
September 23rd, 2011 | 377 Entries

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377 Entries for “convinced”

  1. im convinced that my boyfried has a boyfriend. im convinced that he and i really wouldnt make a good match. I love him with my whole heart but were not good for eachother. im convinved that my bestfriend might not really be my bestfriend. im convinced that all my “friends” enjoy alcohol more than a real friendship.

  2. Von nichts war sie so richtig zu überzeugen. Alles “ging zur Not” und nichts war gut genug. Die neuen Vorhänge nicht. Der Beruf ihres Freundes nicht. Die Freundin ihrer Tochter nicht. Die kürzlich gekauften Schuhe nicht. Vermutlich hat nie jemand mehr Einkäufe in Geschäfte zurückgebracht als Cora.

  3. A friend of mine (near and dear to my heart) convinced me to join this site. So, I did.

  4. I am convinced that love is everything. That God is love, and that it is His divine plan and purpose for us to love Him and love each other for the short time we’re here on this earth. I am convinced that I am following His plan for my life, and that loving others for me means helping them through their emotional distress, strengthening their families and relationships.

    Heather Burcham
  5. I was once convinced that the world was flat. So for my whole life I lived in fear of the edge. In fear of coming to the end. When the one day i wanted to reach the cliff at the edge of the world so i walked as far as i could and then i walked a little more. And i have been walking forward ever since. I have yet to find the end, but i swear that when I do i will finally stand on the cliff and jump.

    Sierra Marie
  6. I am convinced that this world is crazy, yet amazing all at the same time. I am convinced that the NBA will happen, Matt Kemp will get the tripple crown and Kershaw will win the Cy Young. Ohh and I am truly convinced we will finish ahead of the Giants and that I will become a millionaire. Are you convinced?

  7. I was convinced. I just knew that he was telling the truth. “Julia, don’t do this! Everything will change soon.” he said as the wind brushed his cheek and blew his hair around in the violent snowstorm. “Listen Pie. It’s too late.” That was it. And with saying that I jumped.

  8. i was convinced by the world to be something that i internally cannot stand. i was convinced to stand as an object of consumerism, of materialism, as an object. i was convinced that i am only worth what i display on my exterior, object on objects. nothing internal only because it cannot be seen, cannot be defined.

  9. I’m convinced that you have an idea about what I am mad at you about. Will I explain a thing about it? No, because you really hurt me that day. I didn’t know whether you wanted to be funny or not, but what you did was unforgivable. Normally I would be a forgiving person, but it’s too personal to forget.

  10. if people could be convinced to do things easily then we wouldn’t have to struggle with getting stubborn people into doing things. For example, a commercial tells me to buy this and that. The objective of the commercial is to convince me into buying that item.

  11. i couldn’t believe you had convinced me to do this. i was terrified. i knew it was something that needed to be done, but i was terrified. how could i talk to him and tell him that? i wanted him to go with me, but i didn’t want to mess up the friendship. what am i going to do? i need my confidence pants to come back to me. That would make things easier.

  12. I was convinced you knew who I was. My face, unrecognizable to you, used to tell a story of a thousand years. My knowledge, displayed through my eyes, was important to many people once upon a time. Although now, as I’m sitting beside your bedside praying, that knowledge isn’t important to anyone but us. You don’t know me anymore, despite our 21 years spent together. It was love, and now it is Alzheimer’s.

    Candace Blake
  13. Amy was convinced that at the end of the day she would not only have fallen in love with her dog, but she would have bought said dog a new pinata. Dog’s didn’t have destructive tendencies, usually. However, Bowzer, her pet spaniel, wasn’t any old dog.

    Osh Fogarty
  14. She looked deeply into my eyes with that finality. I knew this was it. There was no way back, forward, in or out. I had to do it. Deeply breathing in I resigned myself that she was right.

  15. You’ve convinced me to stay. I think I’m in love with you, but what do I know? I’m still young. Your charms and kisses never fail to captivate me. You’ve brought me into new things that I’ve never quite experienced. I’m cheating on him to be with you. I hope you don’t convince me that this is a mistake. Just kiss me again and tell me it’s not.

  16. You’ve convinced me to stay. I think I’m in love with you, but what do I know? I’m still young. Your charms and kisses never fail to captivate me. You’ve brought me into new things that I’ve never quite experienced. I’m cheating on him to be with you. I hope you don’t convince me that this is a mistake.

