the crane is a symbol in japan for soething important? i read a boom once about it… a childrens book though.
jane doe
Red crests and fluffy white wings circled the air. He stood amongst them, the gusts of air threatening his stance. Feathers flew and calls sounded, but he did not care to move once. He was home.
His neck, she saw, reminded her of a crane. Not in the strange – it’s too long way – but in the graceful way. It looked great for nuzzling. She wanted him.
i saw a crane – a thousand paper cranes – beautiful birds living down in the creek behind my house – friends of herrings and everything they stand for
with lovely elegant sweet stronng fighting waiting to eat sitting at the river eating fiahs who knnow but the abbysscoll elegan cran
I could see my neighbor craning her neck over the fence so she could gawk at me disciplining my children. This was why I hated suburbia — nosy, idiotic neighbors who never have anything intelligent to say. I craved the bustling streets of the city, where everybody had something to do, someplace to go, and a direction to follow.
crane inane, time to go insane, really.
I like cranes, the neck of cranes are something to truly be beheld.
Crap, running out of time. Crane fixtures are very cool and vintage. I have a sink with the crane logo, very distinct. Yes, indeed.
the crane is a simple creature. elegant, graceful,it perches on its slim and seemingly fragile legs.
The crane was beautiful, it’s wings white as a newly blossomed flower. I’m guessing its feathers were as softa as down and they looked so siliky. It’s neck swooned as it took a singe look at me and flew off into the sunset.
Cranes. When I was younger I used to think that the person who operated them sat at the very top, not at the bottom. I was disappointed to find out the truth, it made them seem less powerful and strange. Cranes look lonely to me, somehow. I always imagined sitting up on top of one looking over a city.
Paper cranes. I once went to a Christian Chinese Summer Camp, and we learned how to make triangles out of little yellow paper squares. Then we learned how to make cranes out of the triangles, then how to make a flock of cranes into a mobile, to hang over your bed
She craned her neck to see her past slipping away. Facing forward, she followed the path toward her future.
I crane my neck and try to extend my thoughts at the same time. Like a tortoise putting its head out of its shell and trying to see something new.
The crane looked at me. She was a delightful bird, filled with mystery. However, I knew she knew that I knew about the secret treasure…the treasure that would lead to the mysterious city of gold.
I begged the crane…Tell me!
She told me exactly where to find the city.
It’s near Cleveland, Ohio.
I swore.
The crane was lifting the boxes higher and higher.
crane your neck to see the best sight ever, it was awesome simply wonderful breathtaking. He couldn’t take h
The flight of the crane caught my eye, The improbable, effortless ascension away from my disturbing footsteps casting disdain on my noisy progress.
The mist on the lake parted and swallowed him…was I mistaken? On I walked, no confirmation came but my spirit lifted and followed the bird.
Joe McGann
The crane was standing in the middle of the street on my way to work, blocking my car’s path. Run it over, I thought. But I really wasn’t thinking about the crane…. just my husband from our fight this morning.
D. Kelley
she had to crane her neck to look over to where he sat, doing her best to not seem obvious as to what she was doing.
he remained quiet, reading his book… no notice given her way.
she remained vigilant, focused, and as he turned the page, she moved up and toward him, leaning in as if to whisper her secret love–slipping the ice pick into his eye–then gone before a soul knew she was there.
quin browne
cranes are the machines used to raise my ambitious. that’s why i like them.
the crane lifted and lifted and lifted and then reached a spot is space by turning and turning and turning and then dropped and dropped and dropped the kitten on the ground. Or is it a bird?
The paper cranes were everywhere. Michael stepped carefully into the room, trying not to crush any of the origami birds lying on every surface.
“Jen,” he said quietly, not wanting to spook her. “What are you doing?”
The mechanical crane was roaring as it hovered over the building it was meant to demolish. Half swing at the building when the operator saw the a male child at the window of the multi level apartment complex holding a teddybear. \it was too late, and in a smash, the complex was destroyed along with the inhabitants.
A crane is a cute bird. Actually, they’re kind of annoying. They eat all of the fish from the pond that was in my old back yard. I guess that they’re cute yet annoying. Unless you’re talking about the machine crane, because then it’s just annoying!
my name is nicholas i am a student who is awesome at everythin and anything that is posssible yes i am haha that is me my sister shut our cat in the door and m
A crane with no legs, I fly through life without any place to next and without anyone to call my mate. Somehow people like me are lost in the slew of “man & wife”
SOmething that helps put up buildings…and a bird…a white bird that stands on one leg…or is that something else? And what’s the deal with Flamingos anyway? What’s the evolutionary merit of being pink? Do female Flamingo’s like pinker guys or less pink guys? I wnder if cranes make fun of Flamingos.
