blue skies and distant laughter,
cranes floating by wings barely flapping
they leave and become the points in sky we glorify as that which we cannot become
cranes come flying in on metal arms
for deconstruction
but no alarms
there’ll be a park here soon
with birds and trees
and puppy dogs with fleas
play in the grass
or on the gym
like a monkey in a tree
free as can be
F. Rock
I don’t think often about cranes. I don’t like birds to begin with. There just large annoying birds. Alhtough they can also be used for construction, and this brings to mind industrialization, and the birth of all that is urban. Greed, corruption, selfishness. All these things associated with so called development. Maybe the bird is better.
cranes are beautiful, I usually see them on the lake when I take my dog out for a walk. I like to walk as close as I can to them and observe them fly away. They appear to be very elegant. My dog would like to catch it, but they are pretty fast.
It’s simple, beautiful. Something in it is just so elegant and graceful. It may not be much, but it still is a lot. Doesn’t make sense.
I hate how I do a lot of typos. I’m going away from my topic word thingy.
Cranes are also mechanical things, expressing the achievement of human engineering and technology.
It flies overhead gracefully, thoughtfully. As though it were looking for something specific-and for all I know, it is. Still, there’s something rather poetic about this bird in flight.
If only I could find the right words, I’d be rich.
cranes are birds, birds that can fly. i wish i could fly like a crane. another thing that is called crane is a thing that helps people built things. i wish i was as strong as a crane. i am as tall as one, lol. jk. this is fun. =)
cranes are things that old people need when they cant walk anymore. maybe someday i will need one. some of my grandmas and grandpas have one. i wonder if any of my friends grandpas or grandmas have any. omg, oops i read the word wrong, i thought it was cane…. uh oh . :P
the crane flew over in the rain.
they danced over my head and at the time i went to bed.
and then i was fed. my food was red.
once upon time one crane is lift lorry when lorry is felt down.
yo realmente no se lo que significa la palabra CRANE!
porque pues es en ingles y de verdad no conosco su significado, quizas sea algo como craneo, o algo parecido, de verdad tengo tiempo para escribir y no se que escribir jaja no tengo idea que rayos poner aqui estoy escribiendo baboseria para llenar el espacio
Sometimes cranes crane over cranes to get a view of other cranes craning over cranes in the distance. It’s surprising how many cranes you can see craning over cranes in the distance when you’re a crane craning over a crane. You should definitely try it sometime. This bar is slowly growing.
one time i was at te zoo and i saw a crne and i was like hoah a crne an dthen my mom sai dhey did u know tha crane rhymes ith name and i was like no it dosnt dont be silly and hse hit me wit ha cane and i was lie hwoahhh why did u hit me with acrane and she said beacue its whyrme s with nameee and i got mad so i went to see the lobster aes cages wring but then my dad siad dont wor abot your moher shes ND OLD CRANEEE HAHAHHA AND THEN WE JERKED THE NIGHT AWAY OIIN OUR WILD RUMPUS.
The crane was a small bird in Lansford town, just off the rishy mane. The bird had a kind of eery way about it. It made the town feel uneasy with its quick flight capabilities and the way it carried itself
i think of the Decemberist’s Crane Wife Album. That album changed my views on music and opened my eyes to what songwriting had the potential to be. With Colin Meloy’s romanticism era lyrics, you escape to the best world possible and The Crane Wife is
the crane ey?
there was a crane in christmas lights, it danced with me and i thought it was a little strange, but in fact it was likely the cause of very unusual circumstances, which we may never know. The crane danced, I smiled.
it’s a bird, a machine, a movement of the neck. It’s out of sight, out of mind, out of this world
I love them. They fill the air with beautiful, liveing white. They make me feel apart of them. Like I’m flying, too.
i see a crane on the way to the school of music here at u of h. there are two cranes actually. sometimes i like to see them, because they make jobs easier. sometimes i don’t like to see them, because it’s early in the morning, and they are not extremely attractive.
when I see a crane, I think of the poor people who work at the construction sites. Then I realize everytime that its rainy or there is a thunderstorm that these people have the day off. It must be nice to have weeks off at time. Then again they don’t get paid. Which is sad.
The crane lowered it’s head slowly towards the unblemished surface of the pond, peering down water, still and patient. A slight ripple flicked up from beneath, and it darted, beak snapping down, and when it straightened, proud white head held high against the shore line, there was a angry, wriggling fish between it’s jaws.
the crane fell through my house once it was devistating but you know what it gave me time to realize that i value so much in my house which is sad that it take a crane going through my house to realize these things. that old saying really takes place you know that one about loosing something
John Gilbert
i saw a crane at the building site it was lifting a large boulder
into place i thought about how cranes are so strong and magnificient how God is like that only bigger he lifts us and he lifts our burdens
Cranes lift things. They are birds. They do the work of people and they fly high in the sky.. Why do things need to be lifted anyway? Its like were never happy until we reach for heaven.Amazing. 30 seconds left.
