Nine hundred, nintey-nine cranes. All folded by hand. Isuzu stared at the purple origami paper. One. Last. Crane. She smiled to herself, for her wish would soon come true.
The white crane skitted out of the sky landing pristinely on the still water top in the pond. Its mate was close behind looking for a nesting spot. As she also landed the male heard a faint rumbling in the distance. THe sound of a tractor lumbering in a nearby field. Close to man, yet tranquil.
it is used to lift objects, mostly heavy objects, very useful when your car breaks down somewhere
her paper crane was folded with care as she sat in her teak patio furniture overlooking her vast greenery of a backyard. she always made these paper cranes when she felt like she was in the dark. not necessarally in the pitch black oblivion but a lonely afternoon when a book and coffee won’t do.
crane lake camp is located in west stockbridge massachussetts. i was a camper there for six summers and worked as a counselor for two. crane lake is a magical place. you meet your best friends there. you fall in love. you learn so much about yourself as a person. it’s a whole universe that is self contained and gorgeous.
The crane is a a very majestic bird.
Flying, fluttering, flapping.
A symbol of a beauty and wisdom.
a large metal machine that can lift heavy objects high into the air. Usually used at construction sites. Also has been used to lift large furniture into highrise appartments.
my dad worked on a crane at a construction site. he would always be us so high giving the loads to the workers on the top floors of the sky scrapers and I was always worried that something bad might happen to him/. Little did I know how right my fears were. It was a particularly dreary day.
i do not want to do anything at this moment
cacao cu lapte i luv this shit yeeey unicooooooooorni sex tanananananana vodca luuuuuuuv animals nature and life b;a;a apa inor cer love leon animaaaaaal
Locking her knees and the joints in her toes, she elegantly raised herself en pointe, the way she’d explained to me a thousand times before, to meet his lips. I left the room under cover of a cigarette, looking back only once, not to satisfy whatever torturous impulse had led me to the party, but just to catch a final glimpse of her craning neck. It was just the way I remembered it to be.
Cranes are beautiful birds as well as a great inspiration for songs. The decemberists are amazing with the crane wife. I like drawing cranes in charcoal, because it’s just breathtaking and fun.
I like the idea of flying. Flying is awesome. So are cranes. The end…or not I have a ton of time left.
the crane wife 3
I will hang my head low, and I will hang my head… hang my head low
אין לי מושג מה זה קריין או זה סוג של חריין אולי סתם סוג של ממתק אבל מה שאני בטוח בו הוא שהמילה הזו לא תצא ממוחי לעולם כמו מסטיק דבוק לשיער כמו הרפס בשפתיים זה תמיד יהיה שם טורף את שנתי
the crane pulled up the wrecked car with staggering slowness that erased all possibilities of survivors
White cranes on still autumn waters.
The wind calls them south,
The north is too much competition in the winter.
They are lost among the snowflakes and silence.
Trish Freeland
When all the world seemed to tower above me
when there was nothing i could do
I was built to the highest of ability
and swang from here to you
I’ll fly one day i know it
i love you.
the crane bent its neck in a graceful way over the pool of water with raindrops falling over its irridescnet plumage. Only one preson saw it – and he was hidden from view a hundred miles away…
I ran into the damn thing! Son-of-a-bitch!! That crane was swinging a wreaking ball and I ran into it. Luckily we were hurt. Though, now no one can seem to find my car…
i was walking down the street the other day. I saw a crane. I thought about the possibilities. Maybe they were building a new bowling alley. But why? Maybe someone died in the old one. Maybe someone got hit in the fac ewith a bowling ball. Ouch, just glad it wasn’t me. :) hahaha
The crane leaned in to the water then fell over. It was completely unstable. It got back up and wobbled a little. It was dizzy. What had happened?
The crane stood. White against the dark setting sun. White like my child against the mar of our family. How can something that elegant, beautiful come from our mess? How can it stay elegant without becoming sickled over from the polluntants of its environment. Fly.
Crane style, the only way to deal with desperate situations, handicapped and losing, all hope resting in the balance of one foot. Look that aryan bastard right in the eyes and know that your resolve is strong, that you will hit.
You’re alright, LaRusso.
The crane crashed down. The noise was deafening and thunderous. Tangled metal, twisted bars, broken pieces scattered all around us. We cowered behind a parked car as it plummeted to the earth.
Icabod Crane is a character in the book, The Legand of Sleepy Hallow. He is a very weird looking person and wants to win the heart of a rich woman, thats just 18. He has ve
I want the crane dip up and down in the water in the creek. I look at the beauty and majestic of it in awe. Then I wonder to my self I wonder if the crane operator is fine
paper cranes flying on my baby’s mobile as he looks up with giant shining eyes too big for words. He sees them delicately soaring over and protecting him. gentle and kind
I watched as the crane bent its neck down to the water, then back up again. Oh how it would be to be a crane, with nothing to worry about but drinking, eating and flying. The crane soothed me as I watched it go back and forth, from scanning the horizon in the dying sun to taking a drink out of the pond. A bird chirped. A cat meowed. The crane jumped and flew away.
