a bird that sits at the edge of the water and waits for its food to swim by. it is als a large machine that can lift stuff very high into the air
I have nothing to say about the crane. Never really ever thought about cranes. Insignificant creatures in my mind. I feel kind of bad for them, but you can’t hide the facts. I didn’t think I could write about them.
beautiful bird that lives in the nostalgia of our world
sometimes works to tear down man made structures that didn’t exist in the first place
something that has elongated features and doesn’t exist in the social norms of everyone else
lives in a fickle sense and has no one else that it really fits in with.
Crane swallowing fish in a summer breeze mistfull coverd in in the mornings. Crane so serene yet voracious. Its beauty as stunning as divinity itself!
neck hurts, twisted all around the spine like an aching dog, told to sit sit stay stay staaaay but watching you walk away behind him. down spot down. sit stay obey behave. stretch lean crane.
legs..beak…eyes, please let me see. take me to a place where the bamboo grows and the water is clear. let me walk in the warmth of the sun that tans the necks of my forefathers, so I can feel the calluses on her hands.
erica newsome
The crane is a beautiful creature. I stands upon spindly legs, and soars gracefully in the sky.
yellow construction bird lift dirt land build workers lake pussywillows river fly
Tall and elegant, one wonders what passes through a crane’s mind as he gracefully swoops down to land softly onto the unbroken surface of the water.
a bird? im not qutie sure…
oh! that show on nick wher eyou guess the talent and that person had something about cranes…
those machine where you use the crane to get candy or stuffed animals. shane always plays them.
watching milk so hard to concentrate.
The crane swung wildly at Henry try to Control the overpowered machine. Pumping up the horse power on the engine was not the brightest idea he had ever had. I hope I don’t knock down the building in the mean time he thought to himself.
like the bird? the white flowy things that hang from somewhere and serenely glide above my head to reveal satin yellow/orange beaks with quiet eyes
The crane sat alone all day near the waterfall with one leg crossed over the other thinking of his first flight. All the other birds looked at him with discontent over the flight that killed most of his family and three brown eagles. He was two days from retirement. The world changed after that day.
Towering over the city landscape, the massive crane dwarfed the silhouettes of buildings around it. From its peak hung a long, thin wire, dangling above the streets below. Attached to the end of this cord was a massive red crate, its contents a threat to the country’s safety. Several hundred-feet below, amidst the rush-hour traffic, two-dozen FBI agents were in a frantic rush to stop the bomb above them from detonating.
Ty M.
I think I saw that someone else had to write about crane. I am upset about the lack of originality in production of words that are handed out. A crane could lift a large I-beam, or a baby. I am more or less out of things to say on the subject of cranes, as I never really believed that story.
I love the sand hill cranes. They show up twice a year and fly over my house. Beautiful.
I like cranes because they are birds. I think they are cool how they fly and honk like geese. Actually that last sentence was bullshit because I don’t know anything about cranes except for the fact that they are birds.
i saw a crane lift my house up into the sky. bye house i said. i never thought i’d miss those dirty walls but as i saw my favorite window looking “place” taking off into the blue, i knew it was over. time to start over as usual.
Joanna watched with a sigh, as the construction workers leaned against their various trucks and opened their lunch boxes. She could have had one of them. Construction workers had always had a place in her heart, ever since her daddy had been one, she had always felt at home near their sites. But she wasn’t welcome anymore, not after his death.
I fly with my wings expanded
high into the sky
looking for food
looking for a place
I fall back to earth
under a man
supporting his pain
he uses me for himself
I am his gain
a crane is a magical thing, kinda like the stork, its brings you babys! things that parents love to death, and hold in there hearts for ever. If i was a crane, i would soar the dark black skys.
a crane is a type of bird. it is usually white and very beautiful and graceful in flight. with a black beak, and black eyes. origami birds can be made in the shape of a crane, flying or still.
i dont even understand the word. However, it makes me think about a crab, as crab and crane are pretty much similar. I also think of a container, a wooden one.
