his crane-like grace was amazing.beautiful.but out of place.no one should be so graceful in a rock concert.
death, sad, suicide, father, beauty , hate, alex, children, wife, love lost, loss, forget.
tessa von Erlach
crane is white and lovely; it is swift and fast; it is delightful to see; it is inspiring to see flying high
A crane is an interesting part of the human body. It’s destinate to contain the brain and other useful organs. The crane is the best part of my body with my back, I just love it.
What a neck does. Some silly bird. It hardly matters, it’s a word that no one remembers exists until they see it. Or see some disaster which causes them to crane their neck. Awful sort of muse. But still, I like it. Nothing good is produced of it. But oh well.
A crane is one of the simplest ingeneering tools – in principle. The rule goes B*l1>M*l2, thecnically that’s all you need to build a functioning crane. But in reality there are so many factors that it’s almost impossible to tak them all into account
there was once a crane who came down from the sky, and confused crane he was, bringing a baby tied to his wing. Crazy people would call him, but crazy he was not. He was watching out for a friend, fore a friend he was,
i can’t stop thinking no i always have to thinking and i m keept thinking go back
the msuic is totally overused right now i could see why the television rating went down for this show i don’t know i dont’ know what i want i don’t know how how how what i want i should sleep now but i lreally like the stubmle website acutally so much wealth of information now everywhereee
nguyen minh tuan
A crane is a machine that lifts things. It is also a bird, famous, I think, for standing on one leg. Or is that a stork? They deliver babies. Just like the ones in ‘Up’. Great movie. Loved the talking dogs, and the poker-playing dog reference. V funny!
the large crane landed on the calm water’s edge. morning pierced through the sky parting the clouds, illuminating the soft mist over the lake. it was tranquil. the frogs croaked. the crickets chirped. it all begin to quiet down. the birds awaken. the sun begins to rise. a new day befalls the land. the fish swim cautiously away…
A crane is a hydraulic monstrosity, blighting landscapes yet inadvertently assisting in renewing them at the same time. It is also the surname of the best sitcom character ever, as in Frasier Crane. Cranes, therefore, are great. They’re also birds, about which I know nothing.
Jon GG
my neck hurts now, i can’t see the ballon that i just let go.
Crane. She craned her neck. The crane dipped her neck into the water. The crane looming over the building site looked like the long neck of a giraffe. Lofty. Taller than the rest, but in doubt about everything.
a bird
the neck
towards something
poised for flight
There is beauty in watching a crane at the waters edge. It’s graceful neck, curving, arching almost in a question. Pondering so many things. I sometimes wonder, what it must be like, to be such a beautiful creature. Graceful, elegant, amazing.
Joe was a crane operator. Always had been, always will.
At least, until he had fallen asleep, and smashed the three hundred million dollar skyscraper, which resulted in twenty deaths, another hundred injuries, and his own religious conversion.
Joe, who had always been a man of material pleasures, had become a Buddhist.
lift me….
this is all i want from life….
just a lift
like a crane
A beautiful bird with a graceful neck. Snow white feathers detailed with small accents of black and red. A creature of grace, gliding across the waters surface, delicately cradling its black legs
i crane my neck to kiss her lips. she softens in reply. we suspend our moment 100 years in time in two seconds. our lips fight, our tongues match. she smiles
paper planes. . . consrtution workers. . . idk . . . . . . .. . a bird. the asians. japan. the war. chink. . . . . . ummmmmmmmmm. . . . . . .flowers. . . gardens / / / ummmm school . . . i have no clue
There was a crane in the junk yard. She saw it every day when she passed it on her run. It always hit her as a sad commentary, the way the cable dangled loosely in mid air, sometimes moving if there was a breeze stiff enough to budge its bulk, and at other times just hanging there, still as death, like how she felt inside.
Desert Dreamer
Crane your neck and look up to the sky
lift your head up from your cubicle
run out into the street
run to the park
lay down on the grass
and again, look up at the blue sky
the sky your life your love your future
a grace full crane. like the martial arts style. grace full but full of power and speed. a deadly predator disguised in a beautiful shell
tad D'Agostino
bird. Machine. Tall birds could lift buildings if they had metal bones too.But, they don’t eat fossil fuel and they shouldn’t be driven.
FLy birds.
Stay buildings.
