along the way.

  34. my car changes into a hatless version of itself. wind rushes through our hair, and no shelter from the elements. I’m closer to nature than I eve could have been in a car, other than the Flintstones’ car. change, no like any other.

  35. you’ve never seen the wind before you got in. it was red. it was loud. you were both too. could it have been ’65. or ’56. you were 4 or 15 you can’t remember now. Your Mum was there.

  36. Convertible, as in car, reminds me of youth. I didn’t have one, but I have ridden in a few. I did have an older work acquaintence one time who looked like a grey-haired granny indoors, but when she rode around in her convertible, she seemed like a different person.

  37. The burnt out convertible lay, and skeleton of metal on the side of the road. The metal only newly cold, a man stood and stared at it like it was a newly dug fossil.

  38. i was walking down the street when this convertible just ran past me. I didn’t even notice at first, but then I had that moment when ‘oh crap’ I didn’t notice and I could have been killed but for some reason I wasn’t. After I crossed the street the vision played over and over again in my head.

  39. my sportscar is red and it has no top. I can feel the wind in my hair and on my face. I can go fast but I feel unsafe. I click my seatbelt and hold on around the curve but its going to fast and I cannot stop.

    Cecily Morgan
  40. ok so the one time i was riding in a convertible i was a sophomore in high school, after our field hockey game my friend’s mom took us to a football game. we planned on watching the seniors play. hot ones. no time to take a shower so i put some mouse in my hair and no pony tail–i ended up looking like a troll.