Richard Powers talks about the Sandhill Crane in his book “The Echo Maker”. He mentions some of the ancient myths about Cranes and how once they could speak the same language of man. Crane were considered the symbol of wisdom, and are called echo makers.
cranes have huge pecks they will grazefully lift weights like heavy babies and concrete
cranes have huge pecks they will grazefully lift weights like heavy babies and concrete
cranes are good for babies and lifting the same there is no difference and finally they fly away to the better placer i admire their graze
better placer i admire their graze
my ass is great but i have this things i can’t get them off so i don’t wear bikinis. never do. now i’m listening to MTV Hits
a crane flies through the sky. the sky is cloudy. the crane doesn’t mind. the crane lands on a bridge and watches as the mist above the water moves ever so slowly. then the crane takes to flight once again.
Dan Neely
[qiupoth[-9g[ew8hgq[0wegjq0wghq0ewgcrane poiusdgvn[oasiudbv[aoewrivnoaweinf[oawingcanrnen a crane is a simp;le creature with lots of love th=o bring to the wporld we love it n[qojrbnq[own gb[qowbn[orinbq[oewn
Towering over the office block like a giant sork the crane moved the vast vat of concrete in to position. the yellow legs almost bowed under the weight and the arm seemed so long that losing balance was almost inevitable. And there in the brain, was the operator – just a simple human – like me and you.
Nigel Monckton
JESUS CHRIST! That word scared me. Today, as my mama got her tire fixed I had to crane my neck to see what work they were doing to it out of the sideview mirror. (I was still in the car.)
Trezten Gray
I’ve never got the hang of origami. Paper just doesn’t do what I want it to do. The folds were always crooked, the corners uneven… that, and I’d get stuck doing all the little feathers. Seriously, how are you supposed to make a piece of paper that can fly?
Jennifer Monsen
cranes are white and one day a crane was flying in a snow storm and it lost all vision of who or where it was. He looked to the right and saw what he thought was another crane and in a despereate attempt to make a friend he flew over… finding that it was a statue and hit it and died.
She craned her neck to see over the hill, but the sun was still too bright. Was it him? Was he coming to see her? Or was she just some lonely loser standing on a hill, waiting just like everyone else, for someone who’d never arrive.
It was their dream house they were building; supervising the construction. Everything was coming together just perfectly. All the planning that went into the blueprints ended with the fall of a crane.
Nine hundred, nintey-nine cranes. All folded by hand. Isuzu stared at the purple origami paper. One. Last. Crane. She smiled to herself, for her wish would soon come true.
The white crane skitted out of the sky landing pristinely on the still water top in the pond. Its mate was close behind looking for a nesting spot. As she also landed the male heard a faint rumbling in the distance. THe sound of a tractor lumbering in a nearby field. Close to man, yet tranquil.
it is used to lift objects, mostly heavy objects, very useful when your car breaks down somewhere
her paper crane was folded with care as she sat in her teak patio furniture overlooking her vast greenery of a backyard. she always made these paper cranes when she felt like she was in the dark. not necessarally in the pitch black oblivion but a lonely afternoon when a book and coffee won’t do.
crane lake camp is located in west stockbridge massachussetts. i was a camper there for six summers and worked as a counselor for two. crane lake is a magical place. you meet your best friends there. you fall in love. you learn so much about yourself as a person. it’s a whole universe that is self contained and gorgeous.
The crane is a a very majestic bird.
Flying, fluttering, flapping.
A symbol of a beauty and wisdom.
a large metal machine that can lift heavy objects high into the air. Usually used at construction sites. Also has been used to lift large furniture into highrise appartments.
my dad worked on a crane at a construction site. he would always be us so high giving the loads to the workers on the top floors of the sky scrapers and I was always worried that something bad might happen to him/. Little did I know how right my fears were. It was a particularly dreary day.
i do not want to do anything at this moment
cacao cu lapte i luv this shit yeeey unicooooooooorni sex tanananananana vodca luuuuuuuv animals nature and life b;a;a apa inor cer love leon animaaaaaal
Locking her knees and the joints in her toes, she elegantly raised herself en pointe, the way she’d explained to me a thousand times before, to meet his lips. I left the room under cover of a cigarette, looking back only once, not to satisfy whatever torturous impulse had led me to the party, but just to catch a final glimpse of her craning neck. It was just the way I remembered it to be.
Cranes are beautiful birds as well as a great inspiration for songs. The decemberists are amazing with the crane wife. I like drawing cranes in charcoal, because it’s just breathtaking and fun.