The embroidery on the sleeve was unmistakeable–the same yellow crane pattern they had found scribbled on the cover of the library book.
I build with a crane. Try to build a relationship with a crane? Nah, nothing will help me build one of those. At least not with this guy. No crane needed.
The crane settled gracefully on the surface of the water, wings wrapping around pockets of air, storing them away for later. It turned its head slowly to the left, eyes locked on a distant figure it could barely make out.
i craned my neck to see the sight.
i crane my neck to see you. i am running through the airport craning my small neck around other necks to catch a glimpse of you. im not sure if i’ll know you’re face, it’s been 3 months…can i do it? you crane your neck and spot me first! i leap and bound towards you, hoping that this is the same man that flew away 3 months ago.
haley Simmons
Long velvety tubes of white, crooked and covered with smooth feathers. Her fingertips were the same color, had the same gloss, a french manicure that could work deep into the skin of my eyes and make me cry.
i saw a crane when i was 5. it made me want to become a construction worker. from that point on, i constructed tinker toys and legos. my dad was very proud of me because he was in the construction business too.
I have no idea which type of crane to talk about. there is the bird. there is also the construction type of crane. neither are exciting to me and i dont know a lot about either of them. so i will not say anything else. that is all.
There was a kid I know named crane bear. He was a douche and an evangelicist. I wanted to tell him that he should just fucking go and die but I was nice. Anyway, i hate that kid.
Mark k
the vault of my brain
grisel olmedo
To pick something up.
crane used for lifting things. Crane, the bird.
There should be a similarity in the origins of these two meanings. Probably, that the use of the crane was similar to the structure of the bird meaning of the word crane
roshan u
Crane. One hundred thousand paper cranes I folded for you, over the years. All of them are different, all of them have a slight, unique flaw. They are all for you. I miss them, and I want you to have them. There are stories about this amount of cranes healing people. Can this heal you? Can they _please_ heal you?
This could be a legit fiction story, I sooo very much hope!
Crane’s are important for construction. Even the construction of the heart, and love. My school made 1000 paper cranes, and with these cranes, we enlightened the life of a leuemia patient. We put a smile on that beautiful face. The face that eventually went to rest.
lifting stuff
heavy people
heavy items
constructions workers
sexy men
muscle beach
hemp bracelets
lots of stuff
his crane-like grace was amazing.beautiful.but out of place.no one should be so graceful in a rock concert.
death, sad, suicide, father, beauty , hate, alex, children, wife, love lost, loss, forget.
crane is white and lovely; it is swift and fast; it is delightful to see; it is inspiring to see flying high
A crane is an interesting part of the human body. It’s destinate to contain the brain and other useful organs. The crane is the best part of my body with my back, I just love it.
What a neck does. Some silly bird. It hardly matters, it’s a word that no one remembers exists until they see it. Or see some disaster which causes them to crane their neck. Awful sort of muse. But still, I like it. Nothing good is produced of it. But oh well.
A crane is one of the simplest ingeneering tools – in principle. The rule goes B*l1>M*l2, thecnically that’s all you need to build a functioning crane. But in reality there are so many factors that it’s almost impossible to tak them all into account
there was once a crane who came down from the sky, and confused crane he was, bringing a baby tied to his wing. Crazy people would call him, but crazy he was not. He was watching out for a friend, fore a friend he was,
i can’t stop thinking no i always have to thinking and i m keept thinking go back
the msuic is totally overused right now i could see why the television rating went down for this show i don’t know i dont’ know what i want i don’t know how how how what i want i should sleep now but i lreally like the stubmle website acutally so much wealth of information now everywhereee
A crane is a machine that lifts things. It is also a bird, famous, I think, for standing on one leg. Or is that a stork? They deliver babies. Just like the ones in ‘Up’. Great movie. Loved the talking dogs, and the poker-playing dog reference. V funny!
the large crane landed on the calm water’s edge. morning pierced through the sky parting the clouds, illuminating the soft mist over the lake. it was tranquil. the frogs croaked. the crickets chirped. it all begin to quiet down. the birds awaken. the sun begins to rise. a new day befalls the land. the fish swim cautiously away…
A crane is a hydraulic monstrosity, blighting landscapes yet inadvertently assisting in renewing them at the same time. It is also the surname of the best sitcom character ever, as in Frasier Crane. Cranes, therefore, are great. They’re also birds, about which I know nothing.
my neck hurts now, i can’t see the ballon that i just let go.