  17. I am convinced that he doesn’t care about me anymore. I mean nothing to him. Once we were something… once he loved me. He doesn’t love me anymore, though. He loves her. And that breaks my heart.

    Megan Stanley
  18. I convinced my mother to smoke a bowl with me, and then she became my dealer. She sells for like 10 a g. It’s fuckin awesome. My dad is not a fan because i get better prices from her, so i basically just sell to my dad and make a fuckload of profit. Like holy shit dude, this is the life. Stealing money from my dad by selling illegal drugs to him. So cool dude, you have no idea.

  19. convinced that no one will ever love me,
    convinced that I am not good enough for anyone,
    convinced that I will not be able to create the life I so, achingly want.

  20. She sits in the chair on the other side of his desk.
    “It’s alright, you can trust me darling.” He is very convincing. She is beginning to believe him. He is a grown-up, and you can trust all grown-ups, right?
    “Well–” she begins, and he is already on his feet.

  21. Her face, her beautiful face, undoubtedly, convinced a vague creature, such as i, that there is heaven. her deep eyes, i could see right through them. her face tells a story: hatred, betrayal, confusion and love.

  22. he paused to ponder as he saw her obvious display of innocence. convinced by how she explained, she’s off the hook. before she let her out of his office he said, “this is you last second chance.” she smiled walking out of the room. as she turned her back, her devious beam arrayed.

  23. According to a traditional rule, one persuades someone to act but convinces someone of the truth of a statement or proposition, it seems likely that advocates of the traditional rule governing persuade and convince will find fewer and fewer allies in their camp.Even in passive constructions, a majority of the Panel accepted convince with an infinitive.

  24. Decided. Realized. Convinced that I will be a great teacher. Try to convince the students the can

  25. i am convinced that i am in love.

  26. I was convinced that the day that happened my life was going to change. I believed that everything happened for a reason and this had convinced me that there was no other way and that what happened was going to follow me everywhere I went…

    Elizabeth Manson
  27. im am convinced of who i am. Im a very convinced person and capable of do anything because of my intelligence.

  28. I was convinced that I knew what was best for us. I didn’t even give him a chance to tell me what he thought, because to be honest I never expected him to be so serious about us. I convinced myself that I would plan our future, and make it vague enough for him to stay by. I didn’t think he would otherwise. But then he surprised me on his knee with a ring in his hand.

    Remenna Xu
  29. her face, her beautiful face, undoubtedly convinced a vague creature, such as i, that there is heaven. her deep eyes, i could right through them. her face tells a story: hatred, betrayal, confusion and love.

  30. he convinced me to go away with him, and although it was a terrible decision, i made it anyway. it wasn’t hard to convince me, i wanted to see where it would lead, even if it meant heartbreak. we have been rocky since the start and why i thought it would be different in a different location is unknown, but that’s what i was looking for. the unknown

  31. i am convinced that my ex still loves me. hope she realizes that i still do, too.

  32. I was convinced of something extremely detrimental to my being, but that didn’t stop the idea from continuing within my mind. It was too hard to put the thoughts from my head, especially with him staring at me like that. He was giving me a skeptical, worried sort of look, if those two things could be considered together. It was unsettling, to say the least, but he was right.

    A. M. Bausum
  33. I am convinced that memory edits itself to protect the consciousness

  34. It was a done deal. An open and shut case. The cliched nature of the crime produced only cliches from his commanding officer’s lips. The motive: frustrated love. The murderer: the victim’s boyfriend. Which was fine, except the victim’s boyfriend was my brother.

    Suz Freerksen

  36. I’m convinced that he’s the silliest man I know. All he says and does radiates humor, radiates joy. He’s so silly. He can always bring a smile to my face or a laugh out of my mouth. He makes me happy. Extremely happy. I’m happy with him, and no one else does it as well as he does.

  37. i was convinced that i was going to die in 3 months. the doctors told me if i was lucky i would be able to go 6 months if i followed through with treatment. what does someone do when they only have 3 months to live? how to you convince yourself to carry on, knowing when and why you’re going to do.

  38. Convince is often contrasted with persuade.
    According to a traditional rule, one persuades someone to act but convinces someone of the truth of a statement or proposition.
    By convincing me that no good could come of staying, he persuaded me to leave. If the distinction is accepted, then convince should not be used with an infinitive. Convince,an often stated rule says.

  39. You had me convinced that I was what you were looking for. But just like everyone else, you fell for her. I want to be enough.

  40. I was convinced that I will have some ideas but it seems to me like I do not know what to write about. But it will improve by the time.