I like the idea of flying. Flying is awesome. So are cranes. The end…or not I have a ton of time left.
the crane wife 3
I will hang my head low, and I will hang my head… hang my head low
אין לי מושג מה זה קריין או זה סוג של חריין אולי סתם סוג של ממתק אבל מה שאני בטוח בו הוא שהמילה הזו לא תצא ממוחי לעולם כמו מסטיק דבוק לשיער כמו הרפס בשפתיים זה תמיד יהיה שם טורף את שנתי
the crane pulled up the wrecked car with staggering slowness that erased all possibilities of survivors
White cranes on still autumn waters.
The wind calls them south,
The north is too much competition in the winter.
They are lost among the snowflakes and silence.
When all the world seemed to tower above me
when there was nothing i could do
I was built to the highest of ability
and swang from here to you
I’ll fly one day i know it
i love you.
the crane bent its neck in a graceful way over the pool of water with raindrops falling over its irridescnet plumage. Only one preson saw it – and he was hidden from view a hundred miles away…
I ran into the damn thing! Son-of-a-bitch!! That crane was swinging a wreaking ball and I ran into it. Luckily we were hurt. Though, now no one can seem to find my car…
i was walking down the street the other day. I saw a crane. I thought about the possibilities. Maybe they were building a new bowling alley. But why? Maybe someone died in the old one. Maybe someone got hit in the fac ewith a bowling ball. Ouch, just glad it wasn’t me. :) hahaha
The crane leaned in to the water then fell over. It was completely unstable. It got back up and wobbled a little. It was dizzy. What had happened?
The crane stood. White against the dark setting sun. White like my child against the mar of our family. How can something that elegant, beautiful come from our mess? How can it stay elegant without becoming sickled over from the polluntants of its environment. Fly.
Crane style, the only way to deal with desperate situations, handicapped and losing, all hope resting in the balance of one foot. Look that aryan bastard right in the eyes and know that your resolve is strong, that you will hit.
You’re alright, LaRusso.
The crane crashed down. The noise was deafening and thunderous. Tangled metal, twisted bars, broken pieces scattered all around us. We cowered behind a parked car as it plummeted to the earth.
Icabod Crane is a character in the book, The Legand of Sleepy Hallow. He is a very weird looking person and wants to win the heart of a rich woman, thats just 18. He has ve
I want the crane dip up and down in the water in the creek. I look at the beauty and majestic of it in awe. Then I wonder to my self I wonder if the crane operator is fine
paper cranes flying on my baby’s mobile as he looks up with giant shining eyes too big for words. He sees them delicately soaring over and protecting him. gentle and kind
I watched as the crane bent its neck down to the water, then back up again. Oh how it would be to be a crane, with nothing to worry about but drinking, eating and flying. The crane soothed me as I watched it go back and forth, from scanning the horizon in the dying sun to taking a drink out of the pond. A bird chirped. A cat meowed. The crane jumped and flew away.
Richard Powers talks about the Sandhill Crane in his book “The Echo Maker”. He mentions some of the ancient myths about Cranes and how once they could speak the same language of man. Crane were considered the symbol of wisdom, and are called echo makers.
cranes have huge pecks they will grazefully lift weights like heavy babies and concrete
cranes are good for babies and lifting the same there is no difference and finally they fly away to the better placer i admire their graze
my ass is great but i have this things i can’t get them off so i don’t wear bikinis. never do. now i’m listening to MTV Hits
a crane flies through the sky. the sky is cloudy. the crane doesn’t mind. the crane lands on a bridge and watches as the mist above the water moves ever so slowly. then the crane takes to flight once again.
[qiupoth[-9g[ew8hgq[0wegjq0wghq0ewgcrane poiusdgvn[oasiudbv[aoewrivnoaweinf[oawingcanrnen a crane is a simp;le creature with lots of love th=o bring to the wporld we love it n[qojrbnq[own gb[qowbn[orinbq[oewn
Towering over the office block like a giant sork the crane moved the vast vat of concrete in to position. the yellow legs almost bowed under the weight and the arm seemed so long that losing balance was almost inevitable. And there in the brain, was the operator – just a simple human – like me and you.
JESUS CHRIST! That word scared me. Today, as my mama got her tire fixed I had to crane my neck to see what work they were doing to it out of the sideview mirror. (I was still in the car.)
I’ve never got the hang of origami. Paper just doesn’t do what I want it to do. The folds were always crooked, the corners uneven… that, and I’d get stuck doing all the little feathers. Seriously, how are you supposed to make a piece of paper that can fly?
cranes are white and one day a crane was flying in a snow storm and it lost all vision of who or where it was. He looked to the right and saw what he thought was another crane and in a despereate attempt to make a friend he flew over… finding that it was a statue and hit it and died.
She craned her neck to see over the hill, but the sun was still too bright. Was it him? Was he coming to see her? Or was she just some lonely loser standing on a hill, waiting just like everyone else, for someone who’d never arrive.
It was their dream house they were building; supervising the construction. Everything was coming together just perfectly. All the planning that went into the blueprints ended with the fall of a crane.