
December 5th, 2009 | 289 Entries

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289 Entries for “crime”

  1. i don’t even know what to say on crime, my biggest crime is that i don’t have the money to pay for the lesser crimes I’ve actually done on purpose.

  2. crime is particularly alluring for those who have a lot of free time. me, personally, prefer spending time on more productive things. Not that crime is not productive, maybe, sometimes it pays. especially is you rob a bak and get away with it. but

  3. Politicans. Something that makes human bad… It just makes us evil… Doing something from fear or for wealth, completely forgeting that there are other humans… Ignorance or need.

  4. Crime is a violation.
    A sport.
    A pasttime.
    A way of life.
    A way of death.
    A way to get ahead.
    A way to fall behind.
    A way to run a country if you were in power a few years ago.

    Matt C
  5. Crime’s of passion. All I’m saying.

  6. i just had this word. I want my money back.

    your mom
  7. what we live for. what moves and drives all of us. the itch in the back of your head that makes you wake up in the morning. Hoping that something will go wrong so you have something interesting to say for once. Looks like fun, but it’s too risky for most of us to try. take the plunge.

  8. is what i did and now i must go to court and face the truth. the truth is that i must face the shit that i did and not even think about it and hopefully i wont go to jail because crime is bad and i am a criminal

  9. it sucks

  10. hurts
    painful and unfair cheating

  11. it

  12. crimes are injustices against the state, but are highly subjective because laws are written to the lowest common denominator and are in now was written up to interpretation. if people so much as worked to the spirit of the law, the world would be better off

  13. Punishments meted out harshly, a lifetime of regret for one moment of impulsiveness, police car siren ringing out as the perpetrator is sent off to the prison, bars of the cell, black and white…. clink.

    Heather Syncellia
  14. ffffff

  15. It’s subjective really. People a long time ago decided what was right and wrong and it’s somewhat difficult to change it. It’s the majority rule and even if what you think is right is morally right, if someone disagrees, the majority, then you are fucked.

    Taylor Haggerty
  16. “So is this a murder?”

    The police nudged the corpse with his shoe. There was a little thump, and out fell a gun, somehow lodged between the body and the trunk of the tree.

    “So… is that murder?”

  17. what a concept what is it is it a disobedience of law, a judgement, a violation or an affront it is a harming of something

  18. I like to think I haven’t participated. What would my parents think? After all, I had everything, didn’t I? Nonetheless, growing up after the 60’s made it hard for a teen aged boy to feel cool. Nobody’s getting their head busted anymore, much less spending a night in jail for some cause they actually understand.

    We’d smoke joints in front of the cops. They’d tell us to put that out. You know better than that. Can’t you wait ’til we’re not around?

    It was a hard life, looking for adventure on the streets of suburbia. Anal sex? Elephant tranquilizers? What could I do that would be remotely new or fresh?

    Braz Ford
  19. I committed a crime today. Again. The adrenaline, guilt, excitement, nearly killed me.

  20. it sucks. what makes people commit crimes? why can people not know that what they’re doing is right or wrong? rape, robbery, mugging, assualt. wtf man?

  21. crime is bad..i hate crime and i wish it was peac in the whole world..crime should be badly punished and we should try to improve our world as much as we and peace to all

  22. Crime effuses through society disproportionate to estimation.We are all victims and at the same time, perpetrators.We sire those who will go astray and persecute those who have.

  23. It was a dark, silent night when the murdered whore was discorvered, displayed haphazardly with an artists decorative instinct upon the white picket fence, surrounded by half dead flowers. The detective in charge was horrified, though he longed for the thrill of the investigation.

  24. is an action that happens everywhere. It is unstoppable, but what is a crime, just simply a break of the law, or could it refer to morals, and beliefs, an unacceptable behavior. Crimes are committed because they are scared to be good, to try to achieve the hard way

  25. sin but more juvenile
    like comic book pages.

  26. hate
    love heart
    j walking
    beer in public
    driving fast
    cat get your tongue

  27. crime is the most heard word nowadays..its coming in front of newspapers and magazines..the increasing rate of crime just signifies one is in a danger zone now

  28. It was such a shame. Poor baby Joey, he got put in jail for no reason. It wasn’t like he’d committed a crime or anything. It was simply the fact that he was used to the bars on his playpen and liked the idea of living behind them for his whole life. Really

  29. crime is a bout of nothingness, a purposeless bout fought by those who have no purpise. Yet purpose, come to think of it, seems loss in the midst of crime because of an overshadowing presence of inviducualuistic ideals and selfishness, which, by the way seems to be the pit that all humanity falls into, that of selfish greed, lust and need for more, a need that is useless

  30. crime is bad dont do the crime if u cant do the crime people fantasize about doing bad things all the time when i am a really old lady i wan to commit a heinous crime one day i cant w

  31. Crime is a word determined by society to mean a certain thing. What if Crime had been given a different defintion by the powers that be. We might want to think about the words we have always known and the accompanying definition for those words. Where did these definitions originate from? Has everything we been taught the truth?

  32. He was ready to do it…that is what he thought was right, but… they knew about his plans and waited for him in the yard.

    Zorislav Stojanovic
  33. a neccesary evil. crime is what happens when people can’t get what they want by legitimate means.
    youth commit crimes out of necessity, a need to feel accepted, dangerous, a bit rebellious. Everyone would commit crimes if they knew they wouldn’t get caught.

  34. is one of the things that humans’ are most scared of. Even if the area is safe, the world seems scary because of the threat of “crime”.

  35. i stole a vose once. my mom caught me walking out of the store with it between my legs. she didn’t get me in trouble because she was stealing a set of marbles.

  36. injustice, sadness, fear, selfishness, police, death, petty crimes, unnecessary acts against fellow man.

  37. judgement hurt fail smell shank gun knife shot shoot neck rape struggle broken dreams jury duty witness

  38. crime is the leading cause to death. crime rhymes with dime. dime is 10 cents. 6 sence is one of my fave movies. crime crime crime, why waste the time? you could have gotten a job… ehh, wutever. :D. Crime can be good though.

  39. She said that one day this would all catch up with me. One day being a thug wouldn’t be enough. One day I’d dream of bigger better things.

  40. passion
