the crane lifted the heavy crates from the truck and laid them on the ground. He wondered if it was true – if there really were missiles inside. He was afraid, really afraid. But that would not stop him…
they are quite beautiful in their dance. The cranes. Long necked and elegant.Clean limbed against the sky. A delicate tracery of strength and steel in harmony.
a crane is a kind of bird. it is made in origami. it is also used to move objects. its really tall. cranes fly (the birds). 60 seconds is actually really long
cranes smell like poop. does anyone even like cranes? define crane: poop smelling thing. sometimes they can pick stuff up tho.
Something that is heavy you want to lift but you can’t
What can lift up are you strong im strong I can lift anything
You wonder
staring over the murky gray sky and the steel water reflecting it, watching little lilypads cut soft lines like boats at dawn. the feathers of the bird split the air silently. her feet scrambled on the rocks.
I craned my head up. I still couldn’t see. I was too small. My brother laughed and ruffled my hair.
“Want to see, Alex?” I pouted at him. Of COURSE I wanted to see! Why else would I be trying to climb up a wall? He chuckled at my expression and gripped my shoulder.
“Well, up you go then.”
I have been trying to make 1000 cranes. it has been said that if you make a 1000 cranes you will have a long life….but I think it just takes a long life to get it done. One small one takes me forever.
something that is both and animal and something that you use to pick up stuff. i prefer the animal. the word is so weird to look at. i want a crane. just kidding i really don’t.
and then i had crane stew for dinner. dropped some acid and it wasn’t long before i heard the coyotes. spent two days on the toilet. then i snapped.
Elegant, swooping down to the marshes below. feeding on fish and other things. a extravagant site to look at. a scary thing to be next to. I never liked birds.
Jessica Pauline
He craned his neck to see what was around the corner. Lo and behold it was the great white crane being lifted into the air by a mechanical crane. What a turn of events, he thought. This kind of word play is annoying at best…
there was theses two crane that live in a cave. a boy came in and saw the crane. when he look the scend time there were gone. what happen to the crans, where they even there?
That damn crane just stood there, menacing at me. I couldn’t help but think what he wanted to do to me. staring at me with those judging, dagger eyes. I was gonna have to either make a run for it or face off with him. Try to strangle him to death. There was no way he was gonna stick that beak in me.
1000 paper cranes. that girl who had leukemia. and she wanted to race. and she tried to make 1000 paper cranes before she died. and she couldnt. so her family and friends finished after she died.
The pure white can waded through the tall brushes of the japanese lake. It was a beautiful creature but, it wasn’t any ordinary crane. That crane was actually a water god. Cursed long ago to be a waterfowl. What caused this curse? I do not know.
there was a crane that live in a lake. her name was jane. she has a friend mouse thats nam tom. they play in a cave at the end of a lake.
paper cranes. i made a 1000 of them to get my one wish. That wish is the only one i’ve every wanted. Every 11:11 has had that same wish. i just want it back. What i used to know and love and i used to have it all to myself. The cranes hopefully do a better job than my digital clock.
Pargat Singh
the crane flew through the air, graceful, beautiful. The baby in its claws was sleeping peacefully, not making a sound. The wind blew only slightly rocking the baby gently as it continued on its path to its new home.
It sat regally in the water, overseeing its surroundings. Fish swam past the bird’s feet, darting between them when they thought they could get away with it. It didn’t move; it was perfectly still, looking at something high above its head.
The Decemberists wrote a song about cranes. I only made it to part two. It’s like epic poetry. It’s like a song about lakes.
Today, I saw a crane, lurking over industrial NYC. It pecked open windows, glass, and drywall, and tripped what used to be.
Why do birds bring babies? Birds lay eggs. But babies DO come from eggs.
Wrong eggs though.
words i think of when i hear the “crane”
heavy. beuatiful. agreeing. crowds of people. trance. wish for something. peace. left home. tongue tied.
Vishnu Balunsat
graceful it moves and catches my eye as I walk through the deserted graveyard. The crane bends and turns. I swear it’s looking at me. Asking me a question. I wonder what it wants of me. It’s beauty
Cranes. My school has a lot of construction going on, meaning lots of cranes. The school health lady recently told me that my three-week case of Bronchitis could be due to sleeping with the window open and all the dust from the construction. I don’t know about cranes.
Gordon Phillips
a bird, a machine, a paper object flying though the air
the one thousand paper cranes she used to wish for another man litter the floor in her bedroom.
“i’m sorry,” she whispers.
his eyes are huge, pupils blown, as he crushes each of them beneath his feet.
“i thought you loved me,” he replies, and then he’s gone.
the one thousand paper cranes she used to wish for another man littered the floor in her bedroom.
