
October 24th, 2009 | 541 Entries

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541 Entries for “crane”

  1. there was a crane as it drank the lake a boy walked out to chase it but to his suprise it had flown away and others had sprinkled the sky with their beauty
    what magnificince, a blessing from an evil gesture

    Eric correa
  2. bird

  3. The crane towered over the buildings around it. She looked up, mesmerized, wondering what it was like to operate such a big piece of equipment, wondering what they were building. She hoped it was something nice, not just more parking garages. They were so depressing.

  4. Crane, feet dancing upon the water’s surface; reflection upon a clean, glassy lake. Crane, swooping down to capture their prey. The lake is disturbed by the gulping of the crane’s beak. Swoop, gulp, swallow; crane.

    Erica Lee
  5. The crane fell over, crushing the newborn beneath it. Linda’s mother screamed and ran towards the wreckage. Steve grabbed at her but missed. The flames caught the sleeve of her shirt.

  6. fragilit

    C. Norris
  7. this bird is a very long and stupid bird because there is an indian story where this crane tries to be sneaky and tricks these fish into going to another pond so that he can secretly eat them. The End.

  8. I was on a crane. Sixty seconds long. Then the crane was me.

  9. bird. flies. similar to a stork. long beaks. very asian by stereotype.

  10. the crane can lift you to the top of the world
    higher than you’ve ever been before
    it will take you away from everything
    and make all your problems seem so small

  11. “I think that this crane might swoop down and stab me in my face with it’s beak,” I think to myself as I cast the net down into the water. My family is hungry and I need to catch fish today, but I can’t if the crane takes my eyes.

    Brandon Coots
  12. i think of a machine and the bird. im kinda nervous cuz the time is ticking down. yeah, I have no more thoughts about this word. cept that the bird… er, crane, is pretty. machine cranes scare me. a lot. why am I doing this?

  13. the crane stoops to drink from the water. Leaves fall around her, her long neck graceful in its dive towards the reflective surface. A sudden noise. The wings flap. She is in the air. She doesn’t look back.

  14. your neck.. was that? .. no just a memory

  15. han satt fast. helt hoppl

  16. I used to make paper cranes when I was little. Origami cranes. Now that I’ve finally moved out of my parents’ house for good, I took my origami set with me. I still haven’t used it.

  17. The swooping crane falls off it’s perch.
    Wander it’s next if you must.
    But it will be back before it is dawn,
    it would only ever leave at dusk.

    My Crane feels lowly, after its fall.
    It flies and flies and flies.
    Allow it a home, allow it a place,
    and it might give you a try.

  18. paper lizard lift buildoing phone crazy vibrating

  19. the crane is a magical piece of engineering. that is sometimes mistaken for a stork which flys around delivering babies or so Im led to believe.

    The crane crane can lift loads not just babies

    dan thomas
  20. big, machine, giant, moving, dirt, demolition, destroy

  21. Paper Crane they called her. Of course, her really name was Emily Crane — Emily Elizabeth Crane. I am told her father was the first one to call her “Paper,” because he had been told in Asia paper cranes bring good luck and he certainly believed her to be his personal lucky charm.

  22. there was once this crane on the roof of connor’s next door neighbors house. He took some awesome pictures of it. His mom erased them the other day and he was kinda sad. Oh well I guess it wasnt that important
  23. As I walked down the stairs and out of the house I saw a crane in the distance. It was far out near the beach but way larger than normal. I decided to go check it out so I grabbed my boots and headed off to the beach. Why was it there and what was it doing?

    Maddi (:
  24. Cranes are beautiful. Especially the pure white. I love watching them stand in and around the lake. Just pure lovely animals.

  25. frasier crane, cranes i think are those animals that fly put a crane in my heart.. does that make sense? i cried today. crane i dont know he craned me

  26. Swooping down, thin neck arched… are you coming to take me away? To drop me into the hungry mouths below? Should I worry? Attempt to stop you? Throw a rock?

    Or should I let myself be devoured. I tend to think maybe the latter. That way I’ll stop these incessantly dark blog posts and everyone can breathe easier. Or maybe I’m full of shit.

  27. crane

  28. a bird with a long neck. also a machine that is used to lift large objects

  29. Just watched a Michael Jackson “beat it” tribute. Its awesome. One of the scene features a crane operator dances at work.

  30. A crane is something beautiful and white. Its an elegant bird and some people may use that as a symbolic representation of a wish — 1000 cranes.

  31. Crane, the crane of cranes. The crane flew around the crane hoping, dreaming, yearning to find a place to set down, there was no place on the crane for the crane. Maybe someday there would be a place for cranes among cranes, but not today. And with a sigh the crane flew away from the crane.
  32. Complicated

  33. Crane to look up at the sky, at the stars at night, at the moon, squint your eyes at the sun. Crane your neck to look up at me, I who have found you, lying here all alone. Remember my face, because I won’t be here forever. I saved you. Don’t ever forget it.

  34. If I were blind I would see the world with a different kind of eyes. Colour would be like sound; sound would reach me. I think in forms, not in words, but perhaps then my forms would be more real to me, more tangible. My sight is transitory. There is so much more out there. Screw advertising.
  35. a cran is something that construction workers use to move things. it can also be an animal, but i’m not sure if it’s spelled the same way. if it is, then I think cranes are pretty sweet. well, either way I guess they’re pretty cool.

    Matt M.
  36. He coudln’t believe it was there. I mean, he was in the middle of a desert, for crying out loud! Why would there be a crane there? could it be a sign? But if it were, what was it a sign of, exactly? A sign that everything would be okay? But would it be okay? How could it be okay! His parents had taken him from his home, his friends and had stuff him in hell. Literally.

  37. and all the stars came crashing down as I laid eyes on what I found. It was a white crane. It was a helpless thing upon a red stain with an arrow in its wing. and it called and cried, and it called and cried so. _the Decemberists

  38. crane. Is it asian? It always is. Asian people can’t just be normal Americans, like russians and stuff. we ALWAYS have to be “nerdy” or “wise” or “boring.” why, though? It doesn’t make sense.

  39. “Oh please!” I yelled, watching it come down on my little girl.
    “Please, sir. Have mercy! She’s only five!”
    The man stared at me with cold eyes, “You ran out of time. Someone must pay.”

    “Take me instead!” I heard a bang and my little girl scream.

  40. the crane is a very pretty pretty bird it is tall and has a large beak.