A big yellow crane rests on the edge of the lake. It is responsible for moving crates on and off cargo transport ships reader for departure across the seas and to foreign lands.
the neck of the crane hung over me. i had the slightest feeling that i was in danger, but i just kept walking toward the construction site. everything was coming together great.
it flies above me and land beside me it builds buildings and dies death but can’t kill ever because it’s not allowed paper or metal it takes us all back to the instant when we began one is created one creates both are
old age comes along with some syptomes of fatige and soreness of life. how much would you pay to be free of this? how long would you be willing to endure this world? are we enduring this world just because we are afraid of what might come next?
soft comes the crane
dip dip
legs high head higher
Alerion Angelin
the best thing used to pick things up that cant be picked up by using only mans strength. it is used on construction sights for this purpose and kills many people accidently. There are many things wrong with it and many saftey precautions that must be taken
i think i just lost it. animal collective, they need to scream more often. for reverend green, good song. cranes will hurt you if you get hit by them. the bird or the machine? both. they’re both long, and pointy, and i always thought there was a crain word but i guess not cus firefox just underlined it. it also underlined firefox.
October 25th, 2009.
Christine D. O.
I am a giant in a world of microscopic beings. I fly high above the pain and suffering. I am my own joy, I find it in my wings and in my feathers. The rain does not hurt me like it hurts you. I love the rain.
fuck cranes
as the crane dropped the anvil on the mans skull, his wife, yelling at the top of her lungs just cried and cried until she lost all her tears.
i feel like origami cranes are beautiful. i’ve always wanted to learn how to make them, and every time i see them i am reminded of this. they are so simple and if i could i would make thousands of them and hang them from my ceiling or loft. in many different colors, of course.
The black crane soared high above the board game and the two people seated around it. Satari looked up into the sky of the Border and watched the crane fly past while she waited from her brother to make his move. He usually took a while, so she leaned back and stared at the glorious bird until it was gone.
Malinda Clariese
Tulane has this beautiful picture of a crane of their cover.. I really want to go to this school but my boyfriend does not want me to.. I wish he wanted to go with me.. maybe I’ll talk him in to it one day (: cause it’s an awesome school.. and i’ll go far if i go there.
crane that lifts and lets objects float above others. its supports one thing which leads to the creation of another. Cranes are also a form of Japanese symbolism which invoke feelings pf peace and harmony
the cranes are beautiful. i dont even know what im typing because i havent written anything in so very long, but i used to be quite good. at writing, i mean. i don’t know what happened really. something did. i think of the cranes in the botanical gardens in brooklyn, my home. tha is nostalgia, a real chunk of it. they were beautiful, and they congregated and floated past the little red bridge.
a bird that sits at the edge of the water and waits for its food to swim by. it is als a large machine that can lift stuff very high into the air
I have nothing to say about the crane. Never really ever thought about cranes. Insignificant creatures in my mind. I feel kind of bad for them, but you can’t hide the facts. I didn’t think I could write about them.
beautiful bird that lives in the nostalgia of our world
sometimes works to tear down man made structures that didn’t exist in the first place
something that has elongated features and doesn’t exist in the social norms of everyone else
lives in a fickle sense and has no one else that it really fits in with.
Crane swallowing fish in a summer breeze mistfull coverd in in the mornings. Crane so serene yet voracious. Its beauty as stunning as divinity itself!
neck hurts, twisted all around the spine like an aching dog, told to sit sit stay stay staaaay but watching you walk away behind him. down spot down. sit stay obey behave. stretch lean crane.
legs..beak…eyes, please let me see. take me to a place where the bamboo grows and the water is clear. let me walk in the warmth of the sun that tans the necks of my forefathers, so I can feel the calluses on her hands.
The crane is a beautiful creature. I stands upon spindly legs, and soars gracefully in the sky.
yellow construction bird lift dirt land build workers lake pussywillows river fly
Tall and elegant, one wonders what passes through a crane’s mind as he gracefully swoops down to land softly onto the unbroken surface of the water.
a bird? im not qutie sure…
oh! that show on nick wher eyou guess the talent and that person had something about cranes…
those machine where you use the crane to get candy or stuffed animals. shane always plays them.
watching milk so hard to concentrate.
The crane swung wildly at Henry try to Control the overpowered machine. Pumping up the horse power on the engine was not the brightest idea he had ever had. I hope I don’t knock down the building in the mean time he thought to himself.
like the bird? the white flowy things that hang from somewhere and serenely glide above my head to reveal satin yellow/orange beaks with quiet eyes
The crane sat alone all day near the waterfall with one leg crossed over the other thinking of his first flight. All the other birds looked at him with discontent over the flight that killed most of his family and three brown eagles. He was two days from retirement. The world changed after that day.