Drew mason
the bird flew over the crane that was near the building and voila I saw a crane on a crane
I once was stuck in traffic due to a man standing atop a crane, presumable about to jump. I couldn’t help but think that though he was probably at a terrible point in his life, he was making me pretty late. Sad thing is, lots of people probably thought the same exact thing.
Patrick Bryant
high, tall, dangerous,
“There, finally.”
I peered over Jessica’s shoulder to see the tiny remnants of the paper cradled in her hands. “Pretty. How’d you learn to make it?”
“This little crane? I don’t remember. I think it was my grandmother that showed me, way back in China.”
it cast a large shadow over the urban city, putting the woman’s apartment in a shadow. too bad that it happened to be the day that she wanted to go tanning on her balcony.
She craned her neck and looked down the table in the library at the boy with the brown eyes, his nose in his Thackeray. He was shy, and quiet, and constantly submerged in his reading. She, too, was shy and quiet, and she found that it made her feel closer to him, hungrier for him, the longing in her heart a little stronger. She tried to focus on her Proust, but stretched her neck a little higher one last time, to look, to long, to imagine, and to hope.
I remember the part in the Karate Kid movie when the kid was learning to pose as a crane on a fence post.
the crane stood solitary and still as the night, not looking as though it was alive but i knew it was.
maxine paradiso
I used to build cranes. That’s a lie. I could never figure out how. I would bend the papers, fold then, hope, and out would come no animal, no viable shape, just a crumpled mistake that held no mastery of image. I never understood how paper cranes looked like real ones .
Our new building is being constructed and I can see it from my place now. I’m excited for next semester; it is a brand new place. I can see the cranes. It’s a kind of unknown that I long for.
what the fuck is a crane?
i have no idea.
i’ve never used the word crane.
i know it’s been more than 60 fucking seconds.
crane my ass this shit is
a crane is used to lift something up or carry a large object. usually used in construction areas where buildings are large or high up and a large object needs to be delivered to the top of the building. a crane is also a bird, white in color and usually found in beachy areas.
cranes were constantly in my backyard at my old house. long,lean, utterly and completely weird. i never understood how people believed them to be so beautiful. to me they were akward, not quite fitting in with the rest of my yard. i guess much like me
blue skies and distant laughter,
cranes floating by wings barely flapping
they leave and become the points in sky we glorify as that which we cannot become
cranes come flying in on metal arms
for deconstruction
but no alarms
there’ll be a park here soon
with birds and trees
and puppy dogs with fleas
play in the grass
or on the gym
like a monkey in a tree
free as can be
I don’t think often about cranes. I don’t like birds to begin with. There just large annoying birds. Alhtough they can also be used for construction, and this brings to mind industrialization, and the birth of all that is urban. Greed, corruption, selfishness. All these things associated with so called development. Maybe the bird is better.
cranes are beautiful, I usually see them on the lake when I take my dog out for a walk. I like to walk as close as I can to them and observe them fly away. They appear to be very elegant. My dog would like to catch it, but they are pretty fast.
It’s simple, beautiful. Something in it is just so elegant and graceful. It may not be much, but it still is a lot. Doesn’t make sense.
I hate how I do a lot of typos. I’m going away from my topic word thingy.
Cranes are also mechanical things, expressing the achievement of human engineering and technology.
It flies overhead gracefully, thoughtfully. As though it were looking for something specific-and for all I know, it is. Still, there’s something rather poetic about this bird in flight.
If only I could find the right words, I’d be rich.
cranes are birds, birds that can fly. i wish i could fly like a crane. another thing that is called crane is a thing that helps people built things. i wish i was as strong as a crane. i am as tall as one, lol. jk. this is fun. =)
cranes are things that old people need when they cant walk anymore. maybe someday i will need one. some of my grandmas and grandpas have one. i wonder if any of my friends grandpas or grandmas have any. omg, oops i read the word wrong, i thought it was cane…. uh oh . :P
the crane flew over in the rain.
they danced over my head and at the time i went to bed.
and then i was fed. my food was red.
once upon time one crane is lift lorry when lorry is felt down.
yo realmente no se lo que significa la palabra CRANE!
porque pues es en ingles y de verdad no conosco su significado, quizas sea algo como craneo, o algo parecido, de verdad tengo tiempo para escribir y no se que escribir jaja no tengo idea que rayos poner aqui estoy escribiendo baboseria para llenar el espacio
Sometimes cranes crane over cranes to get a view of other cranes craning over cranes in the distance. It’s surprising how many cranes you can see craning over cranes in the distance when you’re a crane craning over a crane. You should definitely try it sometime. This bar is slowly growing.
one time i was at te zoo and i saw a crne and i was like hoah a crne an dthen my mom sai dhey did u know tha crane rhymes ith name and i was like no it dosnt dont be silly and hse hit me wit ha cane and i was lie hwoahhh why did u hit me with acrane and she said beacue its whyrme s with nameee and i got mad so i went to see the lobster aes cages wring but then my dad siad dont wor abot your moher shes ND OLD CRANEEE HAHAHHA AND THEN WE JERKED THE NIGHT AWAY OIIN OUR WILD RUMPUS.