1000 paper cranes
all in a line
all in a row
all on a string
keep my life
strung up
held together
lined up straight
I am trying one word up for the first time. I have to write about crane for one minute. The question is whether to write about a large metal object that lifts things or a bird with long legs. On balance I think I will stick with a bird with long legs as that is what I am.
there is a crane in the park. It swoops, picks things up, and moves them elsewhere. Seemingly flying through the sky, effortless, the operator is unknown. Do you crane your neck to see the crane? Is the crane operator an extension of the crane?
No rain. K. C-rane.
Naught else to say. …..sigh.
The crane stood in the field, as the foreign noises blasted in the background. Blissfully unaware of the tragedy that was surrounding him, he continued to look for food
Big orange digger. Slowly eatign away the foundatiosn that still satand in the now desolate locations. No emotions; Heartless, It does not look back on what it destroys, its simply goes with it, sticks to its decision and does not question its power.
Its authority.
sandhills cranes piss me off. always sitting in the middle of the road, its a felony to run their asses over. stupid birds think you are so special, one day i will secretly get you.
crane the book that i read once when i was a kid was called sadako and the 1000 paper cranes it was about a girl who had radiation from the atom bombs in ww2 and she got cancer. so then there was a legend that if you made 1000 paper cranes you would get to make a wish and that wish would come true so every day she maed paper cranes but she didn’t end up making enough and the disease caught up to her and she died.
there wasn’t much he could do but stare at it. it was beautiful and huge and majestic and it was about to build something. you couldn’t get much more badass. he loved it. he wanted to take it back to his house. but it was too big.
There is a bird outside my house, reminds me of the Karate Kid for some strange reason, I think about him doing the crane.
Crane! Looking arond I craned my neck to see if she was still there.
Alas! she had left. What she had left behind was memories. I could crane into my mind and see that
She’s graceful, it’s a part of her charm. She can walk into a room of people who want to kill her and stand tall, head held high with a smirk on her lips, making a charming little quip about how nice it is to see them all again.
She’s his little crane, fast and elegant and slim and delicate and beautiful and an absolute nightmare to her prey.
the crane is a symbol in japan for soething important? i read a boom once about it… a childrens book though.
Red crests and fluffy white wings circled the air. He stood amongst them, the gusts of air threatening his stance. Feathers flew and calls sounded, but he did not care to move once. He was home.
His neck, she saw, reminded her of a crane. Not in the strange – it’s too long way – but in the graceful way. It looked great for nuzzling. She wanted him.
i saw a crane – a thousand paper cranes – beautiful birds living down in the creek behind my house – friends of herrings and everything they stand for
with lovely elegant sweet stronng fighting waiting to eat sitting at the river eating fiahs who knnow but the abbysscoll elegan cran
I could see my neighbor craning her neck over the fence so she could gawk at me disciplining my children. This was why I hated suburbia — nosy, idiotic neighbors who never have anything intelligent to say. I craved the bustling streets of the city, where everybody had something to do, someplace to go, and a direction to follow.
crane inane, time to go insane, really.
I like cranes, the neck of cranes are something to truly be beheld.
Crap, running out of time. Crane fixtures are very cool and vintage. I have a sink with the crane logo, very distinct. Yes, indeed.
the crane is a simple creature. elegant, graceful,it perches on its slim and seemingly fragile legs.
The crane was beautiful, it’s wings white as a newly blossomed flower. I’m guessing its feathers were as softa as down and they looked so siliky. It’s neck swooned as it took a singe look at me and flew off into the sunset.
Cranes. When I was younger I used to think that the person who operated them sat at the very top, not at the bottom. I was disappointed to find out the truth, it made them seem less powerful and strange. Cranes look lonely to me, somehow. I always imagined sitting up on top of one looking over a city.
Paper cranes. I once went to a Christian Chinese Summer Camp, and we learned how to make triangles out of little yellow paper squares. Then we learned how to make cranes out of the triangles, then how to make a flock of cranes into a mobile, to hang over your bed
She craned her neck to see her past slipping away. Facing forward, she followed the path toward her future.
I crane my neck and try to extend my thoughts at the same time. Like a tortoise putting its head out of its shell and trying to see something new.
The crane looked at me. She was a delightful bird, filled with mystery. However, I knew she knew that I knew about the secret treasure…the treasure that would lead to the mysterious city of gold.