Towering over the city landscape, the massive crane dwarfed the silhouettes of buildings around it. From its peak hung a long, thin wire, dangling above the streets below. Attached to the end of this cord was a massive red crate, its contents a threat to the country’s safety. Several hundred-feet below, amidst the rush-hour traffic, two-dozen FBI agents were in a frantic rush to stop the bomb above them from detonating.
I think I saw that someone else had to write about crane. I am upset about the lack of originality in production of words that are handed out. A crane could lift a large I-beam, or a baby. I am more or less out of things to say on the subject of cranes, as I never really believed that story.
I love the sand hill cranes. They show up twice a year and fly over my house. Beautiful.
I like cranes because they are birds. I think they are cool how they fly and honk like geese. Actually that last sentence was bullshit because I don’t know anything about cranes except for the fact that they are birds.
i saw a crane lift my house up into the sky. bye house i said. i never thought i’d miss those dirty walls but as i saw my favorite window looking “place” taking off into the blue, i knew it was over. time to start over as usual.
Joanna watched with a sigh, as the construction workers leaned against their various trucks and opened their lunch boxes. She could have had one of them. Construction workers had always had a place in her heart, ever since her daddy had been one, she had always felt at home near their sites. But she wasn’t welcome anymore, not after his death.
I fly with my wings expanded
high into the sky
looking for food
looking for a place
I fall back to earth
under a man
supporting his pain
he uses me for himself
I am his gain
a crane is a magical thing, kinda like the stork, its brings you babys! things that parents love to death, and hold in there hearts for ever. If i was a crane, i would soar the dark black skys.
a crane is a type of bird. it is usually white and very beautiful and graceful in flight. with a black beak, and black eyes. origami birds can be made in the shape of a crane, flying or still.
i dont even understand the word. However, it makes me think about a crab, as crab and crane are pretty much similar. I also think of a container, a wooden one.
A big yellow crane rests on the edge of the lake. It is responsible for moving crates on and off cargo transport ships reader for departure across the seas and to foreign lands.
the neck of the crane hung over me. i had the slightest feeling that i was in danger, but i just kept walking toward the construction site. everything was coming together great.
it flies above me and land beside me it builds buildings and dies death but can’t kill ever because it’s not allowed paper or metal it takes us all back to the instant when we began one is created one creates both are
old age comes along with some syptomes of fatige and soreness of life. how much would you pay to be free of this? how long would you be willing to endure this world? are we enduring this world just because we are afraid of what might come next?
soft comes the crane
dip dip
legs high head higher
the best thing used to pick things up that cant be picked up by using only mans strength. it is used on construction sights for this purpose and kills many people accidently. There are many things wrong with it and many saftey precautions that must be taken
i think i just lost it. animal collective, they need to scream more often. for reverend green, good song. cranes will hurt you if you get hit by them. the bird or the machine? both. they’re both long, and pointy, and i always thought there was a crain word but i guess not cus firefox just underlined it. it also underlined firefox.
October 25th, 2009.
I am a giant in a world of microscopic beings. I fly high above the pain and suffering. I am my own joy, I find it in my wings and in my feathers. The rain does not hurt me like it hurts you. I love the rain.
fuck cranes
as the crane dropped the anvil on the mans skull, his wife, yelling at the top of her lungs just cried and cried until she lost all her tears.
i feel like origami cranes are beautiful. i’ve always wanted to learn how to make them, and every time i see them i am reminded of this. they are so simple and if i could i would make thousands of them and hang them from my ceiling or loft. in many different colors, of course.
The black crane soared high above the board game and the two people seated around it. Satari looked up into the sky of the Border and watched the crane fly past while she waited from her brother to make his move. He usually took a while, so she leaned back and stared at the glorious bird until it was gone.
Tulane has this beautiful picture of a crane of their cover.. I really want to go to this school but my boyfriend does not want me to.. I wish he wanted to go with me.. maybe I’ll talk him in to it one day (: cause it’s an awesome school.. and i’ll go far if i go there.
crane that lifts and lets objects float above others. its supports one thing which leads to the creation of another. Cranes are also a form of Japanese symbolism which invoke feelings pf peace and harmony
the cranes are beautiful. i dont even know what im typing because i havent written anything in so very long, but i used to be quite good. at writing, i mean. i don’t know what happened really. something did. i think of the cranes in the botanical gardens in brooklyn, my home. tha is nostalgia, a real chunk of it. they were beautiful, and they congregated and floated past the little red bridge.
heavy. really heavy.