as i see the crane falling from the sky, i wonder about the children and i see the faces of horror. he thinks “who will be there at the end? will I survive?” Now, as he descends from the electric ladder, we are relieved.
the crane is something unknown to me… what is that? i just don’t know… sound like a skull
just one
The crane was swinging wildly out of control. People on the ground stopped, pointed. Some ran.
It stated to sway south, towards the buildings across the street. The ground rumbled, and in the office windows, terrified faces watched as it neared.
Then it changed its tone, swayed east, and collapsed.
The crane is a swifty bird that thinks itself above all others. it says, “I am the crane” in a willowy pompous voice. “I can fly farther and see above you all”
Tall graceful sweeping the sky? or ugly blot on the landscape? You decide!
a crane grows so tall, its reaches places no one else can. i normally picture them to be yellow.
in the same catagory as a bulldozer.
i have a memory, of seeing cranes every morning on my way to school, i dont know why they were there, but i could always see them far in the distance.
theyre so tall
the giraffes of the human world.
bird droppings from high high up in the air. Mysteries climb wide wide chairs. You run but you necks so long it drags on the floor. The bite from on snack leaves me up in a roar. No more. Ok maybe a little.
paper cranes flying through the air
really heavy machine
I’ve always wanted to learn how to make a paper crane. Origami is such a cool art form that I probably will never be able to master. I know some people can make just about anything out of paper.
Cranes are a machine but also a bird with a long neck. They are a common theme used in origami, my boyfriend once climbed a crane.
a stretched neck peering to view something just out of site.
a big metal construction used to build buildings. a bird with long legs.
this word reminds me of the word cranberries. and of a griup caled cranberries. love their music.
four times did the gecko jump from the crane. four times did he land unweathered in the soft sand. spring again and a new day of lively birth was about. the gecko curbed his past judgement.
It’s…a…err..bird right? I don’t know know what to say about it, I can picture so manythings. They flash befor me, and like bright lights disapear befor i can put them down. It’s somewhat cinfusing, and with a time limit all i can say is. Damn. Cranes on the lake. I can almost HEAR the water lilies.
unbeivably beautiful bird it could also be a origami creation like the nuclar bomb girl when she made the thousand paper cranes and i always liked oragami because it was beautiful and hard i love cranes because they are different and special like me i hope and fun
Sweeping, rushing. Straining, one with the water. Flying, wings, feathers stretching….reaching…craning.
I like birds. The crane oragami is one that I have always wanted to learn how to make. I think they are beautiful and fun to play with. I have seen rooms with cranes hanging all over the ceiling and it definitely is a visual that I think about. I like to meditate upon the idea.
Mr. Reese
A bird flew into my head while I was walking to work. It hurt pretty badly, and my temple was bleeding. The ambulance came and the bird flew away.
is a bird or a large machine ?
I dream
you scream
it’s obscene!
John Dough
The crane saw a fish lingering near the bank and stalked it intensely. He watched and waited for it…wait for it…wait for it…pow!
Alicia Garrett
Paper cranes littered the apartment floor. Some now crushed, others still flight-ready. From her fingers, full of healing paper cuts, fell a cigarette butt to the floor. She stamped it out and began to cry.
The crane stood on one leg with its head cocked to the right, listening intently. The hunter stood motionless, upset that he had missed seeing the branch.
Ron T
bird grandmother france water stick legs lovely wonderful unflapable (HA PUN) calm unmoving fish
Stephen. Red Badge of Courage. Young men learning about the futilitly of war. Again and again and again and again. Unto the present. 100 dead in two car bombings
Cranes hang from the ceiling in my room, over my desk like watchful agents, deciding whether or not I am getting my work done. They shake when the air turns on, shivering maybe but never complaining.
The bird swooped overhead, its white wings beating against the air. Maria looked up, smiled.
tall, used in construction often mistaken for a bird, not very writer friendly at all.