The crane was a small bird in Lansford town, just off the rishy mane. The bird had a kind of eery way about it. It made the town feel uneasy with its quick flight capabilities and the way it carried itself
i think of the Decemberist’s Crane Wife Album. That album changed my views on music and opened my eyes to what songwriting had the potential to be. With Colin Meloy’s romanticism era lyrics, you escape to the best world possible and The Crane Wife is
the crane ey?
there was a crane in christmas lights, it danced with me and i thought it was a little strange, but in fact it was likely the cause of very unusual circumstances, which we may never know. The crane danced, I smiled.
it’s a bird, a machine, a movement of the neck. It’s out of sight, out of mind, out of this world
I love them. They fill the air with beautiful, liveing white. They make me feel apart of them. Like I’m flying, too.
i see a crane on the way to the school of music here at u of h. there are two cranes actually. sometimes i like to see them, because they make jobs easier. sometimes i don’t like to see them, because it’s early in the morning, and they are not extremely attractive.
when I see a crane, I think of the poor people who work at the construction sites. Then I realize everytime that its rainy or there is a thunderstorm that these people have the day off. It must be nice to have weeks off at time. Then again they don’t get paid. Which is sad.
The crane lowered it’s head slowly towards the unblemished surface of the pond, peering down water, still and patient. A slight ripple flicked up from beneath, and it darted, beak snapping down, and when it straightened, proud white head held high against the shore line, there was a angry, wriggling fish between it’s jaws.
the crane fell through my house once it was devistating but you know what it gave me time to realize that i value so much in my house which is sad that it take a crane going through my house to realize these things. that old saying really takes place you know that one about loosing something
i saw a crane at the building site it was lifting a large boulder
into place i thought about how cranes are so strong and magnificient how God is like that only bigger he lifts us and he lifts our burdens
Cranes lift things. They are birds. They do the work of people and they fly high in the sky.. Why do things need to be lifted anyway? Its like were never happy until we reach for heaven.Amazing. 30 seconds left.
the bird flew over the crane that was near the building and voila I saw a crane on a crane
I once was stuck in traffic due to a man standing atop a crane, presumable about to jump. I couldn’t help but think that though he was probably at a terrible point in his life, he was making me pretty late. Sad thing is, lots of people probably thought the same exact thing.
high, tall, dangerous,
“There, finally.”
I peered over Jessica’s shoulder to see the tiny remnants of the paper cradled in her hands. “Pretty. How’d you learn to make it?”
“This little crane? I don’t remember. I think it was my grandmother that showed me, way back in China.”
it cast a large shadow over the urban city, putting the woman’s apartment in a shadow. too bad that it happened to be the day that she wanted to go tanning on her balcony.
She craned her neck and looked down the table in the library at the boy with the brown eyes, his nose in his Thackeray. He was shy, and quiet, and constantly submerged in his reading. She, too, was shy and quiet, and she found that it made her feel closer to him, hungrier for him, the longing in her heart a little stronger. She tried to focus on her Proust, but stretched her neck a little higher one last time, to look, to long, to imagine, and to hope.
I remember the part in the Karate Kid movie when the kid was learning to pose as a crane on a fence post.
the crane stood solitary and still as the night, not looking as though it was alive but i knew it was.
I used to build cranes. That’s a lie. I could never figure out how. I would bend the papers, fold then, hope, and out would come no animal, no viable shape, just a crumpled mistake that held no mastery of image. I never understood how paper cranes looked like real ones .
Our new building is being constructed and I can see it from my place now. I’m excited for next semester; it is a brand new place. I can see the cranes. It’s a kind of unknown that I long for.
what the fuck is a crane?
i have no idea.
i’ve never used the word crane.
i know it’s been more than 60 fucking seconds.
crane my ass this shit is
a crane is used to lift something up or carry a large object. usually used in construction areas where buildings are large or high up and a large object needs to be delivered to the top of the building. a crane is also a bird, white in color and usually found in beachy areas.
cranes were constantly in my backyard at my old house. long,lean, utterly and completely weird. i never understood how people believed them to be so beautiful. to me they were akward, not quite fitting in with the rest of my yard. i guess much like me