
October 13th, 2008 | 354 Entries

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354 Entries for “crown”

  1. the thing on the head of people who usually don’t deserve it, glittery and cool, with jewels.

  2. Circlets of gold and olive branches, wound around and around – binding, suffocating, allocating… power.

  3. Hot blazing sun
    Beating on tired flesh
    Pain and suffering for all to see
    The crown of thorns cruelly placed
    As He died there for me

    Dotti Chapman
  4. crown of glory, trouble in this house.
    if I ever found you ground in weeds on your knees
    it would prove that you are royalty

  5. Hot blazing sun
    Beating on tired flesh
    Pain and suffering for all to see
    The crown of thorns cruelly placed
    As he died there for me

    Dotti Chapman
  6. He knelt before the throne and said, “never again will I down another shot of goldscholger.”

    She said, “I told it was a hot party,” parting her legs and coughing something wet into the back of his skull.

    warren longmire
  7. The Crown Prosecutor was female. That was a shock. Dam. I was hoping I could use my female charms on a man. My plan was now under threat. I knew the tears would not work on her. She had sharp steely eyes and she was already looking at me with contempt. I knew she could see right through me. My only other alternative was to turn the tears on when testifying. Maybe that would help keep me out of jail.

    Jennifer Diamond
  8. sets one man above all others. defining and empowering. power can be used and abused. there have been many infamous abusers but surely just as many good kings.

  9. i really wish i had a crown and was a queen or a princess. like i wish people would treat me like one anyways.. like some are soooo freeking cute. but i dont like dance crowns. like homecoming queen. their gayyy :DD

  10. i see the word crown, but i want to write about crayons. i’m from the south. i say crown when i mean crayon. oops it happens. my friend tom dressed up like a blue crayon for halloween one year. i gave him my blue socks. his mom and made the costume for him. we were in college. when do mom’s stop making costumes for their son?

  11. Nothing but a king in name. A crown placed upon the head. Specter in hand. Nothing but a title. Nobody knows I rule. Nobody knows, I am not a king in name. An actual King.

  12. The king ruled his land with an iron fist. The queen hers with love and laugher. The prince instituted an anarchy and the princess a parliament. Girls rock.

  13. Her crown rested uneasily on her head. The buzz of her Mom and Dad with all the officials was beginning to make her sleepy. She held her teddy bear tightly in her arms waiting for her turn to be the center of attention.

  14. the crown was bejeweled. Not actual jewels, Bejewels. From that tacky fake gem place. Why she worn a Bejeweled crown I don’t know. The odd thing was, it did make her look regal in a way.

  15. a king without a crown. The man who wears one does not deserve one.

  16. the king is dead

  17. a martyr for your service…a scapegoat for your lies…these people you rule…they like me…but what if I became one with Humpty-Dumpty and came tumbling down?…to the dogs…to the heathens…to the rogues…they’d worship me…and there you’d be…twittering about…you blithering fool…nothing in this world could put you back together again…except me…

    Chelsea Holden
  18. be jeweled crown.
    be jeweled.
    head candy.
    makes hair pretty.
    crown on your head.
    your head has a crown.
    a crown can also be in your mouth.
    who knew that a crown could be so many places.
    crown rhymes with clown.
    and down.

  19. i gave him a crown. he disappointed me.
    why do i still give a fuck? i need someone new.
    preferably, with a beard and a car.

    Brittney F.
  20. Atop his head was a golden crown.
    Rubies sparked with the shimmer of the aftertoon at three, and diamonds shined so bright they blinded his subjects. He sat atop his thrown with a decree of constant pain. He knew what he was, a king, but he never knew who he was.

  21. It was then that she realized that it wasn’t the crown on her head, but what was underneath that made her who she was.

  22. I wish there were a better word than crown. It rhymes with frown and clown. It makes me feel down, and out with I see this word. Leslie smokes crack rocks for a living. Jimmy down the street eat worms–maybe that why he smells.

  23. I wear a crown on my head because I am the queen. that’s really all I can think of I am the queen. Do as I say. or else off with your heads!!!!!!