The wings spread valiantly across the sky and ride the wind. The sunset, pink and orange, reflects off of the feathers like the glass surface of the lake below. Everything is still. Quiet. Secluded. The crane flies forever.
Kayla Herrera
The elegant white bird lifted its head and flicked water from its beak. The fish it had caught was not its biggest not its smallest but was a full meal. After it tossed back the tasty morsel the Crane opened its wings and beat them lofting into the lazy afternoon sky.
the crane at the river of shalladon was a sad little fellow. he had no friends but only a crab. the crab was needless to say crabby. immobility angered him to the degree of pain. one day the crane and crab were talking about their lonely and pathetic lives when they recognized that all they really needed was right in front of them. so the crane scooped up the crab and took him all over. the crab was no longer crabby but happy. the crane, too, was happy for he had a friend now.
Michael Delash
Jonathan Crane from Batman is the Scarecrow. Scarecrow was in the Dark Knight and Batman Begins. Crane’s are used by old people to get around because their legs don’t work as good as the use to. A crane is a type of bird that flies.
Paul S
A tall stretching metal arm swaying above the ants of civilization below, building and rebuilding the mediums we take for granted every day. We created this steel giant to do the things humans could only dream of doing themselves- reaching a point where previously unreachable for a human.
The crane stood in the water, looking for a fish to eat. It was hungry, and hadn’t had food for days. All the fish had been scared away by the pollution. The crane knew this because he had heard them talk about it. He wasn’t quite sure where they’d gone, but some of the more naughty fish had buried his feet in the sand, and he was stuck now. The crane would have been happy even if there had been a fish just to talk to, but there were none.
little paper crane
i do not know your name
you look like a duck
but not quite the same
little paper crane
you’re very insane
your wings go flip flap flip
you really are…….. quite cute
to hold up objects
a paper crane, a crane on top of a building, used for construction.
Tracy craned her neck to see what her husband was reading. He held the paper aloft
I don’t know much about cranes. I would imagine you could get paid well to drive one. I just saw a website where giant marionettes in France were honored in a festival and they were controlled by a crane. Not sure how they did that.
as i see the crane falling from the sky, i wonder about the children and i see the faces of horror. he thinks “who will be there at the end? will I survive?” Now, as he descends from the electric ladder, we are relieved.
the crane is something unknown to me… what is that? i just don’t know… sound like a skull
The crane was swinging wildly out of control. People on the ground stopped, pointed. Some ran.
It stated to sway south, towards the buildings across the street. The ground rumbled, and in the office windows, terrified faces watched as it neared.
Then it changed its tone, swayed east, and collapsed.
The crane is a swifty bird that thinks itself above all others. it says, “I am the crane” in a willowy pompous voice. “I can fly farther and see above you all”
Tall graceful sweeping the sky? or ugly blot on the landscape? You decide!
a crane grows so tall, its reaches places no one else can. i normally picture them to be yellow.
in the same catagory as a bulldozer.
i have a memory, of seeing cranes every morning on my way to school, i dont know why they were there, but i could always see them far in the distance.
theyre so tall
the giraffes of the human world.
bird droppings from high high up in the air. Mysteries climb wide wide chairs. You run but you necks so long it drags on the floor. The bite from on snack leaves me up in a roar. No more. Ok maybe a little.
paper cranes flying through the air
really heavy machine
I’ve always wanted to learn how to make a paper crane. Origami is such a cool art form that I probably will never be able to master. I know some people can make just about anything out of paper.
Cranes are a machine but also a bird with a long neck. They are a common theme used in origami, my boyfriend once climbed a crane.
a stretched neck peering to view something just out of site.
a big metal construction used to build buildings. a bird with long legs.
this word reminds me of the word cranberries. and of a griup caled cranberries. love their music.
four times did the gecko jump from the crane. four times did he land unweathered in the soft sand. spring again and a new day of lively birth was about. the gecko curbed his past judgement.