“i’m sorry,” she whispers.
his eyes are huge, pupils blown, as he crushes each of them beneath his feet.
“i thought you loved me,” he replies, and then he’s gone.
lift heavy bird neck sore soar strain
The crane looked like an old, crumpled piece of paper, which it was, really. The paper crane had been abandoned by someone who probably was disatisfied the way their crane came out, and littered the floor with it and giving up, instead of throwing it away.
The crane stared at me. Its wise eyes piercing into my soul. I stared back, trying to discern the reason for its intense interest. From what i can tell there is nothing about me that sould garner such attention. Nothing about me that deservevs such honest focus and concentration. In spite of this the crane stared at me. Its wise eyes piercing into my soul.
He craned his neck over the edge. Yes, his prey was still there. Jack smirked to himself and jumped down to the bank, and pulled Yusei into his arms. The dark teen wasn’t surprised and only rolled his blue eyes. “Heh. I’ll surprise you one day.”
“Whatever. Just kiss me.” Jack obliged.
I didn’t think much about cranes, until I took up bird watching. Then I saw an elderly lady being lifted from her house by a crane. (Mechanical thing, not the bird!) Birds…yes, they’re white and they look a bit like herons, I think. (I could be totally wrong, though.) Wow- stream of consciousness about cranes!
I saw one once, a crane… it startled me, flying over head as I was pouring beer for the slugs in my garden. Too poor to go to the store, I fed them Guinness left over from my birthday party.
crane need brains as i have no brain i need no crane but saying this i a logical fallacy and who the hell am i to talk about logic , so leave the topic like this only
Abhishek Mishra
I crane my neck to see beyond the tall person in front of me, trying to observe the situation at hand. Two people, about average height, were kicking and screaming. The topic of the brawl was unknown and unimportant.
All I knew was that red droplets spilled down their foreheads, and that soon, they would come.
They would ruin our lives.
They would kill.
bird, white, flys, elegance, grace, balance, long breek, long legs, field, like flamingoes,
the huge crane lifted cargo onto the pier as the workers below watched nervously. They watched nervously, not from fear of the crane dropping the cargo, but rather because the crane operartor himself was a drunkard
I had to crane my neck to watch the boy as he walked away. He was the epitome of perfection with long tousled brown hair and stellar green eyes. I was completely in love, but I could never tell him that. He was only my best friend.
Not a fan of the crane, the bird. Big fan of the crane, the crane, amazing!
the crane lifted the heavy crates from the truck and laid them on the ground. He wondered if it was true – if there really were missiles inside. He was afraid, really afraid. But that would not stop him…
they are quite beautiful in their dance. The cranes. Long necked and elegant.Clean limbed against the sky. A delicate tracery of strength and steel in harmony.
a crane is a kind of bird. it is made in origami. it is also used to move objects. its really tall. cranes fly (the birds). 60 seconds is actually really long
cranes smell like poop. does anyone even like cranes? define crane: poop smelling thing. sometimes they can pick stuff up tho.
Something that is heavy you want to lift but you can’t
What can lift up are you strong im strong I can lift anything
You wonder
staring over the murky gray sky and the steel water reflecting it, watching little lilypads cut soft lines like boats at dawn. the feathers of the bird split the air silently. her feet scrambled on the rocks.
I craned my head up. I still couldn’t see. I was too small. My brother laughed and ruffled my hair.
“Want to see, Alex?” I pouted at him. Of COURSE I wanted to see! Why else would I be trying to climb up a wall? He chuckled at my expression and gripped my shoulder.
“Well, up you go then.”
I have been trying to make 1000 cranes. it has been said that if you make a 1000 cranes you will have a long life….but I think it just takes a long life to get it done. One small one takes me forever.
something that is both and animal and something that you use to pick up stuff. i prefer the animal. the word is so weird to look at. i want a crane. just kidding i really don’t.
and then i had crane stew for dinner. dropped some acid and it wasn’t long before i heard the coyotes. spent two days on the toilet. then i snapped.
Elegant, swooping down to the marshes below. feeding on fish and other things. a extravagant site to look at. a scary thing to be next to. I never liked birds.
He craned his neck to see what was around the corner. Lo and behold it was the great white crane being lifted into the air by a mechanical crane. What a turn of events, he thought. This kind of word play is annoying at best…
there was theses two crane that live in a cave. a boy came in and saw the crane. when he look the scend time there were gone. what happen to the crans, where they even there?
That damn crane just stood there, menacing at me. I couldn’t help but think what he wanted to do to me. staring at me with those judging, dagger eyes. I was gonna have to either make a run for it or face off with him. Try to strangle him to death. There was no way he was gonna stick that beak in me.