  24. I first thought of the Burger King man and his commercials he is in. “Hands on your crown!” Those commercials are hilarious. The ad agency behind those commercials is great at creating the “WTF” factor, as it was described today on “This Week in Tech”. They are apparently the same agency which is doing the Microsoft ads with Bill Gates and Jerry Seinfeld, and now the “I’m a PC” ads. One person described these new ads as “drafting” on Apples “Mac vs PC” ads, and taking their momentum away.

    Chris Cameron
  25. Princess Zelda is the worst princess in the gaming series. At least Princess Peach fight for herself in ONE of the many games…. Zelda never really does… she is so uselss…. AH! THis thing scares me… only 60 seconds!? Well Princess Zelda is prettier than Princess Peach… Um I guess I am done cuz i have nothing rly else to say… uh… yea.

  26. I wore a crown. Till it fell down. Upon the stony ground. It broke apart. Like my heart. When you said you no longer wanted me around.

  27. gold king kingly throne palace rule dictate evil solomon burgerking heavy silver diamonds expensive rich money castle

    Jacob Ford
  28. The silver crown was cheap looking. But to her it was the best article of costume she could have ever received. The crown was placed on her head and she made her way down to the dance floor to have her first dance with the prom king.

  29. crown is what a princess wears to state where she comes from. she has royalty on her side. she is above the rest chosen because of her blood. destined for something great

  30. The spring flowers smelled sweet and the butterflies flittered around Sussie’s head.

    “What a wonderful day!” I shouted to her across the field.

    She ran to me, smiling that toothy grin of hers. She stopped just in time to place a flowered crown atop my head.

    What a perfect day.

    Caty Zocco
  31. he placed it on my head. shining with a glory that was not my own, ethereal, unreal. with compassion and pride in his eyes he lowered it to my brow, saying, this is my child. my royal diadem. to him i give my inheritance, to him i give my crown. pride. joy inexpressible.

  32. It sparkled upon her head. She really didn’t feel as if it was hers though. That she deserved it. It felt heavy and burdensome. She wondered if she could take it off, or give it to someone else. Was she really worthy or would someone realise that she was, in fact, a fake.

  33. jesus died on the cross for our sins.
    no he didnt.
    now im just talking on and on with lack of things to write.
    this shit sucks.
    i just stumbled on this website.
    fuck it.
    maybe we should all just die.
    slow, painful, agonizing deaths.

  34. A crown to me symbolizes royalty. Usually British which makes me think of my heritage. Although I’m not really sure of it, I just have to go by what my family says. I know enough mental instability runs in the family to say maybe we have a bit of deep inbreeding in our family lines. We’re what happens when cousins marry too many times.

  35. the king stood before the world his crown lofty on his head. There were rays of light and a dark madness filled the air. A cornocopia of screams could be heard through the unwavering crowd as King lifted his arms pumping his fists at the skies. “This is our time and this is our destiny. It is the destiny of our people that I wear this crown today It is the destiny of our culture that I stand before you as the strongest”.

    scott wilson
  36. the top of the king’s head is filled with thoughts about his position and his place in this world and who he may be. Resting atop this heap of mess is another physicality that comes with the job and without it he may not be the king.

  37. i wish i had a crown like a queen to ruel my lover he would always lisen 2 me and understand what i fell i dont want 2 control him i just want him to understand i would give him a crown as well he would be my king if only he would understand how i feel then i could truly be his queen but i cant talk to him like that he never understands and always sais im complainng.

  38. crown, my beauty, the top of my head. a glittering symbol that says i was rich but what do i have now. faded beauty, a crown is all that remains, tarnished. Crown, a ha’ penny, for your thoughts, not worth a crown surely. Why do you want to know so much?

  39. it’s unsure of where the queen wears her’s, keeps it, under her bed, thorny, a trimmed bush: do royalty keep their’s pruned, like the gardens? A Brazilian or a bazilion? These questions are all relevent. The crown of the baby’s is unformed, tender, no thorns in this side.

  40. royalty, king, rich, monarchy, beard, cards, red, white, black, fuzzy, queen, thrown, gold, jewels, past centuries, this is harder than i thought.

    lisa kane