It’s…a…err..bird right? I don’t know know what to say about it, I can picture so manythings. They flash befor me, and like bright lights disapear befor i can put them down. It’s somewhat cinfusing, and with a time limit all i can say is. Damn. Cranes on the lake. I can almost HEAR the water lilies.
unbeivably beautiful bird it could also be a origami creation like the nuclar bomb girl when she made the thousand paper cranes and i always liked oragami because it was beautiful and hard i love cranes because they are different and special like me i hope and fun
Sweeping, rushing. Straining, one with the water. Flying, wings, feathers stretching….reaching…craning.
I like birds. The crane oragami is one that I have always wanted to learn how to make. I think they are beautiful and fun to play with. I have seen rooms with cranes hanging all over the ceiling and it definitely is a visual that I think about. I like to meditate upon the idea.
A bird flew into my head while I was walking to work. It hurt pretty badly, and my temple was bleeding. The ambulance came and the bird flew away.
is a bird or a large machine ?
I dream
you scream
it’s obscene!
The crane saw a fish lingering near the bank and stalked it intensely. He watched and waited for it…wait for it…wait for it…pow!
Paper cranes littered the apartment floor. Some now crushed, others still flight-ready. From her fingers, full of healing paper cuts, fell a cigarette butt to the floor. She stamped it out and began to cry.
The crane stood on one leg with its head cocked to the right, listening intently. The hunter stood motionless, upset that he had missed seeing the branch.
bird grandmother france water stick legs lovely wonderful unflapable (HA PUN) calm unmoving fish
Stephen. Red Badge of Courage. Young men learning about the futilitly of war. Again and again and again and again. Unto the present. 100 dead in two car bombings
Cranes hang from the ceiling in my room, over my desk like watchful agents, deciding whether or not I am getting my work done. They shake when the air turns on, shivering maybe but never complaining.
The bird swooped overhead, its white wings beating against the air. Maria looked up, smiled.
tall, used in construction often mistaken for a bird, not very writer friendly at all.
The wings spread valiantly across the sky and ride the wind. The sunset, pink and orange, reflects off of the feathers like the glass surface of the lake below. Everything is still. Quiet. Secluded. The crane flies forever.
The elegant white bird lifted its head and flicked water from its beak. The fish it had caught was not its biggest not its smallest but was a full meal. After it tossed back the tasty morsel the Crane opened its wings and beat them lofting into the lazy afternoon sky.
the crane at the river of shalladon was a sad little fellow. he had no friends but only a crab. the crab was needless to say crabby. immobility angered him to the degree of pain. one day the crane and crab were talking about their lonely and pathetic lives when they recognized that all they really needed was right in front of them. so the crane scooped up the crab and took him all over. the crab was no longer crabby but happy. the crane, too, was happy for he had a friend now.
Jonathan Crane from Batman is the Scarecrow. Scarecrow was in the Dark Knight and Batman Begins. Crane’s are used by old people to get around because their legs don’t work as good as the use to. A crane is a type of bird that flies.
A tall stretching metal arm swaying above the ants of civilization below, building and rebuilding the mediums we take for granted every day. We created this steel giant to do the things humans could only dream of doing themselves- reaching a point where previously unreachable for a human.
The crane stood in the water, looking for a fish to eat. It was hungry, and hadn’t had food for days. All the fish had been scared away by the pollution. The crane knew this because he had heard them talk about it. He wasn’t quite sure where they’d gone, but some of the more naughty fish had buried his feet in the sand, and he was stuck now. The crane would have been happy even if there had been a fish just to talk to, but there were none.
little paper crane
i do not know your name
you look like a duck
but not quite the same
little paper crane
you’re very insane
your wings go flip flap flip
you really are…….. quite cute
to hold up objects
a paper crane, a crane on top of a building, used for construction.
Tracy craned her neck to see what her husband was reading. He held the paper aloft
I don’t know much about cranes. I would imagine you could get paid well to drive one. I just saw a website where giant marionettes in France were honored in a festival and they were controlled by a crane. Not sure how they did that.