I begged the crane…Tell me!
She told me exactly where to find the city.
It’s near Cleveland, Ohio.
I swore.
The crane was lifting the boxes higher and higher.
crane your neck to see the best sight ever, it was awesome simply wonderful breathtaking. He couldn’t take h
The flight of the crane caught my eye, The improbable, effortless ascension away from my disturbing footsteps casting disdain on my noisy progress.
The mist on the lake parted and swallowed him…was I mistaken? On I walked, no confirmation came but my spirit lifted and followed the bird.
The crane was standing in the middle of the street on my way to work, blocking my car’s path. Run it over, I thought. But I really wasn’t thinking about the crane…. just my husband from our fight this morning.
she had to crane her neck to look over to where he sat, doing her best to not seem obvious as to what she was doing.
he remained quiet, reading his book… no notice given her way.
she remained vigilant, focused, and as he turned the page, she moved up and toward him, leaning in as if to whisper her secret love–slipping the ice pick into his eye–then gone before a soul knew she was there.
cranes are the machines used to raise my ambitious. that’s why i like them.
the crane lifted and lifted and lifted and then reached a spot is space by turning and turning and turning and then dropped and dropped and dropped the kitten on the ground. Or is it a bird?
The paper cranes were everywhere. Michael stepped carefully into the room, trying not to crush any of the origami birds lying on every surface.
“Jen,” he said quietly, not wanting to spook her. “What are you doing?”
The mechanical crane was roaring as it hovered over the building it was meant to demolish. Half swing at the building when the operator saw the a male child at the window of the multi level apartment complex holding a teddybear. \it was too late, and in a smash, the complex was destroyed along with the inhabitants.
A crane is a cute bird. Actually, they’re kind of annoying. They eat all of the fish from the pond that was in my old back yard. I guess that they’re cute yet annoying. Unless you’re talking about the machine crane, because then it’s just annoying!
my name is nicholas i am a student who is awesome at everythin and anything that is posssible yes i am haha that is me my sister shut our cat in the door and m
A crane with no legs, I fly through life without any place to next and without anyone to call my mate. Somehow people like me are lost in the slew of “man & wife”
SOmething that helps put up buildings…and a bird…a white bird that stands on one leg…or is that something else? And what’s the deal with Flamingos anyway? What’s the evolutionary merit of being pink? Do female Flamingo’s like pinker guys or less pink guys? I wnder if cranes make fun of Flamingos.
1000 paper cranes
all in a line
all in a row
all on a string
keep my life
strung up
held together
lined up straight
I am trying one word up for the first time. I have to write about crane for one minute. The question is whether to write about a large metal object that lifts things or a bird with long legs. On balance I think I will stick with a bird with long legs as that is what I am.
there is a crane in the park. It swoops, picks things up, and moves them elsewhere. Seemingly flying through the sky, effortless, the operator is unknown. Do you crane your neck to see the crane? Is the crane operator an extension of the crane?
No rain. K. C-rane.
Naught else to say. …..sigh.
The crane stood in the field, as the foreign noises blasted in the background. Blissfully unaware of the tragedy that was surrounding him, he continued to look for food
Big orange digger. Slowly eatign away the foundatiosn that still satand in the now desolate locations. No emotions; Heartless, It does not look back on what it destroys, its simply goes with it, sticks to its decision and does not question its power.
Its authority.
sandhills cranes piss me off. always sitting in the middle of the road, its a felony to run their asses over. stupid birds think you are so special, one day i will secretly get you.
crane the book that i read once when i was a kid was called sadako and the 1000 paper cranes it was about a girl who had radiation from the atom bombs in ww2 and she got cancer. so then there was a legend that if you made 1000 paper cranes you would get to make a wish and that wish would come true so every day she maed paper cranes but she didn’t end up making enough and the disease caught up to her and she died.
there wasn’t much he could do but stare at it. it was beautiful and huge and majestic and it was about to build something. you couldn’t get much more badass. he loved it. he wanted to take it back to his house. but it was too big.
There is a bird outside my house, reminds me of the Karate Kid for some strange reason, I think about him doing the crane.
Crane! Looking arond I craned my neck to see if she was still there.
Alas! she had left. What she had left behind was memories. I could crane into my mind and see that
She’s graceful, it’s a part of her charm. She can walk into a room of people who want to kill her and stand tall, head held high with a smirk on her lips, making a charming little quip about how nice it is to see them all again.
She’s his little crane, fast and elegant and slim and delicate and beautiful and an absolute nightmare to her prey.
Because they know that beauty hides the beast…