Crane. She craned her neck. The crane dipped her neck into the water. The crane looming over the building site looked like the long neck of a giraffe. Lofty. Taller than the rest, but in doubt about everything.
a bird
the neck
towards something
poised for flight
There is beauty in watching a crane at the waters edge. It’s graceful neck, curving, arching almost in a question. Pondering so many things. I sometimes wonder, what it must be like, to be such a beautiful creature. Graceful, elegant, amazing.
Joe was a crane operator. Always had been, always will.
At least, until he had fallen asleep, and smashed the three hundred million dollar skyscraper, which resulted in twenty deaths, another hundred injuries, and his own religious conversion.
Joe, who had always been a man of material pleasures, had become a Buddhist.
lift me….
this is all i want from life….
just a lift
like a crane
A beautiful bird with a graceful neck. Snow white feathers detailed with small accents of black and red. A creature of grace, gliding across the waters surface, delicately cradling its black legs
i crane my neck to kiss her lips. she softens in reply. we suspend our moment 100 years in time in two seconds. our lips fight, our tongues match. she smiles
paper planes. . . consrtution workers. . . idk . . . . . . .. . a bird. the asians. japan. the war. chink. . . . . . ummmmmmmmmm. . . . . . .flowers. . . gardens / / / ummmm school . . . i have no clue
There was a crane in the junk yard. She saw it every day when she passed it on her run. It always hit her as a sad commentary, the way the cable dangled loosely in mid air, sometimes moving if there was a breeze stiff enough to budge its bulk, and at other times just hanging there, still as death, like how she felt inside.
Crane your neck and look up to the sky
lift your head up from your cubicle
run out into the street
run to the park
lay down on the grass
and again, look up at the blue sky
the sky your life your love your future
a grace full crane. like the martial arts style. grace full but full of power and speed. a deadly predator disguised in a beautiful shell
bird. Machine. Tall birds could lift buildings if they had metal bones too.But, they don’t eat fossil fuel and they shouldn’t be driven.
FLy birds.
Stay buildings.
The embroidery on the sleeve was unmistakeable–the same yellow crane pattern they had found scribbled on the cover of the library book.
I build with a crane. Try to build a relationship with a crane? Nah, nothing will help me build one of those. At least not with this guy. No crane needed.
The crane settled gracefully on the surface of the water, wings wrapping around pockets of air, storing them away for later. It turned its head slowly to the left, eyes locked on a distant figure it could barely make out.
i craned my neck to see the sight.
i crane my neck to see you. i am running through the airport craning my small neck around other necks to catch a glimpse of you. im not sure if i’ll know you’re face, it’s been 3 months…can i do it? you crane your neck and spot me first! i leap and bound towards you, hoping that this is the same man that flew away 3 months ago.
Long velvety tubes of white, crooked and covered with smooth feathers. Her fingertips were the same color, had the same gloss, a french manicure that could work deep into the skin of my eyes and make me cry.
i saw a crane when i was 5. it made me want to become a construction worker. from that point on, i constructed tinker toys and legos. my dad was very proud of me because he was in the construction business too.
I have no idea which type of crane to talk about. there is the bird. there is also the construction type of crane. neither are exciting to me and i dont know a lot about either of them. so i will not say anything else. that is all.
There was a kid I know named crane bear. He was a douche and an evangelicist. I wanted to tell him that he should just fucking go and die but I was nice. Anyway, i hate that kid.
the vault of my brain
To pick something up.
crane used for lifting things. Crane, the bird.
There should be a similarity in the origins of these two meanings. Probably, that the use of the crane was similar to the structure of the bird meaning of the word crane
Crane. One hundred thousand paper cranes I folded for you, over the years. All of them are different, all of them have a slight, unique flaw. They are all for you. I miss them, and I want you to have them. There are stories about this amount of cranes healing people. Can this heal you? Can they _please_ heal you?
This could be a legit fiction story, I sooo very much hope!
Crane’s are important for construction. Even the construction of the heart, and love. My school made 1000 paper cranes, and with these cranes, we enlightened the life of a leuemia patient. We put a smile on that beautiful face. The face that eventually went to rest.
lifting stuff
heavy people
heavy items
constructions workers
sexy men
muscle beach
hemp bracelets
lots of stuff