1000 paper cranes. that girl who had leukemia. and she wanted to race. and she tried to make 1000 paper cranes before she died. and she couldnt. so her family and friends finished after she died.
The pure white can waded through the tall brushes of the japanese lake. It was a beautiful creature but, it wasn’t any ordinary crane. That crane was actually a water god. Cursed long ago to be a waterfowl. What caused this curse? I do not know.
there was a crane that live in a lake. her name was jane. she has a friend mouse thats nam tom. they play in a cave at the end of a lake.
paper cranes. i made a 1000 of them to get my one wish. That wish is the only one i’ve every wanted. Every 11:11 has had that same wish. i just want it back. What i used to know and love and i used to have it all to myself. The cranes hopefully do a better job than my digital clock.
the crane flew through the air, graceful, beautiful. The baby in its claws was sleeping peacefully, not making a sound. The wind blew only slightly rocking the baby gently as it continued on its path to its new home.
It sat regally in the water, overseeing its surroundings. Fish swam past the bird’s feet, darting between them when they thought they could get away with it. It didn’t move; it was perfectly still, looking at something high above its head.
The Decemberists wrote a song about cranes. I only made it to part two. It’s like epic poetry. It’s like a song about lakes.
Today, I saw a crane, lurking over industrial NYC. It pecked open windows, glass, and drywall, and tripped what used to be.
Why do birds bring babies? Birds lay eggs. But babies DO come from eggs.
Wrong eggs though.
words i think of when i hear the “crane”
heavy. beuatiful. agreeing. crowds of people. trance. wish for something. peace. left home. tongue tied.
graceful it moves and catches my eye as I walk through the deserted graveyard. The crane bends and turns. I swear it’s looking at me. Asking me a question. I wonder what it wants of me. It’s beauty
Cranes. My school has a lot of construction going on, meaning lots of cranes. The school health lady recently told me that my three-week case of Bronchitis could be due to sleeping with the window open and all the dust from the construction. I don’t know about cranes.
a bird, a machine, a paper object flying though the air
the one thousand paper cranes she used to wish for another man litter the floor in her bedroom.
“i’m sorry,” she whispers.
his eyes are huge, pupils blown, as he crushes each of them beneath his feet.
“i thought you loved me,” he replies, and then he’s gone.
the one thousand paper cranes she used to wish for another man littered the floor in her bedroom.
“i’m sorry,” she whispers.
his eyes are huge, pupils blown, as he crushes each of them beneath his feet.
“i thought you loved me,” he replies, and then he’s gone.
lift heavy bird neck sore soar strain
The crane looked like an old, crumpled piece of paper, which it was, really. The paper crane had been abandoned by someone who probably was disatisfied the way their crane came out, and littered the floor with it and giving up, instead of throwing it away.
The crane stared at me. Its wise eyes piercing into my soul. I stared back, trying to discern the reason for its intense interest. From what i can tell there is nothing about me that sould garner such attention. Nothing about me that deservevs such honest focus and concentration. In spite of this the crane stared at me. Its wise eyes piercing into my soul.
He craned his neck over the edge. Yes, his prey was still there. Jack smirked to himself and jumped down to the bank, and pulled Yusei into his arms. The dark teen wasn’t surprised and only rolled his blue eyes. “Heh. I’ll surprise you one day.”
“Whatever. Just kiss me.” Jack obliged.
I didn’t think much about cranes, until I took up bird watching. Then I saw an elderly lady being lifted from her house by a crane. (Mechanical thing, not the bird!) Birds…yes, they’re white and they look a bit like herons, I think. (I could be totally wrong, though.) Wow- stream of consciousness about cranes!
I saw one once, a crane… it startled me, flying over head as I was pouring beer for the slugs in my garden. Too poor to go to the store, I fed them Guinness left over from my birthday party.
crane need brains as i have no brain i need no crane but saying this i a logical fallacy and who the hell am i to talk about logic , so leave the topic like this only
I crane my neck to see beyond the tall person in front of me, trying to observe the situation at hand. Two people, about average height, were kicking and screaming. The topic of the brawl was unknown and unimportant.
All I knew was that red droplets spilled down their foreheads, and that soon, they would come.
They would ruin our lives.
They would kill.
bird, white, flys, elegance, grace, balance, long breek, long legs, field, like flamingoes,
the huge crane lifted cargo onto the pier as the workers below watched nervously. They watched nervously, not from fear of the crane dropping the cargo, but rather because the crane operartor himself was a drunkard
I had to crane my neck to watch the boy as he walked away. He was the epitome of perfection with long tousled brown hair and stellar green eyes. I was completely in love, but I could never tell him that. He was only my best friend.
Not a fan of the crane, the bird. Big fan of the crane, the crane, amazing!